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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Yes, it's like reality is not just universal love, because then it would just be love floating out in space. It is also universal curiosity, it wants to explore itself through different forms. It wants to fuck itself
  2. i know that. I'm not acting like i know everything. I just think it's unwise to discard Ralston like that.
  3. thanks for your reply. I agree, but it's also wise to seek out the most conscious humans to learn from, because in a sense they do have authority. He also never teaces beleifs , it's all about your direct expereince. Regarding love he never directly adresses it, but touches on things like joy, living from the heart etc. He does stay away from it though
  4. Ralston doesn't call it Love, that doesn't mean he isn't conscious of it or not pointing to something as well. Do you really think he's missing something that Leo has figured out before him? He's got decades on Leo and not only that he's much more conscious naturally, dude was Enlightened by age 21. I think he's just so far ahead that even Leo has tricked himself into thinking Ralston is missing something. He's done a TON of psychedelics, decades of consciousness work, obsessively. Have you mother fuckers read the Book of Not Knowing? How can you read that and not admit this is a total master with a depth of understanding unmatched by anything i've seen. I honestly think he just doesn't call it love and that Enlightenment for him is an awakening to reality's structure, not a facet of it, like Love. You can still learn a ton from a teacher like Ralston, this whole dismissive attitude, like he's not awake, is complete bullshit. And you don't know how Brendan experiences reality so quit shitting on him too.
  5. For example, I'm re taking the Life Purpose course and it is so inspiring and badass, has me waking up every day feeling in God mode, I'm enjoying the human experience enough!
  6. Yeah... I think what Leo is after, and maybe this channel, is no longer aligned with my life purpose. My goal, similar to Leos initial goal, is maximizing human freedom and potential. Then teaching it. 2 main pillars, 1) the nature of reality and 2) the nature of the ego and psyche . I want to be the most free, enlightened, authentic and passionate version of my human self. After all, I am God, living this human experience, so why not enjoy it and make the most of it. Consciousness can be explored for infinity, and it's all going to be uncovered anyway. No rush, we only have infinity. If i take a step back my life is a drip of drip of Gods ocean and i can bask in every moment of it. For me , it's more about coming into the juice of this human experience, the walks in nature, growing slowly but surely, slowly unraveling the mystery, living my life purpose, exploring my potential. I think this whole thing with exploring psychopath minds and alien hell....just don't see the appeal. I want to max out on this human life and leave some mystery there. No need to leave my carpet covered in shit and blood.
  7. I agree with this. I don't think Leo has ever actually had an Enlightenment and he seems to have a ton bias against it. He's gone very deep into the mind and psychedelics but in a sense that's still just mind, illusion and Maya. Psychedelics can not produce true enlightenment, and those saying enlightenment is just love are wrong. It is beyond all that.
  8. Love you! Also, I will be with Ralston in about 2 weeks, I'll tell him y'all said what up
  9. when you say "alien" do you meant literal aliens or just that it's so out of this reality and world it is "alien" to us?
  10. damn , this thread really blew up. Glad i shared! Currently doing the Life Purpose course so can't catch up on everything. Dipping into the more human material domain for a bit, God ain't going anywhere Yimpa is absolutely wild bruh
  11. ya i was making a shit ton of money in tech, was misreable. Now i'm like a broke yogi and it's fucking awesome
  12. yeah but the value of doing something meaningful should pay off for all that stuff
  13. I have a few ways to feed my muse; solitude in nature retreats new books excercise making love (if available) psychedelics journaling calling a friend taking a course So yes, i think it can be but once or twice a week in a bit too much, the muse should inspire you for longer than that
  14. thanks! I think i'll just keep it public, maybe it will help out some of my friends and keeps me on my own ass about putting out quality stuff
  15. I have been posting content to gain clients, but it's on my personal account. What's cool is it's around consciousness work so maybe it's helpping friends and family but i always have reservations and blocks about sharing this stuff with people from HS and college. Should i create a new account solely for this>?
  16. yep, what a bunch of stupid nonsense, i'll go chase hoes and jerk off instead
  17. i think this is what Ralston is pointing to, the Infinite Emptiness before anything else exists. ...?
  18. You can def learn a TON from Ralston, simply his way of thinking, if you can really understand how he thinks and adapt it, you will become 100X more free and effective. I hate to say it, but it may be possible he is missing Universal Love, because he kinda denies it, and if you asked him about Nothingness, he wouldn't deny it. That said, still a ton to learn from him
  19. i also felt this was him claiming it, then he quickly veered away from it, but i caught that too!