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Everything posted by Parththakkar12

  1. Yeah, so extend my analogy. The mugger takes your wallet and runs. You have a split second decision - do I shoot him or not? A normal person may not shoot him as that's the job of the COP! A cop may have to shoot him.
  2. Again, not enough time to think this through. Your reaction will not account for any of this.
  3. I just want to mention that we're doing these lengthy debates from the luxury of our homes. You aren't really thinking any of this when you have a drunk guy aiming a taser at you. In fact you aren't thinking anything. You're just reacting. Cop or lay person. If you're a cop, your reaction will be a trained one. It will be to remove your gun and shoot. A normal person will literally not know how to react in that situation, gun or no gun. Imagine you have a gun in your pocket, and a drunk guy with a taser comes to mug you. Say you have the right to shoot him. Will you remove your gun and shoot him? Or will you give him your wallet and let him go? Which one would be the prosaically safer option? That would be the normal person's reaction.
  4. You can have a closed group if you want. I'm not judging your desire for a closed group. Would they enjoy this endlessly? I'm not fully sure about that, depends on the individual and their life motivations. For sure. You can have higher-level discussions on long-term solutions to problems, higher-level analyses of problems in an exclusively Yellow space if you want. Yellow can get lonely and may want to have like-minded people to talk to. Except for one thing - Spiral dynamics is not a skill-set. It's a hierarchy of value-systems. Your personal values will evolve as you move up the spiral. But I get what you're saying. You can do the whole Stage Yellow thing. I personally like the forum as it is right now, because: It gives me the ability to understand ideological perspectives from lower stages. All your solutions ultimately will be for people on lower stages. This will be your gift to them. It is very important to understand the psychology of the lower stages. It reflects the problems of or society more accurately. This stuff is so complex that you will require any and all learning about the problems at hand. Working with emotional triggers are an important key to personal growth, you can get triggered easily on the subforum the way it is now. As someone at Tier-2, most of my work is about taking on Tier-1 perspectives and mastering the spiral. There is a lot of depth in Tier-1 perspectives, they aren't as simplistic as they seem. There is no shame in spending time moving up Tier-1 in other aspects of your life, even if you're at Tier-2 in some areas.
  5. If you have an issue with depending on other people to protect you, there's a few possible reasons - Either you want to be independent of the police, or you want to depend on them but don't trust their capabilities. The first reason is ridiculous to me - why wouldn't you choose to take help from an available police force? If it's the second reason, i.e. you don't trust them to show up on time, I can kinda understand. I personally would trust their capabilities, the police there is pretty darn good. It is interesting to me that it's such a coveted right to own a gun, even though you don't have the right to use that gun to kill people! I wonder what kind of power would you get out of owning a gun.
  6. For sure. The more America moves towards Green (not Orange), the more we'll actually see stricter gun-laws. I feel it's important to see that Blue/Orange in America will be pro-gun. Here in India, it will be different, Blue will be against guns. It's seen as morally bad to own a gun here.
  7. Never underestimate the power of this song!
  8. Maybe I wasn't articulate enough. I want to stress this because this is important - American culture sees guns as a symbol of power. So, if you take away their guns, there will be a huge outcry. It will feel like you're taking away their power. From outside, we can see that guns don't really give you power. Power is something you'd want to wield to get what you want. Guns aren't very useful to civilians in the context of actual, pragmatically useful power. But, because guns are seen as power, people can delude themselves with all sorts of rationalizations. They'll say stuff like 'Guns are useful to keep the government in check. If their rules become too strict, or if they try to stop us from running our businesses, we can fight them! Raawwwrrr!!!' or 'Guns are to protect our freedom!! FREEEEEDOOOOOM!!!!' They currently have a right to own guns. When you take away their right, no matter how useless, people will not like it and they'll respond negatively. It will be seen as the Federal government trying to enslave them and 'TAKING AWAY THEIR FREEEDOOM!!'. It is a touchy and sensitive topic.
  9. If you look at American culture, they highly covet their Second Amendment rights or the right to own firearms. Firearms are not seen as a bad thing in that culture, it's seen as bad here. In the Wild West, firearms were seen as cool, it is part of a large tradition to own firearms. It's seen as patriotic and macho to own guns to 'protect yourself'. It's one of the core values of US in general. I know, it sounds really weird from outside but well, different cultures are into different things! As Leo said, removing guns from US would be like removing the extra drama from Hindi movies and serials. If we understand this, then in a weird way, it doesn't sound as dangerous. I never really felt threatened by this in the US. It is a matter of understanding their cultural morals and ethics with guns. Our culture thinks guns are the worst thing ever, we may also want to question that.
  10. There is only one way to understand Stage Red - emotional consciousness. They're emotionally impulsive sociopaths who can fake morality and can mainpulate their way in and out of other people's morality. They haven't really integrated morality, they don't yet have the capacity to prioritize acting according to an ideology over reacting to their emotions. It is biologically hard if not impossible for them to do that. Because of this, they will try to pull low-integrity behaviors like breaking rules and re-interpreting what they did in a self-serving manner, the way Trump does. If you are able to wake up to the reality that we are all One on an energetic, emotional level, you will be able to take that person as part of yourself. That is when you will really understand their motivations. You will then be able to anticipate their low-integrity behaviors, you will learn to speak their language. All the suffering they cause is due to unconscious behaviors. All unconscious behaviors are mechanical by definition, they don't really feel empowered enough to change it. The fact that it's mechanical makes it possible to anticipate what they'll do. The more in depth you're able to study their psyche and anticipate what they'll do, the better you'll be able to manage them, the more at peace you'll be with them. My mom has Red, Blue and Orange in her. Her center of gravity is Blue. She does Stage Red stuff from time to time - she will do something that's low-integrity, then she'll use smart intellectual rationalizations to justify why she's still a good person after what she did. The reason this is Red is that it's more about proving that you're a good person than about actually being a good person. It's more of Red transitioning to Blue.
  11. I'm seeing people having an issue with the politics sub-forum including lower stages. I don't think this is a problem. In fact, I deliberately take on lower-consciousness perspectives here so that I can have debates from those perspectives and understand them better. The goal here is not to create a high-enlightened perspective that's the most perfect, spiritual and conscious that can look down on all the other morons trying to figure out what you've succeeded in figuring out. The goal here is to own your role as a part of the collective. We don't control our level of consciousness. Yeah sure you can have practices that can influence it, but you can't control it. What this means is that the people out there who are so-called lower-conscious have completely different lives and are struggling with completely different problems than yourself. It is an evolutionary advantage to be more conscious than them as a person. This shows that you are stronger than them, more adaptable than them. You have your niche in the ecosystem accordingly, they have their niche accordingly. If you're at Stage Yellow, what you'll care the most about is integration of perspectives. This involves taking on other people's perspectives, understanding their situation, their psychology, how they see you, etc. You will have a genuine desire to bridge the gaps between the different mental structures by creating lines of communication. Always remember that You are the creator of this world. Which means that you are responsible for the unconsciousness AND closed-mindedness of people around you. Now this doesn't mean that you are to blame for it, or that they aren't responsible, it just means that you are. If you're stuck with unconscious, closed-minded people/society, you can change that situation by learning to communicate with them, becoming more conscious of their perspective. There will always be a way. This world was not deliberately created by conscious people, it unconsciously evolved according to the actions of unconscious people. Therefore it is by unconscious people for unconscious people. Today, as we see more people entering Tier-2, we're entering a new era where for the first time, we can choose the kind of society we want to create. This will require SD Stage Green, Yellow and Turquoise people to empower themselves in the context of their relationship with society. The more this happens, the more we will see a healthy society emerge and replace this archaic society we have.
  12. This guy has a youtube ad that says 'It's your fault that you ain't successful, it's your fault that you ain't prosperous. If you don't have a prosperous life today, IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!' while pointing his finger at the camera. He sells his little guided meditation claiming that it changed his life and made him hundreds of millions of dollars. I saw this ad on Leo's last video - 'The Ultimate Structure of Reality explained'.
  13. This part I disagree with. You don't technically have to be low consciousness to succeed at any profession. It is possible to have your genuine life-purpose be an encounter specialist and do the whole James Bond thing!
  14. LOL!! Now that I think about it, you're right. That was some sensationalism on my part.
  15. Why does the American police enforce 'social distancing' when small businesses want to work, when they want to keep their heads above water? Why don't they enforce the same laws when rioters and looters destroy small businesses? Is this just a mistake? Or is there a deeper, sinister agenda behind this?
  16. Whichever option feels the best to you after you've woken up to the fact that the whole situation is a part of You. George Floyd who is getting killed is a part of you, the police officer with his knee on Floyd's neck is a part of you, the other police officers around are a part of you, the recorder is a part of you, all the protesters are a part of you, all the rioters are a part of you. Even the collectives of the White race and the Black race are a part of you. Once you've truly woken up to all of this, then you will have the perspective of integrated, Infinite consciousness. From this perspective, whichever option feels the best to you will be the highest form of love.
  17. I'd like to know your opinions on what happens after the lockdowns, that is if the lockdowns end. Will we have 'normal life' ever again?
  18. Good point. The materialist paradigm misrepresents their epistemology. It will define what counts as 'factual' or 'true' or 'real' in a self-biased manner! This is a tricky one for our culture to break out of. It affects science too.
  19. There is no such thing as impartiality or unbiasedness when it comes to presenting news. The presentation will always serve the biases of the presenter and their friends up above. I believe objectivity exists as an amalgamation of all perspectives involved. The more perspectives you're able to integrate relative to the subject of your reporting, the more objective your reporting will be. This isn't unbiased per se, rather it integrates everyone's biases to give a holistic picture. Obviously, media today doesn't do this. As news consumers, it would be really good if we can stop considering what they say as absolutely true and see it for what it really is - a perspective. This is a more objective way of consuming it.
  20. I would expect the world crises to prompt everyone to move down a Spiral stage or two. I expect to see more Stage Blue in the near future in America, more nationalism. I think America actually needs Stage Blue. Whenever a civilization/country faces a threat, you need Stage Blue nationalists/experienced conservatives to come forward and say 'Okay. We need to band together and collectively rebuild a new country/civilization. We have a ton of experience with the old systems, so we have an idea of what works vs what doesn't work. We need to guide the youngsters in doing so.' There are certain aspects of Stage Blue that no other stage can provide such as: Unification as a civilization/community. Defining a common good/bad, intuition for what's good or bad for their civilization/religion. This is needed, believe it or not. This can have a unifying effect. Contribution to your community/civilization, stepping up to protect it when it's threatened. This we can see with especially the army. Creating a sense of 'normalcy'. Normalcy or norms are needed for collective survival and they get created only at Blue. Experience with potential threats your collective could face and how they got resolved in the past. This is what they know that youngsters don't know. This is where a lot of young progressives go wrong. I'm not saying that we should 'go back to the rosy old past'. People say that when they get hyper-identified and absolutist with their civilization/ideology/morality which is egotism. What I am saying though is that you need Stage Blue to either protect your current civilization, or build a new civilization if this one collapses. Trump is more favorable to Blue than Biden or any Dem. This is why I think Trump has chances. What do you think?
  21. Lol!! When Trump was asked, how are you going to solve the problem of government debt, he said 'It's easy. It's just a penny here, and a penny there.' That sounds Stage Red to me! Scam someone else and create new problems to solve this one.
  22. Here's my way of assessing who gets elected: The country/civilization faces a certain set of problems. Now, whoever has better solutions to those problems has the better chances of getting elected. But, in the case of today's US, the problems are very complex and systemic. Most people don't really have the cognitive ability to understand the problems at hand. Most people have no clue how to solve them, which means that their understanding of the problems is not deep enough. This is where the elites can fool the public. You can expect a rift getting created between the politicians and the general public. The devil will try to do its work in the shadows. In such a situation, what's in the Highest and best Good for the country is for those problems to come out of the shadows into plain-view. The more clearer our view of those problems gets, the deeper our understanding of them gets, the better our solutions will be. Therefore, whoever mirrors those problems the best, or whoever causes those problems to surface more strongly will have the higher chances of winning! In this case, it's Trump. I know, this stuff can get very counter-intuitive! In the broader scheme of things, you can consider his presidency to be bringing to the surface stuff that needs to be cleaned up. It's basically crisis-time for everyone in the world for this reason.
  23. I wouldn't disagree. (That's as PC a statement as you can make lol)
  24. I can understand it can seem bypass-y. It is not meant to bypass the practical reality of our world today. Practical benefits to Love are that you can see the other side as a part of yourself. Which means that you can see that if you're hurting them, you're hurting Yourself. Now you can still choose to hurt Yourself and understand that You will heal over time. But, you will not let your ego co-opt the whole process and run rogue. It's one thing to participate in a battle to win, it's another thing to understand that it would be the natural thing to do and move accordingly.