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About Synchronicity

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  1. With the realization of being infinity in particular, yes, that’s something I’m aware of and agree about
  2. Haha I like it Pure Ineffability such that even calling it ineffable isn’t it
  3. @Inliytened1 Hey! Hope you’ve been doing well Since you’re one of the mods, I’ll run this by you I don’t want this video to start a Nonduality war. I only want my testimony to open people’s minds to further possibilities to discover So if this thread turns into a close-minded fight, go ahead and lock And everyone, again, be open to what Leo says. But also be open to what else there could be for you to discover on your own?
  4. Yes, definitely a healthy thing to remember And along those lines, don’t let my video be a call to war either. Just let it open up your mind to a strange possibility Be open to what Leo says, but also be open to what else there could be. And then, you discover it for yourself
  5. Yes, exactly. So be open to what Leo says, but also be open to what I say It’s possible to prove one of us wrong. So just be open to your own discoveries
  6. Hey ya’ll, didn’t expect my video to be shared! Lol I want all of you to also read a point I made in the comments, so that you can see my full view. @Spiral Wizardyou can post this in the original too Basically, God-consciousness can be real, but be open to strange possibilities
  7. @SQAAD There’s people out there who are better able to help you with this all these questions of yours. Everyone here is just gaslighting you because these topics aren’t their niche or expertise. This is a self-development forum. But your questions here are outside of self-development
  8. Not Dallas but Central Oklahoma which isn’t that far. I swear I’ve seen a couple people on here who are from Dallas though (as well as Houston and Austin). It’s definitely hard to find people in the American South who are deep into any of this stuff. I’d be down for a southern actualizers group meet-up if there’s more people here?
  9. I’m sure there will be quite a few people here who will have some great books and resources to recommend. So on top of that, I’ll add having a deeply epistemological discussion with other people as a good technique to have your own views or biases reflected back on you. Each person in the convo acts as a mirror to each other. But there’s no judgement against certain ideas. Just a mutual investigation of them. I do this with a few people - sometimes in a group - and it seems to create a lot of healthy openness as well as introspection.
  10. Oh yeah, your reasoning is definitely accurate! It’s a solid proposal. All I’m saying is that as ridiculous as the notion of a beginning-less past reaching the present point 0 is, there are models that are powerful enough to overcome that infinite distance in time. It’s like a paradox that actually has feasible solutions. If you would like to talk more about those possible solutions, you can just DM and we can talk. Preferably a live-chat is better because texting this stuff gets very complicated
  11. @WokeBloke Your explanation is correct, very nice work! However, your argument is still missing a lot and there are many ways to disprove it. To start off, your example of an infinite past reaching this present moment is similar to what’s called a “super task.” That’s an infinite number of tasks that converge on a limit (the limit here being the present now). I can tell that you haven’t taken any higher-level mathematics courses involving infinite sets and series because there are certainly mathematical models for overcoming these super-tasks (even if they have no beginning like in your example). I’m happy to explain these to you but that’s far too much to type out in a forum comment. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to talk more about those. Besides math, there’s a couple other ways I can name off the top of my head that allow for an infinite past to reach a present point. One has to do with infinitely many derivatives of motion, which would allow for an infinite distance to be traversed in a finite amount of time and then adding an extra dimension of “meta-time” to allow for an infinite amount of time to be traversed. But that also takes a long explanation. It’s like explaining physics to a flat-earther who thinks that a round Earth is impossible. So don’t be so certain that an infinite past is impossible. There’s many deep-subjects here that you’re bypassing. After all, your entire argument rests on arithmetic alone. So it’s not that high-powered of an argument. We can take it much deeper
  12. I think this is a very valuable point. It does seem that many of us in the spiritual community place Enlightenment on a pedestal above everything else when we should all be open to more possibilities contained within Truth
  13. My first-hand encounters suggest that reality does indeed include this stuff. So if my take is truly representative of reality as it is, then yes, reality is a singularity of infinitely many infinities similar to what @Someone here detailed above People will say that there can’t exist infinitely many things because, for example, that means that there must exist a supernova so powerful that it blows up infinitely many Universes. Therefore, how are we still alive if such things exist? Well, that’s because reality would be so infinite that such a supernova could destroy infinitely many universes and there’d still be infinitely many more left over. So infinity accommodates itself so perfectly that it allows for the existence of anything and everything (including endlessly powerful supernovae). Though I do realize I’m saying all this without any evidence to offer. Just my first-hand take