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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. I am genuinely curious about what’s going on with todays young men and stumbled across some YouTube videos, but I don’t know how accurately they are portraying things, because, well it’s YouTube and algorithms and shit. Here is what I saw; These guys just seem like they have completely given up on women and life. They have all these toxic beliefs around attraction, women, life and money. Honestly they just seem like a bunch of apathetic whiny losers who want to play the victim. They all seem focused on this “hypergamy” idea which I think is bullshit, to some extent it’s true but it’s not like it’s sweeping the world and the top 1% of men are fucking 99% of the hot women. Most people are still living in reality, right? Where are the toxic mindsets coming from? Is this the norm now? Im genuinely curious because I’ve been out of the loop on what’s been going on in America recently culture wise so please fill me in. The greedy part of me looks at this as an opportunity to blow the competition out of the water if this is how guys are thinking now, but my heart feels bad for them.
  2. That’s awesome brother, way to smash through your limitations!
  3. I had my Goggins phase and it helped me get out of a rut and victim mentality. And it’s great to go back to if I’m being lazy, but it’s limited and he lacks self love. Ultimately it’s unviable as a long term strategy
  4. @Yarco Yeah exactly, same here. I’m wondering if this is just an online trend for guys who are in this niche or this is like the thing and the mindset now. Fucking pathetic imo, but hey more for us I guess
  5. If someone had a gun to your mothers head and said “if you don’t approach that woman, your mom dies” would you worry about being a creep? pixture yourself on your death bed, will you give a fuck whether you looked creepy?
  6. I’ll be there for a week and would like to go out and do some approaches. Hit me on the DM
  7. Wow. Mind blowing. #Goals Thank you for sharing
  8. I’ve heard that it arises naturally with spiritual practice (my experience) but I have a friend who is obsessed with the yoga and the Kriyas and says he’s getting a lot of benefit from it. The only thing is it’s kind of turned him into a douche bag because he still has his ego fully intact and this “kundalini power” so he’s developed a big spiritual ego in which he believes he’s above everybody. We’re actually not freinds anymore because it was so annoying, especially when he tried pulling that shit on me I read from a very high conscious teacher that when an ego manipulates its kundalini in unnatural ways it can be detrimental spiritually and cause delusion. TLDR: I don’t think kundalini yoga is necessary and is actually a distraction from real spiritual work. Would love to hear your guys take
  9. True- because the best they have is also their consciousness and motivation levels. So if they “have” all the books on self improvement for example but have the consciousness level and freinds that push them to jerk off to video games all day, that actually is them doing their best. Their best is them being depressed and unmotivated because their mind couldn’t be any other way because that’s where it is at. They don’t have a mind that says “hey, let’s stop doing this and read some books!”
  10. I don’t think it’s healthy what he’s doing to people. Kundalini is supposed to arise naturally as you awaken to God. Even the Kundalini Yoga is forcing it in a way and I think it’s stupid.
  11. So I’ve basically been living abroad for a while, out in nature. Recently I came back to the US and noticed that I was perceiving things a lot differently. I don’t know if things changed here or I have, but I used to totally dismiss socializing and status, I saw it as lame and could see the fakeness in it. I would make fun of the people like “oh we have dinner with the Johnsons on Tuesday and then drinks with the girls on Friday…” But coming back I see a new appreciation of it. Like just seeing friends having dinner together and stuff, it makes me wonder if I could enjoy that life. Parties, dinners, the fast life, etc. being a young person in a city, like the show freinds or something. It must be me that’s changed, but I just have way less judgement of it but another part of me loves living out in nature with my friends who love psychedelics, dance, and spirituality. They are 2 totally different worlds. I contemplated it and it feels like going for that “social city life” is more of a striving and attempt to fit in and be cool or accepted. While living in nature, spending barely any money and meditating all day (which someone from the city might call a lame lifestyle and a waste) feels so much more natural and authentic. But it does feel like I have to chose one or the other because I don’t like being halfway with my identity and I think there’s a lot of implications of what that might lead to down the road 10/20 years. any input is appreciated. do any of you guys live this like “social city life” ? How is it? Is it more glamorous looking than in reality? I kinda miss parties and friend circles and even all the stupid drama and gossip a bit of American city life. But I don’t want to chase that and then be like fuck “This is so hollow, I should’ve followed my calling to be a hippie in nature” thanks
  12. I basically made enough money so I could fully pursue spirituality without having to kiss anyones ass or do it in ashram with rules and human bullshit
  13. Yes. I agree with you on the social calibration. But how does one get better? -Practice. The mind is very good at adjusting and learning and with an open mind one can get better at approach and their social energy. It really just takes practice and not taking it too seriously. Regarding your second point I’ve told my female freinds that some days I just walk around looking for beautiful women that I express my interest in and they actually think it’s sweet
  14. Yeah this guy pretty much nailed it. Most women are pretty impressed by day game, because it shows a lot of confidence and balls, and that you don’t fear doing things that are considered a bit out of our sheepish societal structures. Deep down a woman wants to be with a man who is NOT cucked by what society has told to be and what a good boy does, going up to her and just being cool displays massive value. I find that most women aren’t actually that busy and usually bored, doing an approach can make her day. Night game is more like fucking around, no one is really taking it that seriously
  15. Bro I think you should do it. Don’t listen to them, follow your karma and experience this. Although it is ultimately a shallow distraction it sounds like you need to get it out of your system. once I was at a gym and saw a beautiful blonde with a body that was out of this world. I just walked up to her and said “Jesus I’m trying to work out here you’re distracting the shit out of me!” In a fun and flirty joking way. 2 nights later we had sex and even a couple of nights of dates/sex so my advice. Sack up, and cold approach the girls you are interested in. Just stay cool, respectful and fun because it could be creepy if done wrong
  16. I live in a spiritual community in Mexico and it took my understanding and practice to the next level. Having people who are also embodying these principles is very helpful. They also mostly love sex and psychedelics ?
  17. The poem was absolutely beautiful by the way, it touched in the essence of God much deeper than any words you’ve ever spoken. Thank you for sharing.
  18. I learned to take all teachers with a grain of salt. You are your own Guru, God and Heaven. I used to hang onto every word Leo, Ralston or Hawkins said until I forged my own path. Now I highly value their teachings and perspectives but my own reality is so grounded in my own values and truth that nothing they say can shake me. It’s only of interest and value to contemplate. And usually, what they are saying makes absolute sense, even the “crazy” stuff. Leo’s video was actually very sacred in its rawness. Part of me was like “oh no, many of his followers are going to take this the wrong way, I hope this doesn’t cause any suicides” but this is the exact fear that causes so many teachers to censor themselves. I’m thankful Leo can be so raw in his experience and tell his truth. Who has never had thoughts of killing themselves? We all have. Old me would have been disturbed by this video for a week or maybe longer, just like the solipsism stuff used to mess with me. But now I just let go, the ultimate goal for myself is peace, just peace and kindness and opening the heart and living my passion. To me, this is stronger than any psychedelic trip, which I’ve had many of, because life is now the psychedelic and the medicine and just sitting in the woods for a few hours I can connect to God with my heart. Or leading my family through a meditation. Or meeting a cute girl in a coffee shop. The psychedelic mattress is retired for me. I respect Leo’s path and the guts he has, but I will carve my own path and follow my own heart. I believe healing and insight will unfold naturally if you stay with strong integrity, intent, faith and love, and this is more fun over a span of 50 -80 years. I hope to never be in a situation where I have a loaded gun in my hand and I’m contemplating suicide. I don’t see the healing there, it doesn’t need to go there
  19. I like the ego. It doesn’t need to be an enemy. Allow it to dissolve
  20. If a therapist sat in a room with Jesus or the Buddha within minutes they’d be begging them for guidance and help
  21. Hm, in my experience it can be good for just getting that urge or energy out and make you better at game because you’re more relaxed and less tense about needing to get your sexual energy out. it’s better than porn or jerking it. I think spiritually it can be bad if overdone, you are taking in her energy in a way and she has been with many men so likely a lot of darkness there but that said I’ve had great experiences with prostitutes and usually they are really sweet and chill
  22. This right here is exactly why I want to find a woman who is self conscious and spiritual. You picked up on your programming and how you were projecting it onto your boyfriend. That is so powerful!