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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. It’s insane how unpopular and not known he is. He’s ahead of his time. I’ve been lucky enough to spend 6 weeks with the man
  2. Wilber is top notch. I also love Hawkins. Never heard of Allen
  3. Please help me add to this list of made up human illusions: Illusory Human Inventions: -Time (there is only the now. All thoughts of past and present are concepts that happen in the Now. You were “born” in the Now, your body will decay in this moment.) -The Seperate Self (you being a seperate person “in there” is only an idea, a concept. Yes there is an awareness of these words, but the idea that there is a seperate individual in there reading these words is an imagined add-on) -Death (when you realize that there is no seperate self, and you are always only suspended in the Infinite Now, it becomes clear that your true Self cannot die. How does infinity die? Your body will decay but you are not inside the body, the body is inside you. How do you kill awareness?) -Language: say the word “Apple” now what did you experience? Probably a sound, can you eat that sound? What does that sound have to do with an actual apple? 🍏 “Enlightenment is less about gaining new truth than it is dropping illusions.” -BlessedLion
  4. It’s true you gotta strike a balance. Right now I’m taking a break from the feminine and it feels good
  5. Ken Wilber says we are and that everyone has that tendency of interest in their own sex. How big it is I think varies but if we were all on a deserted island we’d probably start fucking each other.
  6. No point in arguing with people that have been brainwashed since birth. They can’t help themselves I’m staying out of these conversations, it’s pointless. These people will go to their grave defending their genocide.
  7. It’s interesting because some get better with time like Ralston or Wilber. I think I’ll be studying their work and perspectives for decades but some get so cringe like David Goggins and Peterson. I used to love Goggins now I see his message as pretty toxic
  8. Don’t do that. Meditation is the best practice you can implement. But you also need to do shadow work, therapy, and journaling to tackle your own psyche. Check out Ken Wilber I really like his approach
  9. Depends entirely on the people. I’d say it’s a huge gamble with a low success rate. I’m quite happy alone and hitting it on occasion I think if I ever did it I wouldn’t get the state involved. No way I’m risking half my shit and hard earned money for anyone. You can really never know what someone might do later down the road. People are unpredictable, especially women. That said I think having a long term partner is good for your health
  10. Damn bro sounds like heaven. I love Latinas
  11. A snake. A disgusting snake. I spit on his face.
  12. Yep. Not saying there is anything wrong with it. And honestly I’d rather be alive. It’s totally natural. But if we wanted to the best thing for the planet and suffering of beings, we’d just end it now
  13. I can see why you’d say this. He does seemingly ramble a lot but I think it’s with purpose. Anyway, different teachers resonate with different people I guess. Doesn’t say anything objective about them
  14. I can see why you might get that impression but I’d recommend not making those assumptions unless you’ve deeply studied his work. Wilber is the real deal. He speaks in depth of the Unborn and Undying Tao and in a manner that is undeniable that he grasps it
  15. If humans were truly selfless they would just off themselves and allow nature to flourish and thrive
  16. Except for when humans get their hands on them and subject them to torture. Mass farming, chimpanze lab testing, most domestic animals. We fucking suckkk
  17. There’s a lot of growth to be had in sleeping with lots of women
  18. Ken Wilber is not just talking philosophy lol. Have you read books like No Boundary? Shit slaps!
  19. People love to be afraid and think they are sinners deep down.
  20. Ah I see. He’s using this thing with his son as a cover up for his real attack against unions, because that is more relatable. Likely he doesn’t even give a fuck about his son
  21. The “woke virus” is actually stage Green emerging. It’s not perfect but it’s progress. Elon Musk the richest man alive and controller of a massive social media platform declaring war on that is not good for human consciousness evolution. What a little bitch, just because his son is trans? Wtf?