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Everything posted by JonasVE12

  1. For those people who have got dogs and did their research on nutrition for dogs, what do you feed them? I recently got a labrador puppy and I'm trying to figure out the best possible foods to give him. Any insight is much appreciated. Thanks
  2. Look on mandi Mart uk Delivery takes a couple of days across europe
  3. You need to adopt the mindset of doing deep work. That's how you become great and masterful at something. I study VFX myself and although it's not completely what filmmaking is about entirely, the process of mastery is the same for both fields. If you want to become a great filmmaker, you need to dedicate some years of your life to working fulltime on that goal with minimal distraction. You'll have to make it your priority. What kind of filmmaker do you want to be? Something like Sam Kolder? Or more commercial type stuff like Parker walbeck? Do you have an example of a filmmaker you like and resonate with and want to base your style on? Your style doesn't have to be the exact same, but its important to pick a point of reference that you can use to build your own unique style from and expand on that. If you want to become a good filmmaker, you need a theoretical foundation that teaches you about the equipment you need, how to use it to generate the type of content you want. You also need to master after effects and premiere pro if you want to get to a really high level. there's many courses for that. But the most important part is of course planning trips to practice your skills and try to put stuff together. Learning filmmaking for me is one of the things that is very challenging as it gets you out of your comfort zone. What you can do is plan a trip to a cool country with nice atmosphere and shoot some cinematic content there. You can also practice making videos with your friends and family. Or look for another student who is learning filmmaking and practice together. there's endless options but what matters the most Is practice. but also the necessary theory to make the most out of practice. You need to be strategic and confident about this stuff. When you really believe in yourself and you put in the necessary work, you'll really manifest this stuff into your reality and you'll become a great filmmaker. If you feel like you procrastinate a lot and can't put in the work, ask yourself if there are hidden motives or if this is really what you deep down want and resonate with. If you feel like it is what you want but you can't get to work, you need to get yourself away from the sources of quick dopamine release that you are hooked on. spending time away from electronics, eating more clean food, and spending time in nature with barefoot can help with that. Read deep work from cal Newport. Its a good book for understanding how to work effectively towards a goal. indecisiveness will get you nowhere. Just focus on your breath and do one step at a time. doubling a penny over 30 days gets you more than 10 000 000. Its the principle of compounding interest that gets you to a high level. So chill and maybe start with some stockfootage and make some cool edits of those and make yourself proud doing those. keep it simple in the beginning. But keep it consistent. Each day for 4-6 hours without distraction.
  4. What's the goal?
  5. That exercise is very powerful. insanely powerful. It's amazing for triggering all your emotions around being yourself in the presence of other people. When I was in my beginning days, I did this 100 hi`s exercise I was telling people `execuse me, I want to wish you an amazing day` or saying `hi! How are you doing?`` but my energy was so ungrounded, reactive and needy that I felt so creepy. The only thing I was thinking was `Do they think I`m creepy?` Then my friend hinted: So what you look creepy? You are fucking creepy! You're a fucking creep on a streak. We started laughing and enjoying the idea that we were creeps. it became so funny to be a creep. At that moment we were sitting on a bench in a somewhat busy area. From that point I really took off. I interacted with everyone that passed and wished them a very beautiful day. All the resistance dropped After awhile of doing that I became so relaxed, grounded and embodied that this one woman who I wished a beautiful day was so captivated that she just spontaneously came sitting next to me and was instantly hooked. We even went approaching together after 20 mins of chatting. The emotional vibration of acceptance is so powerful and if you can cultivate it in your body, it is very powerful in dropping all your resistances. Every time you feel resistance to do something, let the stories come up, feel the resistance, accept it, breath and open up to it and then do the thing and if you can make that your life philosophy, that is a powerful way to live that will bring you a lot of amazing experiences and manifestation ability in general.
  6. You still have negative emotions and thoughts that you associate with approaching and being seen while approaching while to me, it`s something to be proud of. You have to own it completely and then nobody will care. instead if you can fully own it and set the frame, my experience is that people will look up to you and think it's cool. You can easily set the frame and people will adopt that in their mind if your reality is strong enough. But of course it requires a perspective shift and if you can adopt that new perspective, people will respond to that. If you have negative emotions associated with being seen while approaching, of course that transfers onto people. You can look cool doing anything. It`s all in how you think about yourself. What you think about yourself, people will think about you. Of course some people will have judgments based of their own conditioning and certainly when they have had a too small sample size of your personality and not much experience of your inner being. But I can't think of one reason why you would care about the opinion and judgements of those people anyway. In reality, everyone is busy in their own bubble and nobody cares about what you are doing. Just own what you are doing, be authentic, congruent and when you approach, make sure you do it with an embodied energy and also a giving energy and then you'll never stand out as the creep of the town.
  7. I worked in Apple store doing sales and I must say this job was great for me in discovering that me too, I could become great at talking and flowing with women. Working there allowed me to get into a social flow every single day and it gave me high situational confidence and embodiment in the workspace. Women were noticably attracted to me there and it was all so easy. I could experiment with a lot of dynamics because I felt supported by the environment which grounded me out. I could experiment with teasing, cockiness, playfulness, relating, building rapport etc. But it was more situational attractiveness rather than core attractiveness that you develop there. You have a reason to talk to women there so the tension is lower and you avoid a lot of vulnerability in this way which limits you. In the end you have to allow yourself to be vulnerable outside of that work container and become your own container. There's much more growth to be found in doing cold approach, but you can definitely find a lot of value too in getting a job that involves talking to a lot of women. It gives you momentum. So sales is great, and I imagine bartending is the same or better.
  8. @bloomer Trying doesn't exist. Either you do or you don't. If you want succes in these areas, you have to take this dead serious and go all out. Make a commitment to do this everyday. Only if you really want to change.
  9. Your whole reality is a manifestation of what you're feeling and what energy you are carrying inside yourself. You are just attracting in reponse to that energy. If you can change your feelings/energy, your beliefs will change, and your reality will change in terms of what you attract in your life. You can either hang on to all your stories of not being good enough or get to work and be serious. You gotta take full responsibility in your life and stop playing games. Either that, or you won't ever become succesful. Start a 30 day practice of stopping strangers and asking directions, followed by 30 days of asking strangers a more open question and getting the conversation rolling. After those 60 days, you'll notice a lot of lighter feelings in your body and in accordance, people will feel more attracted towards your energy. You have to start focussing on the parts of your body that currently doesn't flow energy through. Try to relax your pelvis, back of your legs, arms and feet and start grounding into the earth This, in combination with feeling your heart. Develop feeling in those areas of your body and try to emanate from that place. For people to feel good around you, you need 1) Good grounding 2) Heart energy For people to be sexually attracted to you, you need a third component 3) Feeling/energy from your pelvis. They should all be in balance. You develop this through 1) Daily feeling practice of feeling your body 30 min / day and fully focussing on getting in touch with your body parts and letting energy flow through them. Where focus goes, energy floes. Do a 30 day practice 2) you need an embodiment practice that involves the same thing as above, but more active version. So that's the 2x 30 days of asking simple questions to strangers and getting in touch with your body when you do so. You will never be able to flirt with girls succesfully if you can't have simple conversations with good emotional embodiment
  10. I understand. It's too much tension for you at this point. The key insight into becoming a confident and attractive men is that you have to be good at stepping into tension and handling it. Which means that you can not be reactive to your fear. To develop this practically, you have to start at the lowest amount of tension possible for you to step into. Can you go up to a woman and ask for directions? If you do this for 30 days, 10 times a day, at the end of those 30 days you'll be a changed man, I promise. Your nervous system will adapt and you'll be ready to increase the tension then. In fact, I guarantee you that after like 2 weeks, you'll automatically be having spontaneous conversations with some women you have asked a simple question to. This simple practice will reveal a lot of your stories and negative beliefs about yourself, and it gives you the opportunity to let it come to the surface, ground them out and release them. Combine this practice to going to the prostitutes you suggested and it will grow you a lot.
  11. That pretty creative. I'm sure it would be helpful because it gives you a safe container for you to experience your emotions and ground them out. If you can do a different women each time, that would be the best. Eventually you have to go on the street and approach women to get over your fears fully but I bet your plan will definitely make it more realistic to approach women if you are really afraid now.
  12. Dude, you need to have some more personal coaching from someone who knows what you're going through. Once you know the internal mechanisms and external procceses to go through, the possibility for transformative change becomes very real. Get out to one of these events, preferably the experience intensive: It costs some money and you'll probably have to travel, and if you're not willing to do that for yourself, it's best that you accept yourself as you are and accept that women and confidence will never be a part of your reality.
  13. Learn the art of making connections with strangers that you cold approach in public. Learn how to cultivate a positive internal energy that attracts people into your reality. It's hard work, but definitely worth it. Imagine you could go anywhere, literally anywhere and instantly create a social circle in that place. You'll never be bored socially. The world becomes your playground and you naturally draw people in. Cold approaching strangers is a very good practice not only for becoming more socially magnetic, but also for internal growth. It's the best practice for raising your self esteem and releasing negative emotions. Go cold approach daily for 1-2 hours. start with quick low tension questions and gradually increase the tension until you become grounded, loose, playful and open. You have to do this consistently for a long time for it to become natural and permanent. Your nevous system needs to re-wire. If all of this doesn't come naturally, you have to make it a consistent practice. It's worth it. Stop playing small in life. The nice thing is that you'll arrive up to a point where you don't have to cold approach anymore as a practice. You'll naturally make connections everywhere you go. You don't have to put conscious effort into it anymore. You just go about your day, and you'll meet people naturally. But as I said, it requires serious work to reach that point. We're all naturally magnetically attractive, only negative conditioning brings us emotional blockages that limits our authentic self-expression. You have to break down these walls and then your authentic self comes out again.
  14. I had a blushing phobia many years ago. I blushed heavily in every social interaction. As soon as the attention was turned towards me, I blushed. It took over my life back then. The way to solve it is to become non reactive to the blushing. So when it comes up, you have to find full relaxation through the body. You have to accept the sensations fully, not run from it. You have to be able to handle it energetically. Own it completely. Ground any nervous energy into the ground by feeling your feet and legs. After you find that blushing doesnt bother you anymore, it will go away and will stop manifesting. You also have to work on the toxic shame that it underlies. Keep meditating. If you want to get rid of it and feel fully you and powerful, you're going to have to develop a very strong motivation and workethic and use it to face all of your resistances. It's deep work.
  15. Thing is that you don't really know if you are introverted or not until you have removed all of your interpersonal shame. Many introverts feel they get energy when they are alone because that's the only time their nervous system gets time to relax. A very large percentage of introverts are simply introvert because they have supressed shame. These people, when they go out, have to force themself to go out because of anticipated resistance that drives them into apathy, shame and fear. Their mind and nervous system is wrapped around the toxic shame they are identified with. To really explore and expand your personality to the point you are not contracted any more by negative supressed emotions needs a very specific approach that involves facing resistance and stepping into tension you are resisting to step into. Then releasing all the triggered emotions surrounding this level of tension you are resisting. Therapy and such can help, but for these people, the real growth lies in an embodiment practice that involves going out and getting triggered for a very long time until you are able to relax, let go, release and integrate & embody higher emotions such as courage, peace and acceptance. This shift in a shame based introvert will set them free to pursue whatever he wants authetically. He is not contracted by shame anymore so he is essentially fully free and authentic in his pursuits. I think @Javfly33 resonates with going out and approaching strangers so much because he intuitively understands how much closer it will bring him to his full potential and authenticity. It literally a super power. It's the best way to trigger all your self-esteem issues and build a very strong and solid sense of being. Once you are free, your authentic unrestricted creativity and inspiration can really come to the surface and it's beautiful.
  16. Hey guys, I'm going to travel to different countries together with a friend of mine. Key theme of our travel is approaching women, mastering game and expanding our comfort zone. What I'm looking for is people here on the forum that want to join us and have accommodation for us. In return you'll make good friends and get coaching as well. You'll improve your game significantly after spending time with us. We don't have high standards in terms of the accommodation. We don't need a seperate room or anything. We can sleep on the floor. We also pay for our own food. We're very respectful and empathetic as well. You'll have an amazing time. Reach out if you are motivated to get better at game and have accommodation for us. You have to live in a big city tho.
  17. The more you release on fear and shame, and the more you embody courage and acceptance, the less filter you'll have in social situations. It's just a proces of emotional release and embodiment work. As part of my job (sales), I talk with 100+ people each day. A lot of the time it's a group setting of 2+ people and many more people listening in and sometimes partaking in the vibe. As you talk with that many people each day, of course you become more relaxed and flowing. A lot of the tension removes from the body as you start to enter into your flow state. You become more connected to your emotions, and from this relaxed space, your inspiration and spontaneity comes naturally. A mental filter is basically just obstructed energy in your body that pulls your energy up into your head into overthinking mode. The solution is getting into your body. The longer you socialise everyday, the more relaxed you become each day, the more positive reactions you'll get from people, the more your self-image adapt, the more tension you release, the more emotions you release (fear and shame), and the more positive emotions you'll embody (acceptance) and this is a slow proces of adaptation of your subconscious mind through getting new experiences. The key is consistency and a lot of new experiences each day. You have to go out constantly to get new experiences so your subconscious adapts permanently and even then you have to keep doing it. But you'll naturally want to keep socialising as it is just a lot of fun when you aren't controlled by trauma energy.
  18. The key to getting good is knowing how to get yourself in a flow state. If you have done pick-up and gone out socialising, you probably know what a flow state feels like. It's where you are fully present and embodied with self-confidence and open energy. Also sexual energy. You subconsciouly also feel abundant in this state. Like there are endless opportunities. To get good is to consistently hit these states until they become easier and easier to access, and when you can access them almost instantly. The more you make approaching a consistent practice, the more relaxed you become, the more unattached you'll be, the easier you hit a flow state. You'll never feel needy and attached in a flow state. You'll feel abudant. One interaction that is better than your subconscious expectations can pull you up and create positive momentum and then you are in a upward spiral that will bring you right to the peak of a flow state. You'll experience a chain reaction of positive reactions. The more negative emotions you release around approaching women, the easier the flow states happen. It all happens through consistency. That's the key. You need to give your nervous system the neccessary input of energy and also the time for it to permanently rewire.
  19. You need a more body based perspective to look at this stuff more clearly. You can do a good approach when you experience fear, but it's about not letting that fear own you and becoming reactive to it. It's about not shutting of the energy flow throughout your heart, pelvis and legs so all energy is in your head. That's nervous energy out of reactivity. That's what turns off women. 2 guys who experience fear when approaching women can have 2 different reactions. for one guy she can get attracted, and by the other guy she'll be creeped out. It's about how those guys handle that tension (fear). Meaning how their nervous system proccesses it. Do they ground the tension out into the earth and become present? Or do they get up their head? It's not fear that turns off women. When you experience fear when approaching women, but you can show up in the midst of that and be like 'yeah I'm nervous, but fuck it, I still show up', that's attractive. You need a grounded energy instead of reactive fearful energy. In your story you write that you have problems relating to people and being social. When you go up to people and talk about the things you mentioned, of course you're not coming off well calibrated. You can only pull that of if you are completely in the zone, confident, embodied and present. If that was your first approach of the night and you're still somewhat in your head, then yeah... Maybe next time be a bit more relatable at the start of your night and when you get more into a flow state, then you can do more risky stuff. Usually if you suck at socialising, you need to think about how you can take smart consistent action on a daily basis so you can gradually build up your ability to be social. It can start wherever you feel you are stuck. If you suck at being social all around, then start doing the following exercise for a month and see how it improves your emotional embodiment. The exercise is called '100 hi's'. It's something they practice at the fearless man. Say 'hello' to 100 people you cross on the street and practice opening your body and grounding your energy. When you are not embodied, you should receive almost no reply from those strangers. If you are though, almost 90% will say hello back or smile. If you are really really embodied, then lots of people will want to start talking to you. If you can do this, you'll learn lots about subtilities of subcommunication and you'll know how to transfer this to approaching women.
  20. It's entirely impossible to say what you do wrong man. It's all in the way you're being when engaging other people that determines whether people receive you well or not. There's a level of communication that underlies all of what you're saying and that is related to your level of emotional embodiment. It's about what emotions you feel inside yourself and how they transfer onto other people. You should surround yourself with people who have this down and preferably get coaching. I recommend 'the fearless man' workshops which are all about fixing your emotional embodiment issues. For people to receive you well, you need to have different aspects in place such as grounding, open heart, turn-on energy which comes through the pelvis. When you have these 3 in place, what you say matters a lot less. People start to pull into you more and you can say ridiculous stuff and that won't turn them off.
  21. It doesn't take that long for me to have a good intuition about whether or not she possesses those qualities. I get that feeling of connection almost instantly or not at all. It's not that I'm logically asking questions and going down my list. Rather I feel her emotions when we talk about subjects relevant to the values I'm subconsciously screening for. For example I'll tell stories and see how she reacts and from her response I can tell if she is into the subject or not and then I'll ask relevant questions and hear what she thinks etc. Pretty quickly you'll start to form a hollistic view of who she is and if you like that view, then good, we can explore each other more. Not that difficult when you are good at meeting women. You have to get good at approaching so you'll meet lots of women. If you only meet women through social circle or opportunities that passively came to you, then the probability is a lot lower than when you actively try to meet women.
  22. I like a woman who knows herself, who is adventurous, who likes to explore and experiment with life. Someone who likes to travel and get out there. Someone who has a spiritual side as well, who is open to meditation and exploring consciousness. Someone who I sporadically can smoke weed with or have a drink. Someone who doesn't take things too serious. Light hearted and knows how to have fun. Great sense of humor and empathy. Someone who is social and can easily connect with people. I like a woman who is confident. Have to be independant and have their own life. So no clingy behavior. I value physical beauty highly and can not get attracted if I don't find them physically attractive. I mostly like eastern european women and have almost exclusively been in relationships with women from that part of the world.
  23. Highest quality wingmen are to be found in Hidden facebook groups of RSD related products. Julien has a free facebook mastermind group as well which is great for this purpose. The fearless man has a Hidden facebook group as well. There's also WhatsApp groups in probably every country and major city with many active guys who game regularly. Just gotta Explore the internet a bit and connect with People. Facebook is great for this. Just search there and you'll find something which gets the ball rolling. Best groups are paid though in the sense that they are a bonus value for when you buy one of the Company's products or attend their events.
  24. Find a good wingman online and meet up in person with him to go approach women and build a friendship out of that. You can build great friendships with those guys because right from the start you have some common values. When I started approaching women, I hired a coach to go on a trip with me for a month and paid him money. We became good friends on the trip. We're soon going to do a 6 month trip to different countries to explore life purpose, seduction and spirituality more. It's important when it comes to becoming succesful in a given area that you surround yourself with people who are already some steps further than you on the path you're trying to walk. Especially if you have a lot of heavy feelings that currently push the thing away that you are trying to work towards. Working with another person who is already succesful offers a container that makes it a lot easier. The only thing you have to do is to show up. I would have never taken the steps neccessary if I didn't hire my friend for that period. I have done stuff on that first trip that I would have never done before. All because I let myself be guided by him and that way got put in situations that gave me the opportunity that I needed. Then you start to build momentum and things start to shift quickly in your emotional state. You start to manifest a lot of crazy things at a very fast speed. The trap is to not become dependant on your accountability partner or coach. You have to become self reliant in the end. For me that was a huge trap because only could I take action when my coach was around. It took effort to break way from that but thanks to the momentum, it was possible. So I suggest you try to meet up with like minded people and see if it's possible to build something long term. Don't force it. You have to offer value in some way or the other. The only reason my friend and I went on that initial trip is because I paid him money. That's value. That gave him a reason to spend time with me and be my container. Then the value dynamic changed from economical to just a genuine connection. You can try paying a coach money and going on a trip and then that's a stable base for something to grow out of that. Just remind that no one is going to want to be in such a relationship with you if the only thing you offer is needing and getting value and not offering it. Especially if you're lower on the emotional scale than that other person, it becomes more difficult to offer value by just being yourself as by the natural law of attraction between people.
  25. Nights when you feel very heavy emotionally turn out to be the best nights for me. So much growth can happen on these nights. Go to the club, sit somewhere and let all your stories and beliefs come up and surrender to them. Accept how they feel in the body and ground your energy out into the earth. Then take action from this grounded place. No matter if you got rejected, celebrate that you transformed fear into courage. This is a neccessary building block for becoming better with women. It's training yourself to step into tension. You're training your nervous system to have a different relationship with fear. When you do this often, you become more embodied with those higher emotions and your self-esteem and self-worth naturally rises as you approach more. You'll let go of more and more stories the longer you do it. Take control over your will and take conscious action. Even if you didn't approach anyone and felt bad the whole night, you still went out which forced you to get triggered. That gives you emotions to release on for the next time to go better. Have patience as well. Shit doesn't come overnight.