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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Sam Harris is for kindergarten students. It’s for people who don’t have balls and want to meditate so they can be more productive at work and feel calmer
  2. I’m also curious if it’s an issue of purity of substance
  3. Once and IF you fully get it, there will be “no-self” to complain about it like you are. Get it? You’re gone! Just empty blissful space. Silence. Stillness. You can’t grasp that now because you’re looking at it from where you are.
  4. Thank you all for the beautiful comments, resonance, and feedback ❤️ Wishing you the sky and beyond in all your journeys
  5. I resonate with a lot of your experiences and post, thanks for sharing in such detail.
  6. His teachings are so easy to understand and written on a highly intelligent level. Very many correlations with Leo and Ralston as well. here is a pic from his consciousness calibrations
  7. After doing some research I’m actually so post at the US dental association and their use of heavy metals on peoples mouths. I had no say in the matter and got fillings at a young age. I have a big one on my right bottom tooth. I want it gone for sure. Has anyone successfully done this? Where can I go to safely get this done?
  8. Leo called Consilence a jackass and kinda flipped on him for just having a different opinion and making what I would call a totally reasonable case for his point of view. It’s just not a very loving and non reactive way to respond. I have sat with enlightened masters who would never talk to their students like this and only show love to them. Also, Leo’s point is invalid because people like Ralston, Buddha, Christ have attained the highest awakenings solely through contemplation. Psychedelics are beautiful and powerful tools but reality is the strongest trip of all. You just gotta tap in.
  9. I used to be so unhealthily obsessed with Eminem. I sometimes wonder if I was just programming my own mind with hate and violence but it helped me in my younger years navigate and have an outlet for my anger and angst. I connected with him so much. I do wonder what it’d be like if he spread messages of love with that talent, but it probably wouldn’t be nearly as popular. And it wouldn’t be Eminem.
  10. Very interesting post. Thank you for sharing. First off, congrats on crushing all your material desires. And big surprise, all those sages were right, it’s mostly empty at the end of it all. Now what’s left? Keep pursuing more and more? Nah Going within and finding true happiness and dissolving into Love and God? Yeap! I was like you man, i made a ton of money early in life, stupid amounts, hooked up with 100s of girls, mastered my physique, went to cool parties, and i was still depressed and miserable. Only recently I quit my job to fully pursue spirituality. This year I am doing 6 , 10 day silent retreats, 3 yoga modules, and likely a 49 day silent retreat along with bi weekly psychedelic trips and hours upon hours of contemplation and reflection. I have more time on my hands than ever but feel very strategical about how I run my days. My advice, get super spiritual. Take all that fire you had to go your material goals, and put it into the spiritual. Of course, balance it out. Still date women and make money, or go balls to the wall with it like I am. Whatever fits. Side note; I feel you on the selflessness thing, I sometimes wonder if I should make my life’s work something that helps people when most don’t seem interested. I have this passion to lead meditations and hypnosis, but I might just do it as a side gig
  11. Don’t you guys see your just arguing about the same thing. If Consilence find it’s through meditation and Leo finds it through psychedelics, who gives a fug. For me personally, the two are merging. My psychedelic experiences have merged into my daily meditation practices to where the whole of existence feels like one big trip. I also live in a spiritual community and on an energetic portal of the earth so it’s a bit more trippy than you’re average place. But I can go for a walk on the beach and merge into the whole thing like I’m tripping
  12. The GOAT. The way he breaks down and connects language is simply Godlike
  13. I met a beautiful Argentinian woman about 6 months ago (then she left, we never hooked up) and we have been talking on what’s app, kinda flirty for about 1-2 months. Recently she moved back to the town I live in and met her in. We have been hanging out and having sex, and the sex is amazing but I’m worried that I’m doing it for the wrong reasons. Personally I don’t see myself starting a relationship and I’m kinda feeling more like something casual, but she told me that she is finally allowing herself to open her heart and that she wants to go deep. So I’m kinda worried that I’m going to end up hurting her and I’m so sick of guys fucking women over just so they can get some sex. I told her some of this, in an honest way, and she said she wants me to feel free and to do whatever I want. But that she isn’t going to hold back her emotions and be distant and is opening up to love. Im in a bind because I love the sex and I do like her, but sometimes she feels too intense and I also don’t see myself getting into something long term there. I want to be free sexually. But then again there’s times when we have a great connection and it feels good. But to start dating I know I would be doing that out of alignment. Kinda lost
  14. When reading my post above your mind is going one of two places, ”wow. That’s so crazy I’m imagining this guy who is trying to convince he’s having a real experience and that I’m not God. Wow! I can’t believe I’m imagining that!” or ”hey maybe this is actually a person with an experience and consciousness on the other end…let me just get my head out of my ass real quick and consider that….” go with the latter
  15. Solopsism is bullshit do you all really think I don’t exist? There is no experience happening over here!? Helllooooo. Or am I just your imagination right now? Then stop imagining me! Let’s do an experiment. Wipe me out! Couldn’t do it? Huh, weird. Cuz you’re all like God or something. What a self indulgent, ego boosting convenience. Only YOU are real and everyone else is just YOUR imagination. YOU created them all, they only exist because of YOU! This is so lame and deluded. You have to be seriously insecure and wanting to be special to fall into this trap of Solopsism. Listen to the greats, the highest teaching is alleviating all beings from suffering. You think those guys were just fucking around saying that to be cute? To not spoil the little game of Solopsism? Its a fucking delusion
  16. This straight up pisses them off
  17. Sure but there is still competition to hook up with the tantric psychedelic women
  18. @Tyler Robinson you are reading into my message totally wrong First part “ This ??? don’t hate the player hate the game “ Im agreeing with what you said and I’m saying that to the others who were complaining about it, I’m agreeing with your comment on “not to take it out on women but to just get better with understanding them” The douche thing was in relation to what Leo said about him seeing girls going with the douche guys. In no way was I insulting you or putting you down!
  19. The rejections can be the biggest growth to your sense of self possible. Use it to dismantle and let go of your ego. Who is hurt? Why is it hurt? Then keep going Personally I love getting rejected because it loosens me up and helps me take it less seriously. Kinda like the worst has already happened
  20. This ??? don’t hate the player hate the game But also, there’s no need to be a fucking douche like I’m sure the kinds Leo sees in Las Vegas are above and beyond. But that’s a highly competitive, club environment. I’m not surprised he’s lost respect for the women in that scene. I prefer spiritual girls that I meet at yoga, ecstatic dance, parks, beaches. They see right through the douche bag act
  21. This is false. Women are attracted to vibe and internal power. It just so happens when a man has material resources and power he acts in a manner consistent with this. But it’s not needed. Especially if he knows he is God
  22. It is a shame, but there is such a strong pull to act like this. I find myself doing it in subtle ways, but also, let’s be fucking real for a second. It is a competition in a way because someone is getting laid at the end of the night and many are not. I do think the “fighter” approach is pretty stupid and it looks so lame and insecure. You can easily make that guy look like a dumbass by just being detached and let him dig his own grave. But you’re still competing and you still want to sleep with the girl and not share her. Theres no need to throw other guys under the bus, but you do have to stand out above them in subtle ways if you want to get the hottie