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About BlessedLion

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    Nomadic Traveler
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  1. Sure the human stuff can be a bit depressing if you just stare at the shit. But life in itself is a gift, I think manifest reality is fascinating
  2. @Emerald full honesty I thought we were way more evolved than this. It’s shocking to see, I guess ego development moves extremely extremely slow in the collective. Still largely Blue.
  3. You ever consider going to a proper yoga school? A traditionally based school which teaches yoga under the context of awakening? I think you’d be surprised at what’s out there and how much they can supercharge the path
  4. Sure. But isn’t our goal permanent awakening and to drop tools?
  5. Don’t buy it. Don’t support his company
  6. This is silly, don’t believe what these people say. They like to dramatize trips like that. It’s like your subconscious and processing. I know these kinds of “healers” all too well. Anything that goes weird or wrong is always some kinda fucking entity
  7. @Leo Gura Honestly this is a bit ironic. For years you shit on meditation and the path of “walking up the mountain” and now you’re doing retreats. You said meditation was a waste of time and psychs were the ultimate technology. Meditators were basically pre historic primitive chimps. Luckily I was wise enough not to listen to you in this particular topic because it made no sense, none of the great masters got there through psychedelics and I just had this intuition that it was an ungrounded claim. But many followed your advice and took tons of 5MEO without a grounding or integrative practice like yoga and meditation and got nowhere, or even worse. Now watch the whole forum become avid meditators 😂 At this point I’ve spent 1,200 hours in silent contemplating retreat mode meditation in the last 2 years. That’s the real deal.
  8. It’s much more effective to have a structure if you think you have the discipline mental and emotional to actually focus on meditating a hardcore retreat at home, especially your first time, you are fucked
  9. What Leo is talking about is the purification of the subconscious. When you sit and focus on a single point in meditation (who am I? Stillness, the gaps in between breaths) - all things I learned in Kashmir Shaivism, you begin to purify the subconscious. You might not even be noticing it happening, but it brings your day to day consciousness deeper into that stillness. Something psychedelics, dance, and sex can’t fully do
  10. Yes this is a solid take. You remind me of Peter Ralston his mind is like this as well. I also enjoy simply sitting and allowing my mind to connect to God naturally. With no forcing but maybe nudging it in certain directions. I think focusing on the breath just calms your mind mostly but doesn’t provide much insight
  11. Man it’s amazing. The women are beautiful (not just looks but energy too), the weather is warm and it’s affordable. I move between Rio and NorthEast near Recife. I really love it here it’s a great place of life.
  12. Thanks. This was really well written and informative! Even if I’m a US citizen is there a risk? I sometimes worry that because I live abroad and am rarely in the US they might try to pull some shit. But that would be extremely drastic. Also I’m pretty sensitive to energy and environment so even though (as you said) if I stay out of politics I won’t notice a big difference, I’m sure I’ll feel it. Especially the anxiety and fear underneath the surface. I’ll likely just stay in Latam