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About loub

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  1. A few months ago I bought a sports watch to track my running progress. The watch also tracks sleep and time spent in different sleep-cycles and made me aware that I have consistently been getting only 0-10min of deep sleep every night. Since then I have been looking into ways to increase deep sleep and I now sleep in complete darkness with a sleep-mask on, tape my mouth, reduce exposure to light and stop eating ~2h prior to sleep. So far not much has changed. Does anyone here have experience with increasing deep-sleep? Any insights and tips would be appreciated.
  2. lol'd at this one. your perception seems warped. be more concerned with how to make women feel safe and you won't have this problem. highly biased post imo.
  3. 5 day Enlightenment Intensive 2019 3 Day Contemplation Intensive 2020 Contemplation and Satsang Workshop with Peter Ralston 2020 3 Day Intensive 2021 Upcoming: Residential Work with Peter Ralston 2021 (if Covid allows) Overall I could probably widen my scope a bit, but as of now Peter's and similar work is blowing my mind.
  4. I tend to go for alcohol-free beer. It's isotonic, only has little sugar and I really like the taste. Normally those will have <0.5% vol, but you can go for one's specifically advertising as 0.0% vol. As a guy I tend to get some weird looks but I just shrug it off and usually don't give an explanation. If your friends have a problem with that, or even pressure you into drinking, you should know that that is not okay and set boundaries accordingly.
  5. A beautiful older movie based on the story of Thomas More in 16th century England, who refused to publicly approve of King Henry the eighth divorcing his wife and remarrying. (spoiler alert) He held up his silence unwaveringly until they executed him. The whole film is gleaming with integrity and there is an especially beautiful scene towards the end when his daughter begs him to just do as the king demands, he tells her: 'you hold your self in your hands like water. Now when you lie it is as if you opened your hands; and don't expect to find yourself easily again.' I'm not sure if that movie fits in this section as it is not explicitly a spiritual teaching, but it is a very moving display of integrity. I couldnt find a video of the scene I was referring to so here's another good one to give an impression: It's on Netflix btw. Enjoy and feel free to discuss
  6. Anyway, here's Bill with the weather.
  7. In my experience, a more depressive episode tends to be a catalyst for growth, as it naturally promotes introspection, and helps me get some distance from daily affairs. I tend to think of it as caused by me ignoring something for too long, that would have needed tending to, that I'm now forced to look into. If you are clinically depressed though, get help asap.
  8. Thanks for sharing, really enjoyed reading it as I will be doing some work with him later this year, but have never actually met the guy. Interesting to hear about your experiences with and of the person Peter, so if you got any more anecdotes, keep 'em coming
  9. Glad you liked it. I've put together a compilation of Ralston videos talking on integrity specifically in a separate thread, in case you want to check that out.
  10. For those who've watched the latest episode and might like to hear another voice on it. 'Integrity comes from and makes real the experience of being whole and complete.' Ralston in Ancient Wisdom, New Spirit. Integrity-talk starts at 11:00
  11. Good stuff thanks for sharing. Perhaps you'd appreciate this: Cheers.
  12. "When a hot girl meets a hermit, one of them is going to change"- Charles Bukowski
  13. Who says the latest Lamborghini won't make you happy? It's just a believe you hold, without which you would have to admit you don't know what will make you happy. Why would a Lamborghini be out of the question? Especially if you have some sort of pull in that direction. To dismiss something within you on the ground of some belief you picked up is bad strategy; you will never judge or manipulate your way into true transformation. Instead look into it, and be open to why you feel drawn towards all that stuff, but to do that you must first be as and where you are. Spoiler: it is you you'll find. Also, if you don't mind sharing, may ask what you do for a living? Just curious. Best of luck.
  14. Glad to hear it worked out. Throughout the thread I just kept thinking of this song, perhaps it speaks to you its the best Depeche Mode song that they didn't even make