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Everything posted by rnd

  1. You've just described the way it's spread. But I ask "where do those vaccinated people in Singapore get it from?" Almost everyone there is a) vaccinated b) wears a muzzle c) it's hard to get into the country now --- No matter how you slice it, it all comes down to one's health. A relatively healthy person recovers without a vaccine with ease. An unhealthy one might benefit from a c-19 vaccine, because the latter is the only remedy left for thim. And fully vaccinated somehow end up in hospital and die too. Those are the ones with bad health.
  2. Where did those "new cases" come from, in the first place? By the way, everyone wears a muzzle, and those also are effective -- people claim. c-19 vaccines work, yeah, but, as always -- a dozen of conditions have to be met first, in order for them to work: a) short period of time, during which it's still effective b) absense of new variants c) person already has to be more or less healthy d) person must not have any specific alergic reactions and so on. Other than that .... they work!
  3. And that's what those, I fugure, "against vaccines" somehow invisioned and therefore resisted vaccination, among other reasons, whereas those "vaccine will save us all once everyone gets 2 shots" -- did not.
  4. Except that recently Singapore has had, or perhaps still has, a spike in a) cases b) deaths after 95% of vaccination!
  5. I say "a vaccine against c-19 MAY help those and only those who have bad health already". Because for a person with bad health the only thing left is ... vaccine. But that's a small percentage of all people on the planet. But even fully vaccinated people with bad health do end in hospitals and some die. So it's not about a vaccine that much, it's health that one has already, and always has been. Yeah, vaccines wane in effectivness, therefore you need booster, after booster, after booster, after booster, after booster, after booster, after booster.... for how long? Till the end of your life? You're like a drugaddict who tells others about benefits of a doze. After a few boosters your immune system will become, I figure, uncapable of fighting the virus, or similar ones, naturally. There're scientific studies that support the idea there's nothing scientific at all in mass vaccination. But I don't read them.
  6. it's not supposed to take years, let alone decades. It's gradual, but relatively fast - months. But not with this "cure" I want to listen to yet new explanation of "what has gone wrong this time" of those who've been claiming that mass vaccination will safe us all. And that getting a vaccine is "to care about your community" So, mass vaccination in the 1st world countries, and not only, has happened. 75% on average. Where is the promissed herd immunity in those?
  7. It's not that bad, because vaccinated over time become... unvaccinated. And unvaccinated can become vaccinated even without vaccine - with a right nurse. But these restrictions, nonetheless, for vaccinated / non-vaccinated have the traits of nothing but fascism. Bolsonaro - number 1 - he's always against this nonsensical, advertized, extermely overblown virus. If I were a brazilian resident, I'd vote for him any time.
  8. You say "risk"? What "risk"? From ... a vaccine? You as a vaccinated admit that you took a risk by getting a vaccine? Or risk from what? From a unvaccinated person to a vaccinated one? How? If a person is vaccinated, what is it he or she is afraid of then? A vaccine surely protects a vaccinated person, doesn't it? Or risk for an unvaccinated person himself? Why do YOU care? That's his own choise, and no one's business except him. There're thousands of other kinds of risks out there, for every kind of person. Take care of yourself - it's none of your business to access risks for others. Go ahead, explain yourself. What risk concreately? --- And vaccinated people spread the virus too, and not less of it.
  9. I think it is. Because only via that the vaccinated ones will finally become able to point the fingers at themselves and realize that they're themselves the only ones to blame. Who else they would blame then? And that they spread as much virus as non-vaccinated people. Look at Singapore, South Korea, Israel, UK and Europe and US. As the news where mostly vaccinated spread the new variant. In Brazil this variant was brought by 2 fully vaccinated people, for the 1st time, in December. Bravo. --- In case of c-19: 1) At hospitals end up not those who are unvaccinated, but those who have bad health. Granted, AMONG those, mostly unvaccinated. But not only. 2) Vaccinated recover easily only, and only, if they already have good heath. Therefore, if you vaccinate a normal heathy person, and he then gets sicks and recovers -- that's not because of a vaccine. But because of his good health.
  10. The who "her"? Rebecca? Linda? Nataly? Your neighbour? Who "her"? Does every man by default meets that "her" who'll be willing to experiment in sex however he likes? How often? What if he hasn't yet? And it's impossible to know when and whether. Ha? Do you have experience that proves that "not"? If you don't, you should keep your month shut and mind open. A theoretician explains a practishioner how things "really" work. In theory. "Nooo, you don't understand. It doesn't matter that you've experienced that on practise. I know the theory! The theory! Therefore I'm the one who may teach you"
  11. Speaking of buying prostitues now and then while also doing pickup: Namely, not bying them all the time, not instead of dating with normal girls, but sometimes. And not the ones on the street who suck dick for $5, not old crones or dirty ones. And not the expensive ones, with whom you'd go out and brag. And not even the ones who you date with for money, trying to buy her and simpathy. No. I mean the ones whom you a) find attractive and b) whom you can experiment in sex with. Will you be able to do experiments in sex with most, if not all, of girls? Probably you won't, or at least only to a certain degree. I see more upsides than downsides. I've done it in the past, as well as pickup. With some sex was very good, with others not so. Do you see any downsides? Are there fundamentally wrong things about this? And overall, it's better to be Zorba Greek who sometimes fucks prostitutes and enjoys it, than a bitter moralist-pickuper who considers himself pure. P.S. those who've never done it - don't rush to tell me your *theory* here for why that's bad.
  12. A way to divert from answering the question -- to say "this site isn't for discussing that topic." They what are you doing in this topic?
  13. @Iesu or, perhaps, you're being, as well as @Leo Gura, too close-minded here. Brotherls and prostitues there are no go, I agree. Why would I pay for that expensive nonsense? And no go are also those who work profesionally and attend multiple clients clients per day, every day. I don't mean those.
  14. Firstly, have you experienced in practise what you're talking about -- that they, prostitues, don't? Everyone of them? Majority? What's the percentage? And how do you know? Secondly, those who have multiple clients per day, indeed, logicallly, don't care. Well, I wouldn't go to those. Not every girl who sells sex is created equal, and there may very thin border between a "normal" girl and the one who sells sex. There're normal girls out there who don't give a shit about men either -- worse than any prostitute can be.
  15. No. As I've explained - for the purpose of experimenting in sex, and in ways that a normal girl would never be willing to do it with.
  16. I've noticied that whenever I geneually do good, in some form, to other person, I begin to feel emotionally more free, my movements and gestures become more free and faster, with less friction, my voice too become more free. I know of and sometimes see people who behave with this degree of freedom all the time. And, probably, that's why. And that, as a side effect, if practised regularly or lived by, makes seduction of girls easier and natural, doesn't it? Whereas with doing bad it's the opposite -- I've expirienced that too. --- What's the term in english for this -- emancipation? Раскрепещённость in russian.
  17. I did some 1000 approaches a few years ago, or even more than just a few, during the day. Some chunk of which I'd not, I'd say, count as fully proper ones. Speaking of clubs, I can't wrap my mind around -- how can guys tolerate going there? Firstly, loud music is bad for health. Secondly, staying wake till 3-4 or 5 am, (2-3 am in a club, plus time needed to return home and fall asleep) -- this harms one's heath in an even bigger way, I suppose, than cloud music. The next day, or rather every single day then, you'll wake up at around 12-13 o'clock... How can you even take care of your business with this schedule? And you'll go to bed at 2-3 am even on the days when you stay home because you've gotten acustomed to going to bed close to the morning. That is, some days you won't sleep till the morning, and on others you won't almost till the morning. Oh, Budda forbid. Night mare. How?
  18. Gibberish. Who's Owen? I haven't mentioned any Owen. Your fantasy. You can't know whether or not the top players are calm and chill because you can't know all the them, not even a majority. I've met the ones in person who weren't calm.
  19. What are ways to master your emotions? Specifically, for pickup. * Be here and now in the present moment * Try to notice positve things * Disassosiate your internal voice from yourself... These aren't even ways to master your emotions, but rather very fundamentals. What the ways to control and master your emotions? How to learn to put yourself in the positive states, for instance? Note: I don't mean putting yourself in hyper resourceful state by some kind tricks -- the one which later will always cause backlash thus putting you on the other end of the spectrum -- in the sad state, of the same magnitude of your positive state. I ask about rather a more safe and natural positive state. --- I don't go clubs because I feel stupid and unaphentic when I try to put myself in a overly-positive state which is required for a club. Nor am I able to do it because I think it's feels stupidly unathentic for me, with my current level of development. Whereas on the street super positive isn't required that much as in a club. And I'm calm, or little to half-positive on the street when doing pickup. Perhaps sometimes even boring
  20. Pickup communities, mostly, say so, or avoid to discuss it. And people generally demonize it too.
  21. No, I don't, and I don't mean precisely "super". Rather I mean normal positivity -- being "being chill and playful" And that's also what I am unable to do most of the time. I'm rather calm, most of the time when doing pickup. Not negative but calm. Sometimes I can be fun, generally when a girl herself is being funny already. But I want to become capable of feeling positively and translating my state to a girl, so that she'll feel positivity too. And no matter how you slice it, with positivity and playfulness seduction process goes easier and smoother than without it.
  22. Taking suppliments to migitate the side effect of going to clubs which is unable to fall asleep in a fast manner? Double nightmare. Buddha would punish you.
  23. Actually, you can deceive others as if you were fun and chill. But people on the deeper, unconsicious level would feel this crap. And therefore, that wouldn't be a good deception anyway.
  24. BE fun and chill implies as if one could by willpower or mental effort become that. But this isn't the case. For being fun and chill outside is a side effect of being fun and chill inside FIRST. But one can't simulate feeling such inside unless he has obtained a certain world view and experiences, and, in general, has walked the walk. If all you had in life was negative experience with girls, how would you "be fun and chill" with them then? No way. Therefore, if one isn't fun and chill, one can't deceive others otherwise, or at least, this kind deception will look akward and won't last long. As a result, you'll become even more tense and non fun. Likewise, if one is fun and chill inside, then outiside will take care of itself because fun and chill outside will come automatically, from inside. --- All in all, if you don't have or aren't chill and fun - there's no way to simulate it. And if you are or do have it - there's no need to simulate it.
  25. Do you watch Alex Hormozi's chanell? It's a gem. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUyDOdBWhC1MCxEjC46d-zw