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Everything posted by Display_Name

  1. @ardacigin Congratulations on your progress. How many jhanas can you do now? Also, have you ever tried out Fire Kasina? Technically I'm 3rd Path in all but concentration power (TMI stage 4). Years of nonsecular deconstruction, advaita and some psychedelics So I embarked into Theravada and catching up my concentration and jhanic ability a few weeks ago, as a side project. But I find the breath so immensely boring (not enough clarity yet, I know), I always end up shifting back into resting as emptiness or deconstructive inquiries because it feels much more fruitful, similar to what @Consilience reported. Just focussing on breath definitely feels like a few steps back from that, although shifting into non-dual awareness and becoming the breath, or equalizing the breath with every other sensation, including the sensation of self, can be really good. But I ran across Ingram's Fire Kasina practice and it's been far more interesting as a concentration practice, so I'm playing around with that now. It's pretty cool already and I only just started. Culadasa, Folk, Burbea and Ingram. The Four Horsemen of Practical Dharma
  2. @The0Self I love Kenneth but noting every single second seems so absurdly effortful and unnecessary I can't be bothered to even try. I'll probably give up and just rest as empty awareness after half a minute lol. I'm a second gear guy. What's your experience with it? Going through it at the moment. It's a monster of a book, perhaps even more so than Book of Not Knowing. I'll be on that bad boy for like a year probably.
  3. you can think of it as being in the same place the truth, no distance, no middleman
  4. @Leo Gura I think you are limiting yourself. You don’t have to be in Godmode to manifest. It can be done from baseline, it just has more limits and takes longer. But basic health issues are VERY doable, and have been done by people with far less god consciousness than you. With your consciousness it should be cake. At the very least, your subconscious will actualize the necessary healers, doctors or procedures, which are basically detours or permission slips if the necessary belief or consciousness for a direct healing isn’t there yet. I think you have just been too acceptant of your reality, reinforcing it, and not manifesting effectively, assuming there’s nothing to be done at baseline. Neville Goddard, Joseph Murphy. Check these two out, and try it out earnestly.
  5. I'm flattered. I should point out an internet forum does have the benefit of simply not replying. As you earlier proclaimed, but seem to be having quite some trouble with. Do you need help with that?
  6. Oh dear, that's some next level cringe. Sort yourself out.
  7. And yet here you are back again having read it all and getting petty! :>)
  8. are you implying that's a learnable skill?? psh, they should just bE tHeMsElVes!
  9. I'm just waiting for the day one of the women here catches their amazing natural boyfriends / husbands watching some RSD lol.
  10. Yeah, every thread of this nature is just a miscommunication and massive lack of perspective I also find it funny that the normie girls I know are far more understanding than the girls here on a forum about understanding Maybe because they directly see the result: the cool, compassionate, authentic man I never could have been without the practice ("pickup") I put in. Not to mention the dozens of amazing and growing relationships and experiences that were made for both parties, that never would have happened without "pickup". Pickup is such a win-win hence why I can't take any criticism seriously. We should just stop calling it "pickup" and start calling it "effective comunication", or "social development", or something. The women here trip themselves up over the former term's negative connotations.
  11. Same. And how did we become ourselves in social interactions? By continously facing the anxiety and deconstructing it. With continuous practice and building positive feedback. In other words, “pickup”.
  12. hahahaha incels and socially anxious creeps are “being themselves” have fun with them
  13. Lol, and where did I say that? I said nothing about my personal evaluation on him, you just made it up an projected it on me. Shows where you are at in the game.
  14. Of course it is. There’s just more return on working on your game. That’s why he discourages blackpill and encourages working on game. Rightly so. But a lot of game is about subtly conveying and implying status. Anyone saying looks money status doesn’t matter is either 50 iq, or trying to sell you something. The highest form of game is social status game. It is no longer approaching 7s at the mall, but having your lifestyle, social media and social circle itself funnel you 10s on a passive basis. This is epitomized by Dan Bilzerian, and that’s why so many orange losers worship him, and green girls despise him, because of course, tHeYrE nOt LiKe tHe OtHeR gIrLs. We’re better off learning and applying the useful and skillful aspects of that, instead of envying or demonizing it. Labelling everything as “toxic masculinity” is lazy. It’s too easy. It won’t grow you. No one here is even close to conscious enough to do it without bias. You’ll see. Watch this thread devolve.
  15. It’s not. I have a friend, 30 yo, extremely athletic. Weight lifted and did MMA most of his life, used to run 20km a day. His covid lasted 3 months and he’s still feeling it. Extreme difficulty to breathe, waves of fever, hallucinations, mania, headaches. He thought he was gonna die multiple times. There seems to be differing severities of cases. If you’re unlucky, be ready for weeks of hell, and possibly lasting damage.
  16. Oh nice, the inevitable “successful-male-that-doesn’t-fit-my-ideology-and-biased-agenda-so-i’ll-label-it-toxic-masculinity” megathread.
  17. It’s normalized. Also i’m pretty sure that picture you posted is just a funny picture.
  18. Very true