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Everything posted by JonasVE12

  1. @Hyacinth Yeah, sometimes it takes time to collect all pieces of the puzzle and see the big picture so you can put all pieces in their place perfectly. Keep following your intuition
  2. And if you are stuck in apathy, even do this; Start taking cold showers everyday. Find people to talk to from the comfort of your home on OMEGLE It's perfect. Just skip the one's flashing their dicks, but expose yourself. Try to talk to people and have a conversation. Do this for 5 hours everyday. There's even girls on there that are +18 surely in COVID times. Talk to them. Also hot intelligent college girls who study biochemistry. Lol Make a commitment to wake up and sleep at the same time Make a commitment to walk outside for an hour everyday Go skydiving. Do other scary and tension evoking activities. Do guided meditations to release apathy and shame. Practice body connection meditations Become aware of the sensations in your body and locate them Exercise regularly. Preferably everyday. Clean up your diet. And so much more shit man, you got this, but you have to release your apathy first otherwise you will be chasing stuff for the rest of your life as an escape. Social fear limits every part of your life. Dude, get to work and believe in yourself consciously right now that you can do it. Who would you be if you can go on the street and approach anyone, feel confident, powerful and alive.
  3. Persuing enlightenment now would be your biggest mistake. You would dissociate from yourself more because authentically, you want to get rid of your social anxiety. But you want to bypass it by transcendance. It never works. Once you come full circle, you will realise the nature of yourself, but you won't have gotten rid of those feelings because they belong to you in the end. You are not above your ego, contrary to what many believe on here. For so many people, enlightenment and self help is a distraction from the supressed emotions they are scared to face. It's like the ultimate avoidance and distraction mechanism. Don't fall for this trap. Be aware what you are doing. Cringe... I get it. Everything is cringy. Life is so cringy. You are so unworthy and embaressed being yourself. You better hide in your basement so no one can see you, right? How do these 2 words fit you: Shame & apathy I'll write you some examples of social exercises. Imagine going to a crowded shopping street, how comfortable would you feel to dance to a street musician when everyone is looking and no one else is dancing? - Saying ‘Hi’ to different people you cross walking down the street and smile. Asking strangers randomly what their favorite color is. Giving strangers a compliment about their clothes. Singing out loud when you walk down a crowded street. Standing still in a crowded place with your arms opened horizontally with a weird facial expression. Walking in slow motion in a crowded place & people noticing you are weird. Smiling & staring beautiful women in the eyes when they pass by from 10-20 meters before they pass and saying ‘hi’. Screaming very loudly in a crowded area and everyone looks at you. Small talk with cashiers about the weather Can you imagine doing them? How 'cringy' would you feel? Go outside and imagine doing them. Get face-to-face with the tension and cringe that it will provoke and generate inside your consciousness the intention to do the exercise. Feel into the intention, BUT don't do the exercise. Notice how cringe it feels if you would do it. Write for every exercise down a number between 1-10. Getting rid of social anxiety is a proces of slowly, but surely releasing shame, facing tension & welcoming feelings of courage & acceptance. Your supressed emotions will need to release and then you'll shift energetically in your core. The result is social freedom & confidence. The work is about facing TENSION and relaxing into that and allowing yourself to feel vulnerable. The KEY is to face low levels of tension and slowly expanding your ability to handle different kinds of tension over time. Don't think of relationships or women yet. You have a much bigger problem. Attracting women demands you to be a masculine grounded man who is amazing with handling and playing with tension. But if you can't say hi to strangers, because you are too embaressed being seen, you will need a much more nuanced approach. All social situations evoke some degree of tension. For example, if someone is pointing a gun at you and screaming at you, that would evoke a high level of tension that would unground most people. Nervous & ungrounded energy manifests. You are in your head, stiffled, don't know what to do, shaking, have lost all connection with your body. You can't even remember how to take your wallet out of your pocket because you are so nervously shaking because you fear for your life. If that would happen to a navy seal who had undergone extensive training and combat, he would be grounded in that tension, stay relaxed and act accordingly. Because he got used to that sort of tension and he is confident in his ability to face that sort of tension. The tension threshold for socially anxious and shameful people is very low. Even saying 'hello', talking on the phone or looking people in the eyes can unground them. So what you have to do is find the lowest levels of tension that unground you and that you avoid, and start releasing your resistance to confront that. Step into it slowly, and relax your body. If you are nervous looking people in the eye, practice looking just 1 second. Do that 100 times. Get to 2 seconds, 5 seconds, and then when people pass, just stare the whole time. You'll grow small % each time and release bits of shame. You will open up, connect to your heart and suddenly you will have these very big shifts in your flow of energy throughout your body. When you are able to relax into the tension that gets evoked when staring people when they pass by, become grounded, then you will notice the fun in it. You can even start to notice their emotions. Some people will find it intruding and look away. But then, you can combine it with a smile while being connected to your body & still grounded. Connect to your heart and feel your openness & joy for smiling. Wopla, another sudden energetic release. And then start saying 'Hi!' and smile. Then progress to next levels of tension. Small social exercises. Standing still in the middle of a busy street like a statue. Relax, feel like a calm bubble in the middle of the storm. Here you begin. So much more to say, but this post is getting too long. You get the idea.
  4. You are welcome Yes, I get that. The thing is, it being 'hard' is only relevant if you are trying. The beauty of it all comes after you have claimed high levels of love, peace, acceptance and purpose in your life that you don't really require depth in connections with other people. You are open to it and welcome it, but you don't actively seek/desire it anymore. You are able to find depth in the smallest connection. Every connection has it's own beauty and magic. I used to resent my mother. She used to supress my indivuality and projected many of her standards onto me. No connection and understanding at all. Now, as I'm older, she still has the same tendencies and consciousness, but because I'm deeply embodied with self love and acceptance, this dynamic is way more powerful than our misunderstanding and intuitive disconnect and overrides that bad connection with a new found beauty. I just smile at her and appreciate her soul as she is. And as she feels that, she also becomes much more accepting and feeling-understanding, and this makes room for a beautiful deep connection of mutual empathic understanding that has it's own charm. Not in the perceived depth, but feeling. I'm very intuitive and I used to only like to connect with people that are too. I had a friend who primarly used rationality to navigate reality and I wasn't really fulfilled by the conversations we had, but now, I appreciate his sense of humor and his unique being. I enjoy his presence and we click very well. We can joke and laugh all night about 'surface' level things. He entirely has other values and principles as me, but the connection is very strong. I don't seek that kind of deep connection with him. I have it in myself and with other people. I could find joy and fulfillment in most connections. No matter their consciousness. Just playing with energy & flow. Sharing & giving. There's a point where you can shift your focus entirely from 'me' to 'us' or them entirely. Spreading love & peace, you know. I seem like a hippy, don't I. To add: But definitely, surrounding yourself with people who have common values is important and it definitely adds to the quality of your life.
  5. Good Luck man Focus on quality instead of quantity and don't rush yourself. Feel that genuin curiosity and turn on when you approach and be grounded in your body. In the conversation, allow yourself to be guided by the pure joy of the connection with her... If you walk down the street and see a beautiful woman, you can practice feeling your curiosity for her. What is it that captivates your attention? Let that feeling go through your body. Express that as an opener and you will be amazed how well she receives that as it comes from your heart & authentic inspiration. Be open, intentful, use social & empathic calibration. A woman naturally has her guards up so make her feel safe by light, understanding and playful energy. You are a stranger approaching her. Many dangers for her. Be honest and vulnerable. You can do 5, meditate on a bench and do some more. Don't overwhelm yourself. Focus on your feeling & body instead of counting & mind stuff. Flow Oh yeah, and use your relaxation & breath to release negative thoughts if you have them. Welcome them and ask if you can allow them to be there. Then if you allowed them, ask yourself if you can let them go. Release them one bit at a time, like you are peeling the skin of an orange. Welcome feelings of acceptance, love and courage after release and approach from that space.
  6. Sometimes you meet a person that you connect so well with and you intuitively understand each other so well. This depth of feeling and understanding one can have towards another person is really the building block for that soul mate dynamic you describe. Combine that with great sexual polarity and attraction, shared values & having a dream/vision that you both are connected to and working towards, it is really a powerful connection and it can feel as if that person becomes a part of you. As if you both become a side of the same coin. But soul mates don't exist like it does in fairytales. You can have many 'soul mate' like connections with different people. There's almost 8 billion people in the world. If you meet enough people in different contexts, you will connect with many people in all kinds of ways and different depth. Sometimes, you click intellectually and spiritually, but not physically. But then sometimes, everything is there and it intuitively feels so right. That can grow into something very beautiful. Soul mates happens after there is a connection you grow into but it requires the right 2 people with the right soul/mind made for each other that compliment each other. But that dynamic can exist with different people in the same lifetime. It's not like there is only 1 out there for you. Sure it will feel that way if you have found them. And after you have found that person, you very often close yourself off to that same connection with other people because you will be fulfilled in that area.
  7. Maybe an unconscious escape from unconscious suffering that he completely dissociated from when identifying so much with 'seeking'. You will never arrive if you haven't solved emotional issues. Even after you get 'there', but still not feel fulfilled, the seeking doesn't end. But of course this whole journey perpetuates that the ego is somehow less valid and it is more 'true' to escape it and chase infinity. It has a lot to do with how biased people are here on the forum. Is it an authentic persuit of truth or an unconscious escape. Guess we will never know that. I just hate that too many people are putting out the notion that duality is illusion and less 'real'. For example, Leo said some time ago after his 30 days of experimenting with 5 MEO DMT that he achieved much higher levels of consciousness and enlightenment then for example the popular enlightenment teachers and masters. He explicitly said that. There is only one truth and that is pure being and nothing else. Everything else is bullshit. Don't misunderstand states of consciousness and temporary/permanent individuality dissolution with higher levels of enlightenment. There is no levels of enlightenment. Awakening is awakening. Of course you can awaken to many facets of truth, and deconstruct the mind, and in the end you merge with truth. But all is now. Why death. It does not get you closer to infinity. Give up your ego, which is attachment, but don't give up your individuality. Come on.
  8. @Zion I would contemplate deeply what it means to connect with someone. We are connecting right now as you read this. It's one of your values to connect with people and understand what 'connection' means. my answer provides the connection through which I try to provide value to you. The quality of our connection here is determined by how friendly and warm I seem, and how much actual value you perceive in my answer. What I'm saying is that every human has different values & desires and to connect with someone is to connect with their values and desires, as I do right now with you. For example, you can walk down the street and you pass a girl that is a bit shy and insecure. If you go up to her and tell her that she is beautiful, you will connect to that which she values: A compliment to stimulate her self-image; This is a quality connection. Let's say you go up to her and insult her. She already feels insecure so that would mean a big disconnect. Another person might value intellectually stimulating conversations, and so if you can provide them with that, you are connecting to their values/desires. You can connect in very small ways, for example giving out compliments, having fun and enjoyable conversations with people. Most people are open to have fun & light conversations. These are universal values of most people. If you do these, you can connect to them in small ways. To connect in a deeper way is to understand the other person deeply and become one with some part of them.
  9. 2 things. If you have a negative self-image and low self worth, you tend to perceive things in a way that serves your confirmation bias. In this example it's the underlying belief that you are not good enough and are unworthy. Because you have this dynamic inside of you, people tend to automatically react to this energetically. They tend to walk over you if you don't hold your ground strongly. When someone feels weak, they get perceived as weak through their subcommunication and the result is being walked over. When a thief walks down the street at night, he'll go for the people he perceives as weak. He'll get a sense through how they carry themselves. You can feel it when someone does not own himself. It's all in the eyes, voice and body language. Automatically, they will be targetted. The person you talk to may be dogmatic and have stupid convictions, and feel that he can let himself dominate you in the conversation because you are no threat to him anyways. People feel good if they are right and if he can have his own way with you, why wouldn't he. And of course, because you feel weak deep down, it acts as a confirmation bias. It's a loop. Breaking out of that loop is a proces. If you gain some confidence, release your emotions that cause this negative self image and low self worth, your subcommunication will shift entirely. Your energetic presence will let people realise they can't dominate you. And you won't even bother arguing with such people. If you talk to people that have a black belt in BJJ or do MMA, you will sense a sort of confidence where you instinctively understand that you should not mess with them. This is because of their self image that influences their subcommunication. People perceive their subcommunication and primarly react to this emotionally. In the end, you want to create a strong presence and aura that radiates high self worth and a positive and assertive self-image. The result is that people respect you more, so you won't have these situations anymore, and second, when it happens, you just understand that it's not because you are weak but because that other person has a different level of consciousness.
  10. @Striving for more The amount of money you receive for doing the drug research studies isn't really correlated to the degree to which the study poses a risk to your health, but I understand your concern. I've done one myself and I didn't feel the medication at all. No side effects or anything. I also understood how it worked & that it wasn't really unsafe. No bad ingredients or anything as well. The risk/reward ratio was definitely worth it. I also get that it's a lot of money. But consider this, If you work on releasing & emotional embodiment, your life and carreer might take an unexpected turn as well that in the end gets you further and earn more money because you aren't ruled by fear & apathy anymore. You get to really see what you are passionate about and laserfocus in that direction. Not only does it set you up to become more attractive, confident & embodied, you also get to see a lot of clarity in terms of your life purpose / direction. People don't realise how supressed emotions distracts them from the real treasures and opportunities in life. If you work on releasing & embodiment, your life literally starts to change because you are working under the surface, instead of at the level of the intellect. You can take all kinds of information in intellectually, but if energetically there is no change, your life remains the same.
  11. If you have been masturbating primarly to fetish type porn and images, your brain got used to associating these images with achieving sexual gratification. And these neural pathways are wired in a way that achieving sexual gratification is the strongest when it is engaging fetish type behavior in your situation. It's a learned habbit. I don't know your age, but depending on it & the amount you have been reinforcing these patterns, the neural pathways could be very strongly wired if it's reinforced many times and used as a primary sexual outlet. So of course vanilla sex won't have the same effect as your fetish because the reward centers aren't engaged as powerfully as with the neural pathway that is very strongly wired to do so. You should completely quit masturbating to your fetish & stop engaging in it to allow yourself to direct your sexual energy to a more healthy sexual outlet. Perferably to your partner. At first, you won't be able to enjoy it. You won't orgasm or have strong erections, but in time, your sexual energy will build up and find a new outlet, and so you have to redirect it to your partner, instead of your fetish. Let your arrousal come from your feelings in sex and enjoying her feminine energy. It will be difficult at first, but you have to give the brain time to adapt. If you quit or get tempted, you ruin the proces. So discipline is key here. Just completely stop indulging if you want to have a healthy sex life. Your woman will never be pleased with this fetish between you and her. She might even take it personal that you don't get arroused from her.
  12. I understand. It's a lot of money. If you really value your growth & happiness and have identified what is holding you back, it might be just what you need & totally worth it. The struggle of not having enough money is real, but don't let limitations and beliefs hold you back from earning that money. In my country, you can participate in drugresearch studies, easily earning 5k and more for 2-3 weeks. There's many options, but if you are stuck in apathy, you might want to release on that first & try to get more in touch with your motivation. Releasing is very important. We are ruled by our emotions.
  13. Yes, but don't forget that flow state should not be looked at as something outside of yourself that needs to be achieved or gotten to. Flow, letting go & surrender should be integrated as parts of your being and should always be the case. It's should not be something outside of yourself now. Of course people use state-pumping to get into that state, but that is not real transformation and growth. State pumping is the same as taking MDMA. Have you ever taken MDMA in social setting? You literally feel like the king. You are the life of the party and everyone is attracted to your presence. Everyone is on the edge of their seat listening to what you have to say because you are so embodied & full of self love and acceptance. The whole dynamic changes. but then, when it wears down, you feel less 'flow' and more self absorbed again. It's all self protection again. That's not ideal. You always want to be able to do what you are inspired to do without filters. What you often see are these guys doing daygame or nightgame and say 'I really felt in flow just 10 minutes ago, but now I'm not anymore. I feel a bit anxious again'. See, they rely on external validation & statepumping to get into flow. Their internal state depends on external variables, while real transformation does not. So you saying 'I reached flow state some time ago' still comes from the duality that seperates you from full self acceptance & permanent letting go. Releasing & emotional embodiment are key to permanently integrate these attributes.
  14. @28 cm unbuffed Definitely. The thing is, when you are numbed out emotionally and are closed off from feeling, this will never be organic and free flowing in the beginning. You have to walk a certain path where you gradually release your blockages and get more connected to your body, become grounded and free flowing. When you get to that point, you'll feel one with everyone around you. Like one giant bubble or playground where you can act out your inspiration & create your reality like you want it instead of feeling like you're an isolated bubble and everyone else is an enemy. The self protective mechanism needs to be let go & surrendered. The attention needs to shift to free outward expression instead of internal protection. In this space, social freedom & attraction are inevitable and the amount of social opportunities that come to you are endless. The first practice one should do if they are scared to approach women is to become grounded in other social situations first. The relationship between groundedness & tension is the most important relationship that anyone who is learning to get better with women could observe. Every social situation evokes some degree of tension. If you can't handle tension, you tend to look away & become ungrounded. When you become ungrounded, your energy tends to be in your head and you feel tense. A sense of shame & fear comes up in your body and stiffles you. What you wanna do if you don't dare to approach women yet, try to say 'hello' to 100 people everyday for a week. Get used to being seen. Practice letting go of nervous energy when you do it & ground yourself in your body. Connect to your heart while you do it. Relax your pelvis & whole body. Feel your turn on and excitement after a while when you loosen up. Become excited to say hello. Begin feeling expansive. Gradually grow % by %. Stuck energy & emotions start to release and make place for courage, love and acceptance. Say hello with your heart and notice how people react. Welcome the people looking away. Welcome the people saying hello back to you. Welcome everyone. As you become more open & connected, people will generally smile back and say hello back to you. When people ignore you, smile in yourself and love them. This will translate to rejections with women. It is very important to notice the energy in your body & feel into it, relax into it and let any stuck energy go in this proces. When you let go, you can open your heart & allow more courage to flow into your being. Then you can allow to feel your turn on and excitement in your pelvis and express your 'hello' from connection with this region of your body. This connection with your pelvis is what you want to have when you talk to a woman and flirt with her. You want to feel your turn on to her and show her that you are turned on for her. She will feel it energetically. Next to do is to notice levels of tension in all kinds of different social situations. What social situations evoke too much tension that unground you? What social situations do you avoid? Go walk around the city and imagine you doing all kinds of social exercises. Notice what level of tension do they evoke. Use a tension journal and give them a number. 1 is easy. 10 is overwhelming. Practice for 2 weeks doing exercises that evoke 1-5. Gradually build up after that until they feel natural and effortless. Don't even bother talking to women when you haven't done this proces. Things that evoke too much tension will overwhelm you and only cause more negativity. Don't state-pump like they teach in pick-up. The correct proces is emotional embodiment & integration and not state pumping. In the end, you want to become a natural and not a state pumper. If you done that proces. Feel free to confront higher levels of tension. Look beautiful women into the eye, deeply, when they pass by. Smile and say hello. Be grounded in that proces & relax the body. Do it from your heart & pelvis. Feel your turn on. Then ask the time from that same space, ask for directions, just say 'how are you doing'? It's not about getting results inmediately. It's about getting used to exchanging energy with them while being grounded & embodied. Being in your masculine core. Practice simple conversation with them. If you done this proces, there will be good levels of groundedness & connection to your body. Also there will be higher levels of courage that will make it very likely that you will approach women without thinking. Intent & purposeful energy are also very likely to be there when you are this far in the proces. It's like you will attract and approach woman naturally on instincts because you have integrated all these things along the way.
  15. @Striving for more Does any animal use logic & manipulation to attract and mate? Or only we humans? Only we have that unique problem. You are looking in the wrong direction. You need emotional releasing & emotional embodiment to attract women. Not logic & techniques. Of course in the end, you can study social skills and conversation techniques, but it is only beneficial when you are already embodied emotionally. Then those techniques can function as an add-on. You are coming from the paradigm of learning these things is to bypass the need for emotional vulnarability & embodiment. So you can avoid the pain and shame that is inside of you. You can't show your intentions and turn-on directly through emotional connection because you are blocked. Therefore you need to release & connect to your feeling first. Your study of these techniques is a distraction that is the same for a heroin addict that does not want to face his own pain & emotions and distracts himself with heroin. Do you remember the workshop that I suggested in another thread? Do that. Do it for yourself. You will connect to parts of yourself that you didn't even know existed.
  16. This is exactly what happens if someone is cut off from their authentic truth. You find a girl attractive but because you have supressed many of your desires/wants, you feel ashamed if you want to express your emotions to her energetically so you escape to your mind, overanalysing the situation. You try to attract her using your mind, using all these pick up theory induced techniques about manipulation & game. Are you not connected to your feeling at all? Are you all up your head that attracting women seems like an unsolveable mathematical puzzle? It is what happens if you do not own yourself on an energetic level. The mind is used as an escape from feeling. from expressing your intention & authenticity through emotions. Can you connect to your heart at all? In her presence, can you connect to her heart? Be open & vulnarable? Self-deprecation is about being, not doing. It should not be used as a means to attract her. That's not honest authentic connection. That's manipulation and not being true to who you are. Connect to your body, release your shame, feel your heart & turn on, look in her eyes and say nothing more. Enjoy her presence & appearance when you look at her & disconnect from all thoughts & analysing all together. Just be in that space with her while connected to your own heart & turn on. The pelvis. Let your actions flow from this connection & all questions will be answered. Make it about her & you, instead of what you want from her. She is not your parent that needs to validate your unmet needs. Appreciate her for who she is as an individual & connect to her from that openness. Attraction is natural and inevitable in this connected space of her & you.
  17. To get an idea, check on instagram some popular men lifestyle accounts. Something like this You get the idea. Don't do boring low quality selfies for online dating. Put in some effort. Or don't. But know that your results will reflect the amount of effort you put in. You can hire a photographer that does photoshoots for online dating. Combine that with a vacation to a nice place, take a friend with you, A DSLR camera with a 50mm lens and take some dynamic cool pictures. You want to show pictures that reflect your personality, have a mysterious vibe to it, some adventure & class. Do some cool filter/overlay effects on some of the pics and you're good to go.
  18. A person who you are not attracted to, but in a relationship with... We can't call this a healthy functional relationship. You don't think so?
  19. If it alarms you like this, there is probably more going on than her calling you 'bruh'. If I would make a topic for every instance my girlfriend called me something that could be considered friendzoning, I would have made thousands of topics already. But I just understand her intentions and I can read her cues. Girls like to tease and test guys over and over. It's just playing. I don't take it serious at all because I'm self secured in our relationship and I'm not attached at all. I just slap her ass and tell her she has to be a good girl. It's just teasing. Why are you so alarmed? Are you insecure in your relationship with her? Do you feel needy of her? Does she give you any other signs? Imo, her calling you 'bruh' is not important at all. Is the context that surrounds it that is. Many girls say 'bruh', just to express themselves. For example when they see something weird online, they might say 'bruh, check this out'. The only reason someone would get stuck on their girlfriend calling them bruh is because they are deeply insecure about the relationship and that's something to look into.
  20. Been trying to grow a beard. Maybe next year.
  21. @Karmadhi Why guys obsess about their looks isn't really rational. It is just so that in a society like this, from a very young age, guys are getting shamed for being themselves and expressing themselves. Much of it happens in child-parent relationship and peer to peer relationships. They feel fundamentally flawed and these emotions of not feeling enough do get projected onto their appearance. It is in human nature to look externally for making up their identity and so they tend to project these emotions of shame onto their appearance because it is something more tangible to understand and make meaning off. People don't easily understand their emotions and a lot of them get projected.. The same goes for shame. The rationalising goes like this; I feel ashamed and flawed as a human being-) External experiences validate this belief/emotion -) 'It is because of my looks' While actually, it has a lot to do with supressed emotions and projection. In the end, looks don't matter that much. It's all about vibes, emotions and being. If you would be more connected to your heart and confidence, reduce your shame, you wouldn't care about your looks that much. You can still subjectively understand that you are not the best looking guy, but it won't become something compulsive as you won't project your lack of self worth and connection onto it anymore.
  22. The dynamic of rejection is irrelevant for a man that knows seduction. Gaming is also something completely irrelevant. It's about him, being authentic, integrated, emotionally embodied. A man who knows about the dance between the masculine and the feminine. A man who knows how to connect to his heart, alligned in his turn-on, his curiosity, his openness, his intention. That's a guy who gets women, no matter his looks, status, money. A guy who is a natural with women does not game or get rejected. He is all about being. The guy you are reffering to in the topic needs to transcend 'game'. He needs to understand the subtle energetic interplay between a man and a woman and come home to himself. He is not good at game. The thinking that he has good game while still not appealing to any women is fundamentally misunderstanding what seduction is about. A woman can have a type though, but she is more reffering to the man's capacity to feel and be that she asociates with a certain kind of man that she calls 'her type'. That women can be attracted to many other guys that she does not directly associate with her type initially. This is because women tend to make up an image of their type through experiences with guys who appealed energetically to them, but this appealing of these guys to the woman is not dependant on attributes like looks, status, money, more so the underlying embodiment and feeling of that guy. Therefore the attraction gets projected onto those attributes while they don't neccessarly have much to do with it. The woman can be then attracted to someone completely different in terms of secundary attributes like looks and status, but still has the same underlying embodiment and feeling.
  23. You will get all sorts of advice here, but honestly, do you really want more advice? Or do you want to get some clarity and finally some real long lasting change? Honestly, just do one of these events: The intensive experience and then the weeklong intensive. Then come back here and tell me how it went. You'll feel like a changed human being. I can explain what is wrong with you, as I understand your position, but you probably won't attune to it. Just do the events. Thank me later.
  24. Not only is dating an important part of a complete spiritual practice, they also can't be looked at as being seperate from each other. You'll discover many aspects of yourself in relationship to other people and how you react and behave within the context of the relationship. Supressed emotions, self deceptive world views, biases, empathy, love, compassion, integration, embodiment are all dynamics existent within relationships. A relationship is like a mirror. They give you opportunities for deep self reflection, healing and wisdom that are not easily achievable outside the context of a relationship.