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About sirweddings

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    Austin, TX
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  1. @Apparition of Jack You realize we're posting in a forum on - right? Questioning all assumptions is important here. Especially popular 'truth' that the mass of humanity takes for granted and dogmatic modern science teaches as a given. Evidence that contradicts the heliocentric model would not need to be censored if the current scientism model could actually provide the mountains of empirical proof most people believe it can (which it can't). I find this fact interesting and worth investigating as it relates to how we perceive reality - and work to become self actualized.
  2. @Aware It's refreshing to see someone here actually willing to question these things (as Leo and other good teachers encourage us to do). The reason the 'flat earth' movement has gained so much momentum (to the point of needing to be suppressed/censored?) is because the earth has no measurable curvature or motion. The laughable absurdities NASA continues to put out (since the provably faked moon landings) is small potatoes compared to the elephant in the room 'conspiracy' that our material universe is an illusion. Nonduality sounds like crackpot conspiracy drivel to most people. Ironically, there are very few in this forum who are radically open minded. Come on people...grow up!