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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Great points. 1- I’ve actually met women on meditation retreats, you wait until it’s over and just talk to them. You don’t have to “hit” on them, and they usually have a lot to share and obviously you have similar values 2- if you really want to meet spiritual women, it’s VERY easy, you just find places that have a spiritual vibe or community. Tons of this in Costa Rica, Austin, Mexico, Bali, India, Thailand. These places swarm with women, ratio is usually much more on female, and they are starving for conscious men. Work remote if you must, these places are also great for your mental health and support your practice. 3- true but you can have a life purpose more or less aligned with serving truth or healing 4- you’re right about the financial freedom thing, that’s a definite barrier, but you can still bring mindfulness into your day job. I was lucky enough to break free from work. If you’re serious enough, you can volunteer and do karma yoga work at ashrams and yoga schools. You live and eat for work, and are surrounded by community and yoga girls. 5- for sure. That’s one reason I’m hesitant to teach, but I’ve heard it’s a massive catapult for your practice
  2. Again, why this need for extreme suffering for someone to be spiritual?
  3. Sorry, I meant spirituality is the cake. Those other things are the icing.
  4. Some people genuinely just have a call to spirit. Everybody is pretty nuts, it’s just a matter of how well they can hide it. It’s not like normal people have good mental health, discipline, functional relationships and fulfilling careers Spirituality is the icing, without it, all those other things are quite trivial and empty. They don’t create true happiness
  5. You will brother. Your heart is already ignited. It’s all God, even if you take a break, the calling will come back Much love on your journey ahead
  6. It’s because todays man is a child
  7. It’s interesting, it seems like so many people are losing their zest for God these days. I live in a spiritual community and met 3 people who dropped out of the silent retreat happening this week. They simply didn’t feel it was aligned. Today I met a woman in cafe who said she woke up the other night and simply dropped her spiritual pursuit. Couldn’t even do yoga or meditate after. Now this Not sure what’s going on but I think many people pre maturely jump into spirituality. It’s good to recognize the authenticity of your pursuit. Im similar to OP in the sense I had an existential crisis at 23 which catapulted me into the path. I’m now 30. The difference is that I went all in and haven’t looked back. My fire for God is stronger than ever. I don’t even need books or teachers God speaks to me in thousands of ways throughout the day. OP. this could also be a trick, to go “burn your karma” but you get stuck in the rat race for a while. imo it’s best to conquer the spiritual truths when you’re young and have time and energy. I was so set on finding God that i saved all my money to be able to fully pursue it. now, I don’t give a flying fuck about dating, success or status. It’s a joke to me. funnily enough I have tons of sex with God realized gorgeous women, my finances are stable and I’ve found my life purpose, which is to teach God realization. It all ties together. They don’t have to be exclusive. dating? Meet spiritual women who enhance your practice life purpose? Serve God so if you have that calling stay with it. But if you truly feel it’s not genuine then go back to the delusion, realize it’s empty and disatisfactory, and come back. Spirituality is the most satisfying exciting loving thing to do. Sometimes I feel like people dropping around my like flies (off the path) is simply a test. I laugh, I’ll die before I fall off the path. if it ever gets dry I’ll stick myself inside a cave until the fire is lit again. i don’t even need psychedelics anymore God realization is a waking state.
  8. Here is his take from a Q & A on his newsletter; Question; Peter, Thank you for your answer! It's clear. I love it. Charles Berner would be very happy to see the purity of your transmission. I have another question: You say love is not an enlightenment question, because it is a human invention. Yes, what we call love is a psychological construction, BUT, isn't it a prefiguration of the reality of what we truly are? ("prefiguration" is not the good word, sorry, but it is near to what I want to say). Do you think love is only from and in the dimension of illusion and has nothing to do with the Absolute, our absolute nature? All the things you enunciate, I totally agree (mind, emotion, language), but love (I don't speak about emotion), isn't it what we really are, finally? The direct experiences I had were love. At least, I recognize this state of perfection, of union as love. Is it only my definition? If we take love as an object of enlightenment, what happens? Thank you Reine Answer: Reine, You can call it whatever you want, but it is necessary to know it is not what you call it. Why choose the word love? You must have some beliefs or predisposition to think that way. If you are talking about a love that isn’t love, again, why call it love? If you recognize a state of perfection or unity or being one with everything, etc., this is still a state, it is not consciousness. People so often confuse the state that arises when they have an enlightenment with the consciousness itself. This is not a deceitful attempt on their part, it is just a mistaken one. The mind will do its best at that moment to make sense of this consciousness breakthrough and form some idea or state that matches the influence this breakthrough has had on the mind. But it cannot actually match the consciousness because there is nothing there and no state at all that is this consciousness. If you ask what is love, you have to focus on whatever you experience as love, yes? Is that universal? Is it an experience? Does it ultimately transcend experience? You have to tell the truth, but most people who ask such a question already want it to be a universal state, they already want it to turn out to be some particular way, don’t they? This is not open from the beginning and so isn’t really honest. You say you got this after your breakthrough, if your consciousness was real and it was YOU, your true nature, than what you say is rather irrelevant. If you came to me and said you got you are love, I would have a hard time with that if there wasn't a clear consciousness there that was beyond love or anything else. If there was, then it doesn't matter that you call it love, but I might ask you at that time, why? And then listen to your response. If you are conscious you will know and can say why, if it is a conclusion or a state you were overwhelmed by then you won't be able to say or you will resort to your mind or beliefs and start making an argument or explanation. This then shows you aren't really conscious of the truth. It is so hard for people to get beyond overwhelming states that occupy the bodymind and sweep them away in unprecedented ways. Such states as feeling one with everything, universal love, getting the perfection of everything, not finding a location to self and feeling free of limitation, getting a hit on infinity, and so on. When they have such experiences arise, people conclude these must be enlightenment because they never had anything like it before and they sound very spiritual and transcendent, and might fit with some belief system they've heard about. It does suggest a great deal of focus and contemplation where the mind has let go and opened up, creating a completely new perspective and experience. But it is not enlightenment. This is not to say that beliefs in a spiritual system and images of what enlightenment should look like can't also deny the truth when it is presented. Once I was teaching in France, and a woman, the wife of an ex-apprentice of mine, made dinner for us and sat next to me as we ate. I didn't know her, and was just having fun chatting normally with people at the table, when she began asking me questions about consciousness. I would respond and then return to the meaningless chatter with others. I have no recollection what I said really, just that I responded honestly to her questions as best I could. Later, she told me she had been living in a Buddhist community in India for something like 8 years but when she had a conscious breakthrough the community and teacher denied it, because she wasn't "ready" or "advanced" of some such. In other words, it didn't fit with their belief system and hierarchy. She saw their limitation and ignorance and so left them to become a mother and give up such pursuits. Until, she says, she met a man at dinner that give her a new perspective on it and so began working on consciousness once again. She went on to later translate The Book of Not Knowing into French. I recommend you take a look at that book. Has tons in it that might assist in your work. It's in French and is being translated into German right now, but I’d suggest you read it in the original English if you can, translations are always a little off. Good luck
  9. The shit i read on here is just so lame and victim mindset that i wanted to write a quick post. Consider that you don't know anything about women and their innate wisdom. Consider that they are not the problem, they are not shallow and you only perceive what feeds your story of you "being a desirable male, but they got it backwards". I get that you are bitter, nature can be a bitch, but you are not smarter than nature, and if nature is saying "your seed will not continue" consider why that is. You don't have to get pist, because it's not written in stone, you can change things so nature wants you to procreate. What do women want? Leadership (positive leadership) Confidence Authenticity Presence for her Strong communication skills For you to have a good vibe, be cool, be calm, be kind Imagine that she is just a human like you, with a depth of emotions and a desire for safety. Instead of projecting your loser-dom onto her, feel into her heart and see her for the beautiful gift she is. Women are proof of God, and they should be treated as such. Get over yourselves.
  10. Was just reading in Religion of Tomorrow about how just reading about the stages can help you advance in them very quickly, just knowing what they are. I find it really difficult to pinpoint where I'm at. I don't want to overshoot but I also don't want to play it short. Probably Green/Yellow
  11. Hey, thanks! Nope, still look pretty much the same, I get called gorgeous sometimes and take it very much as a compliment. Think it works for describing guys too. Thank you for sharing <3
  12. I once met a woman on a meditation retreat (we talked after it was over) and she was full-blown God Realized and extremely beautiful. We ended up having a wild 2 weeks together after of God realization sex into infinity. So yes, they exist. And if you find a hot woman, and she isn't, you can get her to become God realized (if you have a strong enough spiritual presence)
  13. Forget dreaming about the perfect wedding day...
  14. HAHAHAH! This whole forum has turned into the biggest "i'm God, I'm awake, You're not", fart fest in the universe! What a JOKE! It's just entertainment at this point.
  15. wait, so you mean they don't want to date an unmotivated, unorginal, sheep loser? Wow, what a bunch of bitches... It's almost like they pushing us to be better versions of ourselves....assholes! Would you date a woman and love her uncondtionally if she was 300 pounds, didn't clean or cook, and was not feminine? I agree with you on your statement about a womans affection being a schedule 1 drugs, but they DEF love relationships and romance more "purely" than we do. They think and care about this stuff way more than we do, and all they really want is respect and love, some guy to be their rock. Women are amazing creatures and a gift to us. Where is all this toxic mindset coming from?
  16. The funny thing about pick up is it isn't really a skill. If you do it enough you just become natural and can gauge when a vibe is good. Also, whether you're into the girl or not. These days i talk to a lot of women but end up not being interested in going further with most of them, it's almost like not having sex at all is better than having sex that i'm not fully into
  17. I like when they keep them in, keeps it realistic.
  18. Everyone should be able to improve thier lives and question why they are here and what life is about, no matter the age or IQ level
  19. I find these books so amazing and mind bending, I don't think i would've found them on my own. Ralston and Wilber def not. How did Leo do research on finding these books? Are there other amazing, original, mind bending books out there? I want them all!
  20. Hey, I saw in your post something about men becoming less desirable as they get older if they don't "have their shit together" basically you said their looks will fade and if they aren't financially stable they are fucked. But what about if they are extremely masculine in the sense of llving their life purpose, think like an artist or musician, yes he may be older and broke, but he kept his soul in a way and didn't sell out. Society might label that a loser,. but who really lost and won in this case? I can also look at this at the feminine, there can be a woman who isn't traditionally very young and attractive, but if she is her feminine energy deeply, sexual, and nurturing, and especially loving, this can make her 100X times more attractive.
  21. Strangely enough, I agree with you on this. I think psychedelics lead to a false enlightenment and delusion, they are extrmemely powerful and tricky and the people who use them never actually get anywhere significant
  22. I disagree Leo, I think every experience can be used to deepen your spiritual practice and trust in life. Not to say we shouldn't try to be comfortable or if we are in pain to not do something about it, but I know that difficult situations can be used to grow and become stronger. If all your "spiritual bullshit". as you say, i would say spiritual practice, flies out the window because your health is failing, then you weren't that strong spiritually anyway. You were only spiritual when things were good, no better than a fairweather fan. Your spiritual heart was weak. I know a woman who was raped, gang-raped by 4 men. She lived in a small country where no one gives a shit about this stuff, so she couldn't do anything about it. She knew who the men were. She even told her mom and sister and they called her a liar. One night she was so distraught, that she was ready to commit suicicde, and right before that moment, she felt Universal Love, move through her whole body and save her by the grace of Love. Her healing process was still tough, but because of that moment she got through. She ended up naming her 4 children after her attackers to never forget that Love is the strongest force in the universe. How is that for spiritual bullshit @Leo Gura ?
  23. Sounds like the PTSD was from the pain, so it's more in the body, it isn't PTSD like vietnam vet kind so that makes a bit more sense
  24. I'm actually very surprised by this, I would think at that level you have trasncended pain and especially PTSD