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Everything posted by rnd

  1. Poor boy. Have you already claimed your mummy and daddy that people on Reddit sometimes will downvote you for no good reason?
  2. Guys, my ego isn't satisfied with most of your answers Awakening isn't black or white, there're different levels -- yes, I know. My question isn't about that. I may not experience awekaning during a trip - yes, I know. My question isn't about that. Awakening is beyond words - yes, I know. My question isn't about that. It's about putting it into words as much as possible.
  3. experiential awareness. I mean, what images arise during a trip? What do you see during awakeing or trip?
  4. Is Dynamic Meditation basically the same as Shamanic Breathing technique? If not, how do they differ?
  5. In Conscious Politics videos Leo classificies the countries spiral dynamics-wise. To me it seems that he did it too loosly. Such that there's little good of knowing such classification. By what criteria did Leo do the classifiction? And also, did Leo apply the same criteria to all the countries or mix the criterias? 1) By people? Then Leo, how do know what people like in all those countries if you live in the US? How could you determine that people in Russia, North Korea, Sauid Arabia are more or less on the same level of spiral dynamics so that you put them all in the red category? How can, let's say, Turkey, Singapore, Thailand, India, Myanmar, Georgia (the country), Malaysia be lower on the spiral dynamics level but safer? That is, people themselves don't commit violent crime against each other. I've been and stayed there for some time. Whereas in the US they do, don't they? If in the US they're, supposedely, more conscious, how could they do low consciouneos things -- crime that people from the countries of lower consciouneos won't do? Some countries in Europe too are less safe than the countries above. 2) By the presidents? Then Trump, you say, is of the stage red, whereas the US - orange and a bit of green. 3) By the laws, how much freedom they give to individuals? You put China to blue, whereas Russia to red. The freedom in Russia in way higher. The freedom in Brazil is way higher than in China, but you put them both in the blue. ----- How many wars has the US started in the last 100 years? More than any other country in the world, right? Starting a war implies low conscioness government, doesn't it? Also, Cisco and Google are suspected to have helped filter in internet in China. Cisco has contributed greatly built China's great firewal. And Google helps do surveillance in Urumqi -- west of China. That's the stricest surveillance in the world some people say. So called conscious, modern, almost green companies, from the country on a high spiral dynamics level.
  6. Is there a thing that can cause the God to cease to hallucinate us? Or is there a thing that can cause the God to reset the hallucination -- get awake for a bit, and then start the hallucination from the beginning?
  7. If someone becomes enlightenmented, that's indifferent for me - I don't change, neither does everything else change. I meant - if God to ceased to hallucinate all of us, the whole Universe. Such that the whole Dream would cease to exist.
  8. > Good luck running Google in China or Brazil. In China they have their own local Google -- 10 Cents, for instance. And other IT giants. And they do well, even though "it's China". How come? In Russia there's Yandex which is also succesful. In Israel there're many IT companies. All works and does so successfully. In all these countries, you imply, the society isn't as conscious and developed on the Spiral Dynamics Level as in the US. Then how does all that exist then and generates profits? You might be delicional about how exceptional, talented and appealing for living the US and the big 5 English speaking countries are (UK, AU, etc), and how, on the other hand, unappealing to work at the rest of the countries. I'd rather work in Thailand or Singapore or Turkey, for instance, where I can grab fresh fruits on the street, sold by individuals, for $0.5-1 USD and fresh prepared 1 liter of juice for 1-2 USD. In Singapore more expensive. In the US I'd have to go to supermarket and buy that for how much? 10 times more expensive, right? In a plastic container. The quality would worse becase it's sold in a supermarket and from a refrigerator, with, possibly, chemicals. Or even in India - they have great, cheap and heathy food. What if you fell sick in the US? Huge problem, no? In India? The medicine and doctors are around 100 times cheaper. Thailand or Singapore or Turkey, for instance, are also very safe.
  9. Mandelbrot and his work. His Set.
  10. I think Leo is being superficial in his "conscious politics part 2" in these points: 1) If in my country the president is N, it's not neccessarily that I voted for him. Thus, why would I be responsible for him starting a war? I might've voted for someone else. 2) it's not neccessarily that I voted at all for anybody 3) it's not neccessarily that I have so-called "my country" -- people live these days one year here, another year there. 4) If in my country the president is N and I voted for him and for first 1 year he's a good president, but on the 2nd year, all of a sudden, he starts a war, why would I be responsible for him starting a war? He wouldn't ask me for permission This is really that simple that this isn't that simple. ----- 5) "you'll vote for a candidate who's the most close to your level of development" --> No. Too superficial and simple. I don't live in one room with all the candidates to be able to know who's closer to my level of development. I know only as much as I watch about the candidates on TV. Or on youtube. If I watch political stuff on these at all. And if I watch political stuff of a country I can vote in. And if I don't watch that? Or I watch them once a month? Besides, that info is too partial, with noise, even if I watch them every day. And they play on camera.
  11. Leo, my circle of concern may be limited - true. And you haven't addressed this: I can't know the level of concsition of the candidatess accrurately. Perhaps(!) unless I've gotten to know and met them personally, not once, talked to them, spent much time with them, read about them. And watched them when they're not playing on camera. And read and watched unbiased, more or less objective news about them. Etc... And this - on regular basic because people change. And not only for one candidate but for many - to be able to choose one with closer level of conscitioness to the one of my If I did that, I'd have no time left for any other activities in life.
  12. In the context of "one can raise his level of consciousness by the factor of N*1000", is consciousness more like a) focus --> lasts a short time, one can raise it for N minutes or hours like a focus. After this it goes back down b) wisdom --> almost permanent, raised over long period of time, doesn't go away c) both ? Psychedelics imply that it's more like the #a
  13. Are those equal? No sides affects? Or the synthetic one may them if it's of a low quality? Then, should I always look for the natural one? Specifically, in Mexico too.
  14. Probably the 2nd. The one that's in "you can raise you level of consciousness 1000 times". Which one is this?
  15. I'm right handed. If I begin to use my left hand for eating and other stuff sometimes, will this help me somehow in respect to imagination, creativity and what-not?
  16. This reply triggered you and you've answered it rather than my initial question. Re-read my initial question.
  17. Yes, but that's a general direction. Meditation won't hurt. Contemplation won't hurt either. Questining won't either. This isn't news.
  18. My question isn't what I want to do and whether or not drinking beer all day long is good.
  19. Right! And also I'm also God and I'm already perfect and have always been. I'll now begin laying on my sofa and drinking beer all day long. What else to do?
  20. Has the human existed always? No Has God existed always? Yes In what moment did something strike God to create the human? Why? And what was that that made God create the human?
  21. How to get yourself connected to being?