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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. The whole point of the shit test is to show that you keep your integrity in the face of challenges. If you are responding just to pass her shit test, then you failed Sometimes sticking to your truth and failing a shit test is actually winning
  2. @Leo Gura I’d love to see a new video on masculinity. I feel you’ve gone much deeper into this field and I feel many men could use it
  3. Let’s not go down the rabbit hole again. Tate is a horrible role model
  4. Yeah I think this is a valid tactic. Kind of like absorbing the energies then surrendering them
  5. To be blunt, Recently I have lifted my vibration to an exceptional state. Much higher than the average human today. I notice when I go into nature it maintains but when I’m in a city I absorb the energy around me, which is mostly negative, then I must meditate again to get back to my high state. the other day I was on a plane in the middle seat and the young woman next to me , maybe 23, was completely anxious and obsessed with her phone. Looking at these bikini pictures of herself of course and zooming in on every detail and then flipping to Instagram and texts, then putting her phone down for only 10 seconds before aggressively grabbing her phone again. I’ve never seen someone move so quickly on a phone for that long it’s like her brain was in this overdrive super focus. It was actually kinda impressive. The guy next to me kinda just had a heavy energy. He was nice, but I felt a heaviness. I had just been on a meditation retreat solo and the whole flight I didn’t move an inch. I sat in the middle and sent love to them both and the whole plane. At one point I swear I felt this guys energy drop into my heart and it was heavy but I just breathed through it and kept sending it love. I don’t know if this was because of me but slowly they both seemed to chill out. Especially the girl who was like basically meditating with me by the end, we actually had a ton of non verbal communication that whole flight. All three of us. this. Experience really woke me up to how connected we are to each other and sensitive to each other. Even if you go into a cafe you can notice shifts in the vibe when a certain person comes or leaves or someone says something. It is SO fucking delicate. anyway, I actually ended up talking to both of them after the flight and they seemed very interested in me. I would probably be as well if someone sat next to me in a 4 hr flight and just stared straight ahead without flinching the whole time. my question is, if you increase your vibe high enough, can you just go into any situation and infuse it with love? Or are you risking losing your energy to that place? Is it like a muscle? I know the Buddha could walk into the holocaust and increase the vibration , for example , but if I did it, I would get overwhelmed by the negativity and be fucked up. you guys get what I’m asking?
  6. Yes. Absolutely. Spot on. When I finish a meditation retreat or anything I notice this. The energies merge. Which makes me want to just live on a mountain in a cave
  7. I think surrender is the key. also @Devin maybe try it out. Maybe go live alone isolated from society for a week and see what it’s actually like. I balance these things out. Most summers I spend in isolated meditation then when I come back to the world of socialization sex and people it’s more fun and I’m less anxious
  8. Yes that would be perfect. Remaining protected while raising the energy around me
  9. @Mulkyi think you should continue to help your fam out. Sounds like they want it and are nice people p
  10. Yeah it’s a practice. David Hawkins teachings took me to the level where I can go through a whole flight like it. It’s taken years to reach that level and is still difficult. Takes intense focus. @kah101 well that’s kinda why I made the post haha I’m trying to figure that out personally I think it shouldn’t be something we are afraid of. This is essentially what healers do but I think there is a skillful way to do it where I’m not just letting everyone’s energy in for me to send it love. But then again maybe that fearlessness is how I get good at it
  11. I feel you @Mulky it sounds like a test from the universe for you. To keep your peace in that chaos, maybe? I mean don’t stay in a toxic family situation though. It’s nice that you are helping your sister she probably benefits greatly from being around your energy. in my experience, my family is really supportive of my higher vibration, but almost too much, like they become dependent on it and I have to keep myself in that state for them
  12. Basically I’m staying at my parents house visiting right now and the neighbor has a peach tree that hangs a bit over into our front yard. a branch fell and the house sitters, a lovely sweet old couple from Alabama picked it up and put the peaches in a basket. couple moments later they said there was a loud banging on the door. Neighbor was all worked up and he yelled at them for 10 minutes and said they were “degrading the neighborhood” and when one of them mentioned that the branch was on our property he said “what are you a lawyer now? You’re supposed to bring it over!” anyway it’s clear this guy is fucking nuts. Apparently a day after he apologized to them and said he was off his pain medication when he flipped out. He even went into our trash to find the branch. His wife made him apologize and said that she didn’t even recognize him. I found out about this because I arrived home early and the house sitters told me. I texted my dad and he said he would talk to him when he got back from his trip, so I said I’d stay out of it. But now my mom is home and I can tell it’s bugging her and it pisses me off that this guy is such a weak man and having childish tantrums over fruit. What a loser! I want to go confront him but also don’t know if it’s the wisest move. Part of me what’s the say fuck it and let my dad handle it in his way;, it’s not my neighbor
  13. Yes he is dope and a true visionary, next level thinker. Very grateful to have found him
  14. I’m also confused as to why this Octavio asshole and Andrew rate are even on the radar
  15. Yeah I’m just going to wait til my Dad gets back. Sucks to see how much it’s upsetting my mom
  16. Yes. I agree. But I’m talking specifically about influencing your surroundings with energy
  17. You guys have any experience or stories of how your energetic state influenced the location you were at? I know this is subjective but I’m really curious about it. For example if a Buddha walks into a restaurant, will miracles start happening, will people there feel happier?
  18. Totally agree with this dude. Women in spiritual circles (legit ones, not bs) can actually pick up on energy very well and would reject almost all the Todd V type guys who are successful in clubs scenes. They are too smart for that shit
  19. Agreed. I’ve met tons of great quality women through pick up
  20. Bang on. also about the oxytocin comment from mosquito, you can get those same chemicals elsewhere. Meditation excercise and reading all release it
  21. Yeah but the whole Mexico “people mind their own business” can also cause a lot of problems. I live in Mexico full time and there’s many more things that happen and go without consequence because of this. It’s also one of the things I like the best about Mexico, it’s more relaxed but still… The biggest one is women getting harassed, sexually assaulted, etc and no one does shit. It’s just like “well, men will be men” it’s highly primitive in that sense. the other night my freind was out and a dude came out on the street with a gun, a local, and starting shooting in the air because he was drunk and pist, no repercussion, he didn’t even go to jail. Was walking around town the next day totally chill. I had a female freind on the beach and this well know rapist was following her and she couldn’t do anything about it because he is the mayors son and he just goes around raping women and gets away with it, no joke this is a well known thing in our village ive seen someone punch a baby in the face, domestic abuse in broad daylight, etc so yeah that whole, “live and let live” isn’t actually that chill. there’s never an excuse to touch people without their consent. This Octavio guy should hang I’m sick of hearing about his abuse.
  22. I’ve met a woman who said he molested her while she was out of it on 5MEO when I lived in Tulum. It’s crazy how you can justify anything this psycho is doing
  23. Wow. That’s so beautiful. @Arthogaan damn that’s awesome
  24. Yikes