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Everything posted by Bodigger

  1. @Socrates @Leo Gura Again, I am open for the discussion. How would you write up the law and enact it while keeping the rites of the people intact. States and countries can act on this. Taking guns away from the collective has been done with little to no success. Like @ummmm said, they will find a way. In 2014 a 16 year old in Canada stabbed 24 people in 5 minutes. Evil exists all around us. I am much more concerned about my daughters getting caught up in drugs and alcohol than the random shooter, but lets here some of your ideas about gun laws.
  2. @Serotoninluv I am willing to have an adult conversation without generalizations and having good factual information. I'm not making an attempt to get people to agree with me, merely having a truthful conversation about the rite to protect myself and my family against thugs. I am open to an idea of relinquishing firearms as long it is the thugs. This, IMO is a very difficult thing to do while allowing the lawful people to protect themselves. If I came across emotional, it was not my intension. The rhetoric gets old without commons sense details and calling people names to get your point out there does nothing for the discussion. I don't have the rifle for protection. I use it for hunting and plinking. If someone were to actually break into my house I have a shotgun that would be better in the dark. I live in Wisconsin and two people will be shot and killed today in Milwaukee/Chicago. Yes, this is a war zone. Now what? Stop talking because you think my mind is made up. Go back and reread this page and show me where there are any specific intellectual ideas regarding what to do about deaths from shootings.
  3. @Serotoninluv Okay then, lets talk about it. What would you like to see done to reduce the number of deaths due to mass shootings. Keep in mind that I was addressing the AR comment by@Socrates and by looking at the stats you posted, you included every murder suicide as a mass shooting and I doubt there were any AR's involved in them. If it is so common sense simple, please explain it to me because, apparently, I'm not that smart. Also, be mindful of the fact that the criminals don't give a crap about what common sense law is, they are cunning.
  4. I did find a stat which said that there have been 1,136 deaths related to mass shootings in the U.S. since 1966. More people will die in the next two weeks in car accidents. Three times that amount of people died on 9-11 (Passenger Jets). The same amount of people died 2013 during the collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh. More than 1,500 people died in 2011 when the Spicer Islander 1 went down near Zanzibar. 800 People will die this year in the U.S. riding a bicycles. Is it really worth the fight against AR's? I will keep mine, and when my daughter is hiding from a crazy using an AR, maybe there will be someone with a concealed carry 45 ACP with her to help the crazy end his session of insanity.
  5. @Revolutionary Think This article by Vishal will make people feel better about BI in theory. However, like I said, it being done now and doesn't seem to be helping. Again, I think in communities of different SD's it is plausible, but for now it should tabled or experimented in a smaller community with a different SD. @Serotoninluv Earn is verb which means to obtain in return for labor or services. Or am I missing the conscious meaning LOL. I think profit sharing for employees is great for incentive achievements.
  6. @Revolutionary Think I'm not saying some, I'm saying many, more than 50%. 1 out of 4 babies are born addicted to alcohol/drugs. These are communities which need help, not a hand out. Why do you think so many people in Hollywood are addicts. The answer is not, "Well, if they just had money to survive," they have plenty of money, they need as help as well. I think jobs are more important because people are more grateful for the money when they work for it. Wages are actually going up in my area due to the amount of jobs. Employers are competing for employees and the best way to do this is by paying them more. I am interesting in seeing areas where we have thrown money at something and it fixed it.
  7. I think there is something to earning what we have. I have given this some thought, and I think BI would be a disaster, because it is being administrated in the native communities and I live amongst them. I see many of them with addiction issues and when the money is spent they resort to stealing until the next check comes. I also think this may have something to do with where the community is on SD, as some of you have already stated.
  8. What we don't realize is that when we point, three fingers are pointing back at us, so we hide them behind the palm as to deceive ourselves.
  9. I will need to do some research, but I don't think AR's are responsible for very many gun deaths. Do you have any statistics on AR caused deaths? What criteria are you using in EU for gun owner ship. I don't believe the guy that shot the cops in Philly had any guns which were legal to own. I believe he was a felon.
  10. In a way. I like to remember where I was (Reflection), know where I am (Being in the moment), and give thought to where I want to be (Follow the light which brings me Growth). In the past, Remembering things would be like getting my ass kicked by an ant. Reflecting on things gives me humility, for I was not only following the devil, I was the devil. Therefore, I am no better than the air, God allows me to take into my lungs.
  11. @Revolutionary Think Wow, forgiveness is good but my experience when I tucked things away and forgot about them it came back to me in anger, because I didn't process it, let go and learn. That guy sounds like me two years ago when I was uncomfortable in my own skin. I'm still sheading that skin, but growth comes to me every time I let go, of my ego.
  12. @Socrates @tenta Can you share some thoughts as to what specifically we can do to curb gun violence, or what is being done in other countries which is working well?
  13. This is a statement I can agree with. I think forcing anyone into anything is not long term, because they will find a way around the camera. Do the cameras teach people to be accountable, no. They tell people to have proper behavior (behavior chosen by the government) around the cameras. Take the cameras away and what was thought to be growth is now gone. Empowering people to have good behavior would be better. How do we empower people? By working on ourselves first and then by example. Power vs Force by Dr. Hawkins is a book which talks about this.
  14. This is why I think the politics forum is good. Like it or not, all of us are in the middle of all sorts of politics.
  15. @Serotoninluv Your statement helped me understand SD a little more. I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with the concept of BI, in fact, I think it is something worth discussing further. However, few people in this world have conscious ideas and thoughts about what is good for the collective. Imagine a yellow state/country surrounded by blue and red states/countries. Would this be conceivable or lasting. IMO it would be better to be an example of orange and influence blue to orange, and then to green and so on. Wouldn't it be disastrous if things move too quickly?
  16. I would agree. This will take place in time but we need to have patience and work at it. IMO, Implementing BI too soon would not be good for the collective.
  17. 100% I don't think millionaires, billionaires are in it to make less money and they won't. What ever you take away from them, they will make up the difference by charging us more.
  18. In other words, the people.
  19. I was the hypocrite in the back praying for light sentence from God. I thought if I went to Mass every week I wouldn't go to hell. I didn't realize I was in hell. Now I go for different reasons. Thanks for the words mandyjw.
  20. @Serotoninluv I think I understand what you are saying. What I am saying is we can't help others until we help ourselves.....first. I see many people who are quick to look outside themselves for many things. For instance; Physically - Go to the Doctor and they will give me medicine Mentally - Go to the Doctor, maybe, or blame others for my pitty party Spiritually - Go to church, sit there for an hour, and wonder why I can tell you in my experience that if I don't work at any of these things, or worse, work at them in a negative fashion, things will get worse for me. Even doing nothing makes things worse form me. If I work at these things honestly and positively my life gets better and more balanced. Looking to government, or outside sources for a fix is a recipe for others to take advantage.
  21. Why would he want to kill himself? Because he didn't want to suffer.............anymore. He was in control of his life, most of the time. He wanted to control the way his life ended. I think there was a lot pressure on him to do it.
  22. @abrakamowse I agree. What we do to others, we are ultimately doing to ourselves. It has taken a few decades, but I found this out myself a couple years ago. I am not the same SELF today.
  23. I believe it was a Bernie supporter that tried to kill a bunch republican congressmen at a baseball practice 2 years ago. He only got one of them so I guess that makes him
  24. does the afterlife treat this? In your opinion.