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Everything posted by JonasVE12

  1. I don’t think that’s ego. I think the difference lies in attachment. The difference between wanting to go for a hike because you feel like it but not being attached to it, so you feel completely fine if you don’t go and being really identified to your hike in the sense that if you don’t go, you suffer. I don’t need the weed high. I would be fine without it. I would feel equally peaceful. Maybe not equally happy. I’m happy now though. I think it’s silly to think that wanting anything is a function of the ego. It’s attachment that makes the difference.
  2. @Roy thats the same as saying that you can go for a hike Without leaving your couch
  3. @Inliytened1 I create that duality so we can distinguish between being on weed and being not on weed. It’s not ego per se. It depends on your attachment to it. Is taking nootropics ego? Is doing activities you enjoy ego? Is playing the guitar ego? It’s all the same. You want to do these activities because you enjoy the experience. I enjoy the experience of being high inside the dream. You can call being high a state. It does not matter. It is an experience just like hiking, swimming, playing the guitar.
  4. @Raptorsin7 I think you think that I have attachment to a more positive state because I'm in a state of suffering now, so I desire a better experience that weed will give me. That's not how I'm seeing it. There's lot's of modes in how to experience life. Even if you don't have attachments, you still have an subjective experience where you prefer one thing over the other. I prefer positive emotions, creativity, clarity, and lots more positive things. Other people might indeed like sleeping outdoor in the rain more, but I don't.
  5. @Raptorsin7 If you are enlightened, you would still prefer a roof above your head when it's raining outside
  6. @Serotoninluv I think there's nothing inherently bad in that. There's no inherent goal or meaning in life. You have to choose what character you want to play in the dream. My personal truth and vision is being the most positive state all the time in my subjective experience. If it can so by chasing weed high, then why not?
  7. I awakened already, and being dis-identified with ego, living with no attachments and knowing Truth doesn't automatically give you the best subjective experience of life. I think you live your best life when you are doing and experiencing things you personally value the most.
  8. @TrynaBeTurquoise You adjust to everything in life. Everything loses it's magic after a while when it becomes routine. When you start excercising, you feel stronger, more healthy, better body, sharper thinking ability, but you get used to it. That doesn't mean that it's not worth it, because you still experience life better compared to when you did not excercise. Weed loses it's magic as well. But that's not the point. personally, I'm still in a heightened state compared to when I'm sober. And when I'm sober, I would indeed feel shittier because I have the contrast to when I'm high. The same with when you stop excercising, you start to feel slower, weight might come on again, and so on, and that feels bad because you remember the difference when you are excercising
  9. Can you explain why that is your judgement. At this moment, I think your judgement is based on your own self bias against weed. if weed came in a capsule form, you would be very quick to make a video about it and being very excited how it greatly enhanches your life, you would even put it on number 1 of your nootropic video.
  10. @Raptorsin7 I agree. That's what I'm thinking.
  11. @Leo Gura It would be more useful if you could explain why that is your judgement. Just saying that it's a foolish idea does not give much insight.
  12. @LfcCharlie4 Only 3 times a week. Mondag, wednesday, and friday. For me it's perfect. Every workout only takes about 45-60 minutes. It includes mostly compound movements like squat, deadlift, bench press, barbell barbell overhead press and bent over row. I also add some extra excercises to workout triceps and biceps. Perfect for adding strength and muscle. For me, there's no need for going to the gym 5 times a week. Thing is with this workout routine is that you really gotta put effort into lifting heavy. For some people if they don't have motivation, they will not gain much of this program because they half ass it and don't lift heavy enough. Here's a guide for the program if you wanna look into it.
  13. I'm doing stronglifts 5x5. The strength gains are amazing. I went from squatting 60kg 5x5 to 130kg 5x5 in 4 months. Now my girlfriend says I have a bigger ass than her.
  14. I'm starting to notice that my vision is becoming more and more blurry. It's slowly but gradual. I'm still young. Is this genetic or has underlying causes that influence this?
  15. @Anna1 It’s not that bad. Also they might not know of the underlying cause that’s related to diet/environment @Preety_India @TrynaBeTurquoise @Maximus Thanks, that helps
  16. Does water fasting make you lose a lot of muscle?
  17. So I’m getting comprehensive blood work done at a functional medicine doctor and I’m thinking about something. I’ve been taking some supplements on and off for the last few months such as vitamine d, omega 3, probiotics, milk thistle, spirulina, chlorella, shilajit, cilantro tincture, vitamine c, MSM. I was not consistent with taking them. I’ve not taken any supplements this last week and today they have taken blood from me and going to send it to the lab. Will the fact that I’ve taken supplements recently interfere with my blood test in the sense that it might give the illusion of false negatives, While if you would base the blood work on my diet without supplements, maybe some parameters would show positive?
  18. I have never been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD I can't focus for 2 minutes. It's annoying. I can't read books, articles, comments on forum. When I'm reading, it's like I 60% just look at the text, and 40% actually register it. I struggle in social interactions, because most of the time, I can not process what is being said, it's like my brain has a 1998 CPU, running heavy software. Would it make sense to pay a lot of money for neurofeedback as it might help me? I will also take meditation, concentration and kriya more seriously. My diet is alright, I think. I haven't researched into proper nutrition tho. I don't have the time for that. Okay no, I have the time, but most of that time, my mind is all over the place and I have 10 other things I want to do, but end up doing really nothing because I instantly lose my focus and end up doing nothing productive. I can't imagine how much I can learn if I had a focussed mind.
  19. Girls often do appreciate a guy approaching her. It all depends on the kind of energy he's giving off. If he's nervous, hiding his emotions and having a secret agenda, the girl will intuively feel that and be put off. If he's genuine and in his masculine precense, as well as being playful and light hearted, she'll also intuively feel that and be energetically drawn to those vibes. It all depends on the guy and the energy he's giving off.
  20. Also look at their values. Some girls just care more for short term emotional stimulation, and this is why dating is so compelling for these people. It provides a lot of emotional stimulation. When these girls enter in a relationship, it may last for a while, but as soon as you get used to eachother, and she doesn't get much emotional stimulation anymore, she will be open to get it elsewhere and be magnetically pulled towards those experiences that provide positive emotions for her. Often those are experiences in the context of dating and sex. You'll have to use your intuition when looking for a long term girlfriend. You want to make that you have deeper values that you share with eachother.
  21. @Average Investor It’s not an impulsive reaction to the pregnancy. I’m someone who loves to create. Today, there’s a huge digital revolution. Everyone is seeking help on the internet for their problems. I recently delved deep into nutrition and health because I had severe ADD and chronic fatigue. I saw a HUGE improvements after implementing strategies to detox heavy metals, changing diet, introducing vitamine and mineral supplements where I was deficiënt in, and also introducing Some herbs and adaptogens. My mental ability and energy levels increased dramatically. The world needs hollistic medicine. Not doctors describing pills to cover up symptoms. I want to integrate hollistic medicine into an online business, as Well have a physical Office where people can meet me and get coaching to improve their health. I also have ideas to make other information products, build multiple online businesses around them. Such as dating, social interaction, learning guitar, self improvement topics, .. I have worked a lot on these ideas so they are not vague unrealistic ideas in my mind. and yes, there’s a lot of low quality products out there, with generic information. I’m aware. The thing with eben pagan is that I read he’s got a good reputation here and has helped Leo quite a lot in his journey to build this business. My intuition says that his products are worth it. It would be wise to invest in that as it gives you a very clear map to build an online business as he has done it multiple times and earns millions selling information products. And of course I notice how I’m justifyng buying his product right now, but I don’t wanna be idealistic and not buy it because of principles.
  22. I'm not sure how to deal with this situation. I'm 19 years old, first year in college. My girlfriend is pregnant and is also in first year of college. She wants to keep this baby, and although something in me wants it as well, I don't feel like I'm in a position where I can raise a baby. I want to focus on my own development and life purpose. This is not realistic for me and for her. I don't want this baby therefore, but I can't force her to do anything against her will and I don't want to escape responsibility. Any insight?
  23. The heart can want what it wants, but I don't wanna be the guy that enters a pet shop, sees a cute puppy, and decides to get it, without having though about it and brings it to the animal shelter a couple months later after realising that he can't take care of the puppy. My feeling says yes. My thinking says no. When making this decision, you can't be naive, you have to be realistic. If I raise a baby, I want to do it well, and without income, I simply can want all I want, I won't be able to afford anything. I hope that I get financial support, I'll contact the institution tomorrow and see what they say. Believe me, I do want to have that baby with her, but it's a difficult situation when you're both still in college for the coming 6 years.
  24. I'm excited to be a dad and raise the baby. I'm just a bit worried about how this baby will fit into my life when I'll be busy with a lot of other things. I'm switching to medical school next year and this will occupy a lot of time. Also have a lot of other interests, and things I want to work on. I always have a lot of ideas in my mind that I want to delve deeper into, but lack the time. I don't see this changing in the future. That's just in my nature. I like to learn and to explore things. I like to be busy spending time with myself. That where I get my energy from. She's also studying, which means we don't have an income. This is the only problem I'm facing here. I don't want to sacrifice my studies as well. This is not going to happen. Nor am I going to allow her to do that. This means I will have to find a way to get an income. I hope that we can get financial support in my country. If we don't, I really don't know how we are going to handle that without having to sacrifice our studies. If we get financial support, then I know I can make it work and do a good job at raising the baby. It will take some time adjusting, but I know everything will fall in it's place. Apart from how much I want to have that baby with her, raise it and love it, I will not sacrifice my studies. So I'll see if I can get financial support, and if that's not the case, I will just talk to her, and I hope we can come to a conclusion.