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About Malekakisioannis

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  1. @Leo Gura what about those mathematical demons you ve been talking about?
  2. And what was your experience with it? @Leo Gura
  3. @Leo Gura Why horrifying? Was it an insight about reality or the experience was distressing in itself? Like the demons coming out of the wall...
  4. @Jannes yes there is hella wakeness there, I do not deny that. He is also a masterful examiner of consciousness, one of a kind. I only compare him to what is beyond, be it "leo" or whichever conscious mind that has gone to those lenghts the leo body mind has gone. Leo for what I can say, has gone to some extremities that require a certain kind of dedication that is found only in one of several billion individuals.
  5. Leo is miles beyond Ralston and I ve been following them both since 2013. I think Leo gives too much credit to him while Peter is too self absorbed thinking that his got reality by the balls. He would shit himself if he had seen what Leo has gone through. And no, I am not a leo fan boy, I believe Leo has done a lot of damage, he has certainly damaged me... anyway, nothing of importance will be said in this convo, an old dog doesn't learn new tricks. Some 5meo up his nose would be some content I would pay for though.
  6. @Leo Gura this is too tolerant. Immediate ban.
  7. @KGrimes cool story bro. Now throw them out of the window.
  8. @Leo Gura you have literally told me that I am all alone suffering for eternity, what else do you think can depress me?
  9. @Will1125 you are not something is experiencing this body. YOU are the experience.
  10. @Leo Gura @Leo Gura I am struggling to understand. Can you elaborate? I am a dream right now. I assume you too are a dream. That assumption maybe wrong, but let's not take it to extreme skepticism. How do those 2 dreams relate and interact? Do I have authority over the dream that you are and If yes how much? Do you think there is a substance that connects the two dreams?
  11. @Leo Gura how do the dreams of all of us synchronize? do you suggest a shared dream kind of landscape where certain rules forbid certain exchange of information? Solipsism solves this problem, but the necessity of relationship dynamics contradict this prospect. One possibility is that everyone is completely free to create anything while everyone is also protected from individual will. Another is that there is a balance between what you control by your will and the will of the other. I could add to that that the more consciousness you have the less the will of the other has power over you. My hunch is that IT is a paradoxically intelligent design that i will never understand.
  12. @ivarmaya spiritual bs. You live in fantasy land. Some pains cannot be surrendered. @Princess Arabia extreme pain causes suffering even if you are a super Buddha eleventh jhana sahaja samadhi self realized yogananda satguru anally 5meod shamanic superintelligence.
  13. @ivarmaya tell that to someone with cluster headaches
  14. @Javfly33 this community will never heal from the solipsism trauma Leo caused.
  15. @Spiritual Warfare you are lost in your own mind. If you want truth follow the silence.