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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. So far, it's fucking amazing.
  2. It's 100 % what you make it of it. Self improvement videos alone could turn a loser living in his basement into a millionaire if he actually applies himself. Funny thing is if you just read 4-5 books on self improvement and really applied it it's all you'd need, but we need repetition and reminders because the old brain grooves and laziness are such strong beasts
  3. Solid. It's half off right now so I might get it. Thx
  4. Thx. And it's solid quality material?
  5. @Yimpa Yeah if you sleep at night with earplugs and all your windows blacked out and a face mask you'll have the best refreshing recharging sleep of your life. Trust me. Game changer. @AlterEgo You'd be surprised by what you can easily handle and even enjoy. Once you get through the first layers of fear and terror (first few days) it's mostly bliss. I just completeled a 21 day silent retreat and I wish I could've stayed longer, it was one of the happiest I've ever been
  6. I did a 4 day dark room retreat, it was the most powerful and transformative experience I've had. You go to another level of depth and surrender and 2 days in i was having a full on DMT/ Ayahuasca trip I plan to do 30 days in darkness in the near future. Also funny is Leo posted this article from Hridaya in Mexico a while back: "Reflections On A 40-Day Dark Room Retreat" Hridaya is an incredible school. It's catipulted my spiritual growth. Weird coincidence. Highly recommend to anyone looking to go deep in a living container. Funny how small the non dual world is
  7. I've been to parties like this where the vibe is actually about love and peace. I think Vice likes to make things look worse than they are, but idk rainbow gathering maybe they're worse
  8. Is hot seat home a DVD set or CA you do it from your computer anywhere
  9. You kinda form a mental blueprint of what the room looks like and where everything is
  10. Feel your way through. It's not that hard actually you get used to it
  11. Enlightenment is thinking for yourself 100% Without our stories about what reality is. It becomes what it is
  12. Cheers brother happy birthday
  13. Also find a good yogic school you can study with. Even if just as a container Makes a huge difference imo
  14. I was making tons of money in tech and quit to pursue God. Never been happier and I live well below the means I used to. But I'm not materialistic. I need very little to be comfortable and happy. A nice bed, quiet, nature, my books, healthy food, cool people, a good yoga school nearby and I'm good. I do see myself going back to pursuing money and a serious relationship once I get this current mission completed. But for now it's solo retreats and books, i look at it like the times when those Google founders lived in their basements eating only ramen noodles until they built the company. I'm doing that except with my consciousness and smoothie bowls I probably could've made it work with my old job, but I feel fully aligned with my life right now and how I'm living. But only do this if you're not materialistic and have the discipline to not just sit around all day doing nothing. Can you fill a full day with spiritual work? Are you ready for that? Likely this is a phase for you, but maybe not, the more I do the more silly pursuing money and status and even these mainstream relationships seem. Like I've got God... I can just bask in that all day fuck a job
  15. During the sleep i had the most insanely vivid dreams. Like would wake up and verbally say ,"holy fuck that was incredible" imagine avatar type animator X 1000 with a story line so fucking artistic and mind blowing it would win a million Oscars. No idea what was behind this but my dreams were like these full immersion movies with the strangest and most incredible themes and story lines and jokes even. Like genuis humor
  16. No rules You're in a pitch black room with a shower and toilet. They deliver breakfast and lunch through a sliding door (food is optional though) you have to feel your way to the toilet haha same with everything. All i did was sleep and meditate and yoga
  17. Can't wait to tear into this one
  18. This last year I've spent 60 days (cumulative) in silent meditation, and 9 weeks practicing Hatha Kundalini and Pranayama for 6-8 hours a day. Any time off is spent in solitude in nature or if I'm being social it's a test to see how conscious and loving i can stay through it. This has catipulted my baseline consciousness and connection to reality. Plus my mind is basically silent. I'm able to see how I effect the things around me and live in a more conscious way thinking of others above me. To me this is true spiritual work. When you don't hinge on psychedelics and videos, you create and strengthen your connection to reality deeply because all you have to depend on is your own grit will and grace from God
  19. Yes but psychedelics take you up and drop you back. Getting there through meditation increases your baseline level of consciousness. For example. I just got out of a 21 day silent retreat and I'm basically living In a non dual state, my mind is absolutely silent and I'm aware that everything is mind, me, and God at all times. It's been like this for a week. I read Ramana Maharishi book and everything checks out as experience and if not I at least understand it. This was earned through hard work meditating and contemplating sober for 21 days straight. I've never had a trip that left me stabilized in a level like this no matter what the substance or how intense the experience was.
  20. I'm starting to feel Leo this forum and community is not a place for serious spirituality
  21. Go deeper, boredom comes from ego. It shouldn't be boring at all if you are truly becoming free
  22. Did you attain this awakening through psychedelics or did you increase your baseline consciousness into this state of Being?
  23. I was so close to getting it. Thank God I stuck to intuition
  24. It's subtle mostly but sometimes very loud but his vibe is that people are just stupid selfish unconscious monkeys. I always felt this way too so i fell right into this. But recently I've dropped it. People are doing the best they think they can, and being a human is fucking difficult. We're racked with fears and insecurities and a constant message of not being enough. Stimulation fear stress and brainwashing. My projections are just as selfish as what I'm projecting. If you ever find yourself in a position like Leo's where you are looking down on everyone and condemning them, realize youve grown into the biggest asshole of them all and that you are deluded. This whole anti human vibe is not pleasant loving or peaceful. In fact in brings me a ton of pain, alienation, and robs me of joy and connection. Are people master manipulators? Yes. Do they bullshit themselves and others? Yes. And you should definitely watch out for this and not fall into the games too much, but also realize that you are ummm a human, you have these same fears, and you bullshit yourself and others just as much as they do. It's part of the gig. Better to laugh at yourself and others and connect in how confusing it can be. You never know when you'll be on your ass begging for help from people around you. And do you really want to be sitting around in an arm chair alone "being God" all of life. See the duality there, see the separation, see the sadness of it. "While you point your fingers someone else is judging you" Bob Marley Love people. Love them because they are you. Connection. Cooperation. Beauty. Don't paint yourself into a nasty world where everyone is a dumb monkey.