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About Thomas_VH

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  • Birthday 06/21/1998

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  1. Too afraid to try anything... hopeless
    Too afraid to try anything... hopeless
    @PenguinPablo You have to do some serious limiting-belief busting.
    There's no way forward in life so long as your mind is full of those recirculating toxic beliefs.
    I had to do a lot of busting of my limiting beliefs when I was starting out in this work.
    The problem is, your potential in life is so monstrously huge that your mind will not believe it is real. It sounds too much like a pipe dream. The mind needs to be whipped into opening itself.

  2. Too afraid to try anything... hopeless
    Too afraid to try anything... hopeless
    I'd like to bend your mind: Suppose you already know it's going to fail. Does it make it not worth trying? Who knows, maybe you are going to meet somebody along the way that may present you with a good opportunity. Or you learn valuable skills and experiences. Or you find the love of your life. God has far more creative ways to manifest than we can imagine. 
    We either get something or learn something. There's no such thing as waste. I'm reminding myself of this every day. Keep moving step by step. When you feel stuck, any move is a good move. 

  3. Habits
    Habits to do EVERYDAY
    "We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then, is not an act, its a habit".- Aristotle
    "Well-Being is realized in small steps. But it is no small thing" - Zeno
    So given the Corona Virus, college has closed, I can't work and can't go out, so basically I am completely fucking bored and starting to get cabin fever. This time in isolation has really proven to me how lazy I really am. So I've been meaning to make a schedule for a while, planning to add some habits to do everyday. I'm gonna use google calendar and a habit tracker app. Found one called HabitHub which is bout a £1 (cheapest one I found) which track/checklists and sends you a notification on your habits, if anyone is interested.
    So I want to know what habits do you do, and any ideas to productively pass the corona time?
    Thanks for anyone who reads and gives their ideas
    Below are some simple ideas for habits I've already noted
    Anyone who has any notes to add do so
    The more novel the habit the better e.g. Its easy to just say "read more", but add something to it like "read 10 pages before sleep every night" to avoid screen use and get better sleep etc...
    I read a website on habits which said to ask questions at the end of the day
    Did you wake up on time?
    Did you eat a healthy breakfast?
    Did you read today?
    Did you avoid TV and internet?
    Did you meditate?
    So here are my habits
    #1 Healthy Sleeping Schedule
    So waking up at the right time and going to sleep at the right time. My sleeping schedule is warped right now, been going to sleep at about 1am and waking up at about 11am, during isolation because I have been doing anything during the day stimulate me. This is priority #1 for me right now, here's a video TED talk by Matthew Walker a sleep specialist I found on the JRE podcast which talks about the importance of sleep. (Note - Going to look into lucid dreaming - anyone who has any info on how to do it, add it, cheers)
    #2 Reading
    So I've been aiming to read a book every week since the start of the year and I've so far only missed two weeks. I get most of reading done on my commutes but since the corona virus I've been finding it hard to read the same amount. I'm going to start reading right before I sleep at least 10 pages, so I'm not on my phone so I can get to sleep easier. Particularly been reading the classics, there are millions of shitty books out there to read and I only have so much time and will power, in my day to be bothered reading. We read to think others thoughts and you want the highest quality thought as possible. Reading though also means getting up to date with current events etc...
    "As the biggest library if it is in disorder is not as useful as a small but well-arranged one, so you may accumulate a vast amount of knowledge but it will be of far less value to a much smaller amount if you have not thought it over for yourself: because only through ordering what you know by comparing every truth with every other truth can you take complete possession of your knowledge and get it into your power"
    #3 Meditation
    Been meditating 30 minutes everyday. "Mindfulness meditation". Usually I put on some guided meditation audio in the background so I don't drift and forget what I'm doing, I know there are a lot of resources on this forum on how to meditate better and I've already gotten some sent to me which is greatly appreciated. Any notes to add for a beginner are also appreciated.
    #4 Exercise
    So can't go to the gym or go running currently with the corona virus, but I have at home a barbell, bench, with some weights (45kg) and some dumbbells. Recently began taking supplements e.g. Whey, fish oil etc... I've been exercising regularly for the past two months now. Been enjoying starting running, was training with my brother to run a half marathon but its been cancelled now. Running anyway has given me a reason to go out in nature more, going through the park and woodland area near my house and also running alongside the beach. So exercising gives you a reason to spend more time in nature, makes you feel better in your body, boosts your immune system (which is needed now), builds discipline and strength, lowers your heart rate, makes you live longer plus you end up looking better - so a must do habit.
    #5 Music Practice
    This can be anything I think that involves creativity and induces a flow state in you, doesn't just have to be learning an instrument. I aim to practice guitar everyday. But it tends to be that I only practice it about three times a week, but when I do I can't put it down and go for hours, its just summoning the will to pick it up and practice. A while back I bought a Yamaha keyboard but I haven't been fucked to practice it, I used it about 4-5 times, and now its dissembled and just gaining dust under my bed. Might start practicing it over this period.
    #6 Solitude
    So this habit of mine is for at least ten minutes I just do nothing. Not meditate but just sit with my thoughts. I don't mean focus on the breath or a object. I just let my head do whatever it wants. Its usually just a reset in my day so I can remember what else I need to do in the day.
    #7 Healthy Eating
    So in honesty I know fuck all about nutrition, if anyone has any advice or info to link on the basics of nutrition and making a good diet thank you. Prior to the corona virus I was starting to eat healthier e.g. Some intermittent fasting, cutting out more sugars, and trying to limit bread etc... Plus making meal plans, ages ago found this youtube video below, which gives a simple meal idea to just throw a bunch of breadless chicken in a slow cooker, season it, and leave it there and whenever your hungry or come from the gym to take some out, cook some rice and add some healthy greens e.g. Green beans, peas, broccoli, asparagus etc... I have that as side meals, and to snack when I'm hungry I just have a bunch of celery sticks or apples with peanut butter. And for breakfast I just have scrambled eggs and a slice of toast.
    #8 Chores
    Simple, just make sure everything is tidy and organised. E.g. do the laundry, sought dishes etc... Just 5 minutes every day is enough to make sure everything is fresh.
    #9 Cold Showers
    So I don't do this everyday because I'm lazy, but I should. For at least three minutes. Cold showers have a bunch of health benefits and de stress you. Also they wake you the fuck up in the mornings - it beats coffee. So when I wake up and actually take a cold shower, I turn off the boiler, do some Wim Hof breath work till I'm light headed, then I get under the shower and turn it straight on. If you focus on the breathwork you can deal with the cold and after a minute it stops being really cold and turns refreshing. Its a good way to start the day.
    #10 Socialising
    Generally if you put no effort into messaging your mates  etc... There never going to come to you, you get what you put into friends, people tend to be way more busy doing their own things to even think about yours. So take some time to message people and check up on them daily and see what their up to etc...
    #11 Podcasts - Actualised.Org Vids - Lectures - Youtube
    Usually if I'm doing something unproductive such as playing videogames or just surfing the web I always have a podcast or informative youtube video in the background. Or if I'm going for a jog etc... I then categorise these into playlists or add them to my OneNote/Journal, if they have anything of interest, where I timestamp and link to the point that's being made in the video or podcast, for the exact same reason as I read. I personally add these videos into playlists and watch later and just listen to them in order as I do what ever it is I'm doing.
    #12 Grooming
    Obvious but a necessary habit, shower daily. Clean teeth twice a day, regular haircuts, deodorant etc... Make yourself look presentable etc...  
    #13 Dopamine Detox
    So basically boring yourself to become resensitised to life again. Links to another post I did linked here, "Boredom is the Solution". Now your not going to do this every day, but more like once every two weeks on a weekend. I have only done this a few times but it works.
    #14 Avoid TV - Videogame - Porn - Phone Use
    Limit all of these, they are malignant tumours that eat up your time and suck out your will. I'm sure if you rarely do them they can be okay, but I recommend just avoid them, they're base time wasters. Porn is also something that should be limited, cause it eats away at the male libido, recommend looking into nofap. Limit tv and screen use till a single free day and a few hours on the weekend.
    #15 Chess
    Something I do in the mornings with some coffee as a way to get my mind working for the day. Go on or watch some chess videos, learn some openers etc... I recommend the same thing, doesn't have to be chess but anything in the morning that can get the mind operating.
    #16 Holotropic Breathing
    Kinda like Wim Hof but just breathing without pause for a prolonged period of time lying down can induce semi psychedelic states. Put on some music in the background, helps to mask your hyperventilation, and just do the breathwork, actually pretty fun, here's the Leo video which is timestamped for the demonstration but you can find other videos which teach similar things but they go under different names. Really meditative and clears the head. Probably going to do it once a week for 30 mins on a weekend.
    #17 Writing - Journaling - Commonplace Book
    Simple, just write for ten minutes. And any of those podcasts, books, websites etc... that are interesting write about them, articulate your own thought process. Make a common place book if you don't have one, mine has been super helpful, if you have one tell me how you organise and categorise it.
    Curious about making into a habits
    ? Yoga
    ? Visualisation
    ? Boxing - Jiu Jitsu - Wrestling
    ? Learn New Language
    Leo Video on time management for how to implement these habits
    Thanks for reading
    Share your thoughts
    Here's the motivation for this post - hopefully it helps you do the shit you need to do too
    Godspeed & Take care with the Virus

  4. Healing through suggestion
    Spiritual Healing
    I get a lot of questions about Reiki and spiritual healing in general, and thought it would be good to post some info about it. It’s very hard to define or even explain, and truly must be experienced. My hope is this gets some information out and in front of you, and you consider developing a thorough understanding, and begin practicing on yourself and or with others who might have genuine interest as well. I would also strongly recommend scheduling an appointment with a local Reiki, Qi Gong or similar healing modality practitioner, and going and experiencing a session or two for yourself. In either case, if you do and would like to let us know how it went, that would be very much appreciated and also beneficial for others who might be considering it but haven’t tried it yet. Thanks!
    Spiritual Healing: You Can Do It
    The Correct Application Of The Healing Force Is In The Spirit Of Love
    *Spiritual healing as practiced in the religion of Spiritualism is never advocated as a substitute for mainstream medicine but is used in conjunction with mainstream medicine. There is substantial empirical evidence, including scientific research, that demonstrates spiritual healing works (see the section below on recommended reading).
    Here is a method of laying-on-of-hands spiritual healing:
    *Always advise your sitters to see a doctor if they have a serious condition.
    The person receiving healing should sit in a chair.
    The healer stands behind the chair and places his hands on the shoulders of the sitter.
    The healer mentally repeats the following prayer:
    "Oh God, please watch over me and protect me so that only the highest and best forces can influence me."
    The healer then mentally repeats the following reminder:
    "The correct application of the healing force is in the spirit of love."
    At this point the intention to heal is all that is necessary for healing to begin. However the healer may visualize healing light coming down from God into his head and through his hands to the sitter. In addition, the healer can mentally repeat a prayer such as:
    "Oh God, please move healing energy through me into [name the sitter] to give him healing for his highest good."
    If the desired recipient of healing is at a distant location, the same method is used except the healer's hands will not be in contact with the recipient and the healer may sit or lie down. Several people can be named in the prayer to send healing to all of them.
    In self-healing, this same technique would be used with a prayer such as, "Oh God, please may I have healing energy to give me healing for my highest good." (My article A Synthesis of Spiritual Healing and Qi Gong discusses a method of self healing in more detail.)
    The healer should always direct his intentions to provide healing for the "highest good" of the sitter rather than for any specific outcome. No one lives forever, however spiritual healing may ease pain and/or ease the transition of passing when a cure is not possible.
    A secondary method of self healing may be done with a guided meditation. 
    Imagine you are in a place or situation that fills you with good feelings. This might be: relaxing in the back yard of your dream house, being with a cherished pet, or being with a person you love. Whatever would make you feel at peace and content. Notice how good you feel. 
    Then think through and visualize the following guided meditation. As you say each line inwardly, try to do it in a relaxing manner. As you repeat this process for several minutes, let yourself drift into a deeply relaxed state.
    ... And the healing light of God shines down upon me
    It permeates my entire being
    Healing me physically and emotionally
    It dissolves away anger and fear
    And fills me with love and forgiveness
    Repeat this meditation for several minutes, ten to twenty minutes would be typical.
    This healing meditation is especially effective when used in combination with the Practicing Peace meditation.
    Another form of mental healing involves visualizing your immune cells winning a fight against harmful viruses, bacteria, or cancer cells. One way to do this is to visualize your immune cells engulfing and destroying, for example, any harmful virus particles in your body. You can combine this with the spiritual healing self-healing techniques described above and even visualize the healing energy adding power to your immune cells to help them in their fight.
    When healing another person, it is not necessary to touch the sitter. If the receiver is bedridden the healer and receiver may hold hands or the healer may just sit or stand near the receiver.
    This can continue for any amount of time, 5 to 20 minutes would be typical. Repeat as often as desired, daily among family members or weekly from a dedicated healer is typical. Do not expect miraculous results. While there may be a few exceptional healers who can obtain significant results in one treatment, it is more common to repeat treatments over a period of weeks, months, or years depending on the condition. Healing is not synonymous with curing. Do not promise results. Do not make medical diagnoses unless you have a license to do so. Results may come in unexpected ways and times. Healing may manifest in acceptance of the condition or other alternative experiences.
    The healing does not come from the healer, it comes through him from a higher source which applies and directs the healing force for the highest good of the sitter. This should be kept in mind by the healer during healing. The healer's intention should not be to heal by his own power. His intention should be to offer himself as a channel through which he moves the healing force.
    The healer should be in a relaxed, alert, meditative state. His mind should not be racing or wandering wildly, nor should it be asleep or allowed to drift in a drowsy manner. Super-intense concentration or straining should be avoided. It is possible to think of something else while healing, and this should be avoided too. The healer should only be thinking of healing. If you are repeating a prayer, don't just say the words mindlessly but understand them, be aware of their meaning as you say the prayer. If you mention a person's name, think of the person or visualize them if you know what they look like. If you use the word "God" bring to mind your idea of God when you use the word. If you ask for healing energy to come into you and to flow through you, visualize that. The correct effort of concentration is key to channeling the greatest amount of healing force possible.
    The healer should be physically and mentally relaxed, rested, and in good health. If he is upset and cannot relax or (except in self healing) is in ill health, the healing session should be postponed. If the healer is in a depleted state due to dieting, or exhausted from too much exercise, or is very hungry there may be difficulty bringing through the healing force.
    If you develop a sense of the healing force flowing through you, you may be able to notice how it fluctuates with the quality of your concentration and other conditions. This type of feedback will allow you to achieve your maximum potential as a healer. Remember your intention, not your effort, is to heal. Your mental effort is to bring through the healing energy. The law of proportional assistance applies here.
    There are many, many different types of techniques used for spiritual healing. What they have in common is the intention of the healer to heal. The differences are simply different techniques that help the healer to maintain intention and concentration over an extended period of time. Therefore the best technique will be the one that allows the healer to maintain intention and concentration and this may differ from healer to healer.
    Anyone can do this. Psychic ability is not required or even an indicator of healing ability. The sitter does not need faith, it can be used on animals and infants who do not understand anything about it.
    Family members of the chronically ill can do this for their loved ones.
    Spiritual healing is completely natural to human beings. Every parent who has held a sick child and wished for its recovery has performed this type of healing. When you place your hand on some part of your body in response to pain, you are doing it. Health professionals such as physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors may also be spiritual healers while not being aware of it.
    The more you practice healing the more effective you will become. The best healers will have a sincere desire to help others with no thought of reward or recognition.
    You can send healing to those not present (distant healing) simply by sitting quietly, entering a meditative state of mind, and praying for healing to be given to those you name. You can visualize healing white light coming down to your head from a higher source while repeating a prayer such as, "Oh God, please move healing energy through me to [name the person(s) to receive healing] to give them healing for their highest good." You may also visualize the recipients in vigorous good health. The length of time for healing would be the same as for laying on of hands. It is typical to do this daily. You can heal more than one person during a session by naming each person individually.
    Your ability to transmit the healing force can be improved by practicing every day. This will also attract spirit helpers because it demonstrates your dedication and will give them an opportunity to become attuned to you. You can practice by laying-on-of-hands, by sending healing to those not present, or by sending healing "to where it's needed for the highest good" (a practice which leads to spiritual unfoldment.) All of these methods are equally effective for the development of the healer. 
    One way to send healing to where it's needed for the hightest good is through the following prayer:
    "May the light of God heal and bless the world."
    Repeat this prayer in meditation while imagining divine healing light flowing from a higher source into you. The healing force will flow from you into the world, but your concentration should be focused on receiving it from above. This will create spiritual contact between you and divine beings who will assist you as a spiritual worker.
    There is also an article on my blog, A Synthesis of Spiritual Healing and Qi Gong, that describes an exercise you can practice daily to develop your ability to feel the qualities of healing energy with your hands and to develop your ability to move healing energy through your body. It also allows you to practice self healing, healing people who are at a distance from the healer, sending healing energy to where it's needed for the highest good.
    There is another article on my blog that explains how to make a psi wheel. A psi wheel is a simple device that responds to the healing energy. You can use this device to practice and develop your spiritual healing skills. There is also an article on how to use qi gong exercises to help develop your ability to do spiritual healing.
    Remember: The correct application of the healing force is in the spirit of love.
    Recommended Reading
    Healing Methods
    A Synthesis of Spiritual Healing and Qi Gong describes an exercise you can practice daily to develop your ability to feel the qualities of healing energy with your hands and to develop your ability to move healing energy through your body. It also allows you to practice self healing, healing people who are at a distance from the healer, sending healing energy to where it's needed for the highest good.
    Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art By Diane Stein
    "The Therapeutic Touch: How to Use Your Hands to Help or to Heal" By Dolores Krieger
    Becoming One with Nature: Restore Yourself with Tai Chi 
    by Martin Lee, Ph.D., Emily Lee, TC Master, Melinda & Joyce Lee
    The Complete Idiot's Guide to T'ai Chi an QiGong 
    Third Edition by Bill Douglas. See Part 3 which is about QiGong.
     It is a misunderstanding to distinguish between the physical world and the spirit planes. They are all part of the one universe. This misunderstanding occurs because people have difficulty perceiving the spirit planes. However the distinction made by extremists who blindly prefer either spiritual healing or mainstream medicine is incorrect. Both healing technologies have their areas of effectiveness in treating the complex being of a spirit incarnated in a physical body. For example, if a bone is broken, it would be most efficient to set the bone with physical manipulations and once the ends are correctly aligned, then apply spiritual healing in conjunction with the body's natural healing process.
    There are a number of factors that can influence the effectiveness of spiritual healing:
    The amount of healing force the healer is able to conduct.
    The skills of the spirit guides directing the healing force conducted by the healer.
    The karmic needs of the recipient.
    If an illness is intended to teach something to the recipient, then spiritual healing may help the recipient understand the lesson rather than help with the illness.

  5. OBE - AP - LD
    Instant OBEs and Lucid Dreams whenever and how long you want
    The technique takes some months to learn, but once mastered, you can have instant OBEs and lucid dreams whenever and how long you want.
    The technique is mainly from John Kreiter's book "Out of body experiences". (I just give a brief explanation of it and elaborate on some more points, so definitely buy his book, it is invaluable.)
    When you have an OBE, there are basically 3 places to go. 1. you can explore our physical universe 2. you can go to paralel universes/ other dimensions and 3. you can go to what John Kreiter calls the Grey zone. Every daydream or night dream takes place in this Grey zone. So dreams are a kind of OBE . Whenever you daydream you already have a very very faint OBE. The difference between a daydream and a lucid dream is that daydreams are way less vivid and your consciousness is not fully established in your daydream body, but is still in your physical body to a large degree. The difference between normal visualization of your neighbour's house and a real OBE in your neighbour's house is that the visualization is way less vivid and that you visualize the house, so you don't yet see the actual house. 
    - The technique:
    Upon closing your eyes, you visualize your etheral/astral body in your room. You try to perceive everything from this new body through the new sense organs. Over the course of weeks and months, it gets more and more vivid and your etheral body starts to perceive the actual environment instead of visualizing it. You probably say that this is not possible but I believe it is. Google thought-forms/servitors/tulpas then it's easier to understand. A servitor is a real entity in the astral realm which you create through visualizations. The difference to your etheral body is, that the servitor has its own will and consciousness, whereas when you have created an etheral body, your consciousness can access it, such that it will eventually make no difference in vividness and realness whether you are in your physical or etheral body. If a servitor can pick up legitimate data from the physical world then so can your etheral body. If you doubt that a servitor can do that then google, there are too many people talking about it as that it could be untrue.
    Once your consciousness establishes more and more in your etheral body, your physical body will be in a trance and eventually enter sleep paralysis.
    - So are these OBEs actually as vivid as classical OBEs (including lucid dreams)?
    according to John Kreiter's book, it seems so Someone on the forum dreamviews says: "my level has increased tremendously, but I am not quite at the max. Right now, within 10 minutes of sitting down for a visualization, I can enter into a lucid dream, any time of day (...) I am hoping to be able to, with persistent practice, take this down to an almost instantaneous WILD at any time. and I have read similar things by other people  but I do have a small doubt. Because - even though your body is in sleep paralysis - you are not in REM compared to classical lucid dreams (and OBEs in general I guess). I am very sure that you are not im REM, because these OBEs you can do as long as you want, longer than any REM phase would allow. So perhaps these OBEs are less stable or less vivid. I don't know, but according to the above-mentioned it seems that they can be equally vivid. But even if not, then it wouldn't be that bad. The solution: OBE-WILD - OBE-WILD 
    This is the most instant and reliable WILD variation. Wake up in REM. get into your etheral body. Now you already have an OBE (potency depending on your level of mastery) but within a few seconds/minutes your body enters sleep paralysis, you are in REM and have a very vivid lucid dream. If you want you can use this lucid dream as a gateway to a classical astral projection.
    - Advantages of OBE-WILD (compared to other lucid dreaming induction techniques)
    Far more reliable then any other technique imo (if you already have a strong etheral body). You can probably reliably WILD in every REM (if you wake up). The problems with the classical WILD variations are that you either can't enter sleep paralysis because you are too conscious of your physical body (which is solved with OBE-WILD because your full consciousness is established in your dream body and your physical body would enter sleep paralysis anyways even if you weren't in REM) or you fall asleep because you can't stay conscious (which should be solved because being in your vivid etheral body, it should be more easy to stay conscious) you don't need to be in REM. you can have non-REM OBEs whenever you want and as long as you want (during the day, not during non-REM sleep). I guess that you could easily do this 10h a day if you wanted Full day-time consciousness, very stable and high dream control (just like every WILD, because you directly enter the dream with your day-time consciousness, unlike with DILD) Very vivid. Because your OBE is already very vivid and then gets potentially amplified by the REM phase you are (almost) instantly in the dream, compared to other WILD variations which often require you to lie still for 15-60 minutes  
    - How long does it take?
    Let's assume that you have average visualization skills and practise 1h daily. So here are my assumptions:
    1 month to build a strong etheral body. that means that you truly feel like you are in that body and not the physical body. These visualizations will probably feel like a very weak DILD. That also means that now you can start trying the OBE-WILD during the night in REM phases.  But it will probably be still very unreliable  2 months: When on the physical plane, you start picking up legitimate objective data from the physical world. And many of your OBE-WILDs will be successful   
    - Enlightenment
    Lucid dreams are a powerful tool for mysyical experiences. 
    If you master the OBE-WILD technique, you can have mystical experiences every night. On top of that, I guess that you can have mystical experiences in the non-REM OBEs as well. But I am not sure because you are not in REM. Perhaps you would just get thrown back to your physical body because the OBE might be too unstable if not during REM (even though your physical body is in sleep paralysis during these non-REM OBEs). But if you can have mystical experiences there then that would be a game changer. You could induce any kind of mystical experience like a zen master (probably more instantly amd more reliably than the zen master) without decades of meditating, just some months of practising the OBE technique ( for non-REM OBE induced mystical experiences, you probably need at least 6 months of 1h daily practise). The reason that we can't easily have a mystical experience is because our consciousness is so firmly bound to and identified with the physical body. With these OBEs you instantly go around that problem by leaving the physical body and entering an etheral body. Once in the ethereal body it is way easier to induce an awakenig because everything is less dense on this plane. 
    - Some Resources:
    Book: Out of body experiences by John Kreiter  or kindle edition $3.61 That's basically the OBE-WILD, he calls it V-WILD (I don't call it V-WILD because in the above-mentioned technique you actually have an OBE to induce the WILD) make daydreams so vivid that they are like lucid dreams  visualization to WILD, so the same again.  
    I have found out about it just a week ago. I am on day 6 and already see many improvements. I currently practice as many hours a day as possible. I have already tried the OBE-WILD during REM but without success so far, my etheral body is still too weak. 

  6. Stress relieve
    Best ways to deal with anxiety
    @Heaven A few things that have helped me and have been shown effective in studies for some people:
    1. Cognitive reconditioning. Learn how to steer the internal narrative away from negative anxiety producing thought stories. For example, if someone was about to give a public talk, they may get nervous and start thinking things like "I'm so nervous. I'm going to screw up and look like a fool. I'm going to fail this course". This can cause a person to spiral down into anxiety and even panic. . . Replacement positive thought stories might include "I've been through difficult challenges before, I can do this. This presentation is a great opportunity for me to develop skills. Even if I make mistakes, I will learn a lot and it won't be the end of the world. And I have a support group of friends and family." Thoughts of resiliency have been shown to reduce anxiety-related activity in the body - such as the production of stress hormones like cortisol.
    2. Trivial distraction. Sometimes it's helpful to distract the mind from an anxiety thought story. For example, if we are hiking in nature feeling anxious about our presentation we are giving in two weeks, it does no good to be worrying about it during our nature hike. This is a time to be in a rest and recovery mode. A trivial neutral distraction can help. For example, doing a mental puzzle.
    3. Distraction into Now. This is bringing attention away from the anxiety-producing event to what is happening now. For example, returning to the breath or feelings in the body. Even things like dropping a pencil over and over - this can bring the mind back to now and help prevent spiraling down.
    4. Meditation and awareness. Being able to sit and observe anxious thoughts and feelings from a detached view.
    5. EMDR. I've found EMDR to be highly effective for specific triggers. The idea is that the mind and body underwent some form of traumatic experience that has been stored within the subconscious limbic system. The limbic system is a primordial structure of the brain the has no concept of time or rational thinking. For example, someone who gets headaches may start thinking "Omg, I have a brain cancer just like my aunt. I'm going to suffer and die". This can send a person into "fight or flight" mode for their survival. This is irrational thinking, yet the limbic system is pre-rational. . . EMDR therapy goes prior to thought stories. The person just says one foundational statement that is the theme. Mine was "I can't make this stop and it's never going to end". And that's it. No more thought stories. With EMDR, the person does alternative tapping or listens to alternative beats. The person is guided back to when the seeds of "I can't make this stop and it will never end" were first planted. The person may go back to that period and interact within the situation (for example, to tell the child it's ok and they are loved. Or to tell the perpetrator that their behavior is harmful). Also, EMDR focuses on how the body is responding (no thought stories). For example, where is the discomfort? In the chest? In the abdomen? Is is a sharp pain? A throbbing pain? Nausea? Shortness of breath? . . . When feeling anxiety, the mind will want to engage in thought stories that generally re-enforce the anxiety dynamic. One thing I like about EMDR is that it does not engage in thought stories.
    6. Low to moderate doses of psychedelics. For someone with an anxiety-disorder, higher doses of psychedelics can be helpful or can be traumatic. Similar to EMDR, going into the source of the trauma can be helpful, even if it induces discomfort and anxiety. Yet if it gets too intense, it can re-traumatize the mind and body. Imagine healing from a knee injury. During physical therapy, there will be knee exercises and stretches that are uncomfortable that we would rather not do, yet are good for recovery. Yet we don't want to push the intensity so far that we re-injure the knee. . . Related to anxiety, I've found higher doses to be helpful, yet can be very intense and I would advise caution for those with anxiety conditions. As well, it can be difficult to acclimate, integrate and embody afterwards. Going this route, I would suggest working with a health care provider or those with psychedelic experience. . . I've found low to moderate doses to also be effective and much gentler on the mind and body. 

  7. Healing through suggestion
    Regenerating body parts with the mind
    @deso research this. science calls this the placebo effect.
    it is that, taken to it's much higher potential.
    it's like lifting weight. a baby doesn't even know it can lift using hands... the it discovers it has hands to begin with and that they can lift things.
    and then it's like straightening the muscles to be able to lift.
    regenerating body is a very advanced level of that, but just like lifting heavier and heavier weight is possible thru strength training and working out. this is also possible by doing it until it becomes conviction and you have its proof.
    i had wrist pain from a workout injury, tried many things over the years, did not come back to 100% until I read about the power of mind to heal and simply i would rub my wrist and send it healing vibes twice a day and it became stronger and stronger until it was back to (and seems now even beyond) the 100%  
    another thing, i had beard patches in a few place and then i brought my conscious attention to that and would massage the patches sending healing vibes and now KNOWING it works (because of my experience with wrist) it was only a matter of doing it and in a few weeks, the patches began to shrink and the beard grew back in fully
    as the strength and power of this mechanism increases, the time for the result to materialize decreases until there's no gap and you're at the level of instantaneous manifestation (that's extremely high, like Christ level healing and beyond)  
    Once it gets rolling, there's no bottom of the hill, the momentum, strength and the size grow on without end.

  8. Veganism perspective
    How do you Justify consuming Animal Products?
    Imagine if AI robots arose that ate humans for energy. The robots don’t need to eat humans for energy, yet they like the crunching sound human bones make when eaten. The robots then create massive concentration camps in which humans suffer. 
    How would humans react to this scenario? . . . This highlights how human-centric and self-biased humans are.