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Everything posted by Parththakkar12

  1. I think MMA would absolutely exist or martial arts in general would absolutely exist. They would exist in a society operating at it's highest potential! It's professional athletics or a professional sport. Athletics will always exist in all forms in the highest-developed societies! Being an athlete is something fundamental to your Life Purpose, even. Mastering something by lots of practice and repetition, discipline, focus, growth, sucking initially and getting better at it. These are high-consciousness values that professional athleticism is fundamentally based on and it is core to human beings. Which is why 'finding your game' is crucial to finding your Life Purpose. If it's MMA, it's MMA! Edit - Relative to athletes and sports, an important thing to add is that 'Play' or 'Game' is a very core, fundamental facet of The Absolute. This is why it can be a high-consciousness value for world-class MMA-fighters or world-class athletes in general! Especially the world-champions.
  2. Leo didn't consider the possibility of - What would happen if hierarchical control-structures literally stopped working? What then? Then we wouldn't have the problem of the strong dominating the weak anymore! People would actually be free in that case. His problem was that 'libertarianism backfires in a counter-intuitive manner in that you abolish government to make the people free but actually, the strong dominate the weak and you'll be even more enslaved!! Right?!' Not if enslavement itself stops working as a tool for survival simply because the individuals are more empowered. You won't have an option if the hierarchy literally collapses and there won't be a way of creating another one. You're saying that 'it's not a good idea' but you won't be given that choice if it collapses!
  3. Pretty darn likely. It won't be 'made' by any individual in a position of power though, they'll want to hold on to power. What will happen though is that because the current hierarchies are so unsustainable, because the governments control everything to such an extreme degree such that they can lock everything down whenever they want, because they're printing money and that's what's running the economy, the hierarchy will naturally collapse. It's not at all sustainable! The hierarchical control-structures are fundamentally unsound as systems and are fundamentally unhealthy for human health because they create a power-disparity. They don't respect the reality that all human beings have Infinite Free Will and Infinite power, they try to take away the power of those below and they give too much control to those above such that they can't manage it. All because people aren't stepping into their power, especially those below, especially the wage-slaves. This is a product of wage-slavery being the way humanity survives. Humanity can't survive too long on wage-slavery for far too long as a wage-slave is fundamentally a leech on the system, who provides little to no value to the system and the system holds back the wage-slaves from expressing their full potential because that doesn't serve the boss's best interests. It is impossible for such a system to hold up long-term. What will naturally happen is that the hierarchies will collapse and we will enter a more holarchical, libertarian free-market system. Once everyone is free from enslavement to government and corporations and everyone is in their power, then they will come back and choose intentional communities and take full responsibility for the collective because they'll be in their Life Purpose! A wage-slave is a leech on the system because they don't even take personal responsibility. But, someone in their Life Purpose not only takes personal responsibility, they take collective responsibility which is what's needed for humanity to take on a form that aligns more with a One-world collective vision or an intentional-community approach. That's where we stand a real chance to create World Peace. You can't do this with a World-government, you can't do this with a hierarchy, it has to be more holarchical! That's more natural. World Peace is impossible with hierarchical systems. Simply because people are too oppressed and enslaved!!
  4. This isn't because the people who disbelieved the accuser knew the truth, they didn't, this is because they didn't want their favorite celeb to go down. Not because they know anything about that celeb or want to know! They would support their favorite celeb in the face of anything. That too, an image. They don't actually know anything about that person, nor do they really care. If the accused isn't that powerful, you are fucked. Royally. Regardless of the truth. HR-departments want to save face, sexual harassment committees in schools and colleges want to save face, which is why they will penalize the accused simply because there is an accusation. Regardless of the evidence!
  5. What you're missing though is that when you are the accuser, everyone's on your side and when you are the accused, no one's on your side. There is a step of 'putting the blame where it belongs' which is fairly easy with someone who has actually gone through overt abuse. But, this is much more covert. Society doesn't see this! We haven't gotten to the point yet where we understand why the false accusers are doing it. We are still in the process of putting the blame where it actually belongs! We all agree that rape/sexual harassment is wrong. Most of us don't agree that false accusation is wrong though! We don't even see it as wrong. Imagine how fucked up that is!
  6. The rapist knows the truth that he is a rapist in this situation. He would be defending a lie if he were to deflect it back on the victim. You know what you did, you know your sins, so to speak. What the victim needs to do in such a situation is integrate the perpetrator's perspective and get clear on what the truth is. When you do that, you will be able to get a more objective perspective on the whole situation that transcends and includes the perpetrator's perspective. This is a very hard thing to do, this process could take a long time even but this is the only way to get to the truth. Once you have the truth, you will have a lot more credibility in your 'fight for justice' so to speak. One of the biggest problems rape-victims struggle with is self-blame, blaming oneself for it. Which is why they will gaslight themselves into believing that they were to blame for it! Same goes for false accusation situations where the falsely accused starts to question their own reality and be like 'Was that accusation actually true? Why is everyone saying this about me?' The only way to know that is to do your own investigation, get to the truth, maybe take a few ego-hits in the process and communicate the truth to the skeptics.
  7. @intotheblack What we need is a transformation in the way society sees men in general. Especially male sexuality. This will reduce the anti-male biases, which will make the false accusations go down. Which, in turn, will make the real ones more believable and the real criminals more accountable.
  8. Also, to all the people who say that 'Feminism is all good, no bad. How many books have you read on feminism to be talking about it?' Think again. This is a live example of feminism being evil. This is a massive shadow of feminism right here! I don't need to read any books to see this. You do, I don't, because I have experience! Practical experience. To you, I ask - How many times have you been falsely accused? How many times have you held back your authentic expression simply because you were scared of being falsely accused? Huh? This problem is ideologically motivated. It is motivated by hate. Hate towards men. You rely on theory written in books, I'm going to rely on my own practical experience of what actually happens in the world. There's a big difference between theory and practical.
  9. Speaking of mansplaining, isn't it interesting to get womansplained to about something they know nothing about?! It applies the other way around here! It absolutely does. It's very convenient, I'll give them that.
  10. I would like to propose the radical idea here that women also have accountability and it's not always the man's fault.
  11. Have you ever been falsely accused? How do you know it's only 20 lbs compared to 1000 lbs? This is a gross trivialization of the issue. This shows how little society really cares about men and how much the system is geared against you if you are a guy. Everything you just said is proof for why it is a really serious issue that is greatly under-appreciated and how everyone wants to sweep it under the rug. The sexism is real. I'm going to call you out on your unconscious sexism here and how it hurts others. If a false accusation happens, that is fully the woman's fault. No, I'm not going to take any responsibility for that situation at all. She is to blame and that's how everyone should see it. Nobody else is responsible in that situation for the false accusation and how that's going to ruin the guy's life. This is even worse than a crime, because it is a misuse of the system! This is not even a 'crime' because that's recognized by the system. This is systemic abuse against men. The fact that we are having such a hard time condemning it for the evil that it is, is embarrassing. It shows how pussified men have become when it comes to defending themselves and protecting their own and how easy it is for vindictive women to manipulate the whole situation to their ends. Now, though, it is time for some real accountability. Everything you say to deny this reality is going to exacerbate the problem and you are choosing to be part of the problem if you do that.
  12. Thanks for coming to my TED talk. I'm signing off now.
  13. The fact that the system supports this shows the systemic internalized misandry that we have going on here. Fuck yeah! This is what we need to fix in the system!! #SexismAgainstMen
  14. Feminists are, in fact, that ideological about gender. The radical ones are responsible for this situation. They talk as if they're fucking morally superior to men and that it's always 'man bad, woman good'. Of course! This false rape situation is evidence of the bubbling man-hate in feminists. At least the radical ones.
  15. Is it a hate-crime or is it not a hate-crime, because of the woman's anti-male biases and because her biased mind interpreted something that wasn't rape/sexual harassment as such? Is it a hate crime or not? Yes or no? Why aren't we calling out the anti-male biases of the false accuser here? Why does it have to be the man only who works on himself? Why does only the man have to 'fix himself' to protect himself against a hate-crime like that? Is it his fault that he's the victim of a hate-crime? This is victim-blaming!!
  16. False allegation against men is a hate-crime against men. It is the far end of the 'man bad, woman good' narrative. That's what I'm talking about! @Forestluv, if you want a broader context and everyone else looking for the root-cause of the issue, this is it. Man-hate has real victims! Be careful hating men.
  17. Truth is One, Truth is integral. What we need is integration.
  18. You gotta see the truth for what it is. And in the end, the truth always wins.
  19. Projection-land. In a false accusation, do you know who is to blame? Is it the falsely accused? Is it the man? No! It's the woman who falsely accused him. That's who is to blame. End of story! If you're not harassing her and you get accused of harassment, that is a false accusation. No, it's not only the woman's version that matters here! You know the truth of whether you're harassing her or not. It's because you are the doer of the harassment or not! Nobody else can tell you whether it's harassment or not. You know you're not harassing her but nobody else is believing you. That's what it feels like to be a guy in today's date! What you're doing is you are trying to muddy the waters. You are trying to distort the truth of something that wasn't a harassment/rape into it being that way because you are selfish and you have your biases. Check them! It benefits you to keep things unclear and muddy and murky in order to justify your anti-male biases. You rule in a situation where there is confusion and where everyone's confused. You don't want clarity! Clarity threatens you. That's why you say that 'we shouldn't reach a conclusion' or 'If the conclusion you reach doesn't agree with mine, that's wrong'. You know what? Sometimes, you are wrong. Consider that. You thrive in confusion because it helps you not consider that! It helps you push your anti-male narratives. As Leo says, the devil does it's work in the shadows. Also, you are advocating for separation by saying that 'My truth is separate from your truth, and my truth should win in that situation'. This is a free pass for false accusations. Bias bias bias! It's not me who has growing up to do relative to flirting, it's the false accuser. That's the reason they do it! If you support false accusers, it's you who has growing up to do relative to flirting, not the falsely accused. Grow the fuck up! By saying 'Stop blaming women', you are saying that the woman has no accountability. The woman is never to blame and she's free to do whatever she wants, misuse the system however she wants and men should get the shaft in this situation. That's what you're really saying when you're talking about a false accusation! You want men to get the shaft because you hate men. Just admit it! You hate men, don't you?! You are the reason this shit happens. Take some responsibility. You are the problem here. Not the falsely accused, not men. YOU. Yes, you. I'm pointing the finger at you. STOP BLAMING MEN FOR EVERYTHING. Real people get hurt because of it. Take your ego and set it aside for a second. It's really fucking dense. Women have dense egos too! Not just men. Dense egos that hurt men. Too much feminist propaganda, huh? Set aside that hateful nonsense for a second. Cut that hateful shit out and start thinking more holistically. You have a responsibility towards not just your own health and safety, but also other people's. This is true for women too. Not just men.
  20. Correct!!! You are the Grand Winner of The Great Chocolate-Chip Cookie!! Congrats!!! (It was 'The false rape problem' but I'll give you the cookie lol). Anyways, moving on. Do you know the word I want you to underline in that title? False!! It's false. That's a given, clear truth of the cases we're looking at. No 'if's, 'but's or 'maybe's. Are we on the same page here? Yeah?
  21. You read @Preety_India's mind! Well done on that one. That's not what it says though. I'm going to give yall another guess. What does it say?
  22. @Preety_India You haven't answered me yet. What does the title say? You can do it! I believe in you.
  23. @Preety_India Looks like you didn't read the title of the thread. I'm going to show you how to do that. Here's how : Take your phone/laptop, scroll up, read the title of the thread. What does it say?
  24. I'm calling this attitude out for being part of the problem of false rape allegations. Not personally attacking @Preety_India. Sigh. We have a long battle to fight against this situation. It's going to be a long struggle before things change!
  25. Read the title of the thread. What does it say? Reply to me. What does the title of the thread say? In case you haven't read it, do it now. GTFO with your 'maybe's. Yes, I do gain confidence from seeing that a false allegation is false. You don't get to destroy my confidence by using your 'maybe's and distorting the reality of a FALSE allegation. This kind of attitude is precisely a part of the problem. You don't want to create clarity so that you can have complete control over men! By completely gaslighting and confusing a falsely accused individual.