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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Wilber is the best in the field imo. If i could only read one author for the rest of my life, it'd be him. The more i study his work the more I'm amazed at his level of understanding and masterful way of explaining the highest spritual truths.
  2. For sure, just look at Peter Ralston and how he used his enlgithenment to master martial arts
  3. I think the coolest thing is awakening to yourself as God, then using your time to master that realization along with your personal life and "human" side. Spiritual awakening is much more fulfilling imo, but personal development is kinda like a fun game your playing, like "okay, now that i know it's a video game, how well can i play the game?" At the end of the personal and self development is evolution, spirit and God, so there is no duality between the 2. I also think they kinda lead to each other anyway. Great question
  4. Probably not the best place to ask such a serious question. Personally, I think it's too young you've got more life to live and things to experience but how does that idea feel in your body? Also, a year is relatively short, what's the rush? Don't let her pressure you into it.
  5. if you truly comitt, you can go all the way with it (of course)
  6. I agree. They're just clicking around and commenting on garbage on the internet. I can't stand this reaction type shows and I have no idea how anyone can watch 8 hours of someone just commenting on shit online.
  7. When he says" I am just a figment of your mind, that you orchestrated." Is he actually in agreement with the same Solopsism that Leo speaks about?
  8. Alright, I'm just trying to get clear on your definition of Solopsism, as I haven't heard of it anywhere else, nor have I experienced it. I mean I could see how I COULD get myself to think that (everyone is imaginary, I'm the only conscious being) but I don't think that makes it True
  9. Hahaha dude, please keep this wacky shit going HAHAHA, holy shit dude. These are fucking hilarious
  10. Further From No Boundary “That Inner I-ness. That is what remains untouched by the flight of time. Is it then so very difficult to realize that every conscious being has that same inner I-ness? And that, the overall number of transcendent I’s is but one? We have already surmised that if you had a different body you would feel the same I-ness- but that is already the very same way every other person feels right now. Isn’t it just as easy to say there is but one single I-ness or Self taking on different views, memories, feelings and sensation? And not just at this time but all times past and future. “ -Wilber
  11. This is exactly what Wilber said , directly from No Boundary ——
  12. THANK YOU! This is exactly what I am talking about, agree with this take on "solopsism" Leo, was not teaching this. He was saying that the other circles are empty. "Solopsism" in this form (example above) is fucking beautiful
  13. @Leo GuraThe reason i ask that is because you have literally said in the past, "There is no Leo experience over here. There is no bubble of awareness here." Word for word.
  14. Here's how I have experienced "Solopsism": There is only one being in reality, it is within every living form. This being is me and it is the same "me" that is within everyone i see on the street. In that sense, there is only one I. Everyone and everything is God in action. I actually have percieved it as just the one being that animates everyone and everything in reality. However, thinking that everyone is just a figment of my mind and they aren't actually having a conscious experience is misleading and untrue.
  15. Pffff hahaha!
  16. I was in a restaraunt today and in a very non dual kinda state. Completely aware that I am nothing, and disidentified with the ego. Like this bubble of still awareness which everything is passing through. The waiter asked me “are you enjoying the broth?” I almost busted out laughing because what she was calling You, was literally the whole room and nothing at the same time. It gave me the giddiest feeling. Anyone have this?
  17. So... this implies that you are not actually having a conscious experience over there? There is no awareness behind the eyes of Leo that sees out of the eyes?
  18. I honestly think I would miss humans greatly, as much as I hermit and do my own thing, i still like having people around and interacting with them when i want to. Overall, i think it'd be a negative expereince, but i would find happiness with it. Who knows though, none of us will ever know what our true reaction to that would be
  19. Exactly, and it also makes the actual breakthorughs so satisfying <3
  20. You guys throw around that word too much
  21. I would agree with you fully. He is one of the few authors who directly and clearly explains reality and God in a powerful and concise manner. Everyone else is playing this game of being coy or just the "be eqauniomous" game. Hawkins is top 5 imo
  22. Meditation is extremely curative for negative ADHD symptoms and can help tap into the positive sides of it and harness that. At the end of the day it’s all mind patterns and habits anyway so meditation can cure a lot more than people give credit for. 95% of med prescriptions could be replaced with this habit. It’s just not popular/seen as pseudoscience
  23. This was such a huge key for me as well. Having that distinction really keeps you going
  24. Totally agree with this. I recently learned the value of putting books that are informative, like 7 habits of effective people, semen retention, even gut health brain health books, and some auto biographies on AUDIO and leaving the deep, complex, stuff like Wilber, Ralston and others for the physical books and reading. So key.