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About BlessedLion

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    Nomadic Traveler
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  1. The only thing psychedelics are good for is busting open the closed, materialistic, scientific mind. Then drop them and do the fucking work
  2. Im so glad I dropped “psychedelic awakening” a while ago. What a joke compared to bliss love and joy of walking the spiritual path with integrity, patience, and trust. Psychedelics to awaken is just your ego wanting to control and know. Consider that true awakening is nothing like that. It’s not terrifying and you don’t want to go back, it’s like being home, it’s stable, your held, it’s loving. This whole, dreaming up everyone else is utter garbage. It’s probably the reason Leo went into this weird spiral and no longer makes powerful content. His shit was way better when he was sober and just tinkering with psychedelics. Honestly I think psychedelics were his downfall. Trapped him into his own echo chamber and delusion. it’s a shame. Fuck psychedelics. Everything is God anyway, now do you have the balls, discipline, and trust to unravel that through your OWN consciousness and practices (yoga contemplation meditation) or are you going to suck on your 5 MEO vape like a baby to a tit? Psychedelics are child’s play and when your drugs wear off they don’t mean shit, as you clearly explained here. True God realization is subtle yet infinite. True practitioners take years and decades to integrate their awakening. None of the great masters ever credit psychedelics and they have been around as long as humans have. Sure it’s much longer to walk the path yourself, less flashy. But it’s real. The only thing I agree with you about is to enjoy the dream and not rush it. Let the movie play out. But thinking your awake or realized is a fucking joke (sorry) PSYCHEDELICS ARE PSYCHIC MASTURBATION
  3. Everyone who think reality is some kind of mistake, accident, or fuck up is blind and unintuitive
  4. It’s kinda cringe though because it’s just showing how much land they’ve lost to the US
  5. Weird the link and search didn’t work, but glad you found it ❤️🙏 Maybe I need to optimize SEO more
  6. Hi guys asking for some help here. My older brother (quite materialist, scientific) is now curious in consciousness work material after my rantings about Peter Ralston. He says he wants to read a Ralston book and I asked him if he’s specifically drawn to Ralston or more this kind of work in general. He said the ladder I was thinking to send him a copy of Book of Not Knowing but that may be too advanced and heavy for him. He’s a smart guy though, Harvard Grad, and I have no doubt he could handle it. But I also really want a nice and easy to understand yet powerful starting book so he’s not completely turned off by it. Was also thinking Ken Wilber One Taste or maybe Rupert Spira. Any suggestions? It’s needs to be grounded and almost scientific. Nothing woo woo, like Conversation with God or ACIM thanks!
  7. Psych hacks is wack, that dude is clearly bitter and scarily obsessive about over analyzing all this shit. Just come back to the Heart. Realize that both men and women are imperfect and have needs from each other. Laugh about it and relax, instead of hyper analyzing and subtly trying to control and protect yourself and your stupid ego from getting hurt. Consider that Love is natural, and you don’t need to do all this analyzing it’s insane
  8. I think being in a place like Vegas you almost filter out materialistic, transactional, shallow women. You’d probably be blown away by the types of women you can meet in places aligned with higher values and conscious living
  9. Or because he was spouting about him selling at 60K and then going to buy back at $5 per coin when the “streets are blood red” only to see btc pump to 100K 🤣
  10. No one is going to ruin crypto. They’ve been trying for a decade, it’s only gone up. More likely is that they are actually embracing it. Leo doesn’t know much about crypto, he sold his bags at 60K, missed a 40K pump