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Everything posted by Parththakkar12

  1. @Serotoninluv Okay. Do you believe that becoming conscious of the dysfunctions in the movement can be helpful for the movement to get results? Do you believe that the oppressed party can benefit from this?
  2. Lol man you just had to come in and save the day, didn't you?! You absolutely believe in progressivism that 'It's the one right ideology', don't you?!?! I know you'll call this concern-trolling just cuz I said that maybe it could be dysfunctional in some ways..... I know your gambit....
  3. Who's taking away their space?!?! Feminism is as rapacious as has ever been. Feminism isn't bound by the constraints of society as it is anti-society (I'm equating society with patriarchy here). When it comes to progressive thinking and visualization, sky is the limit! As far as guiding them through goes, Stage Green can be idealistic and resistive. I believe in showing them the ground realities and saying 'This is the reality. For your own sake, I hope you stop resisting it. All change you can get will be created in reality!' There are people who will just project on feminism to deny the dysfunctions of the patriarchy. They are the majority of people in fact so the assumption you make is understandable. However, some of us will show you the dysfunctions of it from a space of genuine care for the movement. When this is the case, the intention is to look at the dysfunctions and resolve them, so as to get the best results in terms of social change. It matters for your ability to actually achieve progress!
  4. My explanation for this is that Stage Green is Tier 1, which means it will think in Black and White terms. The ability to hold 2 opposing perspectives in an unbiased way comes only at Stage Yellow, which is Tier 2. Stage Green can believe in relativism in an absolutist manner! It can also become rigid with being progressive and conformist in a non-conformist way.
  5. I've faced this a lot on this forum! There's a lot of denial and trivialization of the shadows of feminism. The line of thinking goes : 'You're either with us or against us. If you're looking at our dysfunctions, that means you're against us and therefore all the labels associated with the patriarchy apply to you! Misogynist, chauvanist, sexist, etc.'
  6. Oh there's lots of feminists here! Anyone of you can answer me. The whole admin and moderation team is feminist for the sake of this conversation.
  7. Question for feminists : When someone shows you the dysfunctional aspects of feminism, do you really think they're denying women's oppression/inequality against women?
  8. Feminism is understandably well-intentioned. Society has its problems and inequalities and Stage Green emerges when Orange wakes up to this. All I'll say is that fighting evil with evil creates more evil. The solution to oppression of women would not be hurting men, instead it would be an increase in Self-Love! This song came across as being made in bad taste towards men. It was a female-centred stereotype of how the biggest douchebags behave and generalizing it to all men! Very few men I know 'mark their territory' and behave this narcissistically. The perception of men being total narcissists is a female projection on men. This doesn't help anyone. Now I know someone will say 'Women have been facing this for centuries! Let them have their revenge.' By all means have your revenge! You are free to create as much evil as you want. Lets just not pretend though that it's not vengeful towards men and that it's only about empowerment for women. Rebellion is not freedom!
  9. Somebody needs to make a response song to this titled 'The Man-Hater'!
  10. I figured it out. The issue with these people is that they don't believe in their ability to find someone compatible. Their problem isn't really with relationships, it's with incompatibility which comes with it! They don't actually believe compatibility is possible, cuz all they've seen is incompatibility. That's where the thinking of relationships being a distraction from your purpose comes from.
  11. I'd suggest you watch more of her videos. She has an authenticity movement!
  12. A few interesting points about India : 1. If you're stuck in a crowd that you want to cross, don't say 'Excuse me' cuz the person in front of you won't hear you. Instead, just push them aside and go ahead! They won't mind cuz that's how shit works here. If you push them aside, that's treated like an 'Excuse me'. 2. If you make eye contact with people here, they'll assume that you want to talk to them and they'll either get nervous, or start talking to you! People generally ignore each other on streets. 3. If you smile excessively, that's seen as supplicating behavior/weakness. The more of a pokerface you can have, the more people respect you! 4. Pragmatism is everything here! The more pragmatic you are, the more you'll be relatable to people here. 'Jugaad' is the Hindi slang for pragmatism here. 5. Say you're trying to talk to someone who is busy at the moment. The decent thing to do here would be to wait for them to make eye-contact with you, right? Don't do that!! Instead, interrupt what they're doing and push through what you want to say. They won't mind cuz that's how shit works here. (Of course this doesn't apply to formal situations lol) 6. People will not stop talking about their culture/religion/family here. If that's your jam, you're in good hands! 7. Talk in as literal terms as you possibly can. For example, if you're giving someone advice, the PC thing to do would be to say 'If I were in your shoes I'd do X'. If you say that, they'll say 'But you're not in my shoes! I'm in my shoes so what you're saying doesn't apply.' Instead, say 'Do X!' 8. People here are unapologetically judgemental as hell. If you're from a first-world country, you'll find this incredibly hilarious! People here love to gossip and talk behind people's backs. 9. Be prepared for tons and tons of unsolicited advice on everything!! If someone gives you advice on something, understand that they may not be qualified to know your situation and follow wisely. The way they think is 'I know something about the situation you're describing to me! This is what I know.......' (may or may not be credible) 10. Life in general is more of a grind here. Persistence is the key! This is what I can think off the top of my head! I'm sorry fellow Indians, I'm letting our secrets out.
  13. To everyone who's freaking out about this, Trump is not the only alive human people worship here! People worship Rajinikanth, Amitabh Bachchan and other actors too. It's plain-old fanaticism taking on a religious flavor!
  14. The best we can do about this is expand our sense of Self-Love to include them.
  15. @Anna1 I'll tell you what I think is going on. Stage Orange has fully materialistic goals and lives fully in the physical. Love? Can you quantify love/compassion/relatability? If not, then it doesn't exist. Sex is the utility of relationships and if your goal is sex only, then the whole relationship thing adds complications to a transaction that can be very simple. Stage Orange doesn't care about forming relationships! I know, it took me a long time to realize this as I've wanted a committed relationship for most of my life. This is a case of mental models and worldviews being fully materialistic and simply tuning out emotional needs. If/when that changes, hurt from past rejections will become a lot more relevant in their relationship life. We consider 'objectification' to be this dirty word in society but the reality is, if you're really physically oriented (which is true for Stage Orange and below) all you see about a human being is a body which looks a certain way, says certain things and does certain things! You won't feel empathy at these stages.
  16. I'm starting to wrap my head around what they're actually doing. They call it teaching, but what it really is, is indoctrination. 1. There's a lot of focus on memorization. What that means is that they want kids to blindly take on what they're saying in class and program themselves with it. They call this 'learning' when it's programming. Real learning would be happening if the minds of kids were actually expanding because of school activities. 2. The exams are standard, easy and have a low passing percentage. What this means is that they're aware, in an odd sense, that their curriculum isn't really useful and that their goal isn't really to test the abilities of their students, but rather to just put students through 12 years of indoctrination in a specific regimented environment. 3. In an odd way, religious people really like school! They see it as 'The temple of knowledge where the "teacher" is the Holy light-bearer of knowledge and is the doorway for knowledge for the students' and so on. School is a hold-over from religious indoctrination camps. 4. Giving tons of homework is a cult programming strategy, believe it or not! Keep them busy so that they don't have any time to question what's being fed to them. In fact, lets make them write out what they're programmed with so that it sticks. School doesn't care about the individual, but rather it's a tool of society to integrate kids into mainstream society. The method is to indoctrinate kids with the religious/materialistic/nationalistic/scientific worldview of mainstream society. This has an underlying assumption that the ideology of mainstream society is 'right' and 'should be taught to kids'. There's always this air of 'The "teacher" is always right' and 'Mainstream society has the one true ideology which all kids should accept blindly'. The more I look at this, the more I see that it's not the job of the school to help kids learn useful things, cuz they can't do this for all kids who have unique needs! That's the job of the kid's primary caregivers. Note : I keep putting "teacher" in quotes cuz they're teachers by the mainstream definition, not mine! When a real teacher talks their students get mind-fucked.
  17. This really sounds like the caste system/class system to me! It's like saying 'You should marry within your caste cuz if you don't, the upper caste will feel fucked over.'
  18. @Arcangelo Don't settle! Only women who are incompatible with you will reject you. So if someone rejects you, understand that the two of you are incompatible (for which-ever type of relationship you want). Now if you're getting attracted to incompatible women, that's your issue to work on. I'd suggest channeling your sexual energy and basically getting more creative in life in general (cuz sexual energy is creative energy). Getting to know yourself sexually also helps. People who tell you to settle have their own shadows. Understand that and don't do it!
  19. Of course they're lying to themselves! I'm interested in what could those lies potentially be, and what is the truth?
  20. A : 'I want a relationship so bad I can't see straight.' B : 'You don't need a relationship for the following million reasons.' Why are so many people eager to prove to each other that you don't need a relationship/relationships?
  21. Is it passive, as in, unable to assert her boundaries, or being more and more feminine and receptive? If it's the latter, you're in good shape!
  22. This may or may not have anything to do with what Leo is saying. But it's in the same general topic. I'm thinking about why are emotions associated with femininity, cuz men have emotions too! What I'm seeing though, is that the patriarchy makes an enemy of emotions in general. The reason for this is that the patriarchy values these things the most : productivity and child-rearing. Up until this point, emotions have only gotten in the way of efficiency! Said 'masculinity' and 'femininity' are actually patriarchially defined and have nothing to do with the polarity of masculine and feminine energy. There is an element of hardwiring and evolution, cuz if men embody the masculine and women embody the feminine, masculine energy is more forward-moving and goal oriented whereas feminine energy is more flowy, receptive, non-linearly directed. But, there's also the element of patriarchial socialization which exacerbates the dysfunctional aspects of it.
  23. Leo said 'flirting is implicit'. I feel this is a cop out to avoid having clear communication about sex/turn-ons and be vulnerable about it. What do you think? Also, say I go and rape someone and then spring this 'Oh I thought that consent was implicit! It was so much fun for me that I wasn't paying attention to you. Sorry, too bad' would that be okay? It's not supposed to be clear, right?