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Everything posted by Bodigger

  1. What it really comes down to is the battle of the extremes. Much of the electorate, about 30 percent are moderate or centrist. However, the challenge is how to get the extremist to move. For instance; the U.S. debt is $22 Trillion and the government brings in $3.5 Trillion annually. Every year the government spends $4 Trillion. The extreme left wants to spend $6 Trillion and just raise taxes, and the extreme right wants to spend $3 Trillion and pay off the debt. To most people a compromise would be to meet in the middle and spend $4.5 Trillion...........more debt. The media points out the evil on the right but the truth is right in front of us. For instance; we are now entering an era where on the extreme left it is acceptable to kill a baby after birth if the intention was to have an abortion. If you do not believe killing babies at anytime after conception, this is considered extreme. So, the compromise is to kill them when, prior to day 135. I find it hard to believe the U.S. is the only country struggling with extreme views.
  2. Some of the wealthiest people I know are wondering in the dark forest......and lost.
  3. Thanks Leo I think this is a good idea.......and yes......I'm sure it will be interesting, very interesting at times.
  4. Again we are looking for government to fix us, solve the problem, take care of us. Oh please government please help me. I am really getting a good laugh out of this subject. Work on taking care of ourselves for it is our responsibility. Then WE can help others. I Love you all.
  5. They want everyone else to change.....not themselves. They are just fine LOL.
  6. None. Most people are not willing or open minded so.....
  7. The difference is evident that's for sure, that is why we need to talk about one issue at a time and not generalize things. For instance; Abortion - What is right about it? Socialism - It has been done before so talk about where, and what about it works. Immigrants - Should we let anyone come into a country....even known criminals? And that means any country. Protesting - How far do you allow it to go? Should we allow people to be spat upon and beaten or do we draw a line at some point to protect people? Corporations - How to deal with them? By the way, there are plenty of stooges in power in both parties. Minimum Wage - Set by States or is this U.S. policy? I think Trump points out many of his reasons for the way he thinks on these issues and people like clarity....not generalizations. It starts with willingness to be open minded.
  8. I like this as well. One person can make a huge difference starting with themselves. I know this guy who changed himself and helped one person, and then another. If they didn't want help he just moved along. He now has two billion followers.
  9. Politics is in all of our lives weather you know it or not. It effects many parts of our lives such as Religion, sports, municipal, etc. We are learning and working on ourselves in a collective manner so why not discuss it. I do think it can be difficult to talk about for some people because it can play on peoples emotions but I think it would be worth some growth.
  10. I have been thinking the same, in that if a state/country were to elect a majority of highly conscious people they would be destroyed by lower conscious states/countries. I think this needs to happen gradually as well. This is one reason I would like to see reinstatement of state rites. If a state became more politically conscious there would be protection by the nation. Then the other states would catch on and other nations would catch on.
  11. I would consider this working on open mindedness for sure. It becomes a distraction when we close off our mind to other thoughts. I struggle with political conversations when they get into emotions rather than logic. Most of the time I catch myself prior to falling into the emotion of the individual and move on.
  12. Please explain redistribution. Is this the Robin Hood theory?
  13. Dark times for whom? I like to study history and I think times have never been better for collective conscious humans in this world....
  14. Conscious Politics....Doesn't this mean Truth in Politics. Of course we all know how little truth there is in politics so I think it is important to find the most truth... I see a lot of untruths said here. Not purposely, but a belief in what we want to believe and agree with. Sex is possibly the number one drive in most humans but rationalization is most likely the second. Believe me when I say that I fall into this as well. This something I have been working mind.
  15. Wow, that will attract no businesses. How about this..... Don't tax the people for anything Tax the hell out of everyone else When will people wake up and understand that most people/businesses/corporations don't mind paying taxes. They just want to pay what is fair and competitive to others in personal, type of business, and geographic area. They would also want getting something from paying taxes such as protection from others as well.
  16. So, are saying that if you work hard you should be rewarded? If yes, rewarded in what....Money, Fame, Things, Stuff, or perhaps emotional pride?
  17. Corporation and small business taxes get passed down to the consumer......Always. Or....they move.
  18. Interesting how you word that. However, this does not apply to my thinking at this point in my life. People have (Especially in America) the opportunity to as much in wealth/resource as they desire. I know many people who have literally nothing but the clothes on their back and are Grateful to be in this world or in this country. I am Grateful and in the process of ridding myself of things, for things don't bring me joy. Helping people is my quest now, but helping people with whom do not want help is not my problem. I like this site and a little surprised how many do not look within themselves. This is about Conscious Awareness, no....
  19. Please Leo, tell me which progressive legislation is best for the people. Maybe it's the one where we pick up a baby turtle and help it across the street on the way to have an abortion. Drop down onto a street in gooooooglearth in a major city in one of these states and see all the amount of homeless, rats, human waste. These major cities and states are run by progressive legislation. Next year the Democrat Convention will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and if it rains more the 3/4" at night the city will release millions of gallons of human waste into Lake Michigan. The media will say.............crickets. Oh yeah, the city is, and has been run by progressives for 70 years. Maybe this should be another topic...."Which government policy do you like best.....that works"
  20. Sounds like another spendy, give me more, beaurocratic, government program. Let's have a small country/State give it a chance and see how it works rather than force it onto hundreds of millions of people first. The U.S. has spent upwards of thirty Trillion dollars on poverty in 50 years and poverty has gone down one percent. Allow People take care of people, not government. If you see a government that takes care of the people, you will most likely see tyranny. Stop looking outward and begin looking inward if you want to help people.
  21. I think you are onto something here Anderz. This is one area of many where I think our media is failing the people. Media has become big corporations so we need to be diligent in finding truth.
  22. I'm confused Rev Through the interview process. I'm not going to attempt to figure out where you are going with this but I will play along for now.
  23. That was a good one Rev....I never thought of myself as a ninja.... Anyway, I used to relay new sewers and repair old ones. I think it helped me deal with pride....ha ha
  24. Borrowed the money. Born Poor. Worked in sewers my whole life with the exception of the last few years. What point of view do you mean? That I'm okay with people make money....even lots of money. Revolutionary Think Are you Okay with China???