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Everything posted by rnd

  1. Is butter harmful? How can it be eaten non processed? Red, non boiled, non cooked, non processed at all, and with fresh blood in it? You eat it in this way? Freshly killed cow? Or how?
  2. They've been trying to get Novac to have jabs FOR 2 YEARS!; (or for how long?) jabs which would, apparantly, protect him from the virus -- dangerous and scary one, of course.... and ignoring the fact that DESPITE not having had jabs, he's been alive and well, and has, supposedly, never had a problem with the virus during those 2 years in the first place. Does anyone see irony in that?
  3. If I myself have proven some of those 4 points to be wrong, do I then become a conspirasy theory myself?
  4. Yesterday I bought a pack of 200mg flaxseeds and today it's getting finished... I think I WILL be able to produce enough DHA/EPA out of ALA with this pace I think I will
  5. That implies that flaxseeds CAN nonetheless be used as an alternative to fish oil, it's just one would require bigger amount of them compared to fish oil. Right? Is flaxseeds oil better than pure flaxseeds? And can nuts be used as an alternative as well? Of course, I'd use fish oil if it didn't have the issues that you've mentioned. Even doing research about what brand is legit will take time. What if I make a mistake by overlooking something in my research? I'd end up consuming heavy metals. And I also change countries every several months or so, and which would require me to start a research all over again every time.
  6. Leo has no videos about mushrooms specifically. What mushrooms can be used for spiritual work? And how?
  7. So you claim that all leaves, seeds, roots of any kind of any plant are harmful? And all seed oils in the word are harmful as well? Where are you getting that from? Do you have any links to scientific studies that support all that?
  8. that video is about psyhedelics such as 5meo-dmt, and not about mushrooms in particular.
  9. Are Omega-3 fish oil good? Is 1 capcule per day, of 1000 mg, enough? On a bottle it reads "3 times per day", but Andrew Huberman says "1 time per day, 1000 mg, is enough". Should a capcule be swallowed or chewed? Or should I use krill oil instead? --- By the way, what disgusting taste of fish oil many people refer to? I've tried it after many years of being a vegetarian and I've loved it.
  10. Although, clearner but sitll possible to contain heavy metals? In google search there're some Krill oil items that've poped up, for around 30 USD, again - in Brazil. Should, for safety, I switch to Krill oil? Yeah, but the price alone isn't a full-proof guarantee of quality. I see, thanks. I sent them an email, asked: do you guys have a certificate that your fish oil is a) clean from metals b) tested by a third-party(ies)
  11. Is that so expensive because it's the US? I bought mine for 10 USD for 60 piils here in Brazil. How would I find out about its quality and a certificate? Present certificate to who and how? Upon my request? So much pain in the ass to even find something of non bad quality it says that it's Omega-3 manufactured in the US --> Rexall Sundown inc, from FL Do you know if that's safe? It's got some *some* certificates, yes. But may be not all necessary.
  12. How about this conspiracy theory that claims that natural immunity stronger than the one from a vaccine? Spread by anti-vaxxers, of couse. Oh, I mean, by CDC
  13. Is cannabis good for anything? If it is, why does everyone not smoke it?
  14. Your reasoning is naive. The only reason the most vocal and angy pro-vaxxers (not all of them) get a vaccine and then go around like a sect leaders trying to convert others to getting it too, is selfishness and fear. They're afraid of their own ass. Why? Because they've fallen into believe that this virus with 1% of mortality rate, would wipe them own. What gives? The mainstream media has accomplished it by presenting the facts via lie by omission. 1 unvaccined has died -- what a tragedy! "You see? And without a our magic vaccine you will too." 99 unvaccined have recovered -- nobody pretends to notice. 1% of mortality rate? 99% of people who won't get harmed.... that's not scary at all. "You should look at the absolute numbers -- you see how big they are? Hospitals, ICU... -- and how petrifying" How about millions deaths from other causes, every year? How about long term 2nd order consequences from covid vaccines? How about thousands of other viruses? "Those are conspiracy theories" --- By the way, developing and testing a new drug takes around 10 years. Not 1 year. Therefore, the vaccines that've been around for a decade or multiple ones are probably safe.
  15. Why do you know that your own worldview isn't made of conspiracy theories? Are you the one who can help others? Or are you the one, as a listener of the mainstream media who even assumes that he's worldview is therefore the only correct one, should instead seek help from others?
  16. None, and I don't smoke. But if cannabis turns out to be beneficial in any way, I might begin to use it. It's appeared, so far, that it isn't.
  17. Next time I'll try sananga airdrops. What are the benefits of them?
  18. I did one in Brazil, with native peruvians-brazilians, in a small group. 1st drink - nothing special, it lasted for 1 hours, but I felt something only for about 10 minutes. "Is that it?" 2nd drink, small, based on tea - after about 30-60 minutes I suddenly became to feel as if I'd not slept for days and had been obligied to spend yet another night here at the ceremony. Mentaly-wise - I guess nothing bad. No visual metamorphosis when everything would become fluid. What a boomer. Mayyyy be a bit, but nothing that I'd remember vividly. What a boomer. But physically-wise: I left the ceremony outside the house, went inside and lay on a bed; didn't take the 3rd drink. Tooooooo much relasation, legs and hands are like ropes. And the heart goes "ttttttttttttttt". Blood rushes in the head. But my feets are cold. I want to pass out but I try not to because a moment I'll allow myself to pass out or go asleep, I think I might die due to inability to control my heart rate. And something in the throat, as if I was getting suffocated. I remember clearly that I'd accepted that I might die in the next 5-10 minutes if it only would increase its intencity by a tiny amount. Or even continues as is. I only felt sorry that my mom would be sending me emails and get no reply (I don't live in my home country). No other bad thoughts; I tried not to resist. And I couldn't. It lasted for 2-2.5 hours, in waves, and then gradually fade away. My physical health, generally, is ok, though.
  19. @Nahm I hadn't thought of death at all until I began to feel that I might either pass out and die afterward when without conscious, or die right away, due to the high heart rate and blood in the head. And with heart rate it wasn't clear: high at times and, at other times - too low too. But people was saying "Ohhhh, don't worry, that are just your thoughts, that's oookkkkk, that's just mental..." What stubborn people. I expected metamorphosis, but they didn't happen. Do they happen at all? Probably yes, I came there tired.
  20. One of the shamans or natives came inside the house, and made something with my head which resembeled evicting bad spirits And he may well be capable of -- singing the songs all night long isn't a joke.
  21. Is it true for all Ayahuasca ceremonies? We had 1) honey drink b) 2 tea drinks How to know which of the two, Dmt or 5meo DMT, is used on a concreate ceremony?
  22. I usually skip breakfast and the 1st time I eat is around 11:00 or 12:00. However, before that I also drink coffee in a coffeeshop -- black esperesso, with no sugar , no milk. And there's always a dilema: (1) have some fruits at home before drinking coffee (2) have nothing and only drink coffee For some time I went with (2) then switched to (1). And now I question the process again. Fasting and non-fasting windows for me have been 12h-12h for several years, but I want to make the fasting one longer. If I have some fruits before coffee, then that'll break my fasting window of time restrictive eating, by several hours, right? On the other hand, if I have coffee as the 1st meal per day, then it won't break my fasting window, but: coffee alone, as the 1st meal after 12 hours fasting, I guess, is harmful for the stomach. Not?
  23. Doing nothing isn't an option because in the mornings I work with my laptop in a coffeshop, while my head is fresh. I don't drink tea, except when I may be sick with flu. And in coffeeshops there's no great tea anyway, they have only the cheapest crap which hardly can be called tea.
  24. I drink strong coffee on purpose. What do you mean by "otherwise it doesn't matter" ? Heal what? I do it for health. What else can fasting be used for?