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About Thomas_VH

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  • Birthday 06/21/1998

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  1. Hi all, Is there anyone here who used to suffer from chronic pains and has actually managed to completely get rid of them? If so, could you explain the steps you undertook to do this? I have been suffering from some stubborn tension and pain in the left side of my neck for about 5 years now. I tried some obvious fixes like going to a chiro, working on my posture and sleeping position, doing different kinds of yoga, meditating and generally living a stress-free life but so far to no avail. I got a massage the other day and the masseuse told me she felt a lot of built-up tension in my shoulder/higher back area and this might be causing the issue. I'm guessing this is stored trauma/stress from back in my childhood. Any suggestions are appreciated!
  2. It's actually a common misconception amongst laymen that the Big Bang model supposedly explains the origin of Existence. Cosmologists don't claim it caused the origin of Existence but rather it describes the emergence of the present universe from a pre-existing state. Science has no clue about the "origin of Existence" because of the cultural blind spots and scientific dogma. Stage orange worldviews like atheism are only possible if you are deeply entrenched into rational and cultural dogma. Any serious person who spends a few hours contemplating Existence would come to the conclusion that atheism is one of the most ignorant worldviews out there. Even logically and statistically it doesn't make sense. The irony. Atheists don't believe in any sort of miracle except for Existence itself apparently, because the odds of Existence existing are stupidly low from a logical perspective. Also, these rational/atheist types are some of the most ignorant, closed-minded and arrogant people I've ever met. This arrogance is just part of stage orange I guess.
  3. Stage orange worldviews are only possible if you are deeply entrenched into rational and cultural dogma. Any serious person who spends a few hours contemplating existence would come to the conclusion that atheism is one of the most ignorant worldviews out there. It's like you said; Even logically it doesn't make sense. The irony. It's actually a common misconception amongst laymen that the Big Bang model supposedly explains the origin of existence. Scientists don't claim it caused the origin of existence but rather it describes the emergence of the present universe from a pre-existing state. Science has no clue about the "origin of existence" because of the cultural blind spots and scientific dogma. Also, these rational/atheist types are some of the most ignorant, closed-minded and arrogant people I've ever met. This arrogance is just part of stage orange I guess.
  4. I doubt you'll find any meaningful truths about consciousness within academic literature, as it is deeply entrenched with materialism. All academic accounts of consciousness will probably assume it to be a feature of brains within biological organisms. I'd love to be proven wrong, though.
  5. Z-Library is a great resource, a kind of real-life cheat code if you will. But if you find a book you genuinely like, consider buying it to support the author(s).
  6. Like you said: Stuff = Nothingness. You just need to recontextualize how you view physical reality (aka stuff) to realize first-hand this Truth.
  7. Thanks for sharing your insights! I've recently been interested in healing my childhood trauma and your post is going to be a great help. I hope you can leave all the nasty stuff from your past completely behind you one day.
  8. I feel like this is very much a personal thing; If you feel like it could help you, then use it. Otherwise, don't.
  9. Well, that's exactly what you're saying about them. Good question; I think a forum is a great place for discussing different POV's, as long as they aren't closed minded dogma. As per this case, I am under the impression that you created this thread because you were upset about the other thread going around about the LOA? I personally don't think LOA falls under closed minded dogma, at least not the idea of it. But your question remains, who is to judge? I guess we should leave that to the mods. Question why you feel that others should not fall into dogmatic traps. Is it because you care about raising Collective Consciousness, or is it because your ego wants to be proven right? is it 50/50 perhaps? I'm not saying it's either one, but the answer to that question could reveal some interesting insight about yourself and your personal progress. Ultimately this will forever remain a gray area of which the people in charge of the forum will get to decide what goes and what doesn't, as with all groups within society.
  10. Highly conscious people also struggle maintaining their positive habits from time to time, that's no indicator of you being low-conscious. Don't beat yourself up for having a backlash, these are neccesary moments of regression which make big progress possible in the future. Everyone has these. It seems to me like you are having a bit of a hard time adjusting to all these changes in your life, which totally makes sense. I also get the impression that you are not sure what you really want to do in life, have you discovered your life-purpose yet? Are you working on that? Is a University degree really something you feel like you need? If it is, then it is worth the temporary struggle. If not, then find something else to pursue.
  11. Oh my, this is such powerful stuff. Thank you so much for sharing! I meditated very deeply after watching this and had a pretty big (at least for me) awakening experience Thanks again!
  12. From what I've read, it is a real thing but it is incredibily difficult to learn, even for extremely gifted individuals. I'd say it is the most difficult to learn psychic ability. Many people chase psychic abilities, especially pk, from an ego point of view, because it looks cool to flex on their friends. That won't work. You need to be an extremely mature, developed and dedicated individual to learn pk. Personally I have not seen anyone perform pk, so take all this with a grain of salt.
  13. In light of the full moon (ha ) of tonight (UTC), I would kindly like to ask you if you want to share with me your full moon rituals/activities if you have any. Personally, I believe this is a great time to let go of negative influence and behavior and to strengthen intention. I'm curious what you all think. Thanks
  14. Do you really want to waste your energy on preaching green/yellow/turqoise to an entire orange forum? No matter your proof or articulate skills, they won't have it. That's what it means to be orange. I'd say there are better places to help people discover the truth than to be a lone wolf on an orange forum. Good luck if it's something you'd like to pursue anyways, I'm sure other people can help you better with how to debate this person.