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About Thomas_VH

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  • Birthday 06/21/1998

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  1. How to feel love ?
    How to feel love ?
    Kriya supreme fire with the heart chakra as concentration spot Heart chakra meditations Devotion and listening to Devotion Music Contact and connect with angels: Christine and Lady Charity (book: female archangels by Claire Stone). Uriel, Haniel, ... Contact and connect with Saints and Sages: Anandamayi Ma, Mary Magdalene, Agnes of Assisi, Krishna, Jesus, Ramana Maharshi,... Listen to energetically programmed audios: vibration of Divine Love from sapien medicine and Anahata from iawake  Love and heart chakra youtube transmissions (from Kai Shanti, Mariella La Cunza,...) Visualize a deeply materialistic person, and visualize how he is severly suffering from it. Now visualize how he has a sudden intense Infinite Love awakening  

  2. Jnana yoga and bhakti yoga, video or book recomendations?
    Jnana yoga and bhakti yoga, video or book recomendations?
    Bhakti yoga is the most beautiful spiritual practice.
    If done 'correctly', bhakti yoga can be quite potent.
    If I remember right Sadhguru said it's the quickest way to mahasamadhi. His wife did mahasamdhi as a result of bhakti yoga.

  3. Recommend me some meditation techniques
    Recommend me some meditation techniques
    Can also recommend "The Mind Illuminated", best book on meditation ever.

  4. Recommend me some meditation techniques
    Recommend me some meditation techniques
    Download a metronome app for your phone.
    Turn on it on and follow every tick and tock with your mind. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the tick and tock. Keep doing that until your mind becomes focused and clear.
    Binural beats are also very good for just calming down a noising mind.

  5. How long does the present moment now last for in time?
    How long does the present moment now last for in time?
    @Holygrail The present moment doesn't "last".
    "It" doesn't begin or end. Thus, it's in-finite. It is eternity. 
    "Motion" is an illusion created by memory. It's the idea that there is something continuous that goes along in the course of time. But there is only what is. 
    Motion - Stillness
    That's a duality. When does a thing move and when does it not move? There's no difference. The boundary is imaginary. 
    Nothing moves. But equally, nothing rests.

  6. How long does the present moment now last for in time?
    How long does the present moment now last for in time?
    @GreenWoods My difficulty with this was that in the back of my mind I still had a belief that motion was happening in time. When I inspected my belief I saw that time was always part of any theory I came up with, albeit in the background. If you see clearly that time is a total mental construct you realise that there is no other option but that the shape shifting IS taking place, its just not happening in time. This moment is eternal. 
    Its so ingrained into us that there is time and space that we have enormous difficulty shaking it off. Its part of our sub conscious for want of a better phrase. 
    I found the best way to understand is by simply imagining a world where thought doesn't exist. It seems silly, but it works wonders for me. It's then easy to see through so many things. 
    We still perceive the shape shifting, but then to call it motion would be a step too far. In fact, to even consider the problem of understanding this as an issue at all is a step too far! Thought on thought on thought........ 
    Rupert Spira has a great episode on this. I'll try to find it. ?

  7. Leo, marketing question
    Leo, marketing question
    To build on this as someone whose full-time business is to write blogs/articles to help companies rank higher in Google search results...
    The really low-quality stuff like keyword stuffing and other things have long been patched. But search engine algorithms themselves are still a valuable tool. In my opinion, more than paid advertising.
    The thing is that you actually have to deliver valuable content that answers a question or solves a problem for someone.
    OP, don't even look at it as marketing. Just put out high quality resources to help people for free. When you deliver value, you get value back.
    Just in my spare time, a couple years ago I created a blog with 25 posts that just provides useful information and answers questions to people. It consistently gets 4,000 unique visitors per month for the past year or more, even though I've put 0 effort into creating new content for it. What is that worth in marketing terms?
    You need to learn to Google basic things man, or you'll never get anywhere in business.

  8. lesser known ways to LUCID DREAM
    lesser known ways to LUCID DREAM
    Maybe try a heavy dose of sativa brownies, and a benadryl immediately at bedtime. Hmm I might try that ?

  9. EQ > IQ
    EQ > IQ
    I figured it out.
    I now understand why I feel so damn old and tired of this. I understand why it felt to me like I was a father to my mother. I understand why I have difficulties truly connecting to anyone. Why I always climb down the ladder to meet them at their level. I understand why everyone keeps telling me my whole life that I seem so mature for my age.
    It's not because of anything I know. Heck; I know way less than many of those people. I am completely ignorant when it comes to some of the stuff they know and do. I always admired how well they handled stuff that to me just made absolutely no sense. For a moment; I believed I was somehow less than them, because I did not possess those skills or that knowledge. I felt small in their presence. I felt like a child in a grown up's world. 
    Then, one day; I woke up. And for the first time I saw my face in the mirror. I saw myself as I truly was. As I never dared to believe. In that moment; it was all clear. Everything clicked into its place; flawlessly. 'Them' included.
    I am a feeler amongst thinkers.
    I feel what they say before I analyse the content of their words. And it's not really 'before'...It happens simultaneously, obviously. But it's like I can read and sense everything instantly. Before they even finish their sentence. I feel how they move. Are they tense or relaxed. In resistance or in flow. And all their word salads... That's pretty much just noise to me. More or less; unnecessary information. Garbage, even.
    No. I'm not trying to say that I'm an alien. Or an old soul. Or anything like that. And I'm also not pointing towards me being God in this post. This is me talking about my 'human experience' - if you will. Everyday life.
    What I'm saying is... simply that I'm wired to feel, while those around me are wired to (over)think. To me it feels like we literally exist on two separate planes of existence. Interacting somewhere 'in the middle'. On a third plane. It's kinda sci-fi; if I think about it.
    So why do I say EQ>IQ? Seems a bit arrogant, right?
    Well, for many reasons. The most important things in life are felt, not thought. The deepest truth and the most incredible beauty is felt and not thought. Let alone spoken.
    Why am I so mature? Why do I feel so ahead of my time? Because of EQ. I guarantee I am familiar and comfortable with a whole pallet of emotional colours, that 99% of people don't even know exist. And those colours are entire worlds. Filled with wisdom and beauty. Timeless truths and wonder.
    As I am now; I can only thank a 6 year old boy, who had nothing and nobody. I can only thank him for answering the call of Love. Love that came knocking on his door in the form of Music. 
    Music healed me the same day I was wounded. I was dealing with what I was going through, as I was going through it; through music. I had an outlet. I also had a parent. A real one. One that loved unconditionally. I listened to music and it listened to me. It was a love unlike any. Not a hobby. Not an entertainment. It was everything. It was life. From the very first encounter.
    To put it simply; I was dealing with my shit from a very young age - to the best of my abilities. I did not let that much stuff pile up. I did not disconnect - as everyone around me slowly but surely did. I had a relationship with my emotions. A very deep and strong relationship. And it only got deeper and stronger over time. The level of sheer commitment and dedication that little boy had... it's just unspeakable. It was his one and only chance. One and only way. So he took a vow. It was an oath. 
    And WOW the benefits.
    Other than occasionally having difficulties relating to a world that functions based on coldly calculated precision - I could not be in a better spot. I seriously feel like I've got the best seat in the theatre. And if that's coming from someone who was extremely insecure and felt incredibly small and insignificant until just a moment ago... then it must be true.
    I even came to like the whole cerebral, neurotic mumbo jumbo. Its slow. Laggy. Loopy. It's extremely limited and predictable. But there is beauty in it. And most importantly; there is purpose for it. It gets the job done. It's great for going from A to B and nowhere else in-between. It's an ignorant, a bit dumb and boring but very efficient straight line.
    That's why when I hear someone use big words but speak from an emotional space of a traumatized 12 year old... I chuckle. Or get furious.
    When actually; I should deepen my compassion for them.

  10. Objection over 'does a water bottle exist when i leave the room'
    Objection over 'does a water bottle exist when i leave the room'
    All you have to do to know what is true is to look at what is literally true in your direct experience.
    It's that simple.
    Things are exactly what they are, not what you think they are. Stop thinking that things are somehow other than what you see.
    The chief delusion of man is thinking things are somehow more than they appear. Appearance is exact. Meanwhile your mind is full of shit.
    If you see half a bottle, that's what exists: half a fucking bottle. If you don't see a bottle, that's what exists: no bottle. Stop thinking there's anything more.

  11. Lao Tzu didn't care for meditation?
    Lao Tzu didn't care for meditation?
    a discernment should be made in semantics.
    First we must ask ourselves what meditation actually means? Meditation is not concentration, these are two very different things. Most people confuse meditation with concentrating on non-movement, but if we watch closely we should be able to see that concentration implies resistance (to accept one thing and deny the other), the resistance of the movement of thought (by concentrating on silence for example).
    We can see that meditation requires awareness, if we see that then we must ask ourselves:
    what place does awareness have in meditation? and also what does awareness imply? Awareness implies attention and observation, saying these 3 are in relationship with each other still implies a duality (a separation). If we clearly See this then the next question should be:
    what place does observation have in awareness? and what does it lead to? A complete attention holds no center, which means there is no subject from where this attention arises, if there is a center then this is called concentration. This complete attention from which there is no center leads to complete observation, and out of that observation is born a Total Awareness.
    I think Lao Tzu meant that this concentrating which is what most people call 'meditation' makes the mind narrow because by concentrating, the mind cannot become clear. Observation leads to an understanding of what IS because there is no 'meditator' to agree or disagree with whatever arises. the 'meditator' completely dissolves within the act of meditation and therefore becomes the act itself.

  12. Lao Tzu didn't care for meditation?
    Lao Tzu didn't care for meditation?
    Not sure where you’re getting this information from. Vajrayana has some of the most overly complex meditation methods out there. Practitioners spend time visualizing elaborate deities, remolding their identity through these images to see the fluidity and emptiness of the personal identity. Im not a Buddhist scholar, but I wouldn’t classify this tradition as the “highest” Buddhism if we’re going off of what the Buddha actually taught, based off of the Pali Canon. Meditation and Buddhism are inextricably linked based on this text. 
    Overall, I would say one needs to explore this for themselves. Meditation is very likely to help its practitioners suffer less, be happier, understand themselves more deeply, love more openly, appreciate the world, and find a spirit of giving within themselves. Never mind the fact that there are countless reports of meditation being an effective method for full blown enlightenment. 
    Someone who’s truly awake will see the wisdom in honoring each individual’s path. Whether that path includes meditation or not is for the individual to decide, but the likelihood of someone reaching enlightenment without spending significant periods of time in some kind of silent, reflective environment is low. 
    Practically this means, try meditation or dont. If we do, we can trust gut with whether it resonates. The intelligence beyond our identity will guide us with whether to pivot or go deeper if we have the wisdom to listen. 
    On an aside, the ego will do everything in its power to justify NOT sitting down in silence doing nothing. 

  13. How to Stand up For Yourself?
    How to Stand up For Yourself?
    'Hey what are you laughing at huh? What's so funny? "
    The 48 laws of power is a good book for not just assertiveness but strategic capability to social interactions (which usually has a power dynamics bs involved.)
    Also keep in mind, some people are irreedemably toxic. Better run once you detect the hint of toxic red flags. 

  14. 5-meo-dmt Legality In Europe
    5-meo-dmt Legality In Europe
    Search for ayahuasca international, they do retreats in different countries in Europe. I was on a three day retreat and got back home this Sunday. There you can smoke bufo alvarius which contains 5meo dmt which I did twice while I was there. 

  15. Fresh Juicing
    Fresh Juicing
    My favourite fruit lately is Canadian wild blueberries; I go through a giant 1.5kg package every week or two. They are SO GOOD! I'm not much of a fruit eater other than doing that green smoothie thing.
    They're a lot smaller than regular blueberries:

    Haha, this is like an ad, but it explains it:

    It also has lower sugar than cultivated blueberries, and blueberries (and many other berries) also have less sugar than other fruits.
    Generally, if you have wild berries, especially if they're grown in harsher climates (like Alaska or something), the antioxidant content will be WAY higher because plants develop these antioxidants in order to survive, basically.

  16. Pentagon Confirms New UFO Video
    Pentagon Confirms New UFO Video
    Steven Greer has literally 1000s of UFO recordings and is teaching a course on how to contact them, so they materialize in the sky. The course is called something like The Galactic Ambassador.  I have done it and its easy. A few weeks ago I have seen a UFO that was the size of a football stadium.

  17. Corona Cult
    Corona Cult
    It depends on your criteria of what counts as "knowing". If your criteria is 100% certainty, it would be impossible to function in the world. One could spend 100% of their life studying a pencil and still barely scratching the surface of how it works.
    To function in life, certain assumptions need to be made. For example, when I drive a car I assume that other cars will stop at red lights and stop signs. Without that assumption, I wouldn't be able to drive. At any given intersection, I don't have 100% certainty that other cars will stop for a red light: there is a small possibility a car doesn't stop, runs the red light and injures me. Yet if I let this small uncertainty rule me, I won't be able to drive a car and function. There is a certain degree of trust that goes into they system. 
    One assumption you are making is that there is a significant risk of the vaccine. I'm not saying that's wrong, yet that is a HUGE assumption that will alter how you perceive reality. Imagine if I thought the tree outside my house can harm me. If I assume this to be true, it will alter how I perceive reality and interact with reality. You may think this silly.  . . yet what if I asked you "How do you know the tree won't harm me? Do you have any experience studying trees and tree demons? Have you studied botany?". You aren't 100% sure the tree won't attack you. So, what is your threshold level of certainty to not fear the tree?
    It seems like you have foundational distrust of R&D and clinical studies. You say that the forum lacks critical skills, yet here you are not showing any critical skills. There is evidence-based research and claims that lack evidence or misconstrue evidence. It takes critical thinking skills to differentiate between good evidence-based research and misconstrued evidence. This takes time and effort. It isn't easy. Yet you don't seem willing to engage in critical evaluations - you collectively blow off all studies as "we can do studies for everything and design them so that they confirm what the study designers want". That is very intellectually lazy. You are doing the same thing you criticize others as doing. 
    This is a very simplistic view. It is much more complicated and nuanced. Masks most likely reduce the Ro (contagion) of coronavirus spread, yet clearly don't eliminate it. That brings up naunces like: what variables effect the effectiveness of masks? Which masks are most effective? How does crowding affect mask effectiveness?
    Ideas like "I don't like wearing a mask, so I won't wear one". "People can make up any study about masks, I won't believe any of it" - is a very simplistic mindset. 
    You are acting as if all perspectives carry equal weight. Some perspectives are more reasonable than others. Plus, there isn't enough time to investigate every claim to 100% certainty. Someone could claim that Bill Gates designed the vaccine for mind control. This isn't just a "different perspective". It's a batshit crazy perspective and it's a waste of one's life to check out every batshit crazy perspective. 
    There is a balance between personal desires and social welfare. Let's say that I love to drink a bottle of vodka while driving on highways. Why shouldn't I be allowed to do it? It feels so GOOD!! Isn't my personal experience king?

  18. If 'success' is not the way, then what is?
    If 'success' is not the way, then what is?
    You should chase living an authentic life aligned with your top values, your top passions, helping spread truth, consciousness, love, and beauty across the Universe via which ever way most excites you and suits your unique strengths and talents.
    You are right that you should not just sit around twiddling your thumbs. You should be constantly working on your life purpose and evolving yourself towards that end.
    Life is short. Don't squander it sitting around in confusion and inaction.
    False success is chasing what others tell you is good.
    True success is devoting your life to expressing the Love that you have for the world in your unique way, and doing so skillfully and eagerly.
    False success will not make you happy, but true success will.

  19. Sadhguru Radical Claims
    Sadhguru Radical Claims
    I stayed at Sadhguru's ashram for 6 months and was in close physical proximity to him countless times but I didn't have any verbal conversation. During these 6 months, I did all his programs and completed the 8-day silence program called Samyama, which is the culmination of all the programs he offers to the general public. Before going there, I was heavily influenced by Leo and his teachings which really amplified after my experience with Psychedelics (before going to the ashram). I even met 4 different guys who came there because of Leo and we instantly clicked. Two of them are on this forum.
    When he says he can explode people with energy if you sit with him, it has been very true in my experience. I have had several very intimate moments with him during the monthly Satsangs but the strongest one was during the 8-day silence program where he personally conducts it. I don't want to go into too much detail about my experience because it is so subtle and nuanced, putting it into words wouldn't do it justice. However, if I put it very bluntly, one time my eyes locked with his during a Satsang and I felt a huge burst of energy within me and everything just ceased to exist in that short amount of time. Another time I had a near-death experience during the silence program(Samyama). It might not have looked like that for someone looking from outside but in a very short span of time (5 mins), I went through mountains of suffering and I came out of it feeling like a clean slate. I sweated as I have never before in my life with my t-shirt drenched, without making any physical movements. Just staying still. 
    I was very skeptical before going to the ashram and also I made a post about it on the forum before going. From my experience, it is really difficult to dismiss what I experienced. At the end of the day, this is still some random person saying something on the internet, please don't take my word for it. Do your own research and make your best judgments. I have also met people who have felt nothing. 

  20. Most comfortable meditation position?
    Most comfortable meditation position?
    Hey guys, I've been kneeling for meditation but my legs lose circulation at around 30 minutes and go numb. 
    I'm switching my position to make it to an hour. Tried sitting on my chair but its unbearable! 
    I dont know what it is but it's really alien feeling to sit on a chair to meditate. 
    Any suggestions for a comfortable position? 

  21. Legit Powerful Mantra Recommendation
    Legit Powerful Mantra Recommendation
    Can anyone here recommend me a legit source for really powerful mantras for transcedental meditation ? In the times of social media it's been extremely difficult for me (not knowing much if at all about mantras) to differentiate between people that have legitimate knowledge and people that just hunt followers and clicks.

  22. I've been to hell - My experience with "hell realms".
    I've been to hell - My experience with "hell realms".
    I don't take it at all.
    A hell realm is not for no reason. It's there for the reason that God/YOU wanted to experience it. It's part of Love.
    A hell realm is just a bad dream. God dreams infinite dreams, so what is a hell realm to him? Just like a bit of daydreaming to you. Does it bother you when you get a stray daydream? No. It's just a natural function of your mind. You never ask, "But why was I cursed with that evil daydream?"
    God isn't so invested in the suffering as you are.

  23. I've been to hell - My experience with "hell realms".
    I've been to hell - My experience with "hell realms".
    This is something that has happened to me that I will never be able to forget! I've been to hell and it's not what you think. I am referring to hell experiences against your own human finite will. Not some some hell created by the ego mind. I'm not saying these ones are easy, these can also be very painful and cause suffering. I'm talking about something beyond your imagination and control, haha. I did not find much good content regarding hell realms here on the forum and that's why I want to share my experience. I've been to places I would not even wish for my worst enemy. I can not explain it better than Leo Gura; "Careful what you wish for. Degrees of suffering are possible the likes of which your mind cannot conceive."
    I did mention some of this experience in my previous post about paranormals, but now I will go much deeper. I have witnessed a total destruction of the human mind in every possible way. It all started five years ago when I went to college. I lived a fairly ordinary life, had good grades and hung out with friends in my spare time. I remember that I began to feel shifts in my reality but it was not something I focused on. I began to feel restless and bored. It felt like I wanted to travel the whole world. I had an incredibly hard time sitting still. Many of my friends started commenting on my behavior and appearance almost everyday but like I said, this was not something I focused on. I began to experience difficulty with my concentration due to the restlessness. It continued like this for a few months until the symptoms worsened. In the beginning I could handle this emptiness with food and luxury vacations abroad, but later I started going through really shady experiences. Many of my friends started hating me for no reason at all. It was not just my friends but all the people out there. I remember being beaten and threatened by completely random people on the street. There came a period where I did not even dare to to go out for a walk because I only attracted "bad luck". It was completely insane because I had not done anything wrong. Even my relationship with my own family started to fall and soon I was almost completely alone in this journey. There were some childhood friends who stayed with me but our relationship was never the same. After a while I was involved in an accident where I broke five bones. I was bedridden for months, not to mention the horrible pain from the surgery that I had. just when the foot had healed, I managed to break it again by another accident. I started having problems with the police and my house got robbed. It became so intense that I had to drop out of college. 
    This is where my whole life took a turn. I started having massive episodes of panic attacks and anxiety. I was cold sweating and my heart was pounding so hard all the time. I started having problems with social interraction which led to social anxiety and extreme self-consciousness. My mental health began to collapse and I began to experience many "mental disorders" like OCD, excessive paranoia, worry, anxiety, depression". After a while, my physical health also began to collapse. I started having arrhythmia attacks and dizziness where I could faint. My heart could then beat 250 beats per minute and it felt like dying. I ended up in the emergency room and the doctors could not explain my illness so I was prescribed blood pressure medicine which helped slowing down my heart beats. I started suffering from other diseases such as POTS and gerd. All I told you was dancing on roses compared to what will happen next. This was just the beginning!
    My energy levels totally crashed and that's when I started abusing drugs. I started using ADHD medication like Adderal and Vyvanse to get through the day but it only got worse with time. The comedown I got with these stimulants was very severe so I stopped using them and switched to analgesic/painkillers. Then things started to derail. I was stuck in a substance abuse problem that made my situation worse, but after a while, I chose to quit cold turkey after an LSD trip where I had many realizations, including that I should stop running from my issues with the help of drugs and start dealing with them instead. I am a person with an incredibly strong will so I managed to go through the worst that lasted a few weeks on my own. My mind was a mess and the suffering got so bad that I had to self actualize everything. I started exercising daily to cope with the anxiety. This helped allevate the symptoms that I had for a while until it got worse. I started having frequent nightmares and severe memory loss. My energy levels got so low that I could not even get out of bed and I started hallucinating dark clouds and other scary shit. I lost my ability to speak and  formulate myself. You absolutely do not want to know what my thoughts looked like at this point... INFINITE MADNESS is a good way to describe it. I was scared from things that did not even exist, but it was so real. After all, everyone creates their own reality. Mine was HELL. It is impossible to describe the darkness I felt. Its like describing God, words are not enough. Imagine a bad trip on psychedelic times 10 without the total ego loss. Remember, at that time, I only cared about survival. It was not like I was sitting in my bed thinking about how bad my life is, NO! I just wanted to survive the hallucinations and the low energy levels that led to extremely negative thoughts that could not even be stopped with all kinds of meditations. I was close to dying at the end. I did not even have the energy to scroll on my phone. I sat there desperately hoping this would end. Anyway, I was very lucky to survive through this. One day I wanted to try one of those chakra balancing session online but instead I found out that I had suffered from black magic / voodo. It was done by a women in my college for selfish reasons. The spiritual healer I contacted was also a psychic so he could clearly see what I was going through. I can almost say that what happened next was worse than the experience itself. 
    Now it was time for the cleansing process. My spiritual healer explained that I was incredibly lucky to survive through this and that my situation was critical. He explained that many evil spirits were attached to me in addition to the black magic itself. I also had lots of blockages / negative energy that required intensive cleanse. The cleansing was on distance (Time and space is illusion) and the symptoms I had to go through were insane! The healing process was very very tough. It was full of hallucinations, visions from spirits, visions from past lives. It felt like I was on chemotherapy for several months. I had nearly all the symptoms you could think on nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, fever, muscle twitching, extreme pain, red eyes, severe insomnia, depression, anxiety, intense dark hallucinations and paranoia. This process lasted several months, Yes, I'm not kidding. Anyway, I managed to survive from this hell and today I feel 1000 times better than I did before this experience. This experience has made me so wise since wisdom comes through suffering. Life is so fucking easy now. Its infinite goodness of just sitting and staring at a wall. WOW! Sorry for any grammatical or spelling mistakes, English is not my first language. Much love and light. 
    "Maybe you have to know the darkness to appreciate the light"
    ― Madeleine L'Engle

  24. [Technique] Transcend Masturbation by Opening the Pleasure Chakra.
    [Technique] Transcend Masturbation by Opening the Pleasure Chakra.
    We all seek pleasure. It comes in different forms: sex, passion, creativity, intimacy, friendship. Yes, we hang out with friends for the same reason we masturbate, that's why we say "It's been a pleasure to meet you."
    The point of this exercise is to cultivate an inherent sense of pleasure to not have to rely on external sources like masturbation or social acception/people pleasing.
    You will also cultivate qualities of the pleasure chakra/second chakra/sacral chakra/swadhisthana like: passion for life, increased energy, ability to deeper connect with people, empathy, tranquility. The muscles in your lower abdomin will relax which will benefit your lower back and bladder.
    You can get to a point where by doing this chakra opening exercise you will be floored by the amount of pleasure, healing and motherly embrace you feel. Just like you can feel love emmenate from your chest as your natural state, you can feel pleasure emmenate from your lower abdomen.
    You will probably have some resistance to surrendering to pleasure completely. This must be recognized as a dysfunction. Cutting yourself of from happiness is never a wise idea. An enlightened person is perfectly happy, that's the ideal. By saying this I do not mean to endorse masturbation, it wastes energy and sperm. It decreases the amount of pleasure that can be achieved through this exercise. Doing this exercise will give non of the negative side effects of masturbation. I also don't mean to demonize masturbation, it's just an ineffective way to feel pleasure. As you keep practicing this technique you will naturally lose interest for masturbation, no need to torture yourself with extreme abstinence.
    This is in essence a tantric technique, used by serious yogis to reach enlightenment through the energetic path. This is the real deal, not just some side dish.
    I recommend you do the technique for 30 minutes, or up to an hour, to feel it's full potential, but any time spent on it, even 5 minutes, is positive.
    I recommend you take a nice shower before the technique. Water and cleanliness are subconsciously connected with swadhisthana.
    Sit or lay down. Deeply relax. Imagine that you are having an orgasm. Produce the feeling in your whole body. Then isolate the feeling of pleasure you feel from it. Pleasure is not inherently sexual so decouple the pleasure from the sexual part of the orgasm. Don't make the energy flow out through the penis like it does during ejaculation. Expand that feeling you your whole body and radiate it from your body. Bathe in it. Surrender to it. Breath deeply and on every out breath feel a wave of pleasure wash over you starting in your lower abdomen and going out to your whole body. Visualize it if it helps. Make the area of origin the area that feels the most pleasurable, this will most likely be the somewhere between just above the hip bone on your stomach and above the first vertebrae in the lumbar spine. (This is the area of swadhisthana.) Dissolve any tension/contraction/blocked energy you feel into pleasure. This should make you feel tranquil. Just like an orgasm there shouldn't be any struggling, the relaxation should be complete. Dissolve yourself in it. Don't contract yourself into it.
    Just this will take you far but there are additional alterations you can experiment with:
    Infuse this pleasure with love. This will turn it to more of a healing embrace, which will make it even more healing. Imagine the archetype of the divine mother, an infinitely loving, infinitely wise mother(in no way connected to your material mother). She might take the form of a guru you like or I prefer an avatar made our of radiant, beautiful light, or maybe she is more ephemeral. She loves and embraces you completely, even in ways you are not currently capable of. Now, open up your sense of pleasure towards her. Open yourself up to her embrace. You can visualize her embracing you physically or witch radiant energy targeted at your swadhisthana. Listen to her say the things you wish you heard from your physical mother. "You are completely loved and embraced". "I love you unconditionally". Don't make her say these things. Open yourself up to her communication. Her actions cannot come from your ego, then they would not be coming from the divine mother. Your ego cannot be involved in her actions, that would ruin the purpose of summoning her. However you can ask her things and you will receive. If she ever acts in a way that is less than perfectly loving and wise than that is really coming from your ego and should not be taken as her words. Open yourself up to her to the full extent of your ability. Chant aloud or mentally the word KAM but draw it out along your breath. Feel it vibrate in your lower abdomen and creates pleasure. (This is called bija mantra.) Feel the pleasure emanating from the middle of your head(kutastha, middle of 3rd eye chakra) instead of swadhisthana. (This works since all chakras are reflected in 3rd eye chakra.) It opens the 3rd eye chakra simultaneously with swadhisthana. Do mula bandha(google it) to increase the intensity of the pleasure by increasing prana/energy/life force. If you have an overwhelming amount of energetic blockage, crying therapy could help to let it out. Open up you hip bone. Stretch your lower stomach. Visualize yourself in nurturing water. Water is subconsciously connected to swadhisthana. These are more like guidelines, don't be strict about them. Whatever works for you is the correct technique. Let your intuition guide you.
    Similar techniques can be used for the other first 4 chakras: comfort for muladhara, joy for manipura, love for anahata.
    For more information on the swadhisthana chakra, read the chapter in 'Wheels of Life' dedicated it. You can find a pdf of the book online. This will make you aware of the unhealthy mindsets and thought-patterns you have that are keeping this chakra closed.
    For more information on techniques for healing chakras i recommend Tara Springett's book The Five-Minute Miracle. This technique is appropriated from her.
    Good luck!

  25. Life Coaching for High School and College Students
    Life Coaching for High School and College Students
    Hey there. 
    Seems we both became interested in pursuing coaching for our life purpose at nearly the same time  
    In the couple weeks I did research I luckily discovered some great resources.
    Some are paid though.
    evercoach (from Mindvalley)
    - this one has amazing free guides to coaching and the business of coaching
    - also offers two books which come with courses (personally bought them recently, didn’t get a chance to look into it)
    - do offer some free courses there
    - also videos on their TYchannel
    Eben Pagan and James Mel offer coach training and there’s some free stuff from his Virtual Coach Program and more.
    Podcast wise:
    1 Insight by Rich Litvin
    iPec Podcast maybe (One Idea Away)
    Other sources. 
    Leo’s page somewhere on where he writes a little about the difference between Coaching, Consulting and Therapy. In case you didn’t stumble upon it already.
    And some of Leo’s Life Coaching Threads on the forum.
    Care to expand on the “outdated” part? I’m curious. 
    Got two of those bools already.