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Everything posted by JonasVE12

  1. I think homosexuality is mostly rooted in internal conflict with the acceptance of one's own gender identity, same sex child-parent relationship and exlcusion from same-sex peer group. It is caused by gender trauma. A young boy needs a masculine role model for him to identify masculine energy with. If he hasn't, or there is a love-hate relationship between the two, because the boy wants love and attention by the same sex parent, but he is experienced as abusive or absent, the boy will try to attempt to heal this wound by erotizing other masculine men. Homosexual behavior is a symptomatic attempt to “repair” the original wound that left the boy alienated from the innate masculinity that he has failed to claim. In a lot of the cases, the mother is also overindulgent. I think some people have genetic predisposition to emotional vulnerability that makes them more predisposed to the condition. So it's my speculation that homosexuality is a developmental diviation, caused by alientation of it's own masculinity. Every baby has a primary identification with the mother when it's born. Then the boy has to individuate and identify with the father. If there is conflict in that proces, the person becomes homosexual. In short, it's about shame, masculine inferiority, absent father, abuse, self-esteem, self-image, childhood trauma, overindulgent mother, loneliness, exclusion from peer group, sexual abuse, .. Affirmations won't remove the homosexual desires. It can help. It can create a more masculine self-image, but you need a lot of psychoanalysis to understand yourself better, and new masculinity reinforcing experiences to start claim your own sense of masculinity. Thinking affirmations will fix it is far too simplistic. There is a lot of psychological and neurological factors involved. Even when you fix the masculinity issue, you still are left with reinforced neural patterns that cause you to have the strongest sexual arrousal to the reinforced experiences (homosexual experiences), so you will have to break this habit. It will be easier if you fix the underlying gender trauma. I have suffered from pharaphilias that prevented me to have normal heterosexual sexuality. I projected the external object of sexual desire into myself because of some of the same dynamics that causes homosexuality in others. Getting insight into this and moving towards healing and healthy masculinity was key in solving this. I think fixing homosexuality requires a more sophisticated strategy than using affirmations if you want to get rid of it .
  2. You can, but your authenticity has probably been burried deep inside you, under deep layers of conditioning that now prevents you to be attractive. All these validation seeking behaviors comes out of assumption that you are not good enough. It's normal to get these assumptions if you have almost zero experience. You start to think there's something really wrong with you socially and that reinforces the loop. You are just in a loop where you have the assumption that you are unattractive and not wanted, so you act this out in your behavior, and then you manifest the corresponding results, and this reinforces the pattern. Now, if you want to break out of this, you have to do something different. A new game-plan. People become attractive by practicing social skills, getting used to talking to different people, joking around, talking to women, getting used to expressing yourself. You can go about learning this in different ways. You could do Door-to-door sales, pick-up, improv classes, small challenges each day that take you out of your comfortzone, the sky is the limit. Practice being in your body, groundend in your own validation, with self-love, and focus on the proces of becoming better socially, instead of specific results. Only focus on results for the bigger picture view of how it relates to your growth. You'll progessively become better only if you practice. Start small, then bigger challenges, soon you'll remove a lot of layers of conditioning, start to feel more expressive and expansive, more funny, more talkative, more authentic. And then you can present your personality in a more non distorted way.
  3. @fridjonk @Michael569 I was going to do it anyway It's indeed such a beautiful sport and was thinking about doing it for a long time, but never really had the time to do it, because if I do it, I want to commit and this occopies some time of your weekly schedule. I think it's also a matter of finding the right gym with experienced trainers and respectful members. I know there's one in the city I'm going to move to soon which has a very good reputation. I'm planning to compete if I get to the level, so my concerns were more related to actual competing. I want to do the sport with competing as my goal in mind, but also focus on joy of doing the sport itself. Also a concern of mine is brain damage when engaging in these sports. I think I have very good body awareness, and sports come very easy to me. I have noticed all thoughout my life, I pick up almost any sport intuively and excell at it. So I'm curious how I will do in this sport. I will probably do MMA. I don't mind the fact that I'll get beaten up, but broken bones in my face is another story. Gotta accept that I guess.
  4. Yes, but you don't magically attract women by dropping your neediness. You attract them by setting up your life in a way that you naturally meet lots of women and when you develop the charisma and traits to attract them. There's a lot of spiritual growth to be found in facing your fears and conditioning, and transcend it. You have to have courage and consciousness for that, and it will grow you. When someone can't face the pain of facing your fears, and use spirituality to escape it, that's weak. Nothing wrong with persuing the absolute to trancend egoic tendencies, but fixing your life in the relative domain is something you have to do if you want to live your life to the fullest, and I think it's more efficient to face it hands on.
  5. When you focus more on the proces of learning to get better with women and people in general, you draw your attention away from the results. If you set up your life in a way that you have a lot of opportunities, you less identifiy with specific interactions/people, as you subconsciously realise that you have abundance of opportunities to get better and you can just move on to the next. Getting a salesjob where you do door-to-door sales is a perfect way to gradually get used to talking to people. You'll notice the anxious tension in your body go away at around door 30 and you'll be so comfortabel talking to people. Usually you'll do 100+ houses a day where you put your whole self-expression into convincing someone to buy your products. The first door, you'll be stressed and anxious and you will struggle putting a sentence together, but after a while, it becomes second nature. It's the same with everything, but most people are stuck at analysing and mind masturbation and don't actually go out there and do it. Of course you can just do pick-up, but for me that was too intense and I couldn't do it at first. After a while of long periods of socialising and focussing on the growth, not worrying too much about specific results, you'll attract girls and people into your life, and the neediness will slowly fade away.
  6. For me, in powerlifting, pushing to increase the weight on the bar, and seeing yourself become stronger every workout motivates me to keep going every time. You start to feel more powerful, both in your mind and in your body, and also a bit lighter, sharper and energetic. It becomes a habit and it feels good. Thinking about doing muay thai or MMA, but scared of getting my nose broken.
  7. That's a nice philosophy, but it won't do me any good and it is a bit simplistic for someone in my situation. I have to take first in order to help myself heal my body and become more healthy. There's cognitive issues I have I don't even know the source of. I have to find out first and then my priorities can shift to giving.
  8. In my country, when you have a physical or mental impairment, you can get monthly money that allows you to fulfill your basic survival needs. I'm looking for different factors that I can bring together to help the doctor, responsible for determining if in my case I would be eligible for this monthly money, conclude that in fact I have enough factors in my advantage so I can get the money. I want to do this because I'm trying to master different subjects relating to my life purpose, and I am held back by a lot of different things that can't be worked out without money. I had recently let my adhd get diagnosed officially, and I can present a history of anxiety related psychological issues. I want to build a stronger case to present to the doctor so he has no other option to give me the paper saying I can have the money. I have tried getting a job, but I always end up getting fired or quitting because my mind is so onfucussed, disorientated and chronically fatigued. It tends to jump around from subject to subject, not really mastering anything. The history of having lots of different jobs and always getting fired will be in my advantage as well. I have already worked out a lot of diet related issues, but because of some circumstancial factors, I can't keep up and a lot of healthy eating habits are not realistic to keep up anymore mostly because of financial reasons. All these factors make it difficult to focus on my life purpose and therefore I want the money so I can just breath, relax and focus on what's going to help me long term. Paradoxically I'm very focused on my vision but my mind and circumstances hold me back. I suspect I have heavy metal toxicity as well although this is speculation and I will experiment with chelation (if I have the money). What I have now: - adhd diagnoses -proof of inability to keep jobs -multiple doctors that can confirm my symptoms -history of anxiety, ocd and other issues So what can I add to this? Would this be enough? Should I fake more serious mental illness or would they put me in a mental hospital? All insights are welcomed
  9. @Leo Gura I see testing does not accurately represent your toxicity levels, so do they have any relevance? Should one just start doing these protocols without knowing if they have heavy metal toxicity? I think it would be beneficial anyways because there's a lot of ways heavy metals get inside our body in microscopic amounts that have a cummulative effect overtime. I read that they can even get passed on during pregnancy.
  10. I would think it's strategic to invest in courses from business guru's such as eben pagan when wanting to start an online business. The thing is that I currently don't have a lot of money, but I'm willing to work and save money to get such courses so I can have a map so I know how to go about starting this online business. I want to create information products and sell them. The thing is that it's hard to find high quality online business courses. Do you think eben pagan's courses are worth it? Are business courses in general worth it, or can you find such information online, or in books? Or can't you really compare the free information out there to information from people who already are succesful in business?
  11. Hey @Nahm, What is your experience with meditation after awakening? Do you think it's important to keep meditating? 2 Years ago, I started meditating daily for 6 months+ and I noticed it really ankered my attention in the present moment. It felt very blissful. Then after awakening, I thought it was not really that neccessary anymore because you break the identification to your thoughts, so I quit. I've lived with brain fog all my life, and although it's a lot lot better these days, the contrast between meditating daily and not meditating is really vague for me at this point. The memories aren't as vivid anymore, but I do remember I felt more peaceful. What I notice from the point that I quit until now, is that slowly, more resistant thoughts were in my awareness, and although I realise they are just thought stories, they are compulsive in nature. So awakaning does not really get rid of all the egoic tendencies, right? Actively detaching from resistant thougth stories through meditation until it becomes ingrained does?
  12. Only ask for her number after you have build connection with her and there is attraction between you guys. She needs to know hints of your personality before she can trust giving you her number. As far as she knows, you can be a psychopath. First talk and flirt a bit and the chances of her giving you her number increase dramatically. Talking to her needs to be an emotional experience for you both instead of just asking if you can have her number.
  13. By getting into the mind of the costumer. Look into consumer psychology. What factors influence a person's decision to buy a product? We all have our biological needs and desires that marketeers tap into to get money from you. They try to engage you in a way that gives you the right emotion and thoughts, that will eventually lead you to buy. There's lots of different techniques on how you can influence people to buy. You have to learn these dynamics. Books will definitely help you. The biggest learning phase comes when you apply all of it in practice. Learning about funnels, SEO, social media advertising, copywriting...
  14. Logic is a fantasy of the mind. There is no absolute logic. That's just thoughts. Sit in silence and realise infinity is beyond the mind
  15. To accept everything (mind's manifestations) and letting it be is the first step to let them go. You can't let go the things you resist in the present moment. paradoxically, things you accept and let be, let go. Awakening means to stop identifying with your idividuality. Prior to awakening you believe that you (consciousness in actuality) are your thoughts, emotions and perceptions. After awakening, you realise you are pure empty consciousness that allow these forms to be manifested inside yourself. You don't identify with them because you know they are your own imagination. This means you stop resisting thoughts or emotions because you realise you are not them. Automatically you let them be and accept them because you are literally imaging them. In meditation, you try to stop engaging in the content of your mind and let your awareness rest in the present moment. This is not gonna work if you keep resisting the things that happen in your awareness. You have to accept and let go. When you don't, that means there's resistance to the present. And that can manifest itself through more thoughts and emotions. And that is exactly what you are trying to let go. You try to let go the content of the mind and return your awareness to now without identification to forms.
  16. Will I become succesful with my online business?
  17. I have recently seen a functional medicine doctor to get comprehensive blood work done and although I have to go back to have the second half of the results, I already have a good idea about my systemic issues that play a roll in my cognitive impairment that resulted in problems and hindering of my ability to concentrate, memory, speech, creativity, reasoning ability, mood, energy. I have quite a few deffiencies, such as Omega 3, Vitamine d, vitamine A, Vitamine E, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Folate, B12. Also have high levels of homocysteine, bad sleep quality and Hypothyroidism which apparently is a result of my selenium and zinc deffiency. Also am intolerant to wheat and been eating wheat my whole life. I also tested my neurotransmitter levels so I'll get those results back in a couple of days. So, I will be supplementing to get rid of this deffiencies, but I want to know, Is there something I need to know about the way these compounds get absorbed by the body? I heard vitamine d needs fat to be absorbed. Are there other things to consider in terms of absorption? Also, my doctor said that after 3 months of proper supplementation, my blood levels will return to normal. I wonder, after that period, what supplements are wise to keep taking? I already changed my diet to one that is more rich in micronutrients. I just want to know what vitamins are difficult to have enough of in a common diet and where most people are defficient in and that are therefore wise to supplement. The thing I'm worrying about is if when I resolve all these problems, that my cognitive function will not come back. This thing bottered me for a long time, It became difficult to conversate with people as I have this brainfog where I cant think clearly, cant comprehend what people say to me, and all these other things. I do remember 5 years ago that my mind was really sharp. To me it felt like I was lucky with the fact that I had born with the intellectual abilities that I had back then, because I saw lots of people needing to put a lot of effort in getting good grades, where I had to read something ones and get it, and remember it. Now it hinders me because the path of self actualization is heavy on the intellect and depends a lot on it. So I want to optimize it of course. I kind of lost the contrast with how my mind functioned 5 years ago so this kind of became my natural state, so I worry if it will become like it used to be... any insight?
  18. When men don't feel happy in their lifes, it's natural to identify with external things to fulfill them and make them feel good. If you were that source for him, it's a normal reaction of his ego that feels all alone. He probably feels like he has no other romantic options beside you. Because his ego is hurt, he uses an ego defense mechanism to make him feel better. In his mind it hurts thinking that 'his possession ' will be possesed by someone else because he is still identifying with the story of you both.
  19. Isn't that unlikely that I have hashimoto's? How can I have a more balanced lipid profile? By specifically taking omega 3? Or are there also other lipids out of balance? Tarwe means wheat. I feel I'm reacting to it because when I do eat it, I get bloating and feel insanely tired. Yes, but it's difficult to find people who know this stuff deeply. The functional medicine doctor I found in my country is the only one I found. anyways, thanks for the information. I'll start figuring this out more. It's good that I've done testing as now I can act more appropriately but still, for someone who doesn't know this stuff, it's difficult to interpret this information.
  20. It was +8,3 Great, ill look into it Good to know. And I don’t know. They tested TSH and T4. Yes, iodine levels were ok although I don’t eat a lot of food that contains iodine. Thanks @Michael569, I already hoped you’d answer on here haha. I’ll attach some pictures of the results maybe it’s more clear then?
  21. I'm thinking about something lately. I used to smoke weed regularly. Especially sativa strains. For me, sativa strains put me in an experience that is much more vivid. I experience things much more deeply. In puts me in connection with my feeling . I'm much more thought dominant for the most part. Sometimes I miss the feeling aspect of this human experience and weed really gives me that. It makes it so I experience friendships and intimate relationships much more intense. Not only relationships, but everything in general. I also become insanely creative and become very good at contemplating in the moment. I become very good at seeing truth in things. I become very good at connecting things. My focus, motivation, and productivity increases. I become very good at staying in tune with my vision. This helps me to stop procrastinate. When I'm sober, I'm a peaceful person. I don't suffer from much negativity. I do live in this permanent foggy state though. Not much clarity. I just have this contrast from the experiences with weed I had, and I miss those states. Fun and excitement are high values for me, and I think everyone values them. when I smoke weed I find them in almost all corners of life. everything becomes so vivid and interesting. Why would I not want to be high all the time? What would be the arguments against that? Life is indeed a dream where you need to live your personal truth, and I can live my values much more when I'm high, Why would I not want to be high all the time? creativity, clarity, contemplation, fun, excitement and vision are important values for me, and weed greatly enhances them in my life most arguments I can think of are ideological. Maybe the cost would be an argument. Also possible implications on health?
  22. Usually our awareness is found in attention on manifestation of forms like thoughts, perception, emotions. But they are part of the movie. When awareness knows itself, attention ceases to be outward on forms, but turns in itself and realises itself as the screen (awareness/infinity) that makes place for all forms to be manifested in (the movie).
  23. Living a life in allignment with Truth has nothing to do with your state. You can choose how you live and know Truth and embody it. I carry infinity everywhere I go. In what state I'm in, it does not matter. It's everywhere and nowhere. I'm not attached to any experience. It does not matter. I'm peaceful. Let me ask you, why do you take supplements for example? Why do you eat healthy? Why do you do activities you enjoy? It's all the same thing. You want to be authentic and live your best life. you aknowledge you still are a character in the dream that has a subjective experience. You want the best subjective experience you can possibly have. Don't make a duality between sober/not sober. Your goal is to have the best subjective experience you can have. No matter how that translates in your individual experience. For me, it's living with pleasure, creativity, Truth, excitement. If I live these qualities on drugs more then why would your human mind judge it's not in allignment with truth? There's no 1 right way to live an enlightened life. Don't make the mistake to think that being on drugs all the time is not truthful because it does not match your view of what an enlightened life should be like. Infinity can take many forms. there's no thing such a 'baseline' state. You say that your natural baseline state is the one without drugs. But that's just because you have been conditioned to think that there's such a thing as a natural state. Everything is natural and equal in the mind of God. You take supplements for better health that come from external products so you can boost your 'baseline' state. Why? From your judegment that's bad because that's not your natural state. Supplements do the same, they enhance your life in multiple ways. They might improve mood, focus, motivation, creativity, speech, memory, etc. Being in that state where you supplemented or eat healthy feels better for you because it boosts your subjective experience. You now wouldn't want to go back to your state where you ate unhealthy. You want to keep supplementation because it felt good. You will want to do it for the rest of your life. You live your life arround your new 'baseline' state which is now based on better eating patterns/supplementation. And yes, it's indeed true that you don't work on your life while sober, but that does not matter. When you eat healthy and take supplements to achieve that better state, you also don't go back to unhealthy eating to work on that state. And no you can't achieve that state naturally without drugs precisly because it alters your brain chemistry in specific ways that make you experience things different.
  24. @Inliytened1 No, I’m not asking it because I’m attached to it. It’s just an idea to heighten my experience, just like Leo likes to improve his intellectual abilities by taking nootropics and supplements. Me too I have been told many times that taking too much drugs is bad. So of course I have judgements and worries that it indeed might be a bad idea because that’s what society has influenced me with. I’m rather looking for health concerns and such. Infinity can express itself through many forms, right? It can live all alone in a cabin in the woods, or live like dan bilzerian and be equally truthful and unattached. @Serotoninluv why not? There’s still relative truth in the potentialy that long term weed smoking is harmful for the body, or other considerations like tolerance. I don’t know. I might overlook a lot of things. I still don’t really know if it’s damaging to the body. That’s the only reason I’m hesitant to do that. I also have some systemic issues that give me symtoms like ADHD, brainfog, fatigue, so I would not want to make things worse