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Everything posted by Soulbass

  1. 1. Leo says the happiest people in the world, are monks and sages (but it's hard to get it, unless you become a monk or a sage yourself). 2. Non-duality doesn't mean having no emotions, or being detached. I don't know exactly what is non-duality tho. 3. There is no 3
  2. After inhaling, when you hold your breath for 3 seconds, do you "lock" the muscles in the throat, so that your lungs feels like a balloon under pressure ? Or do you keep your throat relaxed, and use the muscles around the chest and the lungs ? No separation between inside and outside air.
  3. barry long shares similar thoughts
  4. Girls & Completeness Serum
  5. when you drop the masks/roles you play, fear dissolves and love can flow. love someone, look into his/her eyes for long minutes, and feel the deep connection with him/her
  6. @Samantha Go to page 2 of the book list, there is only one book about Kriya. You can press ctrl + F to make a research in web browser, and then type "kriya" (Command + F on mac). @Lynnel Thanks, I'll do that. Update : I haven't practiced Kriya much this week. I'm working on my diet tho. I've been fasting for 3 days, and noticed changes in mind clarity/concentration.
  7. "You want to be position-less" -> 10 Important Things You Don't Know You Want At your core you can be position-less, but at a peripheral level you can be strongly engaged in a cause. The balance between identification and playfulness of life. The things you see on TV are here just to challenge you, and makes you learn something. Have you noticed we are not concerned by the same topics ? Once you will have integrated your pain/emotion with this recurring theme, it will disappear from your world. We "select" our reality. Next time you are triggered by this emotion, instead of blocking/controlling it, just allow yourself to feel completely. TV (news) and movies are greats for that. You are probably affected by a strong event in another incarnation (this have impact in your life too, just like circles from a drop in water) but you can share the weight with this other person. Each emotion is like a pearl of wisdom your higher-self is collecting, so to be complete. You role is to play "that" particular note/feeling. Don't pretend to be less (or more) than what you are, because of someone else's rules or expectations Note about incarnations : when I broke-up with my ex-girlfriend, I've just killed her in another life ^^ That's just my view
  8. I don't know if this is Kriya related but : I tend to feel emotional these days (it's a state I try to reach, since I have learned to control emotions most of time). I was just lying back on bed, and realized or allowed myself to feel the love coming from the universe. Tears in my eyes, I felt shame for not seeing this before, and thankful. My Yoga practice is going well, I've missed some days, but I don't worry about it. I have to practice on empty stomach (cleaning my diet of wheat, bla bla...)
  9. I agree. I've read too much books and I'm stuck in theory. I have to work now to have that "beginner's mind" again as would say Shunryu Suzuki. Getting out of my head, feeling more.
  10. 10 years ago, I said “I won’t have a car” because cars sucks. Now I’m tempted to have one, for convenience. On 2018 I still don’t have a smartphone, but I’m tempted to have one because after all it’s convenient. After 8 years strict vegetarianism, I eat meat again (small fishes and chicken). It doesn’t feel going backward on this one, but it is certainly for neurotic reasons that I began with vegetarianism at first. Life purpose : I did the course, knowing at the beginning of it, that I would go for music. Music is part of my life since I’m 6 years old. Now I’m tempted to drop that out (temporary ?) so I can start the course again with a fresh mind. I’ve been following since 2013. Consciousness is taking more and more space in my life now. My job is actually not bad, most people would consider a success. Still, it doesn’t makes me happy. I’m tempted to drop all my previous goals, and focus on consciousness. I feel like if I go “all in” with consciousness work, I could be happy whatever the circumstances of my life are.
  11. @Chaga lover I don't know, sorry. I stick to the book for now. Leo says it's a good book ^^ Looking for the "best" teacher, methods, schools... is a distraction.
  12. After one week doing the basic exercises (lessons 1 to 7) : Few changes on my focus on breath during the day. Maybe some emotional waves. Nothing really fancy. I'm just committed to follow the practice and see what happens. Next step is to achieve the "First Kriya initiation" (lessons 8 to 17). See you.
  13. Thank you @Ibn Sina Life is going on after all @Timotheus Seems we all have some kind of problems. Does spiritual progress only happen in avoidance ? Exploring the darkest parts of your psyche wasn’t it a grounding experience, that helped to define who you are now ? As going in jail, I think it's a mistake to think that "somehow in the future" it will be different from now. What inspires you ? @dude I agree spirituality can take place everywhere. Have you seen the movie “The Tree of Life” ?
  14. Forest Gump Mama's says "Stupid is as stupid does". So "Arrogance is as arrogance does". Maybe you need to accept yourself as fully arrogant (authenticity) so you can get rid of that (naturally, polarized) and switch to the next thing.
  15. evaluate social status, survival mechanism (3rd chakra)
  16. @Samra You got me intoxicated, that's definitely those vibes. If by paint you mean colors, check out James Gurney's book "Color and Light". Thanks !
  17. It's pleasant to recognize emotions, and facial expressions :
  18. Try both, see what triggers you emotionally the most. I have personally associated the English language with certain topics. When I think in my native language (which have a lot more history in my brain) it often have more nuances and it's more complex, but may end to be melancholic/muddy. English on the other hand is simple and straight forward. I've recently talked to a friend about the impact of language on emotions, she says speaking in Spanish makes her happy/smile. For affirmations, I think the shorter, the simplest sentences are the most powerful. Like : "I embrace the light" "I love you" (you = yourself and everything else) Also, associating affirmations with a music is I think a good way to trigger emotions & brain chemistry (to enhance brain plasticity).
  19. I feel you. The matrix is a game, just play. Just keep for yourself the things that may makes looks like an alien. Any discussion about "consciousness" is a distraction. Everyone around you is the most spiritual creature. Just "Be".
  20. Balance, timing, space visualization... those are skills you learn since you were born. It's not supposed to go away. I would suggest the book "Mastery" by George Leonard.
  21. Hey @Gabriel Antonio I will post once in a while. After few days of basic exercises, there is not much to say. I don't know what to expect. In the end, I won't take notes on the book itself, because the techniques are simple and easy to remember.
  22. what was your motivation to develop a present moment awareness habit ? do you think you had predisposition ? like brain genetics, or psychological/trauma ?