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  1. I noticed that when both candidates spoke untruths about eachother, the moderators did not step in but allowed the other to respond and defend themselves. However, the two fact checks to Trump were so obviously, clearly different cases to any other untruth in that debate. 1. Trump's BS was far more egregious than Kamala's. If a fact check is done on every single untruth from both sides, the debate never ends. However, there is a certain line that can be crossed to needing a fact check. Only Trump crossed that line. 2. There were 2 fact checks. 3. Trump got the last word on every topic, and with significantly more speaking time in total If anything, Trump got treated favorably. His own fault he fucked it up with nonsense like dog eating and post birth abortion and bragging about rallies and concepts of a plan. He could have drilled Kamala on her reasonable weaknesses, but he hung himself with his own answers. The 3v1 debate moderator cope is hilarious, just how it's hilarious how the right has become so de-sensitised and bought into Trump's nonsense and moved the goalpost so much, that now not being able to spout the most blatant nonsense because you got checked TWICE in a 2 hour debate is unfair. To what historically should be a reasonable, intelligent, authentic presidential candidate by the way. It's fascinating.
  2. ?????? Mate nothing you say had anything to do with what I said or who I am I'm sorry you're just rambling away
  3. Uhm ok, how is this guy a mod? @Leo Gura
  4. This was tongue in cheek by Destiny. His stream needs some level of surface entertainment afterall. Researching the view count was only a quick, surface level brief research to get context, and the dickrider jokes were just jokes. He would do a deeper dive if he were actually interested.
  5. He wasn't. Destiny is a pretty reasonable and grounded voice on the left that engages with all sorts of topics in relatively good faith, hence why his reaction could be considered interesting or noteworthy. Compare with voices like Vaush who are far more emotionally and ideologically far-gone and entrenched. I get the impression that Destiny - while obviously not bias-free - is fundamentally willing to engage with everyone.
  6. Dropping ego and pride and going for more difficult approaches even if the chance of blowout or looking bad is higher (at the moment my approaches tend to focus more on girls that have already given me eye contact and attention, or I'm already standing next to them, etc. it's easier) Approaching a bit more. Of course I have standards but I think your approach and mindset of just talking to everyone is superior. I need to start getting really warm and social and flowy again. Lowering inhibition, being less tense and staying more relaxed in set.
  7. Lisbon until April. Would love to go out with you! I've just started seriously approaching again after a hiatus.
  8. Where are you based? Do you often go out alone to approach, during night?
  9. What's the tldw sparknotes? Owen tends to yap about everything and nothing for 2 hours.
  10. You once said you thought Sadhguru was one of the most awake people on the planet. Have you changed your mind on this? Or, why does he always spout this arbitrary nonsense?
  11. Lol. I respect the testing and exploration but meo gotta be the absolute worst drug to socialise. It's like using a sledgehammer to thread a needle. Or using a spaceship rocket to buy groceries. Probably hundreds of funny analogies you could make here. You either don't break through and are stuck in the uncomfortable dissolution phase, and can't socialize, or you break through, and can't socialize. @Thought Art Relax. His dose was absolutely miniscule. 5-MeO can be scary but it's safe.
  12. This has got to be the top 10 dumbest things I've ever read.
  13. Sure, could never be me but if successful people have the money and power to fullfil their weird fantasies behind closed doors, they're welcome to do so. But OP is so far gone from reality if he's chatting up girls talking about menstrual cycles, and everyone in this thread even somewhat supporting him is feeding into his delusions. Needs a serious reality check. I'm sorry but that is beyond autistic. I still cannot get over a male man even uttering the words "I love the menstrual process." Lol. It's kind of like instead of having his own masculine interests, he's culturally appropriating a female thing that he doesn't even experience himself? Of course every woman is going to be absolutely icked out. Lol, it's just bizarre on so many levels.
  14. Porn is an unnatural bombardment of the dopamine receptors no matter what your intention is. I do not believe there is any form of porn consumption that is healthy or net positive for brain chemistry and wiring.