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Everything posted by Soulbass

  1. even during winter? cold shower summer VS during winter... do you monitor the temperature?
  2. @Applegarden excellent.
  3. @Applegarden check out for schematics
  4. those "superpowers" are actually very human. healing, telepathy...
  5. This video popped in my suggestions. Can you find the mistake?
  6. i'm currently at ~0.2 success, which gets rounded down to 0 due to floating-point precision errors
  7. Roller Coaster Tycoon almost single-handedly made Sawyer's career, with estimates that the game sold somewhere around nine million copies and that Sawyer was sitting atop a $30 million mountain of royalties.
  8. I tested a few of them, this one is my favorite: If you want more info on melatonin, go check Matthew Walker on Joe Rogan's podcast
  9. Those who tends to have more dopamine in the brain are more likely to be liberals, and explore new ideas.
  10. @Yog @Bazooka Jesus @fridjonk
  11. Happy birthday brother!
  12. @Mada_ i rented for 1 year and then i stopped because i wasn't sure if i would still be around, as i was applying abroad (job). look up for "community garden". the goal was to learn.
  13. This "little" black blob is 40 billion kilometers across (Earth is 13,000km across for reference) Voyager 1 has been traveling close to 16km/sec for the past 41 years, and has still only traveled half the total diameter of the black hole. *found on reddit
  14. i used to have a 100m2 garden. benefits : - organic and ripe, taste+++ - species you don't find in mainstream markets, like green zebra tomatoes - it's relaxing
  15. i hope "not eating animals" is mandatory
  16. today i went in a park, and meditated for 40 mins. i guess i could do that for the entire summer, starting tomorrow... it was 4 degrees, i forgot my gloves... wimhof also breathing deeply heat the body, like ocean breath kriya yoga.
  17. see if they have, an emotional reaction to one of the other stages.
  18. @Thought Art yop, for private vs public. it seems to be Tim Hortons, i've found this picture on the web^ i know Tim Hortons tho, my boss have the habit to buy donuts for employees (i generally don't eat them).
  19. @Thought Art clear videos, noice! as i was watching this 2 ideas came into mind: - Private VS Public journal (in case you want to "open source" the development of your production). I don't think public journal is as efficient as a private one, because of self-censure, tho people like to follow the evolution of artists and that could be part of your branding (having a vibe, life-style). If you don't want to have both a private & public journal because that's time consuming, then challenge your integrity and go directly for public. - Different types of brain waves, when writing in Gamma waves you have different thoughts than Theta. The brain is able to make associations in Theta, which would never happen in higher frequencies. Timing: when falling asleep, or directly in REM.