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Everything posted by Soulbass

  1. The time is much slower in the waking state. In dreams, you can materialize things within seconds - in waking state it takes some hours/days/weeks. Dreams seems to occur in a more "etheric" plane.
  2. @Leo Gura How did you find out for "10 things you don't know you want" ? Any source(s) ? This episode is great, I was just wondering...
  3. @Charlotte When you point out people in the world, you mean parts of yourself that you don't face. Arrogance and humility is the same energy (polarity). Having the humility to accept our arrogance, rather than pretending being someone else. We are in mirror, it's a topic I'm working on too Special @Joseph Maynor "video on point to watch" :
  4. face yourself, brutal honesty
  5. @Sahil Pandit Okay, I'm gonna try the smoothie recipe, sounds great!
  6. @pluto Thanks for sharing this. Any information on how to heal/prevent celiac disease is welcome. I feel constant (subtle) pain in my stomach (left) for now 4 years. It reduced a lot when I've stopped gluten few months ago. I haven't eat red meat since almost 10 years, I wonder if that helps with regenerating stomach cells.
  7. @Sahil Pandit What's yours ?
  8. It's maybe time to talk about the egregores influencing us.
  10. beside leo’s recipes (salad, smoothie & soup) i like : morning 100% organic black chocolate + almonds + dried grape. broccoli is certainly one of the healthiest aliment on the planet tho. brewer’s yeast (first link) in salads and soups. sunflower seeds (second link) and chia seeds in smoothies + turmeric or/and curcumin. when i want something quick and simple i do rice (all sorts of rice, white or brown) + frozen pees. or, lentils + potato + broccoli + indian spices >>>>> rice cooker. beware of the raw spinach, if eaten everyday it can causes kidney stone (as well as walnut oil).
  11. @Shin In fact I still want to read a couple of books, but it would be for pleasure. It's "free". @Faceless Thanks for pointing out that fear can't be avoided, I've been missing that.
  12. I've planned soon to stop "self-help" or to "self-actualize". All of this had been taken too far, it's too serious. I want a life of ignorance, and simplicity. Maybe in this humanity, humility, I'll find myself. I have 20 self-help books on my shelf, and I won't read them. It's being afraid to want to read them. I've been afraid all of my life.
  13. the six pillars of self-esteem by nathaniel branden, maybe ?
  14. I have too much love to give. It’s like a torrent streaming through my chest. Whoever came across this text, please take a bit of my love ! I’ve been working for that the past few days, focusing on emotions, and loving what “is”. It’s like a virtuous circle then.
  15. This is just a rule you set to yourself. Each time you encounter someone in life, consider meeting yourself. Everything you see/experience in this world is yours.
  16. my mother may be a sociapath then. there's no way to be 100% sure but, it's awesome how she is in war with every single member of the familly. in the end having a sociopath mother isn't that bad, because i wouldn't be into self-help otherwise. it must have something to do with incarnation, and the choices we've made before this life.
  17. i focus on present moment, and think "there is no self" and surrender to the situation. then i see my body moving, acting and speaking in a very natural way, always perfect in each situation, with not fears or doubts.
  18. @Shin Same here.
  19. Okay. Have you tried to don't think about it for 1 day, and enjoy ice cream & pizza ?
  20. What are your hobbies/passion @Shin ? Motivation to do what ? I suggest : - Putting yourself in a situation near survival (whether it's physical, economic or social) - Falling in love.