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Everything posted by Soulbass

  1. Day 24 : Meditation went right. Day 25 : Meditation went right. I know from various people that it's possible to see the "information" behind the appearances, so once I removed this limited belief and experiment with it, I think that maybe I grasp a little bit of the "invisible" which is feelings/emotional. Thanks @Zane for the suggestions. I'll be back to work soon, so I'll have to split my meditation practice into smaller sessions : (I'll experiment with guided meditation or not, but it seems to work well in the morning, when the mind is flexible, which is a good time for vision & visualization. At the end of the day, the mind feel more rigid, so it's maybe a proper time for regular "do nothing"). - 25 minutes morning. - 25 minutes mid-day. - 25 minutes evening.
  2. Day 22 : Meditation went right. Day 23 : Meditation went right.
  3. This is subjective feelings, may it be totally deluded, neurotic, or whatever : Tonight a shift occurred, like if I switched from a reality to another. I had this feeling yesterday, but it confirmed in the dream. I dreamed of various negative situations that occurred in my life past weeks. The "switch" is that a different "Soulbass" were living another life while I was living the negative one, I switched to another "Soulbass" reality. Things happen simultaneously, and we choose which one to actualize. Again, it's very subjective and 98% of it is irrational, it's hard to put words on it. Here is the music I listen atm :
  4. "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem" – Jack Sparrow Did you watched these videos by Leo ? - How To Deal With Strong Negative Emotions - One Simple Rule For Acing Life
  5. I've read book one, I have to say that I'm somehow afraid of reading book 2, 3, 4... what am I about to learn ? An intellectual understanding doesn't help, but these interviews are fascinating... What if we are a biological experiment ?
  6. Day 21 : Meditation went good. I notice meditation can be passive or active, so to speak, like "trying hard" or "waiting for the timer to ring" but a lot of things happens in my head/consciousness. Some random thoughts, but also feelings, struggles, in the waiting of the end of the timer. I'm happy to notice this emotion.
  7. Timing is one of the 3 pillar of lucid dreaming, as described by Daniel Love, with brain chemistry & psychological skills. Having a regular sleep pattern during the week (the brain get used to it) and attempt to WILD @ weekends, when you'r supposed to be awoken is named "cycle adjustment technique" or CAT. WILD-CAT
  8. i like psybient, which for me is synonym of subconscious, and how neurons works in the brain (like underlying structures, moving slowly in the dark, while we are not aware of it : like ambient music, it's here, but there is no "face" no "main object" it's all sensations and surrounding sounds). I've listened to the whole Fax +49-69/450464 records, mostly by Peter Namlook. Randomly came across "programming music" playlists on youtube, kinda cool (many video games soundtracks). My latest discovery in this area is ultimae records (asura). + Carbon Based Lifeforms + Solar Fields (The Mirror Edge's series)
  9. Once you had a lucid dream, you'r motivation will be boosted, such an amazing experience
  10. When this 60 days meditation journal is over, I'll create a new one for "mastering astral projection - 90 day guide to out of body experience" by Robert Bruce & Brian Mercer. Day 20 : Meditation went ok.
  11. A simulation of 3D hyperbolic space tilings (WASD to rotate arrow keys to move)
  12. Day 17 : Fail, no meditation. Day 18 : Meditation went ok. Day 19 : Meditation went ok.
  13. Do wathever you want, there is nothing wrong with metal or any kind of dark scene/genre. Music is emotions, it makes you feel/experience something - it's always a transition state. Bad things happens when you judge yourself on what feels right to you. I wanna share a song which is "dark" to me but which put me in a trance state, or "zone of genius" in seconds :
  14. +1
  15. I think reality seems what it is because we are born, and educated within it. The physical world is like wood or rocks, while dreams are more like fog or water. Time is slow, it's why the physical world seems consistent. Without this constraint, dreams can transform very quickly - but it is the same language : symbols.
  16. Day 16 : Meditation went ok. I notice that meditation is less effective when I get totally lost in monkey mind for the rest of the day. It should be more like a 24/7 practice, with an emphasis on the 45 mins/day. I plan to work on that soon.
  17. Tonight I dreamed that I was in a tree, because a bull wanted to attack me. At some point, I decide to leave the tree, and catch the bull by the horns. The bull was saying "you will fail, everyone failed before you". There were some blood on the horns, but it was not mine. I cached the bull by the horn, and resisted to it. Day 15 : Meditation went well. After sport, it's always easier for the body to stay still.
  18. Day 14 : Meditation went right. I was meditating on the similarities between the dreaming state and the waking state, in perceptions. I thought that the waking state is physical, while the dreaming state is non-physical (symbols meaning, and interpretations). The physical world "seems" persistent, because we'r born in, and we'r used to it. The dream is non physical, so it's flowing, shapeless, formless and it's not solid (we can walk through walls and doors in dreams). In dreams "expectations" is key, it's very important. Being lucid, we generate parts of the dream consciously, but most of it is computed by the subconscious. It is possible to be fully aware and in control of the whole thing, but it's for different purposes I guess. In a dream, let's say I'm about to open a door : my subconscious decide just right now what's behind the door, and it is always what's "true" to me. If I'm afraid of monsters, and I expect a monster to appear, it will probably be the case. In waking state / physical world, time is more important. It requires time to things to appear, but I feel that it's the same mechanism. Thinking of the law of attraction, when people "want" something consciously, it's not the same thing they want in their subconscious. The subconscious make it appear, even if it's unknown to the conscious mind (it seems that way). The subconscious leads the game.
  19. Day 13 : Meditation was ok. It's late in the night, I haven't managed my time very well. The evening was busy, so next time I'll take care to plan meditation BEFORE hanging out with friends.
  20. Day 12 : meditation went right, I felt more in connection with my body, than usual, these last days. This afternoon, during a nap, because I was tired due to medication (I had an food-allergy, by accident) those medications (histamine) shoot down the brain a little bit. So, during the nap, I had a vision, or the feeling that "my" reality (this current day) was created, or should I say "self-created". It was like universes in bubbles, in a dark space. I think the dark space was the deep-sleep stage, which was total blackout due to medications.
  21. Day 11 : meditation went ok. I was kinda low energy before meditation, now I'm empowered. I had in my pockets : red jasper, tiger eye, calcedony & aragonite + red tourmaline pendant.
  22. Day 10 : I feel more density in my life. Little events seems to reveal synchronicity, and have meaning.