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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. It’s nice to feel appreciated by women from places like Brazil because they actually appreciate you as a man. Way less stressful in certain ways
  2. Pretty sure Tyler is a US based woman so has a bitterness and bias towards us talking about this. The truth is there’s a much better and more attractive option and it ain’t in the US. This is no different than doing pick up in a club, it’s just pick up in other countries. The women love it too and get to experience something new so what’s the harm? Sex tourism is specifically paying for sex in countries where prostitutes are cheaper, which also is fine if people want to do it. As long as no one is getting hurt.
  3. I have been living not working for like a year now and I’m definitely never bored nor do I miss work. But I consider going back because I miss the thrill of saving and investing money to eventually buy a badass house and live with even more passive income. But that’s kinda just a hamster wheel. I feel I could live “poor” in a place as long as I’m by nature and have good food and people around me. Btw. Poor doesn’t mean scraping by it means living on like 1K/2K/ Mo in South America, which, there is pretty high end. I don’t want to spend my youth working, when I can optimize my avatar and live in a restful state.
  4. Why would you want this tho?
  5. Yesterday I met a woman who just got divorced because the guy cheated. They have a 3 year old child now who will live with separated parents, and now any other kids they might have had will not exist and what could’ve been a beautiful family will not exist because he thought it wasn’t a big deal. So yeah….
  6. Obviously if you learn Spanish that’s a huge plus and an even bigger plus if you go to an actual university there. I didn’t even know that was possible. Which university?
  7. You guys sound like my kinda dudes ? I left the US 6 years to work and live remote. My job was paying stacks so I lived like royalty in Colombia, we rented a penthouse that overlooked the whole city and it was less than 1K each. Nuts! So yes, 1K/Mo you can live well, but if you can spend 2K just do that and live in a badass pad. I’m curious which part of Colombia you lived @acidgoofy? Because I was in Medellin and felt like the locals were kinda annoyed by the gringos, probably because there’s so many. Most of the women I hooked up with in Colombia were European/Canadian and American ironically. Because I just didn’t get much interaction with the locals, but maybe it’s changed or you were in a different spot. But yes, the locals are very warm and friendly regardless, very nice and cool people. I’ve actually never been to Argentina directly, every other country in SA, yes, but Argentina I haven’t yet. I make my claim based on the Argentinian women I’ve been with in other countries, so maybe they are different. But I’ve observed them to be the most beautiful , behind Brazilians of course, in South America. I heard they have a bit of a feminist culture there but it’s probably nothing compared to the cringe that is now the US dating scene. They still have the feminine masculine polarity. Im probably a bit biased here, because I struck out in Colombia and have done well with Argentine women.
  8. Someone did 5MEO and killed themselves?
  9. Not sure where you’re from but an American I go t a Brazilian visa so I can do 3 month stints then I just leave and go back. Portuguese is tough but if you go to the cities like Rio and São Paulo many women there know at least some English and even if they don’t I created relationships and sex buddies with women who spoke no English. It’s so much more about the energy there. if you’re between Colombia or Argentina I’d say go to Argentina. The women are hotter and more open to foreigners. Brazil is the best by miles though imo.
  10. Be honest about it. Cheating is a spineless act. Just be honest that you’re attracted to other people and maybe your girl will be open to a three sum open relationship or taking a break. If not, then break up, but don’t fuck her over by being a snake. Plus it will eat you up. Guilt sucks
  11. Passport Bros… fuck now there’s a term for it? This isn’t good I guess I’ve been a passport bro for 6 years now and I’ve completely lost interest in American women as a result of it. Once you taste the deep feminine and light hearted energy of Brazilian, Argentinian, and Russian women, i can’t even justify going for American chicks. I pretty much solely date Latina women now because they are so passionate, feminine, and fucking incredibly sexy. Brazilians are just another breed completely, I really hope these passport bros don’t start going to Brazil, please don’t ruin Brazil, it’s my happy place and being a gringo there you are rare and just clean up. I hooked up with Brazilian models, 19, 20 year old babes, non stop and they were down for everything in bed and just had the hottest energy and vibe. There was no bullshit or ass kissing or weird feminine masculine dynamic, like in the US or Canada. Ya. I’ve been passport bro-ing hard, that Shit turned me into a man
  12. The best music to trip to
  13. Thanks for your authenticity and honesty in this sharing. Resonates
  14. Calm down guys, like all of you have never used spirituality to feel better about your lives and suffering, give me a break. You know what OP if it works for you, keep doing it. Don’t let anyone tell you how to play the game of life
  15. It still boggles me that people can sit around and bitch about Leo’s work after the decade of heart and soul he’s put into it. If you don’t see it as massive value, then you stupid. It’s helped clarify so many things for me. Still, there’s a time when you must put the teacher down and go. Go! Come to your own conclusions. The biggest thing I’ve learned from teachers is to go within and question/deconstruct. Until there’s nothing left.
  16. One thing that helped me greatly in this arena was unfusing my relationship with Leo. Although it feels personal since I’ve been watching his stuff for years, it’s not. He’s reporting to a camera that goes out to from his pov his followers, same with any teacher. I read Ralston and realized he’s just writing this to a general audience. It’s not personal at all. When in the video or book they say “you” they don’t actually mean YOU. I know this sounds obvious but there’s a subtlety here I’m pointing out that people don’t pick up. And they imagine this relationship that doesn’t exist. Some people grow dependent on teachers in this manner and spend a ton of energy trying to make them wrong or glorify them, like Scholar is doing. Either way it’s a distraction. And they create imaginary conversations either agreeing disagreeing asking questions wondering what they would think of or if they would approve. It’s delusion. See it for what it is. Just sit alone, breathe contemplate and not know. There is only one Truth and it exists. There’s def a point where you must go your own way and deprogram your own mind and you are totally alone in that battle. Not know. Kill the Buddha.
  17. Marajuana always pricks my fear response. I go into deep fear darkness and panic. Which is strange because other psychedelics are so good to me, even when they’re difficult, I feel held. With weed it’s just like wtf was the point of that? but maybe it’s something to face head on. Leo , I hope you continue teaching humans, some of us love your art!
  18. Hi Leo I just finished the book spiritual enlightenment the damndest thing by Jed McKenna and it made me even more confused. After reading Ralston like a madman and even going to one of his workshops. I thought enlightenment was assessable to people if they just did the work and that it was a scale not an “on off” thing. This resonates with what you teach and what I’ve experienced myself. However Jed McKenna is very stark in saying most people on a “path” are not heading towards enlightenment. Is it a process or on/off thing? Is it true that only .01% of Genuine Seekers attain it? Are you still pursuing enlightenment or has God realization taken it’s place? Where do I put my focus and energy as I, the ego, wants enlightenment? What else is spiritually possible aside from Enlightenment that’s worth pursuing if you don’t want to make that the only goal, seeing that only .01% of SEEKERS attain? Thanks!
  19. Depends completely on the style of yoga, but yes, of course there are benefits. It’s a thousands year old technology for awakening. But the style and teacher are of utmost importance. You can waste a lot of time with bullshit
  20. This post reeks of victim mentality. What if Bob Marley had thought like this ?
  21. I live within a spiritual community and it made the whole thing so much more enjoyable, relaxed, and SAFE. Having people to integrate and share experiences with what missing deeply in my soul and spiritual path. Most of these people live with open hearts and strive to be better. They definitely are not perfect, nor am I, but they are loving and chill and not lost in the psychosis that is the mainstream. I’m general they are just more pleasant to be around. Everyone I know gives you presence, warmth, vulnerability and long hugs and cuddles Couldnt agree more with your post
  22. I have a genuine question and I’d love to hear what you guys think; Ive met many people who take and administer Bufo (natural form of 5 MEO) and they are not impressive at all. In fact, many of them are totally dysfunctional, anxious, and just plain dark people. I wouldn’t trust these people with literally anything better yet let them administer Bufo on me. Some of these people have also done multiple silent retreats and years of yoga along with reading profound spiritual teachings Is there some people who just don’t “get it?” And never will? I’ve never done Bufo, but if it really launches you into directly meeting God, wouldn’t that like a change a person and make them more conscious and less miserable? Is it because they don’t have the theory/foundation? In their defense I have no idea what they were like before, but they are extremely petty and attached where they are now. Im really curious about this because many people seem to be checking all the boxes but don’t actually develop or grow or change in any significant way and they seem to be really trying.
  23. I find women to be more conscious loving and aware than men in general. That’s why there’s way more women interested in spirituality than men.
  24. Hey Guys, Ive been off the forum for a while as I needed a break from this community and I also decided to go balls deep into spiritual practices without distraction from my phone or online. It was so refreshing to be off YouTube, forums, messaging, social, news and even books. Just nature and spiritual practices. So much presence and peace arose. For context Im 29 and live in Mexico (retired) in a village that is quite possibly one of the happiest and most awakened places on earth. Words can’t even describe the magic that occurs here on a regular basis, it’s a vortex and transforms the soul on a deep level if you surrender to it. I’ve been beyond blessed to live in a village with a spiritual community that values meditation, authenticity, conscious living, connection, and freedom. When I was doing this alone it was fine but seeing reflections of myself as God that also understand and reflect it back is beautiful in a way that I couldn’t touch while lone wolfing it. We are gifted to have an enlightened being lead the community and no it’s not a cult and he’s not our guru or anything, it’s heaven on earth and everyone is free to live how they want. I’m amazed to be surrounded by such a high vibrational field. The past 3 months have been like this more or less -10 Day silent retreat, led by an enlightened master - 3 week yoga intensive (8 hours of hatha yoga a day and kundalini yoga) -10 day silent retreat, led by enlightened master -10 day silent nature immersion by myself with a mushroom journey -7 days of Tantric sexual relationship - another 3 week yoga course but at a higher level (currently in) Insights -Awakening to everyone and everything as God, myself, pure reflection -I am God imagining reality -I AM, no matter what is going on, I AM is an undeniable fact and it is unshakeable, utter stillness I AM -Awakening to the fact that I am in Gods dream and everyone (me) is sleepwalking. God is peacefully dreaming. -The transparency and light of my own body, the illusory nature of perception and my own physical body. Realizing it as pure light, not material -The depth of void that is experiencing everything. The truth of emptiness behind it all. -Infinity, reality is infinity. This reallly hit me while I was staring at a plant - The thing I call “I” is a total program and I have been socially brainwashed by culture. Dropping all programs and “personal” opinions I have been programmed with. Realizing how deep programming goes and that I even programmed my own self and ego unconsciously - realizing that I created reality since no one actually came into my mind and connected a tree with the concept of language and the word “tree” I did it myself and I did that with everything. Thus, I’m creating my reality because I can only have my experience. - The beauty of the feminine and the importance of true love making. I made love to a woman I met after the silent retreat and it made the sex I was having before look like trash. I don’t want to do pick up anymore and will only make love with women who are awake and conscious and realize they are Godesses -The power of my own sexual energy and semen retention. This allow if channeled properly can lead to enlightenment. Not giving away my sexuality for a woman just because she is hot, valuing my sexuality as a man. Realizing I have reached a level of attraction I’ve never experienced, every beautiful and spiritual woman here is attracted to me and I have made love to most of them -Reality is completely made out of distinctions that I have imagined for survival needs, in truth reality is Nothing and just pure white light. -Authenticity, nothing else matters. All these silly Owen Cook and Social dynamic videos and courses can be dropped if you just understand that if you are calm, authentic, comfortable in your skin, and kind to others people will love you. And they will love you for who you are not because you know some stupid social tricks and can manipulate really well, that shit is exhausting anyway. Just connect with them and be real they can feel that on a subconscious level -The deep realization of how unconscious and stupid most of society is and how everyone is constantly programming themselves with the same stories through ads, social media, music, tv, etc and that most will never truly break free from it. The main pillars of society being “Victim” and “Perfectionism”. If you can break free from society and it’s programming you will be happy -realizing that it doesn’t matter what I do with my life, I’m already dying and there is nothing to prove to anyone. It will all be over soon so I might as well live in nature and build what I want. Chasing money and success is totally irrelevant. The only thing that matters is presence consciousness and love and connection. Everything society told me to chase is hollow and soul draining. -The importance of the moment, it’s happening for itself and by itself and since we are infinite, the present moment is all there is, so let it manifest as itself and for itself and enjoy. It’s always going to be that way -Becoming a God within my human body, dissolving into the royalty that is God consciousness and allowing it to flow through the body. -Being kind to others. Not because I have to or there is some moral need, but because being an asshole actually conflicts with my integrity and makes me feel a lower vibration. - seeing others as childlike (in a positive way) with that innocence and in a way we are all children of God and brothers and sisters just on our own paths and figuring it out - living with integrity and honesty, no matter what or how painful the conversations have to be. Being someone who inspires people and makes them feel safe. There were more insights but I don’t have the words to even put them here. I feel very proud of myself for reaching these truths while totally sober just doing meditation, yoga, being in nature and staying away from the internet and distractions. I actually did mushrooms one day and all it showed me was that i didn’t need psychedelics at all. Life is the psychedelic journey, just a bit more “sturdy” you could say. But I was high on shrooms and just realized “this is silly, I feel more conscious when I’m sober”. So, hard work and courage pay off, and this is my baseline now, it’s not going to wear off it’s only going to go deeper because I’m never going to give up. I think psychedelics can show you deep awakenings, but what do they really do for your character and baseline consciousness? I think they are powerful tools to awaken, but then you have to be able to get there sober, at best they are doors and motivators, but I’m beginning to feel that psychedelics as a legit spiritual path is not valid. Doing spirituality the “slow” way or walking up the mountain versus taking the helicopter builds you into a fucking badass, you learn deep values, build character, focus, discipline, integrity and understand nuances that psychedelics skip. Would you rather have a 2 minute blowjob from 1000 women or make love slowly for hours and days with your Goddess? Getting to know every inch of her body and hearing all the moans… The enlightened master who lives here is one of the most humble and selfless people on the planet. His whole life is dedicated to helping others awaken safely and with support. But there’s no way he’s awake, right guys? Anyway, hope this helps a few of you, we got this (fist bump). Never give up, listen to your intuition, and follow your heart