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Everything posted by JonasVE12
@Username I should say that dosing these substances should be done very precisely and exact. This is because chelation is a very delicate proces where taking a too high dosage of these chemicals can have a very dramatic outcome. You can't really be sure how toxic you are until you try the protocol, so it is adviced to start very low. Some people start no more than 0,25mg ALA or DMSA. The websites above sell these supplements in the dosages specifically aimed at people doing these detoxes so they are very precise and start at a low mg. 600mg ALA is insanely high and if you have heavy metals inside you, it would be dangerous to take. Or maybe you want to split the capsules? Buying ALA in powder form is also not adviced. Only if you can measure it to the MG and want to bother making your own capsules. If money is not an issue, and you want something reliable, the go-to ALA and DMSA for chelation are the supplements from livingsupplements.
@Username The ALA itself costs around 25 USD for a bottle. DMSA same price. The only additional supplements that anyone on the protocol should really be taking are vitamine E, Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamine C. Other Supplements are optional, but neccessary depending on your own health requirements. Let's say you do it for 100 rounds, then you will need 27 bottles of ALA (each 90capsules). This will cost 675 USD. It's not that bad. Of course the price goes up with the support supplements. Edit: And if you want to buy ALA or DMSA, I recommend this site for UK: https://www.mandimart.co.uk/ and for USA: https://www.livingsupplements.com/ (Although nowadays their products take ages to arrive because of corona)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/acfanatics/ join this group
Round 10: Done Chelator: ALA Dose: 25 MG Date: 5 FEB - 8 FEB 2021 Supporting supplements: Same supplements notes: The only noticable symptoms on this dose are headaches. The symptoms on this dose are not that strong, so I think about upping the dose in the coming weeks.
Round 9: Done Chelator: ALA Dose: 25 MG Date: 29 JAN - 1 FEB 2021 Supporting supplements: Same supplements notes: Gonna keep it short from now on. Symptoms included headache & started developing canker sores in my mouth again, but they did not last as long and were not as bad as the first time. My sleep is also affected. I find myself lying awake sometimes feeling uneasy.
JonasVE12 replied to Gesundheit's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Enlightenment exists at the level of the individual, in duality. God includes this as it is everything. So yes, God is also enlightened when it is fractured into a dual state of consciousness through an individual who realises non duality. But it reahes further into non dual states of consciousness, the formless, where enlightenment as a concept becomes irrelevant -
Round 8: Done Chelator: ALA Dose: 25 MG Date: 22 JAN - 25 JAN 2020 Supporting supplements: Same supplements notes: No real symptoms. I wonder If I should increase the dose, but I wont and will wait an additional 10 rounds to increase the dose.
Round 7: Done Chelator: ALA Dose: 25 MG Date: 15 JAN - 18 JAN 2020 Supporting supplements: Same supplements notes: Overal this was an easy round. Same symptoms as before. Fatigue, brain fog, frustration, irritability. Also had to vomit. Kind of got used to all these symptoms. I had to study previous weekend on round for an exam I had yesterday. The studying itself was exhausting and unproductive, but the exam went very well. I notice that my motivation has decreased to the point im not really interested in anything. Just laying around and being lazy. This is definitely a symptom as I'm usually very motivated to work on goals. I'm just so tired. Focussing is difficult. My thoughts are racing. Feeling positive overal though. The motivation and focus will come back.
Round 6: Done Chelator: ALA Dose: 25 MG Date: 8 JAN - 11 JAN 2020 Supporting supplements: Same supplements notes: Symptoms include fatigue and irritability,.. headaches. I've also been having low blood presure, for example when standing up, I get very dizzy. Also after exercise, I feel very lightheaded. Not a good feeling. Maybe it's low adrenal function, I don't know. What's also very apparent is the fact that I've been getting into arguments with my girlfriend whenever she's here and I'm on a round. We usually don't have these, but I feel very irritable and intolerant of her for relatively innocent things. I try to be self-aware, and don't react, but as I'm easily overstimulated on round, it's difficult. The dose is good for me. The symptoms are bearable. I need to feel some symptoms in order to know that I'm on the right path. When I'm feeling bad, it actually motivates me, knowing that I'm healing. Somtimes I get impressions that my logical reasoning skills are improving, but it's not too apparant, I still struggle. I'm studying VFX, and this requires you to be good in solving logical problems when it comes to Math, physics, programming, coming up with algorithms. Usually how it goes when I see a problem is, I analyse what needs to be solved, what needs to be achieved. I try to reverse-engineer the solution, and try to see the steps that need to be taken to get there, develop an algorithm and implement it with the tools given. But usually this process is so frustrating, that I end up standing up, opening the window, shutting down the heating system in my room, because the frustration raised my temperature, feeling like I'm in the middle of the savannah with a skijacket on. But to be honest, I can more easily relax into the proces of finding a solution at times. Getting into a flow state more easily. Doing it step by step. instead of ADHD. Still, these moments are infrequent and brain fog is still a major issue for me. My goal of chelation is improving my brain fog and logical reasoning abilities. These are the most important for me. Also short term memory and ability to retrieve information from long term memory. This is important in translating your internal world to language, and being able to communicate
Here are some paragraphs from Andy Cutlers book, 'amalgam illness' describing how mercury typically manifests in people. I can relate very very much. Maybe some others can too. 'Amalgam illness page, Andy cutler, page 25-29'
There is no accurate way to test if you have heavy metal toxicity other than experiment with the protocol and see if you do react to it. Do some provocation rounds at maybe 12,5mg or 25mg ALA, and see if you have a reaction to it. If you do, that is heavy metals being redistributed. Why do you think you might have heavy metal toxicity? And realise that if this is what is causing your health issues, you are in for a long ride. Feeling better is gonna take months and years depending on how high your toxicity is. What are your specific symptoms and what have you tried already?
My word recall is also really terrible this week. It's insane.
Round 5: Done tomorrow Chelator: ALA Dose: 25MG Date: 1 JAN - 4 JAN 2021 Supporting supplements: Same supplements Notes: My emotional state is off from the moment I ended the 4th round. I'm experiencing a lot of shame & negative self-image related emotions and thoughts. I struggled with these a lot in the past. I overcame them and instilled a more positive self-image by actively returning to feeling self-love whenever these surfaced. Also meditation and transendance of identification to the mind's content. As well as doing specific activities that stimulate emotional wellbeing in the area's that I lacked that. When these resurfaced last week, it orients my intuition to seeing the connection between mind and body more and more. Many many people in ACC facebook group experienced the same emotional state that I lived in my childhood. characterised by self-obsession, anxiety, shame, apathy. There are many reports of people getting better socially & emotionally as they progressed with chelation. They struggled with for example lack of empathy and ability to connect with people and feel joy in the process. I have this as well to a certain extent. The rounds go by really fast. And the counter of rounds done goes up quite quickly too. Apart from the emotional aspect, I also have some phyiscal symptoms including stiffness and pain in my muscles. Some weird tension.
@Display_Name Updating it now Round 4: Done Chelator: ALA Dose: 25 MG Date: 25 DEC - 28 DEC 2020 Supporting supplements: Same supplements notes: The round went relatively smooth. Symptoms included headache, restlessness and elavated brain fog. Nothing major. Results? Nothing worth mentioning.
@Ima Freeman Thank you. You as well
You can definitely overwhelm your organs if you go to high too fast for an extended period. As I did not have any amalgams, and the severity of my symptoms are medium, I can safely experiment with dosages of 12.5 - 25mg. Andy used to recommend 25 mg ALA as a starting dose, but as more highly mercury toxic people began to apply the protocol and were overwhelmed by the severity of their detoxification symptoms, recommended starting dosages decreased dramatically. I don't think I'm part of that group, and because I have no other accurate ways to assess my toxicity, I have to rely on some provocation rounds to see if I do react. But yes, definitely need to consider lowering it if long term it is too draining and physically too much for my body to handle.
Round 3: Done Chelator: ALA Dose: 12.5 MG Date: 18 DEC - 21 DEC Supporting supplements: Same supplements notes: Not too difficult of a round. A bit of a headache, fatigue and brain fog. Nothing major. Definitely less severe symptoms than my first and second round. Currently on my 4th round as I'm typing this. It will be done tomorrow. I actually upped my dose to 25mg which is certaintly not recommended. You just test your symptoms and adjust depending on the severity of your symptoms. I will see how I react to 25 mg and see if I need to lower it.
My test came back negative, so no covid. It's a huge relief for me. Finally I see sunlight at the end of the tunnel. The final pieces of the puzzle coming together. I'm being optimistic. I don't know what's happening inside me as I don't know the ins and outs of the body and how it functions on a biochemical level. I just feel myself reacting to ALA, which chelates mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium. And I can only conclude that It's pulling heavy metals out of my body. I have a lot of detoxification symptoms in my facial area and head in general. Also my health struggles are mostly cognitive struggles. And because the brain is for the biggest part responsible for your cognitive abilities, and in this region, I feel the most detox symptoms, I can associate that with metals being pulled out from there. I felt like having dementia a year ago. I was basically bed bound. Constantly anxious, forgetful, brainfogged. Couldn't talk to people. I would always zone out and never understand anything that was being said to me. I lost the contrast with how it was before, when I was still in highschool. I became very apathic. I joined the forum in 2019 I think. I remember when writing posts, it would literally sometimes take 2 hours for my words to come out in a logical and coherent manner. Then I got some bloodwork done last year and saw how I was deprived of essential nutrients the body needs to function. I had Vitamine D, E, A deficiency, as well as zinc, magnesium, Folate, B12, Selenium, Too high homocysteine concentration. My lipid profile was all over the place. No omega 3's. Underactive thyroid. Wheat intolerance. Neurotransmitter imbalances. Probably missing some things. I ate mostly just a standard diet with wheat and dairy, processed foods and a lot of sugar, sweets, ... garbage. After changing my diet, I quickly began seeing improvements in energy, clarity and motivation. The most important thing was finding healthy and tasty recipes. Don't make cooking and eating a chore. You should experiment a lot and find what keeps you going. Eating healthy has not to be a chore. You can make it very enjoyable if you find what fits you. If you don't, you will quickly fall of the wagon and go back to previous eating habits. Anyways, there's still a lot of brain fog left. I notice this for example when reading, studying, learning. My working memory is terrible still. I can't focus that well. I can't comprehend things very fast. It takes time and patience. You can argue that maybe I just don't have a lot of natural cognitive capacities, but I don't believe that. I still remember contrast from years ago. It just can't be that this is age related cognitive decline. That is not natural at this age. years ago, I was very very sharp cognitively. I always considered myself lucky for the fact that I could understand things so effortlessy and it made me pass school without doing much. The fact that I became so sick from 2 Rounds of ALA means that heavy metals are in my body and most likely in my brain effecting my cognitive abilities. Let's see in 100-200 rounds how I will improve.
For those reading this journal: Note that you should never attempt detoxification with DMSA and ALA without researching this thoroughly. Be responsible as it might be potentially dangerous.
Round 2: ongoing Chelator: ALA Dose: 12.5 MG Progression: Too early to tell. Chelation can take very long depending your toxicity levels. Very toxic people may have to chelate up to 2-5 years. Date: 11 DEC - 14 DEC Supporting supplements: Same supplements Notes: It's currently day 2 of my second round. I have a lot of symptoms. My mouth is full of painful little white spots (canker sores). I also have the abscess which has grown bigger. It appeared when I finished my first round. I feel very fatigued. The detoxification symptoms are very real and prove that the ALA is definitely bringing something to the surface. Dr Robert's morse talks about detoxification symptoms in his books and the things I experience are very much the same he talks about. It's not especially about heavy metal detox in his books, but detox in general. Anyways, some more symptoms I have are slight fever, headache, constant changing feeling of hot/cold. Neck hurts, shoulders hurt. Also can't sleep very well. Laying awake at night. Note that before I was taking ALA, I felt fine physically. So the symptoms are definitely not random. At this point, I have some worries that I might have picked up covid, although chances are small. I'm still gonna take a test Monday and see if I have it. If I do have it, I will be a bit disappointed to realise the symptoms are a manifestation of the coronavirus inside me, and not detoxification. If the test comes out negative, I certainly have heavy metal toxicity. I'm actually feeling really well mentally while having these symptoms, as it suggests heavy metal toxicity, and gives me hope to get rid of the health issues. Before, I have been trying the medical medium heavy metal detoxification protocols. The protocol consists of a daily heavy metal detox smoothie. An ingredient that is in there and that's supposed to detox heavy metals from the brain, is cilantro. Although Cilantro is a chelator and has the chemical properties that are needed to bond to heavy metals, the half-life is unknown. This matters because when you don't know the half-life, you don't know when to take another dose of the chelator. You need have a certain concentration of the chelator in your body around the clock in order for the heavy metals to be removed out of the body. As cilantro's half-life is unknown, when it is consumed, the herb will bond to heavy metals, move it, and then drop it elsewhere and thus redistribute the heavy metals, making the problem worse. Many many people have reported feeling worse after consuming cilantro. ALA and DSMA are chelators of which chemical properties and half-life are known so it can be used responsibly.
Of course man! I'm excited as well to see what will come out of it hopefully a lot of mercury
Awakening will not transcend the personality. It will transcend the identification to it. So after awakening, you will still be you so to speak. The only difference is that the lense through which you view the world and yourself is a lot more truthful and clear. You have a lot more awareness of the mechanicss that drive unconscious living. Also more awareness over your own desires. The meaning of life becomes clearer. Life becomes your playground where the sky is the limit. Unlimited creativity can be found. Exploration can begin from new angles. You still realise you need to make money to fulfill biological needs. So you'll still work a passionless job if you haven't found a more fulfilling way to make money. But you'll want to start aligning this aspect of your life as well to your new found self understanding.
They are not related significantly. You can realise aspects of reality and work a normal job for survival purposes. But self-understanding often brings with it an awareness that if you would be working in a passionless job, you don't resonate with it that much anymore, because you automatically vibrate towards more fulfilling things/job/activities. It fuctions as a catalyst in moving towards your life purpose.
Spirituality is not there for you to become dettached from your sense of humanity and inviduality. Please drop the notion that having an identity is an illusion and thus your desires and experience is somehow not good enough and should be trancended. You are a human. You have emotions and thoughts. These are unique to you. Your ego-identity is indeed a construct, yes. But it needs to be trancended and then re-integrated. Transgenderism is on the level of this human experience. It can not be transcended by awakening. Awakening won't make your desires go away. You have to find a way to allign your future with how you feel what is the best in your core, but you might not know it yet, so transitioning is not the best option for you to do right away IMO. First there has to be some exploration of your human self. Transitioning is something permanent. Once your reproductive organs are gone, you can't go back. Only after exploration of your self, and you still want it, it might be what you need. My perspective is that transgenderism is not genetic. There is no evidence to support this at all. Every born male is biologically designed to grow up as a male, but biology only goes so far. There has to be followed a certain developmental proces for boys in order to become men. If this developmental process does not happen in the way it is intented by nature, then there can be deviations in your gender identity. Every boy has a primary attachment with the mother. Then it has to identitfy with the father in order for him to claim his sense of maleness. There are studies and a lot of clinical observations that recognize a pattern of abusive and hostile fathers, and psychologically distant mothers (or mothers who are overindulgent). This dynamics between son - father can lead someone to reject the masculinity they represent, and thus fail to claim their own masculinity. So they disown their own body and strive to be the mother from whom they have seperated. In a lot of the cases, the mother was reported to be highly anxious and stressed in the period of formation of the boy, thus experienced as seperate. So who do they attach themselves with? Masculinity represents danger to the boy. You can imagine how attachment influences your identity, no? There is inherent conflict with one's sense of self when you consider the suicide rates of transgender people. Not to mention the psychological struggles they face. Your identity is not fixed. You can change. If you want though. If you can be happy by accepting this, then you don't have to change.
I'm not advising anything to anyone. Merely pointing out the mechanisms preceding homosexuality. You have to realise the difficulties these people often face. There's a high % of homosexual men relative to heterosexual people that try to commit suicide because of their internal struggle with their sexual orientation. Homosexuality is fine, and if you are happy with it, why change? But it is just so that homosexuality is in most of the case a compensation for their trauma based identity. These people often struggle with shame, self-esteem issues, low self worth, perfectionism, depression, anxiety. The homosexuality is not the problem. It's the underlying identity issues that are and the implications on their life. I'm not saying it is the only cause and I don't think genetics can by itself bring out the condition. You can have a predisposition to emotional vulnarbulity or prenatal hormonal imbalances, and then you can say genetics can contribute, but I don't think there has been found a gay gene yet lol. The problem with the LGBT movement and how the people involved preach that acceptance is the only way, is what distrubs me. If people with homosexuality who feel like it is not their core identity go to therapy, they get to hear that acceptance and letting go is the only solution. These people are heterosexual in their core, but this is burried deep inside the person. They want to have the normal heterosexual identity, the one of having a family, a house, garden, childeren. The social stigma adds to the emotional burden as well. The shame that is associated with it, leaves onself hiding his 'authenticity', leaving the person feeling isolated from his environment. Some people have it easier and can accept that as part of who they are and go on with their life. For the people in the group I'm talking about, It's sometimes not an option. There was a topic of someone here on the forum who was clearly fighting the desires because he felt it was not his core identity. It's a problem for me that public biases are limiting the healing opportunities for wounded individuals. Also the theory that homosexuality is genetic is a problem. It limits further investigation into the more significant contributing factors for example family dynamics and so homosexuality can not be prevented. It's best to be prevented if possible because of the issues that often come with, both socially and psychologically