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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Please stop these Andrew rate motivational videos. He’s fucking scum
  2. Just thought it was kinda funny. They sound and have the exact same mannerisms
  3. Yes but then everyone is having that and everyone is God. Infinity of Gods. People are real. See how this just keeps going in circles. Also I feel this is a more psychedelic insight than anything else which is something to consider. It seems only those who trip come to this solipsism thing. Never heard of it like this way from any great masters
  4. Yeah thanks for the reminder. I wrote that in a very high state of consciousness and clarity. It helped me to re read. So thanks. In truth the whole thing is extremely nuanced and complex. One on hand it’s true, just be good vibes honest and kind. But also it’s good to have some ideas and distinctions to the social game and some of those Owen cook videos can be helpful. the problem is when people use it soulessly to manipulate and stuff. I actually started a course with them just to hone my understanding of social dynamics a bit. But honestly, I don’t know how much it’s helping, I feel this original post I made had enough wisdom in it.
  5. Probably approach. Just that anxiety. If I do 5 approaches I’m pretty much guaranteed one will go well
  6. Ya but Leo’s solipsism is that your bubble of experience is the only one. That other beings don’t have an experience
  7. Are you Persian or something? Seems like you have a massive bias
  8. @Princess Arabia yeah that actually checks out @ValiantSalvatore fasho thanks
  9. It’s not this simple. This is the female idea of what game is. There’s plenty of guys that are attractive who would’ve not gotten to the point of kissing either of those girls. Most wouldn’t have actually. Yes, I have physical attraction in my favor but it’s only like 30% of the puzzle. It took a good amount of conversational skills and social awareness to get them actually attracted and her wanting to leave with me. With your logic every attractive guy would just be sleeping with every girl on the planet without any social skill or trying. This is simply false. @ValiantSalvatore appreciate the feedback on Italian girls. I’ll keep at it. Ya add me to that group if possible
  10. what sites are similar to lizard labs? Im in europe and want to order MDMA
  11. do you have to go to darknet to order psychedelics in europe?
  12. Hang in there, you never know how life may unfold
  13. Deep medicine, but don't do it alone. Do the real thing, the shaman you do it with is very important, only go to highly reviewed placed. helps to see what's good. Go to the jungle and drink with the shamans, this medicine saved my life
  14. wrong, i'm another being who read and saw this
  15. DAY 1 I felt a bit off balance, since my last time watching was 2 days ago and it tends to keep me feeling off for at least 3 days after. Positive news, i went on a date in a park with a really cool spiritual girl, it was a good time but i feel if i wasn't on a porn hangover i would've been more tuned in and sexually aroused.
  16. Porn has been a major issue for me, in fact, it is the only thing that really throws me off track and brings my vibration down. At 29, I have made incredible feats in my consciousness, habits, social skills, finances, and overall well-being. I want to "publicly" log my decision here to quit porn as i have struggled with it for so long and truly feel like it is the one thing that is holding me back more than anything else in my growth and happiness. In truth, i fucking love porn, i love how easy it is, how exciting it is, how hot it is and how novel it is. I can literally find anything i want and i don't have to deal with dating, emotions, people, or myself, it's a fast track to the prize. But it is extremely damaging, so many beautiful moments in my life have been ruined because my porn usage put me in a negative mood so i wasn't fully myself and able to show up for the people in my life. I lose focus, love, connection to God (even though that is always present, maybe better words could be more cloud coverage) and motivation for my life purpose. It has been a tool for my ego to easily self-sabotage especially when things are going well. I need to stop because I want my brain to function at top performance and the dopamine from porn reduces grey matter in the brain, so it's like all the work i do with meditation is just getting shit on by porn usage. Most importantly, i am truly becoming a man these days, i am almost 30, i can no longer hide behind immaturity and the cost of porn use is getting to high. I want to see what happens when i no longer have this block in my river, when i no longer have one foot on the gas and another lightly pumping the brakes. What if i was all gas? My prayer is for Gods grace and guidance in this journey, God, please allow me to make it to my 30th birthday without having looked at porn or masturbated at all. The only thing i want to allow is natural sex. That is the only way I "can" nut. Aho
  17. @Salvijus Trust me bro, i've done a ton of spiritual purification, and this habit still sticks. It depletes my sexual essence. I have to keep trying to use willpower until I beat it, but I believe in myself. Also, if i can find a solid relationship then it will be largely out of my head.
  18. Day 1 officially starts tomorrow hah
  19. That's for sure. I hear you man, and appreciate the insight. In my opinion, there is a point where you just fully trust and feel God at all times. Even in the darkness. It's like a full surrender to life, not just a trip. Ture, it unfolds at a slower pace, but once there it's kinda like just watching a movie and deep down you know you are held and it's all good. Is this staying in comfort? Is this delusion? I am not sure, but it feels right. At least for now. I will certainly do psychedelics in the future, done correctly, they are pure love. But for now, this is the wave i'm on
  20. They may take you to the top of the mountain but you always come back, true you keep a slight taste but I think the dependency they create is more harmful that than that taste of God they give. Harmful might not be the best word but maybe less efficient. How many great masters legitimately suggest this as a way to become God? Have you ever seen a great teacher propose this as a long term path? (Leo, McKenna, Carlos Castaneda...) Psychedelics have been around forever so you'd think if they were really that effective and legit you'd have at least one MAJOR name proposing them. Maybe my interest is different. It seems like what Leo teaches and is pursuing mastery in, is understanding reality, but it's not in being. My goal is to be God, to dissolve into everything completely sober and of my own Accord and consciousness. By God's Grace and hard work. Leo makes it seem like this is impossible without psychedelics but many other teachers have just the opposite view. Ralston, Adyashanti, Ram Dass, Ramana Maharshi, Hawkins, these are no joke teachers who attained some of the deepest levels of God Realization possible. And they all address this point, basically saying that psychedelics may show you Christ, but don't you want to BE Christ? You always come back down from a trip. In my own experience as I go deeper into daily practice, retreats and self inquiry, the Self slowly reveals and unravels. I'm unbelievably less reactive and much more positive loving and free. Live is an adventure and I never feel bored. In fact gratitude is my baseline emotion. Not to say i don't have any struggle, pain, self doubt and self anger still lingering. I'm not perfect. I'm just saying writing off meditation and spiritual practices as useless like he does in quite unfair and i think it's his bias. It seems like it doesn't work that well for him. Like he's mentioned before some people are wired for certain things and have natural strengths. I believe his strengths and wirings are an incredible ability to analyze, understand, and verbalize and conceptualize reality. But maybe he's not that strong suited in BEING. It seems like this is boring for him. For myself, just sitting and being is heaven. What are your guys thoughts? Is this Leo's personal bias as a teacher?
  21. For sure, if psychedelics taught me anything it's that life is the strongest psychedelic of them all. It's a journey, it's magical and it's beautiful I don't want to discount psychedelics, I just feel that meditation can be equally as powerful