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About Thomas_VH

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  • Birthday 06/21/1998

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  1. A problem with Leo’s EXPECTATIONS video
    A problem with Leo’s EXPECTATIONS video
    @Ineedanswers Yes, especially if you are average in that domain.
    When I make predictions about important things I try to be conservative. I try to look at worst-case scenarios to temper my hopes. I also look for what at the typical results people get, not the exceptional results.
    For example, if I'm looking at a business program that says some of it's students are earning $10k/month, my first question is, "But what are the results of the TYPICAL student, not the top 0.1%?" And the answer will almost always be something disappointing like: "The typical earnings are $100/mo."
    But even though it's important to be so conservative, you must also leave room open for exceptional results. So you should know what results are typical and then shoot for the exceptional results by working harder, smarter, etc. Obviously there is something exceptional that exceptional people are doing to get exceptional results. So you must discover what that is and then be willing to work hard to get it. Or pursue some other thing if you feel you won't be capable of exceptional results in this domain.
    You need to get really honest and clear with yourself about which domains in life you have a reasonable shot at getting exceptional results it. Most domains you will not be able to do it in. You have to really align it with your top strengths. See my Life Purpose Course for help discovering your top strengths.
    It's basically impossible to get exceptional results in a domain which is not your top few strengths.
    For example, mathematics is not a strength of mine so I will never get exceptional results in that domain, and therefore I avoid it as much as possible to focus my energy elsewhere.
    Strategic focus is key. You must be ruthless with how you allocate your time and energy so you are not spreading yourself too thin. Focus all your energy on a few key things which really matter to you.

  2. Coaching - How To Start
    Coaching - How To Start
    There are affiliated websites i have seen where you have a list of coaches and people can find you there.  I think you have to pay the website a fee or something and they put you there. For example if i write : "Coaching in Belgium, i can find such a website". It includes relationship, career coaching etc. People can also leave you reviews there to help your reputation. Could be a good way to start. The coaching market is not very saturated i think (at least where i live, idk about other countries) so people will find you if they search a bit.
    Maybe also not charge a lot in the beginning to make yourself a better option for people that may not afford it a lot. I find coaching prices to be ridiciously overpicked (300 euros for a session like wtf).

  3. Coaching - How To Start
    Coaching - How To Start
    @28 cm unbuffed Realistically you need to complete a coach training program. You have no idea how to coach people without that.
    Once you have the coaching skills, then it's all about finding clients.

  4. Coaching - How To Start
    Coaching - How To Start
    Hi. I think that right now I have tons of knowledge and experience and I would love to start coaching people to: 
    1. Get some kind of experience in teaching self-development
    2. Create a side hustle that could help me to make money (so I can leave 9-5 and do my purpose full time).
    I have a YouTube channel, that I think in time might become my "brand" icon from which I can gain clients, but that might take some time to grow, and I would prefer to get some kind of income and experience right away.
    Do any of you guys know how it's possible to start with something like that from scratch?
    Thank you in advance for your answers!

  5. Quit my full time job to work for myself
    Quit my full time job to work for myself
    @KennedyCarter - Work 80 hour weeks. You will kill it. Make every day memorable by doing hard things. 

  6. The materialist argument on consciousness seems convincing
    The materialist argument on consciousness seems convincing
    Plotinus, Anaximander, Anaxagoras, Berkeley, Sextus Empiricus, Heraclitus, Einstein, Spinoza

  7. The materialist argument on consciousness seems convincing
    The materialist argument on consciousness seems convincing
    That is your worldview.
    You keep imagining shit and then acting like it exists independent of your imagination.
    That's the whole game you are playing. There is no other game in town.

  8. Are other people's opinions of me important?
    Are other people's opinions of me important?
    @Chris_Esoteric it's a matter of personal style. Whoever we are we have a need to fit in and be accepted, it's normal and ok.
    But some people are "internally driven" and some people "externally driven".  For externally driven people they derive meaning and purpose from what's going on around them, for internally driven it all comes from the self. Each has it's pros and cons, neither is wrong in any way. You just seem to be externally driven. Someone like Leo is most likely internally driven. Note, that this is not the same as the difference between introversion and extroversion.
    So what to do? Not much, other than to look for a better balance, a mix of both styles. But mixing styles can seem like venturing into a foreign land.  Maybe one way to learn to be more internally driven, is to create goals for yourself regularly and achieve them. Others might be to keep a journal, or have some hobbies that you derive personal ambition from. Or simply introspect a lot more and learn to understand yourself better. 

  9. Becoming financially independent
    Becoming financially independent
    There are literally limitless ways to make money. It’s not actually a do what you want vs make money to be able to retire scenario. That’s more of a ‘first glance’, and the matrix is already perfectly at quota on agents. 
    Why not take Leo’s LP course now?
    Life’s quick. 
    Let the “thinker thinking” concept go. Receive instead. Infinity’s not running out of insight, passion or inspiration anytime soon. All ‘you’ gotta do is utter the words so to speak, ‘move mountain’. 
    “When I’m feeling stuck and need a buck I don’t rely on luck because”

  10. Creating sexual vibe
    Creating sexual vibe
    "Its not about what you do, it's about how you respond to the way she responds to what you do." -James Marshal
    "In every successful seduction there should be at least one or two moments where she denies your advances simply to see how you respond to and handle her saying no. And usually shortly after you pass the test she is open to more physical contact with you." Alex from TNL
    "Learning how to touch a girl physically and read her signals to know when to back off is critical. Guess what? when you back off the physical touch, she will be even more attracted to you because you demonstrate you're not a fucking idiot and you can read a social cue." -RSDTyler 
    Learning to skillfully physically escalate with presence and awareness is the key to sexual escalation. Combined with strong eye contact.

  11. Creating sexual vibe
    Creating sexual vibe
    @bensenbiz Eye contact and physical escalation is all you need to turn an interaction more sexual. After reaching the hooking point, and after she feels comfortable with you, look at her as if you want to f her brains out. You must exude this energy. No weird facial expressions, just intense eye contact and vicinity.
    She must intuit that if she is left alone with you, you will pull the trigger and nail her down. 

  12. Question to Leo regarding day game
    Question to Leo regarding day game
    You don't need to demonstrate much high value during day game. The direct approach itself is enough, plus your confidence, body language, and humor.
    And of course you will suck at all that when you start. But you will improve. Just start approaching. Things will tend to auto-correct the more you do it.
    Lying isn't really necessary. You can literally make up stories and tell her you're making them up. For example, you can start telling her about how you and she are sitting on a beach in Hawaii drinking pina coladas. You can be very imaginative and fantastical with your conversation such that you are just spinning funny future-stories of you two together. And then you're not lying, it's just fun conversation.
    If you want interesting stories to tell, you can also just read a magazine or newspaper every day before you go out. That way you got some fresh material to talk about every day. You can tell her stories of interesting things you read in a magazine.
    Metal Floss magazine is good for this:
    It's just random factoids and weird stories.
    You can also just come up with stupid stories to say. For example, I would often open girls with the following: "Hey, me and my friend are starting a new business. It's a nutrition bar company. We will make nutrition bars from used up apple cores, Chinese newpapers, and bubblebees. We're calling it Bzzzzz. You should invest in our company." I got my first girlfriend from that stupid story.
    When you say stupid things, they don't have to be real or true and they don't count as lies because it's a joke.
    #1 rule of talking to women: Don't be serious. The dumber you are, the better.

  13. What is "Her Game"?
    What is "Her Game"?
    Her game is playing coy and pretending sex is special.
    A girl's game is very sneaky. It's the game of pretending she isn't playing a game. She's so good at it that she perceives it as reality itself.

  14. "Never push for sex. Let her pursue." - Daniel Schmachtenberger
    "Never push for sex. Let her pursue." - Daniel Schmachtenberger
    In this context, if sex is close to happening, she's already attracted to you. We are talking about a much further phase in the process.
    Attraction >> Rapport >> Seduction.
    This is the Seduction phase. If your seduction is failing, you fucked up at the Rapport phase. Once you're past the Attraction phase, she is guaranteed to sleep with you as long as you handle the Rapport and Seduction properly, and you squash all the logistical obstacles.
    You gotta practice and master each phase. Attraction and Rapport are the hardest.

  15. How to make a woman orgasm multiple times?
    How to make a woman orgasm multiple times?
    This answered the question, shes loosing all her sexual tension after the first orgasm and its not being built up again fast enough for the next orgasm.
    Looks like its not entirely the mans responsibility. 
    1) Learn to build up sexual tension again
    2) Pelvic floor exercises, learning to use vaginal wall muscles
    3) Low every in everyday life = not enough energy during sex
    4) Proper breathing, relaxation, letting go of trauma
    5) Edging control

  16. Is it right to be explicitly sexual and say rude things?
    Is it right to be explicitly sexual and say rude things?
    Turn that shit on it's head!
    Tell her that she reminds you of a pig. In a joking way.
    "Okay, okay, I guess you're kinda cute, but I bet you snore like pig."
    "Awww... Look, you have little hairs on your leg. Reminds me of a pig."
    The hotter the girl, the less you should compliment her beauty. Hot girls get complimented ALL THE TIME. What the hot girl really wants is a guy who has the balls to call out her bullshit and who is not impressed with her hotness. You have to be strong enough to be able to own her.
    You must treat hot girls as though they are not hot at all. She must feel that her hotness does not impress you.
    My general rule is I don't compliment women, and if I do, I try to do it sarcastically. Mostly chumps compliment women. It's a low value move. Make her work for a compliment.
    She's not the prize. I am the prize! << That is the proper frame of a high value male.
    Attracting hot girls is deeply counter-intuitive. You're doing everything backwards, which is why they run from you.

  17. Day game: minimizing flakes
    Day game: minimizing flakes
    It's harder, but practice more improv.
    Asking women questions upon open is terrible. You quickly lose her with your interrogation. Instead, either make funny assumptions about her or talk about yourself. My fave way to open is just telling her about my day or where I traveled recently. Travel stories are the best.
    Stop the questions. Make statements. Learn to carry the entire conversation. You should be able to talk for 5 minutes without needing any input from her.

  18. Day game: minimizing flakes
    Day game: minimizing flakes
    Always hard stop a walking girl. Run in front of her with a bit of extra room, do a u-turn and stop her cold.
    Opener can be anything, but something like, "Hi, I know this seems awkward, but I just saw you and had to come talk to you. Don't worry, I'm awesome."

  19. How frequently am I Supposed to text a girl?
    How frequently am I Supposed to text a girl?
    Not necessarily true. You want to ask them on a date sooner than later, but just not SO soon as in within the first 4-7 messages. Your conversation before asking for a date should just be simple, like or a funny story, or a chat about your hobbies. Only a handful of messages over the course of a few days. THEN you pull the trigger and say you want to get to know her more and suggest a low investment date like a walk or ice cream.
    The biggest and most obvious no no to avoid is asking endless questions and having a conversation with walls of text. You want to get to know each other in person, not over the phone.

  20. If you think you are attractive, you are; if you think you don't, you don't
    If you think you are attractive, you are; if you think you don't, you don't
    Exactly! This works for girls too. When I was a little overweight but channeling intense levels of confidence from spiritual practice I had people flirting with me all the time. 

  21. Leo is confusing me with the in front of friend grip titty groping swag
    Leo is confusing me with the in front of friend grip titty groping swag
    The problem here is CONTEXT.
    Flashy game requires EXTREME CONTEXT AWARENESS.
    When you pull off a move like groping a girl's tits, you must be damn sure she is attracted to you, it is in a socially permissible place (like a nightclub), and you must do it in a non-creepy way.
    In the case of me doing that, I first ask her for verbal permission.
    "OMG! Your boobs are amazing! May I squeeze them?"
    She giggles and says, "Yes"
    Then you squeeze away.
    This is not nice guy behavior. This is boss behavior. If you can pull that off, you've got some serious skill. There is no way a creepy newbie can pull that off with a hot girl. That requires hundreds of hours of practice and attunement to her emotional state and the social context. You would never do such a thing at a cafe during the daytime.
    When you are very experienced with game, there's a lot of outrageous stuff you can get away with. But not as a creepy, awkward, inexperienced newbie. Situational awareness requires years of experience to dial in.
    Well-calibrated, non-creepy physical escalation is an art form.

  22. Leo, have you done no-fap?
    Leo, have you done no-fap?
    When you got no creative outlet, no LP, yeah, you'll be jerking off multiple times a day. But when you cultivate a serious creative outlet you will be so busy you will barely have time to jerk off a few times a week.
    Idle hands (and minds) do the devil's jerk
    The less you pursue higher spiritual pleasures the more you will pursue lower carnal pleasures.

  23. Leo, have you done no-fap?
    Leo, have you done no-fap?
    Your understanding of how semen works is silly.
    Your semen will be expelled from your body within a week or two if you don't ejaculate it out. It will come out in your urine.
    Semen is a LIVE and precious substance. You do not get to keep a batch of semen brewing in your nuts for a lifetime, Lol.
    Apes and monkeys jerk off on a daily basis. Nothing unnatural about it.
    What's truly unnatural is you not busting your nuts for years. And it's almost certainly bad for your health.
    The idea that ejaculation is bad for your health is absurd. You are basically a sex machine. Ejaculation is what you were born for.
    You would be better off if you just owned your sexuality.

  24. Recommend me some meditation techniques
    Recommend me some meditation techniques
    The Mind Illuminated
    Rob Burbea

  25. How to feel love ?
    How to feel love ?
    "Love is not a doing, but an allowing. It is a relaxing into your true nature. Love is a joy of being. An acceptance of the right of all things to be. And a delight in the expression of all things as they enjoy their right to be. Once you allow yourself to sense this energy flowing through you, you will find that the flow will increase. One day, the dam will break and you will be flooded with unconditional acceptance for everyone and everything. "