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Everything posted by rnd

  1. Wrong. Relative to this dream, I'm a person and I'm not dead, and life and death aren't the same. And it's how I've asked my question.
  2. I think it's a bad idea. Who is it for? For people who have no time to allocate *2 hours per WEEK* to watch a whole video? Why? How can it be? Either a person is a CEO of a mutinatinational conglomerate or a fисking lazy slacker who spends all of his time watching cat videos. And the former can't even be that busy. Besides, when time isn't an issue, and an issue is the focus as one isn't capable of focusing for 2 hours, then it's especially important to train oneself to sit and watch a video for 2 hours. Moreover, this "short cat videos" channel with 5-minute clips may make Leo revise his strategy, thus switching to create such superficial 5-minutes videos instead. Straight to the point, in a 5-minute clip? You're kidding me. It'll be one more boring superficial channel the only purpose of which is spread the word, atract more eyeballs, but not teach anything.
  3. My opinion, so far - he's in Green-Yellow or higher --> kind, concerned about surving others, wise, non judgmental, open minded, able to see his own limitations. So what that he speaks about money and is a enterpreneur? Does climbing up the spiral require becoming poor? Then Leo should be in Orange too because Leo has more money than the average person.
  4. What do you suggest that people reply to your single sentence "I think he is a cult leader"? You think so? You may. Is that it?
  5. Well, I want to use Obsidian as an alternative to OneNote on the OS-s other than Windows. Nothing more. It's not an alternative, it's a basic "notepad" app with some features, but which, at the same time, lacks one of the most basic feature(s)!
  6. There're people who are smarter than me, but what a mind-fuck for me to imagine what's it's like to be in the shoes of a person who's smarter than I currently am. I can't fathom it. How does such a person think? What is it that he'd notice about myself that I don't or am uncapable of seeing? The closer my brain can get is to imagine that such people think faster than I do. Is it normal that I'm uncapable of doing it?
  7. Obsidian has no capacity to insert an image in an easy way. I copy an image into an clipboard by Ctrl+C, go to Obsidian, press Ctrl+V and it inserts the current path to an image. That's it. Nothing more. In order to insert an image, which one of the most elementary and crusual features note-taking software has to have, I have to: a) create a sub-directory "images" in the current vault, if a sub-directory hasn't been created already b) possibly rename an image, in order to avoid conflicts c) copy an image there d) copy the path to it or an image itself, by Ctrl+C e) in a note, insert an image tag with the path to an image THAT'S ALL i HAVE TO DO TO INSERT A BLOODY IMAGE! What a fu-ing peace of sh!t called note-taking software. Unbeliviable! On a forum they told "yeah, you should open a ticket and suggest them it" i'm speachless.
  8. What are you talking about? You're talking about mastering a certain skill and that's not it.
  9. "You have to pay taxes and refrain from cheating the system ". I think Leo, whenever he claims this, forgets to address an issue with paying taxes and obeying rules of the goverment. An issue is that most, if not all, governments are corrupt and therefore, my taxes, at least partially, go to the pocket of the ones who need them the most - fat, rich and corrupt politicians. And even if one pays taxes, what do some governments do? They constantly change the rules. Recently they, if not put it in place already, proposed to change the tax rules such that the people who visited and stayed California for over 2-3 months, I think, for the last 10 years, would be taxed. Retroactively. "You've already paid the taxes? Good, but now that's not enough because - ahahahaha - we've just changed the rules! Now you have to pay again!" And there're other similar examples like this. And also, not all taxes are created equal, for there're various different tax rates in all the countries, and various taxes themselves. If some countries can live with low taxes, why others can't? Because the politicians of the former ones have bigger appetite. The ordinary people have to pay for their appetite? Therefore, simply calling on to pay taxes is naive.
  10. Do you propose that the low and middle income classes to pay even more taxes, or least pay always, without argument, to compensate for the corrupt upper class which either doesn't pay taxes, or pay lower than they have to? Brilliant.
  11. What makes you conclude that "I don't seem to have a problem giving money to corporations"?
  12. There's no guarantee them I am not ferocious.
  13. In some forums, communities and Telegram chats there's an unspoken set of rules of how everyone should behave. In some everyone should behave "nice", must not use any controversial terms and expressions, express his opinion in a restrained way, use neutral phrases such as "not really good", "not the best" instead of "not good or bad", "worse", and such. There's a distance, that is. Such small little things that soften the tone... Only "positive" and "nice".... "Thank you!", with an exclamation mark, everywhere. Something funny won't fit it because everyone there is "nice" and "serious", something about sex won't either. No one pushes, or pretends not to, anyone to do something, until you'll say something controversial or in a casual way, express your opinion freely, say that you dislike something.... they'll get triggered and try to you moral teachs "oohhh, how could you dare to say that? Blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah..... You're a fu-ing brute and idiot, you've come to our society where everyone is fu-ing nice to each other... blah-blah-blah-blah". They'll tell me how I should behave, nicely that is, but they themselves don't like to be told that. Why do I come to such communities? Because I need to, I'm a programmer, and I've come accross several such communities. And such communities exist in many domains. Is there a problem with such communities? Are they really latent moralists, generally speaking?
  14. You haven't understood. Firstly, I don't imply "not to pay taxes". Rather - "don't pay them blidly, to the governments that always screw up, spend money like crazy, then print them like crazy, steal them, then introduce new rules, regulations and raise taxes to make up for their own stupidity and corruption"
  15. There're 2 teachers, one is advanced, the other is even more so, perhaps by large, in a certain domain. And both are more advanced than me. Will, generally, learning from the 1st teacher be more useful for me than from the 2nd one? Namely, a gap between me and the 1st teacher is smaller and thus I'll be able to understand him better, and thus learn from him better too, compared learning from the 2nd one.
  16. When OTP-s (2FA) on my phone which are supposed to protect my account from malicious access, make me loose my own account.
  17. I don't want it but not in a binary manner I guess. I wouldn't mind it if they found it on their own, but not as much as to go to people and actively spread the word.
  18. I've noticied that whenever I find some profound information, some youtuber, forum, or even Actualized, I consider myself lucky that I've found it. However, I don't see the value in spreading the word about it because others then would catch up with me. And when an author says "I'll be advertizing my material, and you tell others about it too, give me a favour..." I resist, I want an author and his teachings to remain relatively unknown by masses, and I'd keep consuming and apply material by myself only, or at least, with some others who have already been here, and possibly some people here and there too. Not by masses, that is. Yet, I think it's not necessarily because I'm evil, but because I simply haven't, if it exists at all, seen the value in spreading life-changing matterial to everyone. I want to have such wise knowledge for myself so I'll have an advantange over others. Ego? Yes. But it may also be that I haven't seen the value in sharing a knowledge with others, whether it be direct or indirect value. I share it and some would outperform me and I'd have a difficult time in competing with them. No matter how you slice it, we have to compete over resources. So, is there a value in that I haven't been to recognize yet? An indirect value to me. Not to my ego, but to more higher me. If you convince me that there's and I see it, I'll change my mind and become a word-spreader of a decent knowledge that I've found and thus do good to the masses. I think it's a matter of understanding primarily, being able to see 2nd, 3rd order consequences. And you don't tell "how can you be so selfish? Shame on you" because this won't convience me to change my mind. I'm selfish! Ahhhahaa.
  19. @Hello from Russia спецификация oneNote есть в открытом виде - бери, создавай аппликуху. Майкрософт работает над onenote, что-то ты не то несёшь obsidian - это только от безыисходности. А OneNote нааамного приятнее, удобнее, и у неё больше возможностей.
  20. The problem is that it's a close source project. The versions are 0.xx - not 1.0 What'll do you with your notes if one day the team, which consitst of only 3 people, changes their mind and decides to abandon the project and move on to something else? Or introduce new plans and remove the free plan? You'd have had years of taking your notes in the app and you'd have to move them elsewhere, or continue using the abandoned close source project which therefore one day might stop working. How much time and effort would it take you to move your notes over to other software? At least notes are saved as pure text, right?
  21. "Have to" - I like this. Who is it who's obliged me to be as such? I don't have to. I may. And that's not about respect at all because I didn't say that I disrespected others.
  22. I can't fathom this - why people on reddit think that a person can have a single account for the their entire life? And if one is downvoted, then it as if his life becomes more and more ruined. Man, create 10, 100 accounts on reddit and post there whatever you like, anywhere. You've never known that it's allowed and possible? I create a new one every other day, it takes me 5 seconds, while hearing idiots who tell me meanwhile "I'll down vote you and your life will go downhills!".
  23. Last year Leo briefly mentioned a new psychodelic that was even better 5-Meo-Dmt, but he didn't reveal it - "when the right time comes I will...". Does Leo still remember to reveal it? For if he suddenly decides to merge with infinite infinity then it'll remain a mistery.
  24. This question pops up all the time. Let's say I want to create a community and I'm interested in cars; and not only in cars but in, to a certain degree, in other types of vehicles as well. And, obviously, I don't like all the cars all the same as there're the ones that I like the most, let's say, they're Toyota and Ford. Given all that, what would the focus of my future community be, what would it be centered in? The main topic or focus? All of the cars in general? Toyota and Ford? Or certain models of Toyota or Ford? Or cars and some types of vehicles as well? Or cars, some types of vehicles, and how to drive them, and how to flip them for profits, and how and where to buy used cars that are a great deal? The difficulty is that one shouldn't get too narrow in such situations, and neither should one get too broad either. But how can one find the right balance? No matter how you slice it, any topic whatsoever can be a) futher divided into a yet more narrow one b) broaden into a yet wider one
  25. Why do we watch your videos then? Are we all sheeps then? When you, let's say, take courses and thus listen to other coaches, do you become a sheep? On this forum we always ask and listen to each other, are those who ask questions sheeps? I've asked about general principles, a thought process to follow and not a concreate implementation.