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Everything posted by JonasVE12

  1. It's difficult because we really want to keep the baby. I feel that although I'm 19, I'm ready, both emotionally and mentally to make this work and do a good job at raising a baby. I can't be naive though, by thinking that without being financially stable, I can make this work and do a good job at raising the baby. I think there might be options to get financial support as we are both still studying. I'll look into that. If there isn't, then we can't keep the baby, and that I would find very sad. But it is what it is.
  2. I had very severe social anxiety in the past. When I would cross people on the street, my energy would rush to my head, I would lose all connection with my body - my feeling. While the person on the street passes me, I would look down, I would compusilvely take my phone out, look at it without something on the screen and pretend I'm busy on it, just so I don't have to think about being judged at that moment. And a lot more of different compulsive behavior for escaping the feeling in my body. You have to practice grounding your energy into your body. If your anxiety is really severe, practice feeling into your body, feel into your legs, your arms, your chest, feel it. And relax into it. Relax all your muscles. Let the tension flow away into nothingness. Do this while walking down the street and passing strangers. Then go to shopping malls, busy streets, and stand there, still, completely still, while 100s of people pass you. Try to put all your feeling into your body, focus on breathing, and let your energy ground into the earth, like you're a tree and it roots go into the ground. Visualise your energy going down into these roots. After this, while previously if you would stand there in the middle of a street, completely still, you would think about what people are thinking about you, that you look stupid, standing there, or weird, or anything else. Now you find yourself standing there completely relaxed, with a still mind free of anxiety and worrying.. . you're just really present. Then practice this while walking in these busy places. After a while, your nervous system adapts, and being grounded will be your natural state. After that, you can practice talking to people. Your energy will most likely escape to your head again, and that's normal. You have to challenge yourself, and adapt the technique of feeling and relaxing into your body, and grounding your energy. Place yourself in new situations, ask directions, ask for stuff, ask for cigarettes, ask questions, talk, go into sales, go do improv theater, and relax into your body, always. After a while, you will notice that your anxiety is gone because your nervous system has adapted. This worked for me.
  3. You can't half-ass this path and expect to get enlightened. You can have lots of direct experiences of Truth into a lot of different facets. It's not that after these experiences, boom, you are enlightened. You have to integrate them and allign your experience with them. If you don't go all out, there can be lots of mind impurities left causing things like depression. They are just residues of your ego. Enlightenment is trancendance of your ego. You have to go all out. The spiritual path isn't for everyone I think. Ego is sneaky, and will not let itself get killed that easy. You'll have to put the work in. Believing that enlightenment is out of reach for you is a trap.
  4. Join a toastmasters club! Also get actual voice coaching by someone who knows how to use your voice properly. Using your voice properly is very nuanced. As you have developed these bad speaking patterns throughout your life, they will need time to adapt to better ones. It relates to your neural pathways which have been conditioned in a way that makes you talk the way you do now. Luckily, speaking is something most of us do regularly, so you have a lot of opportunity to practice, and adapt. It will take conscious effort though. After a while it will be your natural way of speaking.
  5. When we hear the word illusion, we automatically get the notion that we’re talking about something that seems real, but isn’t. It’s important to know that real/Unreal doesn’t exist. ‘Unreal’ is a human concept and is only a projection of the mind. Everything is exactly as it is. All direct experience being experienced is real. our thoughts, emotions, imagination are real. They are all real from the pov of the ego mind. our individual existance, our awareness, is bound to mind. Mind is bound to duality, to forms. We experience the world through these forms and in our experience, they are real, to our mind. We are pure infinity. The formless dimension which precedes, and contains all forms. From this pov, all forms are finite constructions within infinity, from infinity. Illusion is just a human concept.
  6. I'm adopting a more whole food plant based diet to improve my health and improve cognitive function. I'm looking for recipes that are healthy and cheap and easy to make. Because I have not much experiencing shopping for groceries and cooking, it's all a bit new for me. I'm specifically looking for recipes for dinner. For the rest, I will be eating lots of fruits, oats, eggs, superfoods. For dinner, I mostly eat pasta, potato's, meat, vegetables at this point, but want to replace them for more healthy foods. Any ideas are welcome
  7. @Bridge to Infinity those thoughts arise in awareness and are made from the same substance. Just as everything is made out of awareness. They are not the ego’s thoughts. The ego is the identification to the thoughts. Meaning that I (consciousness/awareness) am identified to mind = ego.
  8. What are your goals? If you’re looking to gain strength and muscle mass, I recommend Stronglifts 5x5. it’s a fullbody plan, with 3 workouts per week. It consists of compound movements, that will build foundational strength. Very clear, straight to the point article on how to go about this.
  9. I'm very creative. I always have a lot of ideas and things I want to explore, research and implement. The thing is that I struggle being productive and getting things done. I think I have ADD/ADHD. I can't concentrate for more than 2 minutes. I tried keeping a commonplace book, but things quickly get really unstructured there, and I don't find much use in it. I think I try to do too much things at once. I always have like 10 google tabs opened up, all with different things I'm researching, and I end up getting nothing useful out of it, and implement nothing. Sure it helps planting seeds in my mind, yes. I also try to implement new habits, like having a steady sleep schedule, cold showers, practices, but don't have the focus and dicipline to stick to these things. I guess I will be focussing on developing a more efficiënt way of approaching my ideas and research, and become more strategic spending my time. This is difficult for me with my potential ADHD/ADD. I will be detoxing heavy metals, change my diet completely, find more precence, and suppelement with beneficial herbs and such. Looking on more perspectives to approach my situation. Thanks
  10. @JustThinkingAloud I have this neurotic compulsive tendencies to find distractions. Thoughts, objects, nail biting, standing up and going to the toilet, standing up and taking food or something to drink without me being hungry or thirsty. Anything so I don't have to sit still and focus. I will be setting intentions for the day right when I wake up, in line with my long term vision. Doing kriya yoga, and concentration, changing diet, cleansing my body.
  11. @CMacD Yes! I will be writing down my intentions for the day right after I wake up and stick to them. No more playing around.
  12. @Peo Thc percentage is much higher nowadays. And the CBD % decreased as well.
  13. I don't use it anymore, but in the past, I've had awakenings on weed. For me, sativa's have a great capacity to put me in a contemplative state. It gives me much more contemplative power. Insights just hit me non stop. Indica's don't do anything for me though. I only have physical effects off that. Just use your direct experience and see if it does something for you. Amnesia haze is a great strain for spiritual work in my opinion.
  14. @Thewritersunion that varies. Cold shower in the morning, I go to the gym 3x per week, I also sleep well. I’m a college student. I try managing my time so I can work on my life purpose, study, spend time with girlfriend and friends, doing consciousness work, researching, and creating music. It sounds like I’m productive but in actuality I’m mostly doing nothing, listening to music and biting my nails.
  15. Will do. Thanks
  16. I don't understand your question
  17. ego is false sense of self in the sense that your awareness is identified to mind? And individuality is only existent in relativity by means of experiencing in perception, mind, I think I get it, I find it difficult to conceptualize things
  18. Why is there even something that's infinite and how is it doing this finite things...... AAA.... Why is there even a reality... I know I can't grasp it but that doesn't satisfy me Yeah, it's infinity expressing itself, but is that supposed to satisfy me? Why is there even infinity in the first place
  19. I don't get it either although I have had multiple awakenings into most of the things you talk about in your 'facets of awakening' video. So if reality is the formless and the forms. The nothingness in and behind the forms, what even is the substance of that nothingness? What even is formlessness being formless and how is it generating consciousness......?
  20. This video should explain everything very clearly btw: this video will instruct you to chew gum. And a lot of other mewing instruction videos will tell you to do this. I did not do this.
  21. Thanks! Good luck! It will be a pain in the ass for the first week, and your tongue will probably get sore, but if you keep at it, you'll see some nice gains in your facial structure. After around a week you don't even have to think consciously about it anymore... Make sure you also put the back of your tongue on your palate. Also, you should research how to swallow correctly while mewing. You'll have to swallow while not using your cheeks, facial muscles. Lot's of videos on youtube with instructions on this. If you swallow correctly, you'll add some weight that's being pushed up on your palate
  22. I started mewing 2 months ago and got some good results before: after mewing for 2 months: After 1-2 weeks of concsiously practicing proper tongue posture, your subconscious adapts and you won't even have to think about it, while your results keep getting better over time. Your maxilla will keep pushing forward which will result in more pronounced cheekbones, more defined facial features; jawline, chin