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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Nah. Nothing too big to worry about. Most of the racism is subtle and most of the people there aren't actually racist, but it might be a bit less comfortable feeling as New Jersey. You may be pleasantly surprised too. I don't know, haven't been in the south for a while tho
  2. Beautiful! This was great to read It doesn't matter your impact on the world if you don't need it to. This is your dream so if you want to explore your dream that's God exploring itself like a child who wonders at the stars. This is your right!
  3. 5K/Mo passive is a big ask. Youll need to save and invest a shit ton to hit that mark. If you're going to travel it's expensive too. But if you want to live abroad it's super affordable. I know people who are expats in Mexico living well on $500/mo
  4. Fear is not an assumption. It's based on direct experience. Why do you fear fire? Becauseit fucking burns, your not assuming it burns
  5. ChatGPT sounds like a great way to offput your intelligence and ability to come up with your own insight into a computer. This is an easy question; love. Love is value.
  6. Just say "nah I'm good on the shots but I'll come to the bar with you" then you hold space for her while she drinks and just be like cool sober guy.
  7. After a solo week of meditating in the woods, I was bombarded with the juiciest insights into self and life and realizing how beautiful contemplation and insights are. Here are my insights on insight 1) How to contemplate; It's funny, I was contemplating Who am I? Or better yet What am I? What is this internal me this ego? And I noticed I was thinking way too much about it. Reasoning and thinking. "Well I'm inside the head and I associate myself with these emotions" etc then I just stopped and was like "no. What the FUCK is me?!" And I just held my awareness on myself. No thinking. Just pure holding of presence. Then BAM! Not only did I have an insight into awareness I also had an insight into contemplation and it was so juicy because contemplation is not thinking about something. It's about placing your awareness on it in an inquisitive and open manner. It's actually quite strenuous when you do it properly. 2) Horizontal versus Vertical insights; This is clarifying insight into 2 main categories.1) Metaphysical, God, Reality. And 2) The human spectrum. The human spectrum was very much focused around insights on my emotions, life purpose, and masculinity and dating. The vertical was all about no self God and Love. 3) Allowing mind time to rest. I noticed after a deep insight my mind would just go into random thoughts and fantasies right after. It's like it got hit with a realization and needed to nod off after. It was so weird becauseI wouldnt even notice it happening until I was thinking of something completely weird and random that woke me out of the daze. 4) The importance of time. The mind really needs long stretches of time to truly contemplate and wind down. 3/4 hour "contemplation stations" in which there are moments of focus and moments of rest. Any lower amount of time doesn't allow the mind to truly rest into the questions and gain serious focus. Hence why no one is able to generate much insight. It takes tremendous dedication and focus. 5) Brain health. This hit me hard but yeah like duh the brain needs to be treated like pure gold the body as well. Light healthy eating, fresh clean water, excercise, heavy metal detox, TVM, Kambo, sleep, yoga, sex, all needed for strong mind power and contemplations. If you still have a ton of toxins and trauma in the body, it will be tough to have deep insight. The best way to go deep is to just be alone. With no input. Nothing coming into your mind and senses be in nature and just rest. The answers will come. I plan to do a dark room retreat soon 10 days Hope this helps. Aho!
  8. Met an absolute bombshell from Norway the other night. The energy was magnetic and I was crushing on her hard, some cuddling and deep talkd. We planned to meet at ecstatic dance, the whole community does it every Sunday, and when I got there she was making out with my friend. I don't think he knew though bc she is new. Anyway, it hurt but was kinda like a nice sad pain. I just went to the beach and watched sunset while listening to Bob Marley. It helped me to refocus on my life purpose and how transient romance is. Its stupid to depend on it. She was one the first women in a while that I really digged tho
  9. @flowboy ya that latest freakout by Leo made me lose interest in not only this forum but even his videos and channel. No teaching is worth getting insulted and degraded for. He's so far up his own ass it's not worth even talking to him. But for the followers. I hope you guys can see how toxic and lame this is. This isn't leadership, masculinity, or consciousness. Find your own truth guys. Carve your own path. No one is meant to be a follower for life. It's supposed to be a phase, couple years max. It's upsetting because Ive always had Leo's back. All these YouTube idiots try to declaim and ridicule him but in all their videos I always thought to myself "they don't get it. They don't understand what Leo is teaching and are way off the mark" but now, there's nothing I can defend. He's just, quite simple, an asshole. Is this what self actualization looks like? Was this the vision Leo? Im sad because I remember the heros journey videos and shit were so inspiring for me to become the best version of myself. And now the guy who inspired that is a fucking dick. Last thing I'll say is the biggest gains I've made were alone, in silence, without videos or teachers or books. Go within. Get offline. With love I hope you guys find your own ways. And Leo I hope you eventually grow up and become a solid leader for these young asiprants.
  10. @acidgoofy do you feel that the blocks you heal while tripping are healed permanently ?
  11. Highly recommend thatDeida book
  12. Nah I stayed for a bit and danced. Actually I saw my friend today and chatted about it. He had no idea and I guess they just vibed. I'm over it now went on another date with a gorgeous Turkish girl tonight
  13. It's an extremely powerful practice. Just enjoy the sexual energy for what it is and move it up your spine. Have enough discipline to not ejeculate. You'll get better at it it takes time and patience
  14. Fascinating conversation. Thanks guys!
  15. I think this channel generalñy attracts these kind of people. I'm like this too. Recently I've been more focused on quality over quantity and a romantic partner
  16. Thanks. I like this idea
  17. To be honest I don't find most women attractive enough to pursue. Let's say I'm at a party and there's like 100 women there, I'll likely only be genuinely interested in about 4 or 5. I really like beautiful women and almost always go for the hottest one in the room. Plenty of women are interested in me, but I only want the hottest. This limits the amount of sex I have but I can't really help who I am attracted to. Can I? I actually think I'd like to lower my standards a bit. On the plus side this also results in me hooking up with really hot chicks most of the time, but it's less quantity and options. I also find that once the sexual energy is flowing the looks become less important. But it's still kinda like, meh.
  18. Wow. I just posted something similar. OP and Leo I really resonate with everything you guys wrote and actually have a lot of similarities. Im presented with lots of opportunities for sex but rarely does it align because of this exact reason. I live in a small community. Stage green/yellow, and the women here want a tantric lover, they act open but I know that it's not what they really want. Thing is there's plenty of guys here who are just kinda fuck boys and get away with it. I have somewhat of a solution, In a sense if you're just honest with the women about it, that you are focused on life purpose and aren't looking for a relationship / want to be free to date others. If you bring that up early many women will understand and you can still be great lovers. If she's not cool with that just respect it and move on.
  19. Just keep your cool and enjoy
  20. It's because of tinder and bumble and social media.