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About Thomas_VH

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  • Birthday 06/21/1998

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  1. New Course Soon
    New Course Soon
    What you guys don't realize yet is that you have spent years learning theory and principles from me, but you've yet to actually program those principles deeply into your subconscious mind. It's just airy concepts still even if you took some actions.
    The magic of this new course is that after 10 years you can go back, rewatch all my old videos, and finally program those lessons into your mind. You haven't actually done that yet. So this is like a 5x multiplier on all my free videos. It is the missing piece that makes all the theory click into place to produce the results.
    I never taught you the missing key. Because I needed to make this course to sustain my work.

  2. Is jogging fun?
    Is jogging fun?
    For cardiovascular work, my personal advice would be either of the two ends of the spectrum, but not in the middle. In other words, I would opt for either walking or HIIT on an exercise bike, but not moderate intensity steady state cardio, if my goal was health optimization.

  3. UFOs Are Here
    UFOs Are Here
    In this clip from an interview with Darryl Anka, who has now channeled Bashar (an essassani hybrid ET being) over the last 40 years, he explains some of the aspects involving first contact with ET species from Bashar's point of view:
    The documentary Darryl Anka has made titled: 'First Contact' and referenced at the end of this interview clip can also be viewed on youtube here:

    This documentary tells the story of how Darryl became a channel for Bashar and sheds some light on the channeling process, a natural ability of our 'human' consciousness being in resonance with higher dimensional information and translating that inspiration into art, writing, music or verbal expression. It also goes into some of the main spiritual teachings and topics Bashar has shared with humanity about existence, consciousness, god, et civilisations, ufo technology and our part in all that is. The enormous body of detailed information these last 40 years of regular transmissions from Bashar include in depth answers to almost all topics humans have wondered about and are able to imagine questions about to even ask an alien. Highly recommended to explore for anyone who is interested in aligning with alien consciousness.

    Another short excerpt from the full transmission titled 'The Protocols of First Contact' in which many steps involved in the process of open contact with other ET civilisations are explained:
    The full length video's can be bought through the official Bashar TV session archive:
    An interesting answer to a question about how contact with his civilisation could be experienced:
    This fragment illustrates how our mind would react to being in their alien presence:
    Their Invitation:

  4. Is Consciousness a Miracle?
    Is Consciousness a Miracle?
    Reality is a fucking mystery.
    Adhering to materialism is ironically believing in magic: that somehow matter that is arranged a certain way sources and causes consciousness to exist.
    That's believing in magic.
    Of course the tacit assumption of any -ism is that we know what we're talking about when referring to consciousness. We conclude and make assumptions about it without direct experience into its nature.

  5. Starting self help youtube channel. How do you grow an audience? (the right people)
    Starting self help youtube channel. How do you grow an audience? (the right people)
    You need to start by making videos on popular hot topics which get lots of attention. For example, you could do a video on some hot topic in the news from a self-help perspective, like Elon Musk or Trump or Andrew Tate, etc.
    If you do obscure topics and titles you will get very little views.
    Another way to break in is by doing interviews with well-known people. Their popularity can get you lots of views. Which is why interviews are such a common format.
    Another way is to make short but very well produced videos with graphics and very distilled content. Such videos can get millions of views if they are professionally produced and slick looking.
    It's hard to break in these days. You need to find a unique angle and  bring lots of value to stand out.

  6. Astral projection / Lucid dreaming
    Astral projection / Lucid dreaming
    I do something similar to what Alan Chapman writes in his Advanced magick for beginners book. His other books are great too, but you should start with that one.
    Combined with a kasina retreat and you'll know how to do it in a short time.

  7. Astral projection / Lucid dreaming
    Astral projection / Lucid dreaming
    This is within a time span of about two years. Other forms magick is something I've been doing for about 4 years.
    I can make them pretty long (about an hour or so) but some are still short.
    Fun time related stuff can be caused when combined with heavy concentration. Receiving verifiable information from the past would be possible with good concentration* visualization (kasina practice). Winning the lottery, sex, healing sickness is possible with simple chaos magick.  Especially combined with heavy concentration. From time to time it's still possible to run into difficulties, kinda like running into an anti-cheat.
    I'm not God realized.
    This is more like having cheat codes in a game / building your own hack client. God realization would be more like knowing & understanding the whole source code / being able to create other games.

  8. Why does atheism even exist ?
    Why does atheism even exist ?
    Precisely. Look around you. That is God. God isn’t a being that created your experience. God is your experience. 
    What else is there but the present moment? What is your post here about then? You clearly affirm “present moment is all there is” in your post here. This makes me question whether you know what you are talking about or are just playing games. Do you really know or are you pretending to know? 
    The present moment is here and now always. It is Absolute. There is nothing behind it to explain it. Being is prior to knowing and explanations. You can’t conceptualize Being, which is a problem you are falling into. All conceptualizations occur within Being but can never explain Being.
    It seems like you just want to model reality and create stories to sustain your dream rather than deconstruct it. The last thing you want is for your bubble to pop, so you spend time creating your bubble using spiritual concepts to trick yourself into thinking you have popped it. But really you are preserving it. See how tricky the mind is? The biggest deception is thinking you have awakened or figured stuff out when you really haven’t. But hey, that is the mass hypnosis that 99% of people are under.
    What you are really asking me in “how do you explain the present moment” is to create a narrative for you in how the Dream exists, which is just another way to dig yourself deeper into the dream. 
    Whatever you think is the cause of your Dream is a dream within your Dream. 
    As you can see, all of this is the opposite of awakening. What we are doing here is finding ways to keep ourselves asleep.
    You are inside of a Dream, wake up!  

  9. Why does atheism even exist ?
    Why does atheism even exist ?
    The Cartesian-Newtonian worldview reduces the world down to atoms and physical laws, and it splits the mind/soul away from the physical and makes it secondary and unimportant. When the scientists became the new priestly class, this became the prevailing metaphysics in the mind of the modern man, and so even the atheists who pretend to only reject the claims of theism, uses their unconscious metaphysical assumptions as arguments against theism.

  10. Resources to work on the basics
    Resources to work on the basics
    Owen Cook just put out a brand new free course , check a latest YouTube video for his Higher Purpose program, looks like 30-40 9 min vids  structured in order
    Don't fall for the trap of letting your parents keep you there. You will be lazy and not really motivated, cuz they are providing for you.
    Start hitting the gym , helps build that fire up... Check out Wim Hof breathing on YouTube , super powerful technique for really getting that inner fire going
    Tom Bilyeu's Impact Theory channel..
     He put out several videos around Spring that were like "get your shit together" kind of topics
    Escaping Ordinary channel
    The App called Optimize  (it has every category for personal development and sooo many books condensed to 10 min videos) 
    Get around people that are autonomous and emulate them ...
    Be sure to read a few books on money/wealth , get an understanding of how things basically work 

  11. Using real Magick to manifest your Dreams
    Using real Magick to manifest your Dreams
    Please post more like this. Your Sleep yoga, Semen retention post and this one are life-changing.

  12. Using real Magick to manifest your Dreams
    Using real Magick to manifest your Dreams
    Magick is about causing effects with non-physical means.
    Magick includes:
    occult practices  law of attraction religious prayer having thoughts, emotions and intention That means everyone is doing magick all the time and thus shaping their life. It's just that it's usually a very weak form of magick.
    The most powerful magick is working with spiritual entities. The simplest form of that is angelic magick. Angelic magick is far more powerful than law of attraction techniques. 
    Every manifestation technique - in one way or another - essentially increases the probability of manifestation. If the inherent probability (from using materialistic/mundane means) is too low and manifestation techniques can't increase the probability enough, manifestation doesn't happen. 
    - Law of Attraction
    Law of attraction alone is in most cases not powerful enough to manifest your dreams. Law of attraction techniques are mostly about aligning your vibration/state with your dreams and clearing intenal blockages towrads your dreams.
    It's like law of attraction decreases the probability of your desires not manifesting (removing internal blocks that hold you back from manifesting) but it doesn't do much in increasing the probability of manifestation (adding power).
    That's where angelic magick comes in, angels add power.
    You can add power yourself, and one of the best ways to do this is with servitors and thoughtforms as described in John Kreiter's books, but unless you are very advanced, angelic power is a lot stronger. 
    - Results
    Unless you are insanely advanced, the main component for manifestation is always your action. You still need to do the work.
    Do everything you would do if you didn't use magick. The angels will add power to your efforts and support in more mysterious ways too.
    In most cases results will be sublte. Some coincidences happen and your efforts might seem to be slightly more fruitful. Usually only when you look back after weeks or months you see how much the magick affected your life. But even then it can be subtle, definitely subtle enough that materialists will say it's just coincidence. But after months or years, all that stacks up and becomes extremely extremely statistically unlikely.
    But sometimes magick is shockingly effective and can seem miraculous. Even for beginners, but in most cases it's subtle.
    Generally the more psychic power you have, the more powerful your magick becomes.
    - Ritual 
    What is usually called a technique or practice, is called ritual in magick. It can mean ceremonial stuff like wearing robes and all that stuff, but that is only one form of magick, and definitely not necessary. I've never done that.
    The most basic ritual includes some law of attraction stuff (to clear blockages, to ensure you are not in the way of the magick) and then calling upon angels to add power.
    So it usually looks somewhat like this:
    contemplate the problem  glance at the sigil (if there are words, scan them) feel as though your dreams are already manifest. Pretend like it's already your reality  call the angel names feel gratitude  
    That's it.
    In some books the ritual is more complex. If you want you can just do this simple version and it will still work, but the more stuff you add, the more powerful the ritual becomes.
    A sigil usually consists of the angels' names in certain languages (hebrew, angelic language) or of symbols. The sigil acts like a gateway to the angels. By glancing at it you subconsciously connect with the angels.
    Here some rituals which I think might be most relevant for manifesting a great life.
    The name of the book is in brackets, all of them are by Damon Brand (except the "angels of omnipotence" that is by Jareth Tempest, and "sigils of power" that is by Adam Blackthorne)
    - Opportunities and Manifestation
    Road Opener (greater words of power) Bless an Undertaking (archangels of magick) Gain from Change (archangels of magick) Zachriel: stir up reality, create change (angels of alchemy) Kamael: improve the Quality of that which is sought (archangels of magick) Open the Road to new Opportunities (sigils of power) End bad Luck (words of power) End misfortune (mystical words of power)  
    - Insights, ideas, knowing what to do
    Obtain Wisdom (to make a decision) (words of power) receive Guidance (greater words of power) Ideas for Projects (mystical words of power) find Clarity when confused (mystical words of power)  
    - Discipline
    Peserverance (archangels of magick) complete a Task (greater words of power) strengthen Willpower over temptation (mystical words of power) dedicate yourself (words of power) overcome bad habits (greater words of power) Bualu (angels of omnipotence)  
    - Love and Attraction
    There are plenty of love rituals out there. Most of them manipulate or affect other people to a small or great extend. That's obviously not good. Rather than aiming magick at others, aim it at yourself. Use magick to become more attractive, and to support your efforts to become more attractive:
    Attract through inner Light (mystical words of power) Amiel: become more Charming and Attractive (angels of alchemy) increase Confidence (greater words of power) strengthen personal Confidence (mystical words of power) Tulatu (angels of omnipotence) And you can also do magick to cause syncronicities to meet potential partners:
    Attract a Romantic Partner (with the intention to meet a potential partner) (greater words of power) Attract Romance (sigils of power) You can essentially also do any of the above-mentioned rituals for opportunities and have the intention for syncronicities to meet a potential partner  
    - Emotional
    Relief from anxiety (mystical words of power) reconnect with your Soul (mystical words of power) improve intuition (mystical words of power) stop negative thoughts (mystical words of power) Lavel: ease sadness and depression (72 angels of magick) ease depression (sigils of power)  
    - Personal Development
    Uiazel (angels of omnipotence) Add Momentum to your Efforts (mystical words of power) Achieve more with less effort (mystical words of power) Recover your Passion (greater words of power) enhance Creativity (greater words of power) discover your true Passion (sigils of power) discover creative Talents (sigils of power) pass an exam (greater words of power) Learn with ease (sigils of power)  
    - Healing
    My favourites are the 5 healing rituals in mystical words of power  Raphael (archangels of magick) several angels for healing in 72 angels of magick  Ebuhuel (angels of omnipotence) It has nothing to do with angels, but this health subliminal is pretty good:   
    - Spiritual
    Uiazel: Enlightenment (angels of omnipotence) Lucid Dreaming (sigils of power) Dream Recall (sigils of power) Ublisi: Lucid Dreaming (angels of omnipotence) Ublisi: Dream Recall (angels of omnipotence) Metatron: Ascension (archangels of magick)  
    There are a lot more rituals in these books.
    All of the books involve angels, except the "sigils of power book", that one involves no spiritual entities.
    I listed rituals mostly from the words of power books, because these rituals are quite simple and effective. But you can also look more thoroughly into the archangels of magick, 72 angels of magick and angels of alchemy books.
    And there are still more books by Damon Brand. And you can also check out other authors:
    Ben Woodcroft Jareth Tempest  Tristan Whitespire Zanna Blaise Adam Blackthorne Rose Manning ...  
    Usually a ritual needs to be done only once.
    But when working with one angel (like Uiazel, Metatron, Amiel) (rather than using a ritual with a group of angels) with the intention of causing internal change, then repating the ritual can be valuable in order to add additional power, to keep the energy for internal change flowing more strongly. For that purpose, you can also consider doing it more the way I described in my invocation post. Invoking that angel, sitting in its presence and having a specific intention for internal change.
    These kinds of invocations are mainly for the energetic effects and the effects on your state of consciousness. And when done regularly with a certain intention, they are good for any internal change (personal development).
    In my opinion, magick is the most powerful manifestation technique. It can make life a lot easier and better. 
    I think the second most powerful manifestation technique is using Subliminals. Then next is servitors and thought forms, and next is chaos magick sigils and law of attraction stuff.
    If someone is interested in more occult practices: 

  13. How I have been dealing with hypersensitivity to pain. (Open for advice)
    How I have been dealing with hypersensitivity to pain. (Open for advice)
    Try “break through pain” by Shinzen Young 

  14. Reduce your rice intake
    Reduce your rice intake
    Regular rice isn't even that great of food. Glycemic Load through the roof, nutritional content poor, fibre super low. The typical white rice with 0.6 grams of fiber per 100g is a poor source of nutrition, shoots your blood sugar through the roof as if you just ate a snickers bar. 
    There are better choices such as wild rice, brown rice, red years rice. All of those contain significantly less Arsenic and there are ways to remove up to 75% Arsenic content. @Average Investor made a youtube video on how to do that on it recently, check that out. 
    But whenever worried about rice go for other wholegrains, much better sources of fibre and nutrients: buckwheat, quinoa, millet, amaranth, teff. kamut, oats, (and other ancient grains) 
    compared to typical low fibre white rice, yes definitely. Compared to something like high fibre brown rice, buckwheat or other whole-grain, not really. But nutritionally speaking, potatoes are a pretty complex food and a good source of many nutrients. Sweet potatoes are a better choice tho 
    Also, one thing about arsenic is that you can't avoid it 100%. Because it is a natural component of the soil and over milenia humans have actually got pretty good at eliminating with half-life being only about 5 days. So another strategy is not to have those foods all the time to allow your body to remove any trace arsenic. So it comes down to eating a large variety of foods and not sticking to traditional meat & rice diet. 
    Also, fibre and different polyphenols in plants may help you remove arsenic even more efficiently so again it is not as simple as "rice is bad because of arsenic" , it comes down to what else is on the plate. This is a same issue with mercury for example. Absorbtion from a can of tuna if it is combined with shitload of vegetable swill bee significantly less then is you just eat can of tuna with bread, with insufficient fibre, colonic transit is slowed down and heavy metals have more time to leach onto carriers and be absorbed and even reabsorbed again once detoxified through the hepatic circulation. 
    Gut health is also important. For example overgrowth of colonies of beta-glucuronidase can accelerate the reopening of toxins that passed through glucuronidation pathways(used to detoxify xenobiotics and many drugs)  and lead to reabsorption of toxins that have already been processed. Typical low fibre high meat diet is a paradise for beta-glucuronidase overgrowthSame if the gut health is messed up, one will probably absorb way more toxins. 

  15. Water Filter Example
    Water Filter Example
    The safest pans are generally:
    1. Cast Iron
    2. Stainless Steel
    you wanna spend hours researching and experimenting with replacing all the toxic household items you have in your kitchen with safe and effective non-toxic ones. This also goes go things like soaps, detergents and household cleaners. 
    there are many factors to take into account:
    1. Price and procurement
    2. health claims fact and fiction 
    3. accessibility 
    4. functionality (for example I may have overlooked that this thing doesn’t filter out mercury… but the website implies that it does but the third party report didn’t include and mercury. I am clarifying this with the company. I may need to find an additional filter for mercury. 
    You may also need to develop your decision making and procurement skills when it comes to buying things. 
    Create a wish list and be sure you have developed your personal finance administrative systems to keep track of your spending as you work on things like detoxing, fixing your diet, and replacing household items. 
    no sense in beating yourself up, simply note the mistakes and refine.
    I personally realize mistake making is a Normal thing… just refine refine refine and choose to see yourself as you really are.

  16. What does it mean to focus feeling on breathing from the stomach
    What does it mean to focus feeling on breathing from the stomach
    Meditate every morning. If angry, and can’t relax into meditation, express it in some way. Use the scale and express each emotion upwards. Talk to someone, write, maybe a journal here on the forum or whatever works for you to let it out / get it off your chest. 

  17. What does it mean to focus feeling on breathing from the stomach
    What does it mean to focus feeling on breathing from the stomach
    Breathing from Tandem. Watch Sadhguru's and Osho's videos on it, and read articles on it by Osho as well.

  18. What does it mean to focus feeling on breathing from the stomach
    What does it mean to focus feeling on breathing from the stomach
    All you have to do is focus on the sensation of you stomach expanding and contracting as you breath as if it is the first time you are experiencing it. You want to try to become fascinated with it and not assume you know what the next breath will be like. Try to realize how amazing and beautiful it is to be able to experience taking a breath. Over time you will eventually experience less thoughts and concepts come up as your mind rewires itself and becomes better at focusing.
    When you think to yourself about what the meditation instructions are or how it is so hard not get distracted, just become aware that those thoughts have come up. Accept the thoughts are now the focus of your attention and part of the meditation, try to see or hear them as clearly as possible, then move your attention back to your stomach. You are not supposed to keep your attention in one spot the entire time. The benefit comes from realizing that your focus has been thrown off, getting a better awareness of what your mind is doing as it does it. That it is all part of the meditation.
    So over time you will get less thoughts constantly coming up as you focus on your stomach but the goal is to become aware of things as they are. This includes the thoughts that are there when trying to focus so you are not doing anything wrong if you have many thoughts. What you experience is the truth of what is there.

  19. Discipline is Ratshit! - The Art of Blissipline
    Discipline is Ratshit! - The Art of Blissipline
    I love this.
    But not necessarily. Inspiration and playfulness can often be far and few between. Being a creator of any sort you may go through long periods where you are not inspired, yet you are Blissiplined and work at your craft anyway  

  20. Do Affirmations Actually Work or NOT?
    Do Affirmations Actually Work or NOT?
    Visionboard pictures on your phone, in a  separate album are 90% more effective and less effort. Scroll through these daily and it takes 30 seconds. 
    once you live the lifestyle of your pictures in a couple weeks via small steps, the positive self talk and affirmations come organically. 

  21. fear to full time job
    fear to full time job
    I have been unemployed for 2 years since I finished my studies, living in my mother´s basement, but even when I am suffering because of this situation, the idea of getting a job make me sad too. Why? Because most of the jobs I have been applying in my country have a 9-6:30 schedule (since they give you 1.5 hours to lunch in the middle of the journey, which are not included in the 8 hours of work), then I would go to the gym from 7-8:30, get home at 9, dinner bed and start again. So basically my life would be all about work -which by the way I am not interested in, it is ony for the money-. So literally 0 time to meditation, LP and building alternative business during week.
    If I continue being unemployment living with my mom (28 years old) - sadness and dression
    If I am finally able to get a job in my field - slavery
    I don´t see hope in my life. Any advice?

  22. Question To Leo About Starting A Business
    Question To Leo About Starting A Business
    A lot can be researched online these days. But you could also buy books, talk to experts, find mentors, go to seminars, buy courses, etc.
    You need to study how other businesses in your niche work. What makes them work? What are they doing well? What are they doing poorly? What opportunities are they missing? How much money do they make? What are the profit margins like? How did they become successful? How did others fail? How saturated is this niche? What is necessary to succeed in this niche? Who are the customers/clients? What do they seek? What problems do they have which you could help them solve? How much money do they have and how much can you charge them?
    The better you know the answers to all these questions the higher your odds of finding your niche.
    You can answer all those questions by doing lots of online research, reading books, and talking to people from the industry you're into. You can also answer those questions by running small tests on the market. Try to sell or create something within that niche and see how people react. These small tests show you what works and what doesn't work.
    And perhaps the most fundamental form of research is just massively consuming content within your niche. For example, if want to become a video game designer, play a ton of games. That's research. Or if you want to be therapist, hire a lot of therapy sessions for yourself so you get a deep experience of what makes for good vs bad therapy. Try to become the biggest fan/consumer of your own niche. If you want to be filmmaker, study the shit out of film. Watch it, analyze it, criticize it, dissect it. Have more experience with film than most filmmakers. Talk to other filmmakers and pick their brain. Slowly make industry connections. Then it will be quite easy to succeed as a filmmaker.

  23. Heavy Metal Toxicity & Free Will?
    Heavy Metal Toxicity & Free Will?
    It could be more risking going another route. There is a lot involved to get the metals to actually be removed properly. 
    I've seen the medical medium smoothie, but never read their book. I would be skeptical at the effectiveness of actually removing metals with the stuff I had seen. This could potentially do more harm than good if you just redistribute metals in your body. You might be better off doing nothing and fixing your health in other areas. 
    Getting your gut health in order, then getting your liver in order will help a lot. This would be important before even considering either protocol. 

  24. Heavy Metal Toxicity & Free Will?
    Heavy Metal Toxicity & Free Will?
    I was most likely poisoned by my mother too. She had a dozen amalgams since her childhood and was affected with toxicity too. I had ADHD, digestive problems, chronic ear infections, night terrors, aggressive bahavior, problems socialising due to social anxiety and inattention and other typical mercury symptoms.

    You will have a hard time when you are chelating, beacause when the mercury is moving freely in your body, it will to the most harm, which you will feel in form of symptoms. And it seems that you accumulated enough mercury to get into a "dump phase" when you start detoxing. That is a period of  a  couple of months to more than a year in which your body will dump a lot of mercury from your organs.
    Stop the Medical Medium protocol. Taking cilantro once a day is extemely harmful if you are mercury toxic. It will redistribute big amounts of mercury into your brain.

    There are other ways to detox mercury than the Cutler Protocol, but I wouldn't recommend them at all, because they either take even longer, are outright harmful or won't remove all of the toxic metals.

    The rules of the Cutler Protocol aren't that difficult to follow. If you allow yourself to get decently well again, and you start with a low dose (but not lower than 5mg) you can slowly get better. But it wont happen in a couple of weeks. It will more likely take 2-5 years to heal completely. Just read up about it and learn how to prepare for the detox (e.g. remove all amalgam).

    And don't forget: You are not the only one who got poisoned. Millions where. And tens of thounsands, if not more, suffer through chelation right now to get well again.

  25. What are your guys favorite body scan audios?
    What are your guys favorite body scan audios?
    I have been testing out a few different ones but I have a feeling there's better out there.