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Everything posted by BlessedLion

  1. Can someone just share a link of the pills I need to take to do the detox? i can’t find anything legit on Amazon I want to take the right product thank you
  2. Just now wrapping Life Purpose and it’s been incredible. Can’t wait for this.
  3. I would say the nature of imagination is curiosity and intelligence and creativity and ultimately Nothing but these invisible qualities
  4. Why is one finite and the other infinite? Why did you split these into 2 categories? are you saying one is like ego imagination and the other ultimate imagination
  5. A great question. Im similar to you. I used to think all I wanted was to be a monk and just bliss out but now I want to bring Realization to the world and as God create my own art peice with my life. I love to share wisdom, connect with Women and be a superior lover, travel, nail my habits down, learn and understand, and just kick ass in all areas of life. I deeply enjoy being God IN the world IN the dream and Mastering life itself. I do need my time in nature though for sure to rest and just be
  6. @Hardkill I guarantee there are distinctions you are missing. Obviously because there are guys uglier, dumber (financially), and less healthy than you crushing those fields
  7. I would do it in nature but there’s always the risk of people being around so I prefer in my bed with no one home
  8. All religion is silly and unneeded once you realize that you are God, 100%, no bars held. But Sufism is cool. They understand non duality and it’s a branch of Islam. Check out Sufi mystics. I would avoid becoming a Muslim. Not worth it
  9. The best way to spot a demon is just standing behind him while he’s bench pressing and help him lift the weight ONLY if he needs it.
  10. Thank you for the feedback and Lion vibes🦁 ❤️🙏 Yes it was tough to make the list. Not putting down the power of Yoga, I had it at number 6 and obviously this is totally subjective. Yoga can easily be number 1 for someone else. It’s super powerful. I’ll actually be doing a 3 month training in Hatha Tantra yoga this Winter so def appreciate its power. I just find meditation, contemplation, etc goes deeper for me personally. But it’s essential to open the chakras and awaken kundalini with yoga and I’m excited to learn more about it. Cheers !
  11. Have you evaluated your teachers? Who are you learning from? I find it difficult to believe you’ve really been given it your all in these fields and still finding no improvement.
  12. Exactly. It’s the weakest mindset and the funny thing is women don’t even notice or care about MGTOW guys. They are invisible. More for us I guess 😎🙌
  13. I’m inventing a new pill, Green Pill, it’s a pill where you realize you 100% create your reality and experience of life and decide what to make of it. There are no victims because you are doing the victim hood, so if you’re a victim you 100% acknowledge (as a Green Piller) that you are creating that for yourself and accept it. Green Pill is about trying out different things in life and prioritizing knowledge, rest, and exploration. Green Pill is realizing you are God and anyway you feel interpret or experience life is 100% in your hands.
  14. Red pill is just entitled selfish and obnoxious. Red pill guys don’t know how to actually satisfy and love women. They are macho idiots, none of them are superior men, tantric men. MGTOW is basically guys who can’t get laid folding their balls up and saying “well, we don’t need you anyway!” As they cower into the corner with their laptops acting like they don’t care about women and sex anyway. As they consume porn daily.
  15. Yeah. I think it’s important to be honest with ourselves but that’s also the value in finding what your gifted at or good at. But how can you know what you can succeed at without putting a few years of work into it?
  16. Are you serious!? You can buy 5 MEO from a store like that?
  17. Yimpa you’re fucking wild dawg, love ya and your goofy antics. Glad you found a babe who accepts you and the eczema, keep her close 🙏
  18. You seem pretty deep in the black pill mindset of “don’t try if you’re not already good at it” What’s the alternative for those people? To be a broke virgin? Even those atheletes you mention are finding fulfilling lives in trying to go pro. 99% won’t, but what’s the alternative? Sit around and give up and eat fucking chips all day? We all die anyway, so might as well make life interesting and challenging and suffer for what you want because if you don’t you’ll suffer for what you don’t want. Neither road escapes suffering.
  19. Good point. You know who else succeeds? The one who enjoys that work and doesn’t give a fuck if it is successful or not but just loves it for its own sake and it’s own personal growth it’s providing
  20. Absolutely. Eventually you hit a point where even that feels good. The resistance, the push back, the excuses. It’s like,” nah bruh we keep going. “
  21. Pure medicine. I read this after a night with a Brazilian model, beauty I never dreamed I’d be sleeping with consistently. Tomorrow I wake up and tackle a video on a topic I’m super passionate about. I have free time to meditate do retreats workout walk in nature hang with my friend and probably see that girl again. Im financially free and have traveled the world many times over. Im 30 And it just keeps getting better. So glad this black pill shit wasn’t around when I was developing myself, well actually it probably was, Red Pill was huge, but I thank God I had the wisdom to not listen and only find empowering teachers and coaches and now i cruise on the fruits of my labor while reaching for ever higher peaks. Fuck black pill. Fuck laziness. And fuck being a victim. God would never be so cruel to create or rig the game like that
  22. Keep going Yimps! @NoSelfSelf Not a body builder but I’m definitely pretty big. Honestly I just enjoy going slow and lifting for 2 hours like that. I think 45 min is great and probably the usual workout time