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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Gotcha. I'm trying to put myself in your shoes. Here's how I do it, when I want to meet a spiritual woman, I go to yoga classes or something like that. When I want more of a young party girl, I go out to clubs. It depends on where you live but if you want a musical guy, got to concerts, and they don't have to be like crazy concerts, you find cooler people in like hole in the wall type venues. Usually if he's at a concert place like that he'll be adventureous and open-minded, ambition...meh . If you're in like NYC or somewhere similar there are tons of guys like this out and about. Festivals is also a good option. Maybe parks too, but it's not really social there, you'd have to be active about meeting people. When you say all the guys you like are online, be careful of that, most of those online guys are presenting false images and this skews women's perception of what is out there.
  2. There's a lot more to selling than house than you think. You have to be extremely socially calibrated, if someone can do a good sale, it's worth it to a lot of home sellers. The market always balances itself out, if something is expensive there is usually a good reason for it.
  3. I feel ya. So, what kind of guy do you want to be with? And where do these guys hang out? Maybe you'll find a cool guy in an unexpected place. Do you do any social events in real life? My suggestion on dressing up and putting the energy out was just the harsh truth of attraction, to get guys to approach you in a romantic way, unfortunately that's what will work best. So then you go to social events, putting out an open and light energy, and then wait until the right guy approaches. Sitting at home or not taking action will just keep you in a drought.
  4. Unless you start picking up guys, you have little say in the matter and just have to wait. But you can up your odds by hanging out in places where guys you are interested are go. And it may sound unconventional but dress up sexy and put the energy out that you are open and guys will flock to you like sheep. then get strategical about ignoring or distancing from the ones you don’t like until an attractive cool guy approaches you. Anytime I’m in a social setting and there is a sexy girl I see about 5 guys give it a shot in their own (sometimes pathetic) ways
  5. @Leo Gura at this point it’s something I want to get good at just for the sake of challenge. Like mastering a martial art. But fuck man, pick up is intense. I feel like I was getting laid more when I didn’t care and just got drunk when I went out. It’s like having the strategy is making it harder. But I know there is something here so I want to get good at it. Also it may help me find a quality girl
  6. Something I’d like to do is consciousness coaching, because it’s all I care about personally. But I don’t feel ready or even where to start. How do I even begin to advertise for that let alone train to teach it? any help?
  7. I only really met one woman in my life who i could call God Realized and it's a pretty fucking amazing experience. In fact, i should hit her up, because this post reminds me of the rarity of that. And it is rare, very rare. Even in the yoga school im in, most of the people there are not god realized even though it's like the only thing that is taught
  8. Ah Sedona Arizona....spiritual bae land
  9. don't watch porn , its the antithesis to finding love and meaningful relationship. i feel you, im in this same exact boat. im just embracing it at this point and reading on spiritual benefits of celibacy.
  10. This actually brought me to tears. So beautiful how loving and wise some can be. I’ll get this book thanks for sharing
  11. Yes. The best way I can describe it is that the less ego you have, the more success you have because all your projections desires and reactions just get in the way of reaching the goal. imagine someone is trying to learn basketball. Who will shoot shots better? the guy who is simply using his body as a tool to make baskets and not judging when they don’t go in but just practicing over and over for the sake of it or the guy who is thinking he knows what’s right, getting lost in negative self talk when he misses and not actually focusing on the immediate game? does that help? it’s like if you have more emotional control and presence you can have more mental space and awareness in all activities. Leading to more success. Women business socializing you name it. Regarding your other point, I would say spiritual experiences definitely help you take survival issues less seriously. As you know you are surrounded by love and god no matter what, but also, having a life purpose is just as important. With a life purpose you’re so focused on it that you don’t have time for negativity and life challenges are seen as simple obstacles to overcome as efficiently as possible to continue on your purpose.
  12. Actually the focus shift media version is really annoying. It’s too overdone and it skews what Leo is originally saying. It’s obnoxious
  13. Fuck yeah. Stay original. I love Actualized clips
  14. Leo is 100% on this on. Freedom is immensely valuable, if you can use it well. Some people need to be sheeps because they are worse off with freedom. It’s actually better for them to be told what to do and how to think. Lions, however, take their freedom and create with it. They don’t take it for granted and use it to do incredible things. It all comes down to discipline and meaning
  15. I’m not “enlightened” but my ego and emotions are more and more transparent. I still have them but I’m also quite integrated with non dual understanding. this allows me to be way more effective and masterful in literally EVERYTHING I do. working out, reading, learning, meditating, socializing, feeling good, relaxing. it’s pretty fucking awesome and the sky is the limit
  16. Really? Is this your honest experience? Nothing bothers you-ever? Be truthful with yourself
  17. Yeah… that’s def a risk
  18. Attaining God is the highest and most complex human aspiration, in my opinion. I was just thinking how wild it is that there aren’t legitimate universities for this. If you were planning to become a doctor, wouldn’t you want the best material, highest quality teachers, and testing to assure your confidence and success. How weird (and frustrating) is it that to find God we must sift through the seemingly endless array of bullshit and confusion? For the most important thing! Some fall into the trap of religion early and spend THEIR WHOLE LIVES under that delusion. Or Zen, they just follow Zen and never awaken to Love. I’m thankful for Leo as this channel has served as my university in many ways. But still, he’s wrong sometimes and has bias, it’s not efficient as a proper University would be. I hope the future generations have this. Also if you’re going to say an ashram or something, still, they usually have their own bias and dogma and aren’t regulated for efficient results. You can fuck up big time by going to the wrong ashram
  19. Without guidance or teachings you’d be absolutely fucked and lost in survival. Don’t act like you’re smarter than that
  20. Nice. I’d agree. Thanks!
  21. I love this. Great analogies! Where do psychedelics and contemplate fit in?
  22. Agree and disagree. You’re right that the individual has to remove their fears and merge themselves, but it can absolutely be taught and facilitated by mentors and teachers. Teachings have immense power without which you would still be a slave to societies programming
  23. Haha ya. Without that cheat sheet you can consider yourself fucked unless you’re given immense grace
  24. I feel this. Porn has been my biggest hindrance to really stabilizing my consciousness