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Everything posted by Parththakkar12

  1. The problem with porn is objectification. If there's objectification going on, it primes men to not respect women. This is a very subtle energetic thing where if you feel the dynamic, you'll realize whether it's an objectifying dynamic or not. A woman can be fully nude and come across as sexually empowered and respectable. Likewise, she can be fully covered and come across as a sexual object. This is relative to the specifics of the situation like her own attitude towards sexuality in general, the culture of the country, etc. Being objectified is a dangerous situation for a woman as it can attract men who don't respect you.
  2. That's not what I mean! The rational mind is not about expanding love, it's about material, tangible success/achievement/productivity. Growing your capacity to love is more of an intuitive thing which happens when your consciousness expands.
  3. That's exactly what he'd want you to think! He is very good at saying just whatever gets him power and support from the masses. He will attack you if that triggers a situation in which the collective is for him against you. He'll lionize you if that makes the collective idolize you. He is just purely opportunistic when it comes to power-grabbing and he has no sense of ethics. He lacks strategic thinking and he'll just give an ego reaction if he's attacked. He's saying he's looking out for America's survival cuz that's what gets him the support of conservatives! Doesn't matter what he actually does.
  4. At Stage Blue, I understand that hard work is considered virtuous and it's important just to survive. At Stage Orange, I understand that in a competitive world, you have to defend your ass against competitors trying to take away your lunch. So it takes a lot of hard work to be the best in the field. Enter Stage Green, does this change? Is it possible to have a life purpose in which you aren't working hard cuz you're paranoid about survival? I'll give you an example. I'll tell you how I buy consumer goods. If I see something I really really like, subconsciously my decision to buy it has already been made. If it's really expensive, I'll hem and haw a little about whether I want to spend the money, but buy it I will! For example, say a watch. I'll be really drawn to a specific watch, even though there's similar watches 'competing' with it alongside. If you ask me to compare the watches, I'll say 'All of them are good watches.' But I'll spend my money on only a specific watch. The point I'm making here is that I connected with the taste of the specific designer of the watch I bought, but it didn't happen with the other watches. It's the relationship between me (the consumer) and the watch company (the seller) that really drove home the sale! There was no competition there on an energetic level, even though there may have been physically speaking. You can say that the other watch companies failed, and the company of the watch I bought succeeded in the competition. But maybe if you look at it energetically more closely, you'll see that I didn't fit their bill when it comes to their target consumer whereas I fit the bill of the company whose watch I bought. When it comes to picturing your ideal consumer and trying to connect with their need you're trying to meet, that's not necessarily hard work. That involves intuition, genuinely caring about meeting their need and putting in the work to do so. In fact, if you work too hard, maybe you'll miss important details like this! This discussion has gone into territory that doesn't necessarily belong in this sub-forum. Feel free to move it to the right one.
  5. Ah okay. I found a semantic gap. When I asked the original question, my definition of hard work was : grind-work you don't want to do but do anyways cuz you 'have to'. When you say hard work you mean long hours of work. This I'd be on the same page with.
  6. Empirically, maybe what you're saying is true. Technically though, I'd argue with this. My claim here is that it doesn't technically matter how hard you work. Technically speaking, Success=making the sale. You make one big sale/deal, you could be all set! Making that sale though would require you to take ownership of the professional relationship and really understand what the other party needs from you, and have a good professional relationship. What do you think? Where would hard work fit into this model?
  7. Out of curiosity, is this what you call a non-duality war?
  8. Your in-depth systemic analysis on the whole COVID situation would be much appreciated!
  9. A lot of animals have a play impulse, which is a survival impulse. This includes humans. Humans have a biological emotional need to play together, whether it's sports, games or sex! Pleasure-seeking is also an animal survival impulse.
  10. The absolute self you're wanting to identify with doesn't have needs, so there's no lack there. But, the body does have needs and you will feel the lack physically! So you're both right and wrong. You will realize that you don't control your body, that you don't really own your body. This won't make needs of the body go away, and it also won't mean that the body isn't part of you anymore. Maybe you're lacking integration of duality in your non-duality. That's a lot of work. Good luck with that!
  11. This precisely is what I wouldn't agree with. I'd suggest you meditate on how desire actually works, how egoic needs work and actually observe the dynamics that happen in your body.
  12. That is precisely true. It is ego as is all survival. What you're missing though is that enlightenment won't make you 'ego-less' or 'self-less'. There are some parts of you that will be committed to the survival of your 3D human body all your life. You have multiple egos, egos within egos within egos. All collective egos are part of you as this universe is a fractal universe. The death of one of those egos won't make your other egos die. The more you awaken though, the more aware your ego will get.
  13. Please list potential challenges that could come in the way of actualizing this vision.
  14. Another important collective ego dynamic which happens with Tier-1 (especially Stage Blue) collective egos : Open-minded people get demonized, ridiculed and ostracized. Collective egos tend to be closed-minded, dogmatic and ideologically tribal. In such a situation, if you are out there questioning all ideologies and narratives, you will be made fun of, demonized and ostracized because you 'can't see the obvious truth' or you are 'worried about nothing' or you're just flat out 'weird'. This is a huge issue, as collective egos get very heavily attached to the concept of what's 'obviously true' or what's 'true by common sense'. This gives you a license to be closed-minded and dogmatic with no checks and balances of what's actually true. 'The mainstream narrative is the mainstream narrative because it's true' is a huge myth. This is especially evident because the mainstream demonizes and shuts out open-minded people, so the general collective isn't really deriving the mainstream narrative by open-minded investigation. Rather, more often than not, the mainstream narrative is just rumor that spreads through the grapevine of closed-minded people! Another example of this is the statement : 'If you have a problem with our society, maybe the problem isn't the society, maybe it's you who is the problem. Our society is the best society!' Being open-minded comes with huge costs in today's society. It will cost you belonging in the mainstream society. You will not really have an ideological tribe. You may even lose out materially/relationally because of it. Most people are too cowardly/chicken-shit to pay these costs for the truth. It's just pure cowardliness and survivalism that's keeping our society unconscious. That's why we have our collective egos battling each other today!
  15. @Leo Gura Out of curiosity, do you consider anti-vaxxers conspiracy theorists? @LaucherJunge I completely understand. In every hierarchial system the leaders will spread a narrative that benefits only them individually and it's on the people to do their own research, fact-check everything the leaders say and ask them the tough questions. That's the only way to have a democracy that's really transparent.
  16. There is only one solution to this issue : People step into mental autonomy. The general public needs to take responsibility for what they believe and don't believe. If you don't you are literally asking to be mind-controlled.
  17. Spiral dynamics is a model of psychological evolution which you can apply to masses of people, or the average person. You are a special case. I have never heard of someone wanting a life like you want! Models have their limitations, i.e. they can track general trends and they're used to generalize. This sounds like a challenge you'd have from excesses of Stage Green. You sound like you're trying to run away from a system, which you'd otherwise be reliant on for survival, but you don't trust to be on your side to help you create what you want. You are trying to isolate yourself from society. Now that's an absolutely respectable preference, but if you're facing issues with this, this would be my interpretation. This is a major shadow of asceticism in general. If you're interested, my suggestion for you would be to learn systems thinking. My hope for you is that it will help give you context to the aspects of the system you're resisting. Maybe you can learn to connect with the system and understand that it is also a part of you! This could help you create inter-dependent relationships and also give you creative power in the world.
  18. One of the implications of Oneness is that everyone has a part in themselves that sees what's true. Some resist it more than others. So, all conflicts in perspective/perception are resolvable and will be resolved given enough time. In a Blue/Orange society though, there is no fundamental belief in the Absolute Truth of Oneness. Say we have a situation in which 2 people perceive 2 different things. The one who agrees with the mainstream more will be considered 'true/right' and the other person will be called 'crazy, deluded, conspiracy theorist'. This is the opposite of what we want to do if we're to raise the collective consciousness. Once we understand what this whole process of evolution/expansion is, we understand where ideas come from. Original ideas come to you universally as a result of open-minded questioning, contemplation and exploration. The ideas that come to you will be the ones that naturally serve the expansion of the universe, which is all the universe cares about. This is the whole basis of trusting your intuition in consciousness work. In our society though, there is also no awareness of how intuition works, where ideas come from. Stage Blue especially, hasn't stepped into logical autonomy/conceptual autonomy/mental creativity so they don't know what an original idea even means. In fact they don't really believe in original ideas, why would they if their forefathers have figured it all out?! They believe in indoctrination so strongly, that if someone comes up with a crazy idea, they'll say that it's a product of wrong indoctrination. So if someone comes up with crazy-sounding ideas, it will automatically be dismissed as delusion, when in fact the one with the most original ideas is the closest to the truth!
  19. Another important thing : The demonization of 'conspiracy theorists' or whstle-blowers is something that is used by the mainstream leadership as a Blue/Orange tactic to suppress perspectives that go against the narrative they try to peddle. There's a very specific reason this works : Most people are ideological, i.e. by definition, SD Tier 1 cannot hold 2 opposing ideologies in their mind without getting attached to either one of them. They will be attached to the authority meeting their needs. In exchange for this, people (especially SD Stage Blue) will buy into the narrative hook line and sinker and get attached to it cuz they essentially worship the authority! If they don't buy into the narrative, they have to admit that they're being deceived by their leaders, who are supposed to have their best interests at heart (like a parent would), which is waaay too painful to admit for them. It would mean massive change in their perspectives and in the world/system they live in, which they fear the most. What this means is 'conspiracy theorist' becomes a pejorative term and it can be used as a term of collective slander. Slander tactics are employed by the leaders in order to create a perception of us vs them, like 'Those evil conspiracy theorists/quacks/hacks/phonies/nutcases/traitors/heretics/cult leaders/money-greedy people will try to corrupt/infect/fill your mind with all sorts of nonsense BS, but we're here to protect you from them as we care about our civilization/culture, which is the best civilization...' Slander is a well-known tactic used by mainstream media to create collective distortion of your perception in order to collectively incite panic/hatred/disdain/contempt/disgust/fear/anger relative to the object of your slander. A prime example of this is Fox News. They will slander people who are against Trump and call out his shenanigans, people who are pro-choice, people who want any sort of change. They will sneak in their judgements in their 'objective reporting' and create potential for rumor. There is only one solution to this : The whole society evolves to understand that morality is relative and judgements are subjective. Because we are attached to being good people at all costs, being judged negatively is equivalent to death. Only raising of the collective consciousness can resolve this situation. As far as conspiracy theorists go, I think they deserve a fair chance because of the nature of our hierarchical systems and the way our collective survival works.
  20. There is one thing David Icke said which I can confirm is 100% accurate : The mainstream leadership DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT about the general public. They will propagate whichever 'truth' serves their agendas, damn the consequences to everyone else. Now I haven't done a lot of research, but I have done a little bit of contemplation. The conclusion I've come to is that it's perfectly possible that the elites are lying through their teeth about a bunch of important stuff. What he says is not only very well within the realm of possibility, it is the logical conclusion of the way people live and the system we have. Look at my posts on the threads 'Collective Ego Mega-Thread' and 'Creating Social Change' for my reasoning behind this. People expect the leadership to be just, fair, responsible people who govern them democratically, without understanding the brute realities of collective survival. We have a part to play in the proper functioning of democracy, and that is to do our own research and find the truth for ourselves. If people don't take responsibility for their citizenry, we get an authoritarian totalitarian state which uses every trick under its sleeve to gain control of people's minds, their realities. At Stage Orange, they won't overtly take away your freedoms, they'll instead control your reality, what you believe according to the materialist paradigm and use technology to their advantage. There are oligarchs up there who will not bat an eyelid when it comes to peddling a narrative which serves their agenda.
  21. Will the election even happen though, in light of COVID?
  22. @Hello from Russia There is a problem with using the high-achievement attitude towards this work. Ask yourself 'Who is it that wants to 'achieve enlightenment'?' Then if you get an answer 'Me', your next question is 'Who is this 'me'?'. That's where I'd take my self-enquiry if I were in your place. Achievement is something the ego wants. You can get all the results you want in your life by having an achievement attitude, except enlightenment and good relationships. The problem with this attitude in a relationship context is that relationships are inherently vulnerable and you can't 'achieve' a good relationship by only your own efforts.
  23. @Ya know I don't think it's possible to succeed at sports without Orange. There are certain things about Orange that you have to integrate, like goal-orientedness, the willingness to push your limits, the willingness to leave your comfort zone and take massive action, teamwork/team spirit, the desire to be strong/belief in your strength, competitiveness, etc. You will fail if you don't have these qualities in your personality/value system.
  24. Now you may have a question : 'Say we have a democratic system in which the higher-ups are supposed to consider the perspectives of the people below them in the decision-making process, in theory. Which means, in theory, there is supposed to be discussion on important decisions between the higher-ups and representatives of people below (say between CEOs and union leaders) But that doesn't really happen in practice, i.e. the higher-ups are controlling the narrative and the discussion is controlled by them, and the people below them keep getting deceived. What's the problem here?' This is a case of people below not really asking the good questions to the people up above. If you're gonna keep your eyes closed to the reality of abuse of power committed by your authorities, the system will be transparent in theory, but in practice it'll function like an authoritarian system where the higher-ups have all the control and the perspectives of the people below isn't counting. Now the people below have valid reasons to not ask the tough questions to the higher-ups such as : Not wanting to let go of authority that protects them, even when they know that abuse of power is happening Everyone in the system is a stakeholder and one change you propose could change the lives of everyone involved. Therefore people holding on to the status quo won't appreciate your efforts to change the system, and there could be politics against you which could be a threat to your position in it. You don't feel autonomous enough to leave the system if the higher-ups there dodge your good questions. You don't have an alternate strategy of meeting the needs the old system was meeting for yourself Even if the higher-ups genuinely want to solve your problems, you don't have good enough solutions for them that they can implement. This could be an issue of a lack of their competence for their position, like they as a person are incapable of solving your problems even if their position allows/requires them to. This is also a lack of knowledge on your part on what they could be doing that they aren't for selfish reasons. You go overboard with this and propose solutions that aren't really implementable, and you're gonna have to trust them to be on your side when they tell you that it's not implementable. Learning systems thinking, learning about your system, which needs it meets and how would be a good idea in such a situation.
  25. At Stage Blue, people don't have an autonomous conscious mind discerning which beliefs are worth considering and which beliefs aren't. This makes them very easy targets to indoctrinate. As a defense mechanism to this, they start clinging very heavily to good vs bad/right vs wrong. If you make a statement they consider right, they'll be totally on your side no matter what, and if you make a statement they consider wrong, they'll attack you metaphorically/literally. The reason for this is they're insecure with their own beliefs, cuz they haven't stepped into logical autonomy. For more on this check my comments on the thread 'Is India really a democracy?' If you create a hierarchical system of such people, what the person in power says goes because they're gonna claim to have the absolute truth! The voices of people below will be suppressed and the people in power will literally control the narrative. People will value their authority figures more than investigating for and finding the truth, even if their perspectives aren't honored by the system. This is pure authoritarianism/fascism/religion in the best case. The people above will expect the people below to get indoctrinated with the narrative they peddle and not ask questions. Questioning the narrative is seen as equivalent to being a traitor/disloyal to the authority and it will be punished. It won't be seen as good as people will want to cling to the hierarchy more than finding the truth! If your voice isn't heard in a system, you have zero power to change the system. If you want change, the only thing to do is to exit this system and create your own system where you have the power you want.