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Everything posted by Parththakkar12

  1. When Leo says 'BUT LEEOOOO..' I imagine someone saying that to him in a whiny tone of voice! It's like 'But Leoooo, what you're saying doesn't work cuz of this, that and the other reason. Waaaa....'
  2. @GroovyGuru Here's my unpopular opinion - I don't think this is healthy. I understand that you have problems with Trump being in office. I understand that you feel hatred towards Trump. Having said that, hatred solves nothing. We do not want to be acting blindly out of hatred. That way, we would be reacting to our negative emotions. I think the healthy thing for you to do would be to look at your personal reasons for your hatred towards Trump and his supporters. You will learn a few things about yourself in the process and you'll be able to make more clear-headed decisions relative to who you want in your life.
  3. @Extreme Z7 From what I've heard this guy say, what appeals to him about Trump is the fact that Trump says what's immediately on his mind, he doesn't think about being PC. This can make him more relatable with the average Joe. Trump, because of his crassness, can come across as a 'non-elite', which is closer to home than some far-off 'elite'. What can I say. People's minds truly work in amazingly strange and twisted ways. Especially uneducated people who know nothing about politics, how they vote! Do I have a short-term solution to this situation? No, I don't. In the long-term, the way to prevent this would be for progressives to get really good at solving the common person's problems. If progressives are really able to give people education about politics, improvements in the economy, better healthcare for common people, etc. then these same common people would be voting left. They'd be saying 'Obama's my boy!! His M4A saved my life!!!! I will vote Democrat for the rest of my life.' Progressives will always have a harder time winning elections because their task is harder. It is to actually solve problems that plague society. Conservatives will always have an easier time because their task is easier. It is to poke holes in progressive ideas and defend the status-quo. It is what it is.
  4. A few moments of silence for my sinking heart. This well-intentioned dude.... No man...
  5. Powerful stance! Much respect to you.
  6. @Leo Gura More than a self-help teacher, I see you as a creative artist who expresses himself. You don't really focus on telling people what to do per se, rather you give them ideas that they can use to figure stuff out for themselves. You focus a lot lesser nowadays on selling yourself, the value of your work is pure artistic value.
  7. @Preety_India Out of curiosity, on a scale of 1-10, how feminine would you consider yourself? What's your relationship to femininity?
  8. Here's the kernel of truth in redpill - Biologically, the whole notion of 'survival of the fittest' or 'passing down your genes' is true. If we look at it strictly from a zero-sum game biological perspective, women want to bear the child of the most powerful and successful men so that their genes can be passed down. Here's the kernel of truth in MGTOW - Women aren't angels and being single is better than being in a toxic relationship. Concerns with women, divorce, paternity fraud, etc. are legit concerns.
  9. A few more insights about incels are striking me. The issue of incels isn't that they aren't getting laid, or that they're single, or that they're lonely. The issue of incels is this - Women invalidate the pain of the guy they're rejecting. Women reject guys with the expectation that 'He's a guy, so he shouldn't feel any pain of rejection. All men want sex only anyways, so who gives a fuck.' When guys meet with this invalidation of pain, this is where shit gets really scary. Here's the elephant in the room - there's all sorts of gaslighting going on along the lines of 'If you emotionally feel the pain of rejection, you're weak!!! You're not a real man!!!'. This is emotionally unhealthy collective behavior, where they basically get singled out. This is why they call women 'femoids' or 'robots without empathy'. Gaslighting can make you feel crazy or insane, like there's something wrong with what you're seeing. This is what really causes mass shootings, where they lash out at the public. Mass shooters are subconsciously escalating a situation where they're getting invalidated. This is why they're glorifying rape, glorifying mass shooters, etc. OP, you were asking for a solution to incels, right? Here's my solution - when you reject a guy next time, have empathy for his pain of getting rejected. You don't have to behave differently towards them than you already do, just have some more compassion or empathy. This is the opposite of what feminists will say should be the response. Feminists want to further ostracize them, which will only increase the mass shootings and sexual assaults by them. This way, feminists are creating the very evil they're resisting.
  10. For example, I'm writing a book, being authentic and vulnerable, so that people can see into my authentic perspective. I started doing this because of me wanting to get laid and being surrounded by people who aren't like-minded. I am wanting to teach people about myself, so to speak, so that I can bring in people who have compatible values. I'm not a PUA who wants to bang a lot of girls. I'm more of a long-term relationship guy. Different strategies for different desired outcomes!
  11. Have a Life Purpose that enables you to meet the right people. Channel your sexual energy towards creativity in your Life Purpose. Women love creative men.
  12. @creator20 It's really about what the individual wants. Incels isn't about wanting a relationship, it is about cathartically vomitting your pent up resentment and hate towards everyone and everything and being validated for it. That's the only legitimate reason I can see this collective existing. You're asking about whether the blackpill is true or not. There is a kernel of truth, that looks and genetics matter when it comes to finding a partner. To what degree they matter depends on the individual. Apart from that, it's all BS imo. Their problems are very normal problems. These aren't out-of-the-ordinary problems. This isn't to invalidate their pain, because the norm is pretty painful. It's goddamn hard to solve normal problems of real life. Having said that, they haven't been systemically oppressed or anything, so they aren't owed anything. The individual incels may be working on themselves. But, the collective is just about whining about their problems, not solving them. It isn't a super-big sin to be an incel. If you haven't done a mass shooting, you haven't really done much damage materially speaking. All you've done is rant online. So, if you snap out of your victim mentality, it's really no crime no foul. You can then go on to fix your life.
  13. Oh yeah for sure! It shows why we should be more conscious and not vote for a moron like him in general. He isn't a spiritual leader consciously waking people up, that's for sure. I meant a more feel-good reason that is unique to Trump. Unfortunately for us, his supporters do seem positively passionate about supporting him. Yeah but that's not the majority, right? Most of his supporters aren't rich. A lot of them are uneducated folks who watch Fox News propaganda. Now of course you could say 'Well that's it right there! They're in a Fox News echo chamber, that's why.' Here's the thing - Fox News propaganda is available to all of us, as are your Conscious Politics videos. Yet, they gravitate more towards the Fox News propaganda than conscious politics! My claim was that they find it entertaining, they find Fox News propaganda entertaining. They find Trump entertaining. When it comes to conscious politics, consciously thinking about whom to vote for, you gotta think, you gotta go outside the box. It isn't that immediately feel-good.
  14. Nope. Trump being there hurts everyone's survival agenda. This is the most fascinating part about his presidency. It doesn't benefit anyone, yet he's there!! Why?!?!?!
  15. I understand your frustration. Tbh, I'm running out of reasons trying to figure out why he's up there and why he has all of this support. This is, believe it or not, the strongest reason I have come up with. This is what I've seen his supporters value about him the most. You tell me, what other value do you think he's providing sitting up there and being the clown that he is?! For me, it is a real head-scratching challenge trying to figure out why he's up there. The struggle is real.
  16. It's gonna be big, it's gonna be huuuuuge!!!! People just want to be entertained. Trump is giving that entertainment to them. Is he an idiot? Yes. Believe it or not, this could actually work for him. Sigh. The counter-intuitiveness of life.
  17. So there's a lot of people out there who throw around this platitude of 'I don't have the luxury of being depressed'. Why do you think they do this? What do you think they're misunderstanding about depression?
  18. A human being cannot perfectly be in the state of God-consciousness. A human being is 3D-oriented and wants to survive in the 3D. I don't think his normal everyday state is the same. The realized context of everything being God radically changes your state and you can integrate that as a human. Although he is still human, i.e. he does have a 'normal' human life like we do, his state of consciousness can be radically different.
  19. How would that be a present?! Having a stone just sucks. I don't know what good can come out of it. Very different from giving birth, cuz it's worth it.
  20. @Leo Gura 2024!!!!!!!! Go Leo!!!! Conscious politics ftw!!!!! We're standing behind you. We'll be there if shit goes down. I'm imagining this forum turning into a political party lolololololololollll!!!
  21. @EmptyVase There was a time when I really didn't care about what's going on around me. I just worked on my own life. Then, after a certain point, after I'd created a moderately comfortable life for myself, then I started to feel disconnected from the world. That's when I started to feel motivated to look around at the world around me and see what's going on. There's no such thing as 'spending too much time on your own development.' You need what you need!
  22. Yeah well, I guess repression is better than just reacting to your emotions. It's better to suppress your anger than to punch someone in the face because you felt like it. When I said 'set aside', that included repression in this context. Of course! I will give them credit for being physically big and strong and having weapons and being able to fight. When I said personal empowerment, I meant on a mental level. It takes a certain degree of mental empowerment to be a good person, live peacefully and not be a gang-banger. It takes even more strength to lay down your weapons, trusting that other people around you will not pick up their weapons against you. Here, you're creating a world that will give you your individual safety, instead of fighting for your own individual safety. I said it's subconscious! It's not strategic. Strategy is not even a concept at Red. The whole 'you f with me and I cut your arm off' is a more crude version of Red, the gangster types. There's also white-collar con-artists, like The Donald. These are more sophisticated in their ways of opportunistically exploiting systems, hacking through them, etc. Red people can be smart!
  23. Oh yeah! The thing is, the human mind is ideological, regardless of whether you see that or not. At Blue, you gain a certain degree of ideological autonomy, in that you clearly know what you believe/stand for and you will be able to set aside your emotions and act according to your ideology. At Red, you don't have that level of personal empowerment. Your mind has not developed to the point where you can hold on to a fixed ideology. You aren't owning your ideology and standing for it. But, the human mind is ideological by nature. This means that the ideological nature of your mind is subconscious. What will then happen is that your ego will subconsciously co-opt the ideological nature of your mind to suit itself. This is how the mind of a sociopath works. This is how Red survives in a Blue world, by trying to trick Stage Blue people by presenting an ideology that suits itself. The way Blue people can counter this is by rigidly holding a Red person accountable for their actions, by using rigid rules to force them to walk their talk.
  24. It seems to me that you're holding him to a standard of 'You shouldn't be hypocritical', which is a Stage Blue standard. At Stage Blue, you have the ability to follow a fixed ideology and act according to it, stay true to it. Hypocrisy will be considered a bad thing at Stage Blue and above. The Donald, however, is at Stage Red. Hypocrisy doesn't count as a bad thing for him. This means that he can get very sneaky with ideology. He can claim to believe one thing today because it suits him, then claim to believe the exact opposite tomorrow if it suits him! His ego will trick him into genuinely believing that he does indeed believe the thing he's espousing in that specific moment. If he calls veterans losers today because it suits him, that's what he believes today. In private though, that may not be the case! Maybe he will extol the virtues of veterans in private moments after he called them losers in public, because it suits him. Now you may ask 'How could it possibly suit him to call veterans losers?' Ummm.... I guess all survival strategies aren't created equal. His survival strategies probably aren't sophisticated enough to understand Stage Blue morality and good manners, and that you shouldn't call veterans losers. Man, The sneaky fucking Donald. Trips up everyone in the world and everyone's confused. Leo had said somewhere that he's pre-fascist. I don't disagree. Fascism is an ideology, but he's incapable of identifying with any one ideology. He's pre-ideological, he's literally just an opportunist. He has never learned morality in his life, which is why morality doesn't compute for him!
  25. Excuse me as I get into the mind of a Trump supporter for a moment. Let's see why they support Trump. From what I can see, they don't care about policy, or politics, or even about COVID. What they care about the most is entertainment and memes. The Donald is the most entertaining thing in the world right now and they want more of it. He does have meme value. Politics is a reality TV show to them and they like The Donald. Therefore, they are on his side! This is the only reason I can think of, given the shitshow of the past 4 years and his contradictions. Edit: I'm done hating him tbh. I'm emotionally numb to him now. I'm just enjoying the reality TV show that US politics is!