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Everything posted by Display_Name

  1. What does your hand see? Where does a sound come from? What's behind your head? Where does a thought happen? Initial glimpse is very simple.
  2. I’d say it’s a possibility, and i’d say it’s possible a lasting sober awakening requires a sober breakthrough. on the other hand, who’s he to say he would have fully awakened without those original psychedelics? i see a few guys who awakened dismiss their previous psychedelic use, but what if those early psychedelic breakthroughs laid the groundwork?
  3. Man, either wake up to the emptiness you are right now, or go live some orange, earn some money, do some pickup, fulfill some desires, develop some skills until you’re ready to wake up to the emptiness you are right now. But this middle thing of being lost in drives, ideas, and beliefs, and some of those drives, ideas and beliefs are shaming the other drives, ideas and beliefs, is the dumbest delusion. Trust me i’m awake and even i’m probably gonna do some pickup again eventually. lol. it’s just a dream inside empty awareness, you can decide to do what you want. eventually you’ll realize there was no one even deciding in the first place. just go for it! damn you’re handsome af brah
  4. What is? There is a definite shift in perception, yes. More than intuition. Aside from psychedelics check out The Headless Way
  5. Stop all your mental masturbation for just a few minutes and just imagine keeping your body weight on your knee on the neck of another human, lying handcuffed and non-resisting on the ground for 8 minutes, even after he has stopped breathing and moving.
  6. You don’t understand the fact that you imagine your own reality. Someone mentioned porn gave him a bad feeling afterwards like McDonalds. That’s not the porn, that’s the subconscious negative associating self inflicting shame and regret to course correct behavior for optimal future survival. Imagine a different society wherein for their entire lives, sex was demonized as unhealthy and for losers, and porn was glorified as healthy and for winners. I suspect the post - act effects would be completely reversed.
  7. What do you think is the difference between today and last night's dream?
  8. Um no, I meant to say exactly what I said. To clarify, I’ve noticed there’s a miscommunication going on in this thread with people confusing horniness with low selectiveness. From my experience, and a lot of anecdotal evidence from both females and males, women have around the same level of sexual desire - if not more, but for fewer men. They are far more selective. Men are “hornier” only in the sense that they have lower standards and less evolutionary aversion to casual sex and sex with lower quality partners. Many women agree. This is a far more accurate solution to the dating asymmetry. And of course not all guys are “24/7” horny porn addicts like Leo who need to justify themselves by claiming it’s simply the male condition. I get horny perhaps once a week. So, we all happy now?
  9. Nah women's horniness is just concentrated on fewer men.
  10. @LfcCharlie4 It would be cool and extremely insightful if you could take 5-MeO and compare it to LOC 1000.
  11. your psoas and diaphragm is probably chronically tense. I have the same. try out for a good physiotherapist or rolfer. I release mine by pushing my hands deep inside to the spots that hurt
  12. I'm currently playing around with manifestation tests. I manifested seeing specific dogs with specific colour collars so far, gonna step it up a bit and see how far I get.
  13. Lol. Hypergamy at it's best
  14. It's certainly subtle. It may have moved some things in the background. I see it as a little boost, but most of my trust and energy goes into my own practices. The youtube videos won't do anything. Has to be real time.
  15. do the shrooms. i found them even more friendly than al-lad.
  16. @VeganAwake We all know this. What are you arguing? We're talking relative talking points here so drop the act please. Thanks
  17. There's a whole manifestation community doing exactly this. Check out Neville Goddard
  18. Porn is cuck if you believe it's cuck but it's your own negative connotation you're attaching to it. Plenty of alpha males and pornstars themselves watching porn.
  19. Imagine relying on actualized.org/forum for actual dating advice