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Everything posted by Bodigger

  1. This isn't a conservative frame work. Warren has made it part of her platform and yes, this is a turn from her statements in 2012. Many people do not want their tax money going toward certain things for what ever reason. Taxes are forced upon people and when they are forced to pay for things they do not like, then most likely there will be uprising's. The more things people are forced to do, the more uprising's there will be. IMO, I find the Dems doing more of the forcing and less empowering.
  2. How can someone only see things from one point of view? Most likely, the answer is due to what is being viewed. If we don't flip the channel or read the other sides articles, our vision becomes more and more narrow, thus narrow minded. Keep in mind that 63 million people voted for Trump and yes, many are narrow minded, but not all. If it is a struggle to understand how people could vote for Trump, maybe we need to do more searching.....on the other side. If we do this, truth will stare back at us, and if our ego is tamed, we will acknowledge what is truth.
  3. One example is; Warren is saying that imprisoned transgender surgeries should be paid for by taxpayers. I don't think Bernie is saying this, and I would consider this left of him. This statement is nowhere near the center. Huh, Hillary is not an Obama-like figure. I don't recall people flocking to watch her speeches. I do agree that the base is moving toward more progressive policies but that only accounts for 43%. The Dems will be able to pick off about 5% of the centrist's by convincing them that Trump is not good for them, but it will take authentic personality skills like Obama to get over the hump.
  4. It depends on what the Dems put out for a candidate. I think it's anyone's race at this time. Biden is falling hard due to his corrupt past catching up with him, as well as other things. Bernie has had a heart attack and I think this will slow him down significantly. I like Bernie because he truly believes in his policies. Warren gets caught in pretending things and it is catching up with her. I think she is actually left of Bernie and I don't think it will fare well for her if she is the candidate. Clinton has been interesting to listen to lately. I think she is throwing stuff out there to see what kind of response she will get. The Dems need an Obama like figure in my opinion. Someone who doesn't have a long voting record and can speak.....with conviction like Bernie. If had to place a bet today, it would be Trump.
  5. @Serotoninluv Agreed......Love you all
  6. Yes, a vote took place in each of the three previous impeachment inquiries. Again, making changes for others also changes things for ourselves in the future. I recall when the Dems changed the requirement vote for judges to a 51 vote majority and the Republicans said it would come back to haunt them. And, it did...
  7. Does Trump get any credit for playing smart? According to many he is an idiot, and the people who voted for him are idiots. The way I understand it is once the vote for an impeachment inquiry is approved, the inquiry begins and the accused prepares a defense. Keep in mind, the defense has the same rites as the accuser. they also need to comply with subpoenas and if the rules get changed for one, they change for all. I don't think that kind of change is what the Dems are looking for. It is probably going to be an interesting couple of months. I always like it when the truth gets out there for everyone to see. Everyone has the ability.....few utilize it.
  8. It is my understanding that the documents are ready to be released once the impeachment proceeding's begin. Not sure when the vote for the impeachment inquiry is to take place.
  9. If you are open and willing for persuasion and 'want to expand, you will need to put in some effort'. Yes, I have heard this statement before and I have seen the outcome. Thank you @Serotoninluv
  10. Are you saying that Obama was not narcissistic, or at a lower level of narcissism than Trump? If Obama were to say similar things and carry out the progressive agenda would we be talking about how he is not well?
  11. Allow me to show what it looks like on the other side of the topic title.... @Serotoninluv It seems like Obama himself is rather adept at deflection as well. He's great at giving 'non-answers' and changing the narrative. I'm not sure why so many people do not notice this.. perhaps I'm hyper sensitive to it, having lived with and having been a victim of an extreme narcissist. To me, it's completely obvious when someone is engaging in this type of behavior, which is a huge red flag for me when it comes to Obama's mental state. It's a classic sign of 'self-delusion' that you will notice easily in many 'religious' people when confronted with contradictions in their beliefs.. they instantly go into deflection mode. And you're right.. we all do it, to some extent or another, as long as there is some form of 'ego' which is trying to preserve itself. Projection is another classic defense mechanism of the ego . I'm not engaging in 'x behavior'.. you are. I am sure there are people reading this and saying, how dare he.....LOL. Yes, we all do this, and this is where I am going with it. The scale is even depending on the perspective you have. I do not buy into the idea of right and wrong in this matter. Only different. Maybe Trump isn't well, only different in the way he presents himself. We are kidding ourselves if we don't see it from, and on, both sides.
  12. It's not new, but what we set as new, we then must live by these new standards. Such as the me too's you too and us too. This did not fare well for many of the people who originally supported this. In my opinion it is important to play the tape forward and give thought to what may become of things in the future. For instance, is it now the norm for any candidate for the Supreme Court to experience what Justice Kavanaugh has in the future?
  13. Perhaps....just showing that I can laugh at we should be able too if we are comfortable in our own skin (Incidentally, this new skin of mine is something I am enjoying). I laugh at myself quite often when I read this forum because I can identify with what is being said. As far as adding something to the topic......okay, go ahead and take Trump to task. Again, I laugh because what we do unto others will be done to them in the future. Setting new standards on others will apply to everyone thereafter.
  14. @tenta Any thoughts of Clinton coming out.....
  15. I laughed when I read this because this sounds like me at times....No chance for me to run for any political position. But then I thought about people such as Clinton, Bernie, Warren, and Biden......
  16. This is what I am getting at........"What-about-ism". My question about Obama's involvement was to escape this until more FACT's come out and attempt to change the course of the discussion. Huh, just when I think I am making some progress I slip into a trap. I guess that's why I am learning and not teaching LOL. Love you all.
  17. Why was Hunter involved with Joe in foreign affairs?
  18. I'm only saying that he has been quiet. Have you heard any comments from him? I'm curious why he (Obama) isn't backing Biden up on this.
  19. Obama has been quiet through all of this....any thoughts that he knew what Biden was up to?
  20. Sooooo.......why was the whistle-blower rule changed? Are you saying that it was unnecessary? Does this not seem questionable? I do...
  21. What if the accuser isn't about the truth? Does this make a difference in the nuggets of truth Trump is claiming? I do not think Adam Schiff is truthful. In fact, he has shown his lack of truth consistently during the Russia investigation and lead many people to believe he had hard evidence against Trump. Maybe Schiff should be on trial as well.
  22. Why would the Democrat House change the rules so whistle-blowers don't need to have first hand evidence? The Dems have one thing in mind.....Impeach. If what the Dems are doing is Green, I'm thinking this may not be the direction to go.......for me personally.
  23. Are you sure....? This may get people fired up to the point that the Dems may not have a chance.
  24. This sounds horrible.....? It sounds to me like an after thought at the end of a conversation. Are you not interested in what transpired here with the Bidens? These statements seem to be falling apart as we discuss this. You may want to be patient until things settle and the actual truth gets out there.
  25. You had me at obfuscation.....LOL So, do you see Schiff as being truthful? For two years I was lead to believe that he had hard evidence and when it all came out with the Mueller report and testimony, it wasn't anything like he had made it out to be. In this case, I am reserved and patient with what Schiff is alleging. I hope it doesn't take two years....