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About ThermalTide

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    Salt Lake City, UT
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  1. My biggest lesson I learned in 2024 was that nobody really cares or thinks about you that much. I have this tendency to overthink about what others think of me, when in reality they're not thinking about me at all. I carried around so much stress at the beginning of the year, just being in my head worrying about others opinions. So, ultimately, it doesn't matter what I do or say; what matters is if what I do and say is in alignment with my higher self and the person I want to become. Part of this is knowing who I want to become, so this lesson was learning to be present, learning to really carve out what my values and ambitions are and make them very clear to myself, so that wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, I can be confident that I'm being authentic to myself. This also involved creating self trust. One of my goals going into this year is to develop more self trust.
  2. so sad that screens have warped people so badly lmao
  3. I have several tattoos that are not exactly as I wanted them to be... I just got more. Lower your expectations and just laugh about it, theyre not that serious
  4. Interesting take, I haven't thought about it in this way but I agree that there seems to be a sort of revolution underway. I'm hopeful it doesn't blow up in our faces, feminism really took a wack ass turn a while back
  5. Makes people feel in on something that makes them better than others
  6. Could be because typically women take on a nurturing role in a long term relationship and when men feel that is absent they're not sure how to emotionally process because they themselves are not the most nurturing. I think women have just as hard of a time as men with breakups though, its not really a gender based thing
  7. @Frylock yeah the fact that any of that even bothers you is just flaccid to me like who cares?
  8. The vitriol for Trump has always struck me as nuclear cringe ngl
  9. Destiny is worth looking into, he is an intellectual black belt of sorts. I commend you for broadening what you listen to, especially given the results of the election lol
  10. Best way to approach Leo's content is, in my opinion, to start with the foundational playlist on yt and then just bounce around from there. His content spans hours and hours, sometimes daunting but worth the journey.
  11. I would say yes, generally speaking, women have their guard up more these days. Social media has put the gross tendencies of everyone on display and its being fed into our brains 24/7. While I don't think all men are sexually predatory, I also don't know any women who haven't experienced extremely bizarre and aggressive behavior from dudes at some point in their life. For a lot of them, its pretty often. I think the proliferation of porn and whatnot has had a really bad effect on men and it has lead us to some pretty gnarly points as a society. My male friends in my age range (late 20s) are generally pretty meek and depressed. They spend a lot of time in sedentary positions, they fap a lot, they're pretty purposeless and lost, and they don't really get any pussy, at all. It's really unfortunate and something that troubles and fascinates me a lot. I think it bodes grim shit for real. Of course, not every dude is like this, but I'd argue that its common enough in younger people especially that we should discuss this issue more and hopefully figure out how we can fix ourselves. To clarify, I don't think at all that this phenomenon is strictly mens fault at all, its an American culture as a wholes problem, likewise it'll take changes from men and women both to put an end to this soyboy death spiral
  12. When you are able to go out and have a good time regardless of what occurs or who you talk to, you'll have an easier time attracting women to you. Positive energy is attractive on everyone.
  13. As important as you make them; some quotes have stuck with me forever and I recall them somewhat often to apply to whatever situation I'm in. I've written down quotes from some of Leo's content that has also had a big impact on how I navigate life moving forward. I've also heard a lot of quotes disguised as being profound when really its not that deep, lol. I suggest writing down ones that really speak to you, and coming back to them sometimes to assess how you feel about them or if they've been helpful to you.